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Chapter 124 Fat Years

 Finally, it’s time to talk about Ning Weimin.

Although this guy is just a guy who guards the front door and issues tickets in a hotel, doesn't he have some special skills?

He used the foreign exchange certificates in his hand to buy some fresh food and distributed them to every household as a new year's gift.

Of course, since his money has to be used for various collections and has great uses, he will definitely not buy anything valuable.

In fact, they only gave each family two pounds of colorful foreign candies and two boxes of Liangyou brand cigarettes.

It looked like he was getting married, and the total cost was only eleven or two yuan.

But the problem is that giving these things is a trick.

You must know that these days, the mainstream candies enjoyed by the common people are "Sour Three Colors" and "Hua Mei Candy".

"Peanut Nougat" and "Red Shrimp Crispy Candy" are absolutely high-end goods, and not many people are willing to buy them.

During the Chinese New Year, if you have children at home, the more common choice is to buy Tangguaer and Guandong sweets.

It’s only 80 cents, which is enough for the children to chew until their cheeks hurt, and they can eat it for the entire Spring Festival.

For everyone, the various foreign candies bought by Ning Weimin are better than having never seen them before.

Although the taste is very ordinary, it is an imported product, which can make everyone feel an exotic atmosphere, which is more beautiful than eating white rabbit.

And the Hong Kong cigarettes are actually not easy to smoke at all, they choke.

But in Ning Weimin’s words, it’s just a taste of something new.

Several families use it to entertain guests who come to pay New Year's greetings. It is a face-saving gift and can arouse interesting discussions.

Besides, besides these flashy gadgets, Ning Weimin also has something truly beneficial for everyone.

Before the plot, he and Zhang Shihui went to work several times to play poker early because they were working the night shift.

I made friends with a chef named Yang Zi from Bianyifang.

Although there is no way to go directly to someone to eat and drink, but after all, if you can do something foreign, that is a duck.

When eating roast duck at a roast duck restaurant, the chef only selects the best and cutest cuts of roast duck.

Therefore, there is often a lot of bone-in meat left on the duck rack.

This kind of meat is the most fragrant and is very nutritious when you take it home and make soup.

And there is no doubt that if the customer buys a whole roast duck, then according to the rules, the duck rack should also be given to the customer to take away.

But the problem is that ordinary people rarely had the opportunity to eat roast duck back then.

Ordinary people taste it occasionally and don't understand the rules of taking back the duck rack.

As for those who often eat, this situation is basically an official banquet.

These people are very image-conscious. It would not look good if they carried two duck racks back after eating.

So in this way, as many roast ducks are sold in "Bianyi Fang", there will basically be as many duck racks left.

Although the hotel has also issued a policy saying that duck racks can be taken away.

However, considering the situation of the people at that time, once it is widely advertised, I am afraid that the supply of this little duck will soon exceed the demand.

Therefore, for the sake of internal interests, this article was kept secret.

The duck rack has directly become a benefit to the restaurant staff and the heads of various hotel departments.

Similarly, for Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui, since they have buddies in the kitchen of Bianyifang, it is no problem to get a few.

On the day before New Year's Eve, Yang Zi specially left twelve duck racks for Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui.

Everyone was wrapped in oil paper and tied up, and they were also taught how to make soup when they went back.

Zhang Shihui took four, kept two for himself, and gave two to his girlfriend's family.

Ning Weimin took eight. In addition to his own, he also gave two to three neighbors.

So on New Year's Eve this year, several families in Courtyard No. 2 of Shan'er Hutong were able to cook a pot of duck soup.

So all in all, since there are so many good things, who can say that this is not a good year?

Of course, celebrating the New Year inevitably requires creating an atmosphere.

Therefore, firecrackers are the last purchase in the "busy year".

These days, there are not as many types of firecrackers as there were thirty years ago.

There are only a dozen types in total, and almost all of them are relatively traditional categories.

However, this is also very particular.

For example, firecrackers are called "whips" when they are small, and "cannon" when they are big.

The cheapest type of "whip" is the "small whip" produced in Liuyang, Hunan.

The wrapping paper is dark red, the "whip" is also red, and the price is calculated in units of 2 cents per hundred heads.

