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Chapter 1,211 Fuwo

Tokyo Narita International Airport lobby.

There are more than forty employees of Tan Palace, each holding two trolley suitcases, one large and one small, standing in the corner of the maze-like hall and looking around.

All kinds of people gather in this hall, and it seems that the whole world is contained here.

In a large advertisement for Shiseido cosmetics, the charming eyes of Oriental beauties glanced at them all the way from the capital of the Republic.

Let each of them feel a little short of eyesight.

However, it needs to be made clear that these people are not the old employees who have been working at Ginza Danggong for a year and who first followed Ning Weimin when he went abroad to work hard.

Those old employees actually gathered at the Capital Airport as early as the seventh day of the Lunar New Year and flew back to Tokyo early to go to work.

These people are the employees selected by Ning Weimin from the main store this time in order to open a branch in Japan.

So when it comes to happiness and expectations for the future, they are probably no less enthusiastic than Ning Weimin.

For no other reason than going abroad for the first time, you will definitely feel eye-opening and excited.

But more importantly, the news about Ning Weimin's dividends to those who went abroad spread like wildfire and spread throughout the entire Tan Palace.

Let me ask you, if you go abroad and work part-time, you can earn wealth that you can't even imagine at home.

One year of hard work abroad can almost last a lifetime in China, and there are tax exemptions for three major items, so who wouldn't want to come?

In fact, the internal competition within Tan Palace this time for the selection of places to go abroad is much more intense than the last time.

Not only those few people who chose to stay because of personal reasons regretted it last time, but this time they cried and shouted, saying that they would follow Ning Weimin to Japan no matter what, and they would do their best to serve him even if they were ruined.

Even those who have a burden at home and should not go out even though they beg their grandpa and grandma, they will try their best to come.

For example, there is a chef in the soup team who is a typical example of this kind of person.

He is thirty-five years old, has a wife, children, and an old mother who is paralyzed in bed, but he has no brothers or sisters.

This kind of situation should not have happened originally, because everything big and small in the family really cannot be separated from him.

But the four members of his family need money for food and clothing, his mother needs money for medical treatment, and she also needs money to buy a color TV, and she also has to pay off old debts.

Although Tan Gong's salary is among the best in the same industry, the chef's income can be two or three times that of ordinary units.

But even so, this chef still feels that life is difficult. He has always spent whatever he earns, and has almost no savings. He is too poor and stable.

So after repeated discussions with his family, he decided to go to Japan for a year or two while his health was still good, work hard, and earn tens of thousands of yuan back.

His family members also all agreed that as long as everyone persists for a year or two, all financial problems will be solved.

In this way, he used his family's difficulties to play emotional cards with his colleagues at work.

I hope that by impressing others with my compassion, I can get this opportunity to go abroad to make money.

For this matter, this person even promised in public that he would give away the purchase price of electrical appliances to people in the same group.

There's no way he can do it on his terms. If he doesn't seize this opportunity, he may never have another chance to make a fortune.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't know anything except cooking on the stove, and he's also an honest person.

Going abroad this time is probably the only opportunity for him to change his life situation.

Therefore, the people Ning Weimin was asked to bring out this time were more eager than the people last time.

They have clear goals and are more motivated.

Although the main reason is money, there is nothing wrong with that.

Ning Weimin never deceives people with his ideals and goals. Originally, he came to Japan to open a store to make money for several investors, and by the way, he also earned foreign exchange for the country.

But where can we have everyone without a small family?

Is it wrong for my employees to want to earn more?

The only thing that worries Ning Weimin is that if he does this, the income gap between foreign and domestic employees is too big, and he will inevitably be criticized.

It will also cause people to become restless and affect the stability and unity among domestic stores.

But there was nothing he could do, because the good days for Japan to make a lot of money were only in the past two years. If he missed it, he would really miss it. Time did not allow him to slowly adjust all aspects of the relationship.

Ning Weimin had no choice but to bite the bullet and focus on the overall situation first.

No matter what, you have to make money first, and then you can only try to maintain other aspects as much as possible. If it is really difficult to be comprehensive, you can only let nature take its course.

Fortunately, when he returned this time, he publicized the arrangements for investors to go abroad for inspections.

It seems that as long as all shareholders are thinking about his interests and are willing to sell him face, and no one stands up to openly question or object, he can remain calm and implement his plan to make money overseas.

Of course, having said that, it is precisely because the idea of ​​making money makes these new employees so excited. It is really difficult to make them be patient.

No, after waiting for less than ten minutes, some of them were already restless.

"Ah, what should we do next? How did Mr. Ning arrange it? Lao Wan, you are the team leader. What did Mr. Ning tell you before we got on the plane? He would never leave us at the airport like this.

Don’t care?”

