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Chapter 1,227 Golden Screen

When someone cries, someone laughs; when someone is sad, someone is happy.

Keiko Matsumoto is also a little different from Ning Weimin. She didn't pay attention to the unfortunate encounters and lonely reactions of Kinji Fukasaku and Michiko Harada.

Now, in fact, she no longer has these two villains who always slander her in her eyes, and she doesn't care what they think.

She only felt pure happiness.

Of course, this is not because she won the Academy Award.

Although Michiko Harada is almost crazy about this Best Supporting Actress Award, for Keiko Matsumoto, who has won two Academy Awards for Best Actress, one more trophy is not too much, and one less is not enough.

The most I can do when I go back is to enrich the display cabinets in the office, which has no practical significance.

What's more, Ning Weimin had told her in advance that this award would definitely be hers, so there was no suspense for her.

She didn't even feel the slightest envy or jealousy towards Ryoko Ishida, who won the Academy Award for Best Actress for the first time for "The Man Who Lived in the House", and was just sincerely happy for this good friend in the industry.

However, it is worth mentioning that this Academy Awards is the first social venue for Matsumoto Keiko to appear as a studio owner.

After her investment in "Li Xianglan" became a hit at the box office and continued to rise, she has become one of the "rice bosses" in the Japanese film industry.

Being able to talk to major studios like Shochiku and Toei on an equal footing, she can now clearly feel that the people around her are more affectionate towards her than before.

Not only did the staff on the crew respect me more, but the famous directors also took good care of me. Even the officials and officers of the Academy Awards Executive Committee, the organizer of the Academy Awards, also greeted me with a smile.

Treatment like this in the industry is not something ordinary celebrities can enjoy.

But this is still nothing. Compared with these people, the attitudes of those agencies and other actresses who were once alienated from Matsumoto Keiko in the past have changed the most today.

Since they had a competitive relationship with each other in the past, even if they smiled and exchanged greetings when meeting each other, it was purely a "show of tea art."

Everyone knows very well that it is all done to establish a likable persona for themselves and perform for the media and the public.

However, these people now treat Matsumoto personally with kindness and kindness, but they are somewhat sincere.

The behavior of getting closer was a lot more enthusiastic, and even seemed to mean deliberately trying to please.

For no other reason than because Matsumoto Keiko has become a person who can provide job opportunities for the Japanese entertainment industry.

Moreover, in an era when Japanese movies have begun to decline, she still dared to invest huge sums of money to shoot big-budget movies.

Their status is naturally different.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to become the owner of a studio.

Just like the whole world is infinitely tolerant of you and willing to offer you goodwill!

It turns out that as a capital investor, you can really do whatever you want. This is what it feels like to become a real big shot in the industry.

You no longer have to worry about anyone’s opinions, you no longer have to be scolded by directors and producers, and you don’t have to look at the president’s face.

Even though Matsumoto Keiko is not a person who likes to show off, she is very proud of herself in this environment full of flowers and respected by everyone.

Although she does not dare to forget that she is still an actor and a public figure, she still needs to consider the public's opinion and cannot really act arbitrarily and as she pleases.

But compared to the past, the happiness of relative freedom was enough to make her happy.

Anyway, she feels extremely good now as a member of the capital side!

Of course, speaking of it, doing well is not as good as marrying well.

Matsumoto Keiko certainly knew that it was all thanks to her man that she could enjoy such high spirits.

But who gave her such good luck? Her Amin is so capable.

Not only had everything been planned and arranged for her ahead of time.

She doesn't need to worry about the subsequent development issues.

Who could be happier than her?

Therefore, as long as there is absolute trust, love and marriage as the basis between them, it will be fine.

And her happiness did not stop there, but soon reached a new level.

First of all, the box office of "Li Xianglan" has climbed as expected. After 21 days of screening, the total box office finally exceeded the 2.5 billion yen mark.

And the current communication effect is very good. Taking Tokyo as an example, the attendance rate of well-known art theaters such as Ikebukuro and Shinjuku is 100%, and the highest number of full theaters has reached 21 times.

In addition to Shochiku Pictures, the independent theaters that actively seek cooperation are also quite satisfied, and most of them agree to add as many screenings as possible.

This means that "Li Xianglan" co-created by Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko is destined to become a miracle film with a box office of over 3 billion yen in Japan.

Calculated based on a 50% share, at least 1.5 billion yen will be recorded from the box office alone, which is enough to recover all investments including hidden costs.

The remaining money is basically all for nothing. Isn’t this a miracle?

Not to mention, as the two most capable subordinates under Keiko Matsumoto, Akira Okamoto and Mitsuya Watabe received good news one after another.