"Look at what you said, who is Mr. Ning? He has a lot of things to do, so he still has time to be your tour guide. Who do you think you are? It's a wonderful idea. You still think you are a green grass.

Hey, who's going to take your cooking pot?"

The team leader, who was called "Lao Wan", first said a few "nice" words, and then tried his best to comfort everyone, "But don't worry, everyone. Mr. Ning had something to say first, and said that we should collect our luggage and leave after we leave customs."

Just find a place nearby that is out of the way and just wait, someone will definitely pick you up."

"It's been so long, why didn't you come to pick him up?" The boy who had just been slapped was not honest and was very angry.

"Don't be anxious! Don't be anxious! I told you, don't be anxious!" Lao Wan tried his best to suppress his anger, "You still don't believe what Mr. Ning said. He said someone will come to pick him up, so he will definitely come!"

At this time, a woman's soft Japanese voice sounded from the loudspeaker.

So someone else called out to Lao Wan.

"Hey, Lao Wan, didn't you suddenly learn Japanese in order to go abroad? Listen carefully to what people are saying?"

That old man really straightened his neck and listened attentively.

After listening for a while, he shook his head, "She spoke too fast!"

"If you speak too slowly, you won't understand!" Someone said it clearly, causing everyone to laugh "hahaha".

"Listen to two more sentences, listen to two more sentences!" Lao Wan was not discouraged. He waved his hands to everyone and took the initiative to listen attentively again.

After a while, someone asked him, "Do you understand what you heard?"

"She is saying..." Lao Wan thought for a while and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Tokyo Narita Airport..."

"Just these two sentences? Is there anything else?"

"Then there must be more! Yes, yes, I still need to listen for a while..."

"May I help you?" An airport service lady suddenly came forward and bowed to the group of people.

You could probably tell by their clothes that they were not Japanese, so I asked them directly in English.

It's just that the Japanese pronunciation of English is very weird, just like katakana.

So for a while, the employees of the altar palace were confused by the questions that they could originally understand.

The whole group of over forty people actually looked at the Japanese girl with their mouths open, and no one could talk to her.

"May I help you?" the waitress asked again, blinking her long eyelashes again.

"Ah, help, help, hey, this is English." Lao Wan stuttered for a while, and finally said, "We are waiting for someone..."

However, his pronunciation is not very good, it is also at the level of Chinese Pinyin.

So he and the waitress were completely on the same page, and they could never find a common ground.

But the good news is that when they were both at a loss and couldn't think of a better way to recruit someone, the savior who was responsible for picking them up finally appeared.

"Hey, Brother Liu! Look, that's Brother Liu from the restaurant!"

"Brother Liu! We are here!"

"Jianxing! Over here!"

The employees of these altar palaces were extremely excited and suddenly screamed, just like the escapees who had been drifting at sea for three days and three nights and suddenly saw the lifeboat.

Although their move was against Japanese customs, it really shocked the waitress.

But finally we have someone who can communicate verbally.

After all, Liu Jianxing is one of the few Chinese backbones at Ginza Danguo Restaurant, and his Japanese is passable.

What's more, having been in a front-line position for so long, I have a corresponding language environment and need to communicate with Japanese customers frequently, which is hard work.

He saw that there was trouble here, so he hurried over and said as he walked, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm late, I'm sorry!"

After having a cordial and friendly communication with the service lady in Japanese, I learned that the people at Tan Gong Restaurant stayed too long at the customs exit area, which may have affected the passengers' exit. This is not allowed.

He quickly saluted again, explaining to the waitress on behalf of these colleagues, expressing his apology, and truly showing the civility and courtesy of the ancient Eastern civilization.

After the trouble was solved and the service lady left, the guy showed his true colors, smiled playfully, put his arm around his back, and greeted his familiar colleagues.

He even deliberately acted like he was being received by the leader, "Comrades, welcome to Tokyo! Thank you for your hard work along the way!"

In this way, amidst the laughter and scoldings, the employees of Tan Palace finally let go of the worries they had felt along the way and felt the peace of mind of finding an organization in a foreign country.

Next, Liu Jianxing lived up to expectations. Just like Ning Weimin when he brought them to Japan for the first time, he led the team first and took the group to the duty-free shop at the airport to collect wool.

Even the female colleagues, with their passports, each of them got two cigarettes first.

There is no way, who makes Japanese cigarettes too expensive, and these days there are very few young men in China who do not smoke.

This is called saving when you can. Everyone in China understands hardship and simplicity. No matter how much you earn, you will not miss the opportunity to enjoy such benefits.

Of course, the salesperson at the Japanese airport had never seen such a group come to buy cigarettes. Naturally, he was dumbfounded and in a hurry.

You know, you have to step aside to show off, bow, and say thank you to each guest, which means you have to repeat it more than forty times in total.

It was a busy time, and the scene was so joyful that the salespeople were like kowtowing bugs.

Fortunately, Liu Jianxing paid the entire bill, 2,800 yen per person, totaling 117,600 yen.

Otherwise, if one person pays once, these Japanese salesmen will be driven crazy by their group of people.

Needless to say, Liu Jianxing's lavish spending, coupled with his crisp suits, will naturally arouse the envy of others.

In fact, as soon as he walked out of the duty-free shop and even outside the airport lobby, an acquaintance already eagerly put his arms around Liu Jianxing's shoulders, patted his chest and asked him.

"You're a big spender. You really didn't come to Japan in vain. Just by looking at it, you look no different from the Japanese. You can tell from the looks of it that when you have money, you spend all your money on things."

Did you do it yourself?"

But Liu Jianxing responded with laughter and scolding, firmly denying that he was corrupt.

"Fuck you, you are only Japanese, your whole family is Japanese. Of course the money to buy you cigarettes is public funds, you think you are being taken advantage of. I also tell you, don't blame me, I am diligent and frugal

I am a model. I send all my money back home. My monthly expenses in Japan are less than 5,000 yen. I just buy some drinks occasionally.”

"No way, who are you kidding? If you want to go back like this, those little girls in China who hate the poor and love the rich will go crazy when they see you, and they might really think of you as a Japanese. If nothing else, you are wearing a suit.

A lot of money, right? Don’t tell me, this style is really fashionable and completely different from the suits in our country. You are already wearing such a good suit, why are you and your buddies pretending to be poor..."

Little did he know that these words actually made Liu Jianxing laugh from ear to ear, "You are talking about my outfit, haha. I bought it at the secondhand market. They are not new clothes. They only cost 500 yen. When converted into RMB, it's only 500 yen."

It’s about thirty yuan…”

"What? That's impossible! Your suit is so new that it looks like it has never been worn before. Why is it cheaper than old clothes?" The other party's immediate reaction was a wide-eyed retort, as if I didn't know much about it.

Don't lie to me.

"I'm not lying to you. Just take a look if you don't believe me." What was even more unexpected was that as he was walking, Liu Jianxing suddenly stopped, then opened his suit majestically and showed the other person the words embroidered on the inner pocket.

There is no need for the other party to be surprised and shout, "Oh, he is from Panasonic, the king of electrical appliances!" This suddenly attracted many people.

Little did he know that Liu Jianxing couldn't stop laughing, "You guys are really ignorant. This is a Japanese surname. Japanese suits have their family surnames marked on their inner chest pockets. This seems to be theirs.

Habits. I am not the only one of our people who buys them. You will know when you go there. Everyone buys suits with all surnames. That guy Jiang Dachun also got a set of 'Tanaka'. Maybe it was the one worn by the Japanese Prime Minister.

It's going well."

Now, everyone has no reason not to believe it, especially after Liu Jianxing said that second-hand electrical appliances in Japan are also quite cheap. Because you have to pay to throw away garbage, second-hand goods are very cheap. Basically, you can buy them for more than 100 yuan.

Buy a good color TV in the second-hand market.

In fact, they don’t need any tax-free electrical appliances when they come to Japan. They can just transfer them back to their country and earn a fortune.

These people were even more excited.

Some people couldn't help but sigh, saying that it's no wonder people in China are struggling to figure it out.

Now that I have come out, I realize that Japan is a place of blessing.

As a result, it was precisely this sentence that made Liu Jianxing's expression change. He immediately frowned and instead of smiling casually, he corrected him with a very serious expression.

"That's wrong. I'm afraid you still don't know what Ginza Dangu has gone through since it opened. Making money in Japan is not as smooth as you think. Not only are gangsters coming to make trouble, but there are also various legal and legal restrictions. Japan's labor costs

It’s rising again and again. If it weren’t for Mr. Ning, Ginza Danggong might not be able to continue operating. Then naturally you wouldn’t have a chance to come out.”

At this time, everyone had already walked out of the airport lobby, and Liu Jianxing pointed at the many people outside who didn't know where to go, like headless flies.

"Look at them again. There are people from South Korea, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and more and more overseas students from the mainland. They all think this is a place of good fortune and have tried their best to come here. But many of them just

We don’t even have a few thousand yen to pay for the airport bus. And what about us? Mr. Ning not only provides us with job opportunities, but also provides dormitories, three meals a day, and free transportation. He even allows us to call our families every month.

Contact us. Otherwise, each of us would have to spend 70,000 to 80,000 yen per month just for these expenses. Where do you think our happiness comes from?"

Needless to say, the employees of Tan Palace felt deeply when they looked at the people outside the airport hall, who were dressed in rags and looked like refugees from all over the world.

So, someone soon said the fact that everyone had thought of - "It's Mr. Ning. That's right. Our happiness and luck are all given by Mr. Ning."

This chapter has been completed!
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