For Akira Okamoto, he finally sold "Li Xianglan" to a Korean film producer for US$2 million.

Moreover, the cumulative revenue from the purchase of this film by film studios throughout Southeast Asia has exceeded one billion yen.

Mitsuru Watanabe reported on the income from products surrounding the film copyright.

According to the feedback data he obtained, the sales of the movie soundtrack album produced and distributed by Taurus Palace exceeded 200,000, the sales of video tapes exceeded 45,000, and the sales of 150,000 copies of the promotional brochure have all been sold out.

The total share revenue they can receive exceeds about 515 million yen.

These two amounts of money are pure income, and there will be more in the future.

Although the rate of making money will definitely slow down quickly as the movie is released, the success is a steady stream.

Not to mention Ning Weimin personally, and the royalties from the theme song "Please Don't Go" can be divided.

In short, it seems that the success of the movie "Li Xianglan" has fully achieved the goal of a big-budget movie selling well at the box office.

It is expected that the total proceeds they will receive will not be less than 3 billion yen, which is equivalent to more than 20 million US dollars and 150 million yuan.

To be honest, in the history of Japanese films, there have only been two biopics of historical figures that have been as blockbusting as this one.

One is the Japanese-American co-production "Tiger", and the other is "Kagemusha" directed by Akira Kurosawa.

This not only allowed Yoshitaro Nomura to successfully prove his directorial talents, but also won back his self-confidence and the respect of other people in the industry.

It also completely enabled Fog Studios and Matsumoto Keiko's office to escape poverty and become rich, and get rid of the financial crisis hanging over their heads.

To put it bluntly, the huge profits from the movie are the "gold medal to avoid death".

Even if their next investment of 2 billion yen in "Crazy Rich Asians" fails, it won't cause Wu Productions to go bankrupt.

There is still some money left over.

It's definitely enough to support Fog Studios to make another big-budget movie to turn things around.

Secondly, it was precisely because this film was a huge success that exceeded expectations in terms of box office and word-of-mouth, which gave Ning Weimin the confidence.

He suddenly became ambitious and planned to participate in international film festivals and promote the film overseas.

At present, the closest time is the Cannes Film Festival in May.

Although according to the requirements of the Cannes Film Festival, one of them stipulates that the selected films cannot be commercialized in markets other than the home country.

And their "Li Xianglan" has actually lost its qualification to compete for awards due to its full development of the Asian market.

But it doesn't really matter.

Because for them, the significance of the Cannes Film Festival is not just to gilt films and compete for awards, but also to conduct business transactions.

You know, when the Cannes Film Festival is held every year and people are intoxicated by the magnificent images in the film palace, the underground floor hides the film market with the largest transaction volume in the European film market.

During the Cannes Film Festival, which lasts for more than ten days, tens of thousands of film industry insiders from more than a hundred countries and regions will gather here to achieve astronomical film copyright transactions.

In fact, Ning Weimin planned to take this "Li Xianglan" and some so-called "failed" films from Fog Studio and Akira Kurosawa's personal studio to participate.

This is what he told Matsumoto Keiko, "Of course it's good if we can sell it, but it doesn't matter if we can't. Anyway, for the future of the studio, we have to take this step sooner or later. There is nothing wrong with going to the international market early to experience it."

.And there is no obstacle to our marriage. I think it is better to hold the wedding as soon as possible. By then, we will go to France for our honeymoon, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. We can't get married and let you continue your busy work, right? We also

It’s just a good time to get away from the Japanese reporters and relax.”

Such a public and private matter, such sweet talk, Matsumoto Keiko naturally had no objection.

Especially when Ning Weimin mentioned marriage, she was even more excited.

So just like most Japanese fiancées who long for a successful love relationship, she agreed quite meekly and happily.

Finally, and because of this, it was urgent to choose a wedding date and announce the wedding news to the public.

So on March 29, 1987, almost all movie fans in Japan were attracted to the gossip caused by Keiko Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Keiko, who has just won the Academy Award and is the heroine of the hit movie "李香兰", published the good news of getting married in the "Mainichi Shimbun".

It was also announced that a wedding press conference will be held on TBS TV station on March 31.

Logically speaking, the Japanese public should have expected this incident.

After all, as early as last year, Keiko Matsumoto was slandered and the scandal was exposed. She took the initiative to clarify to the public that she was in a normal relationship and was engaged.

As the saying goes, nothing matters more than trivial matters, and the same goes for gossip. Things like love drafts, if done too frequently, can easily annoy the audience.

But the problem is that there are not many celebrities who can satisfy both "rightly popular" and "deeply obsessed with the public".

And in this era where even ordinary women are looking for "three highs" when looking for a life partner.

Originally, according to the judgment of many die-hard movie fans, Matsumoto Keiko was dating a foreigner from China, and he was also an outsider.

With her good looks and professional value, there is really no reason to marry such an ordinary person from the third world.

Many people still have illusions about Matsumoto Keiko's marriage, thinking that it is impossible for such a bad man to just kidnap the girl of their dreams.

But the result was completely unexpected. Matsumoto Keiko was determined to get married. Of course those crazy movie fans wanted to blow up the temple.

Some dreams are broken, some are dissatisfied, and jealousy, envy, and hatred are like a torrent of rivers.

Therefore, as soon as this news was announced, it immediately became a hot news item that attracted public attention.

What people are most concerned about is, who is their "first beauty" married to?

What exactly do you like about this lucky guy?

So TBS TV station got a big bargain.

This incident was so eye-catching that when the press conference was held that day, the viewership rating was as high as 27%, almost catching up with the popularity of popular national dramas.

You know, it's still a prime time slot in the evening, a daily time that only housewives pay attention to, otherwise the ratings would probably explode.

This press conference was also the first time that Ning Weimin appeared in front of the Japanese public as Matsumoto Keiko's fiancé.

In front of the golden screen, which symbolizes happy events in Japan, he and Keiko Matsumoto faced many media reporters with joy and dignity, and announced that they were engaged in the catering industry and were the operators of Danguong Restaurant.

Although in addition to routine questions such as "Why did you choose the other person?" "What is the method of proposing" and what are your plans after marriage, there are still many embarrassing questions.

But they all responded generously and with smiles on their faces.

For example, some reporters asked unceremoniously, "Matsumoto Keiko-san, why did you marry such a man? Not only is he a foreigner, but he is also just a businessman who runs a restaurant, isn't he? Don't you think you would marry someone like this?"

Is such a person boring? You should have a better choice?"

In response to this, Matsumoto Keiko responded bluntly, "When I choose a husband, I don't deliberately choose his career or property. Instead, I pay more attention to the feeling of two people together. I hope I can marry the one I truly love.

People. And like me, he struggled in a difficult environment and then achieved the results he has now. We have many things in common, so we can understand and respect each other. Only people who share the same goals are fellow travelers. Is it true?

Isn’t it?”

With one sentence, the originally aggressive reporter suddenly became mute.

As a social veteran, Ning Weimin does not intend to quarrel with the media, and now he is even more willing to cooperate for Matsumoto Keiko.

So he not only took the initiative to speak to calm the atmosphere, but also took the initiative to announce it to the media.

He claims that he is a Chinese. According to current Chinese customs, there is no need for Keiko Matsumoto to change her surname after marriage, and she is not forced to retire after marriage. I very much hope that everyone will continue to support Keiko Matsumoto's career.

He will never take everyone's favorite Keiko Matsumoto away from the Japanese film industry. Instead, he will try his best to support her work and make more excellent movies for Japanese audiences.

This has indeed effectively reduced the hostility of Japanese movie fans.

Although it will still make some die-hard movie fans burst into tears, for these people, being able to continue seeing their favorite stars on the screen is better than nothing.

In addition, Ning Weimin has a really good image, he is more graceful and likable than many celebrities, and most people think they are a good match.

At this time, although I didn't have any special fondness for him as a Chinese, I didn't have a bad impression either.

Because of this, the scene became more and more peaceful. Finally, Keiko Matsumoto took the opportunity to announce that she would invest 2 billion to film "Crazy Rich Asians", and the male and female lead has been selected as Teresa.

Deng He Zunlong.

This unexpected and explosive news successfully diverted the attention of all reporters.

So in order to get more inside information, even the reporters began to become obviously tolerant.

People are like this. Once there is a stake in the relationship, the relationship will immediately become cordial.

In short, the timing of this press conference was very well chosen. It was like eating more than one fish with one fish, and it ended in a happy ending for everyone.

If you don’t believe it, just take a look. First of all, the relationship between Matsumoto Keiko and Ning Weimin can now be upright.

Secondly, the news that the new film is about to be shot has also been released. This will first give fans a good sense of expectation, which will make it easier to hype the film in the future and build a mass base for the film's release.

Seeing that the attendance rate of "Li Xianglan" began to drop significantly in the last week, it was just the right time to create a big hit point, which invisibly played a boosting role in the box office.

As for the only disadvantage, it is that it invisibly saves this piece of shit Fukasaku Kinji.

This guy is now being chased and intercepted by media reporters, and is in the most embarrassing moment.

But the public's attention was attracted here again, and as a result, this guy finally escaped and got the opportunity to hide himself.

But there is nothing we can do about it. After all, nothing in this world can be perfect.

This chapter has been completed!
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