Because this kind of cannon is small and has a small amount of powder, it makes little noise when fired. Even if you hold the buttocks between your fingernails and fire it directly in your hand, it will not hurt anyone.

At the same time, because of its low price, it was the favorite of children in Beijing.

But even so, due to the low level of overall social consumption.

When children buy this kind of "little whip" home, they rarely set it off.

Usually they are carefully dismantled and burned one by one.

Even if there is a dumb cannon, they will break it open and light the gunpowder inside, euphemistically calling it "thorn flower".

There is another kind of "whip" in Beijing, which is the locally produced "steel whip", also known as "cha whip".

This kind of "whip" is divided into two types: the small one can hold up two Liuyang "small whips", and the large one is as thick as a pencil.

They are earth-colored firecrackers with long fuses, a large amount of explosives, and a loud noise when they explode, so the price is higher.

One hundred "small whips" sell for three cents, and "big whips" cost four cents. The regulations and price calculation methods are similar to those of "little whips."

In addition to the above two kinds of "whips", the remaining "big two kicks", "xiaoer kicks" and "mareizi" will be classified into the "cannon" category.

Due to their great power, these three things are basically out of the scope of children's entertainment and are exclusively loved by adults.

The price of a "sophomore kick" is five cents a piece.

Although the size of the junior kick is smaller than that of the sophomore kick, and the sound is not as loud as the "big sophomore kick", it is cheaper and sells for seven cents per head in the store.

However, the one with the loudest voice, the largest size, and the most expensive price is still the "Mareko".

This kind of "cannon" sells for 50 cents, with ten blasts per "hook", commonly known as "ten blasts and one thunder".

Its cartridge is bundled with a lot of hemp fiber. Because of the large amount of powder, it makes a very loud sound when fired.

You can also see obvious flashes and feel obvious aftershocks.

Finally, I have to talk about several kinds of "fireworks". There is no "Didi Jiner" these days, but there is one of the smallest fireworks that is more suitable for girls, called "mouse shit".

The name is a bit inelegant, but it is very vivid and interesting. The small gray particles are really similar to mouse droppings.

It made little noise when it was set off. After it was lit, it rolled around on the ground a few times, shooting out a few blue sparks. Finally, it jumped into the air and disappeared like a firefly.

I don’t know if it was because they were difficult to make and the prices were only a penny each, so they couldn’t make much money, which ultimately led to the extinction of this kind of fireworks.

Anyway, I have never seen Ning Weimin before.

When he saw this thing, his eyes were filled with wonder.

I thought it was very interesting, so I bought it for three yuan.

And almost as interesting as "rat shit", there is also a "monkey in the sky" that costs two three cents.

This cheap firework is a small stick with a cartridge glued on it.

After being lit, it can fly into the sky with a long tail of fire, and also make a sharp whistle.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the common people associate it with Sun Dasheng, who soared in the clouds and mist, so it got its name.

Ning Weimin then came over with another three yuan.

As for the others, they are popular fireworks such as "Cannon Double Lantern", "Night Pearl", "Nine Phoenix Chaoyang" and "Box Flowers" placed on the ground.

These varieties will be retained in the future.

According to Ning Weimin's thinking, he probably thought you were easy to make and expensive.

Fireworks manufacturers will always be keen on producing if they have sufficient profits.

In short, it was the day to buy firecrackers.

In addition to two thousand-ring whips, Ning Weimin's arms were full of rat droppings and flying monkeys.

As a result, he had no idea that the things he bought for fun and novelty were not considered carefully.

When I entered the courtyard, I heard nothing but disgusted remarks.

No matter who you are, you have to say a few words when you see what he bought.

Master Luo said, "Weimin, if you buy so much rat shit, you are not afraid of attracting rats to your home. Don't let it in the yard. Do it outside."

Aunt Bian also said, "How did you get such a flying monkey? This thing is the easiest to catch fire, and it will burn up wherever it falls. People, please make trouble for your aunt."

Kang Shude strongly opposed it.

"Hey you brat, put all these firecrackers outside quickly and don't let me enter the house."

"What did I mean when I said you didn't want to celebrate the Chinese New Year? You have to bring 300 mice and 200 monkeys to celebrate the Chinese New Year."

"Do you think our family is peaceful? If you really want a spark, our house will be absolutely lively."

But the one who loses the most face is Mi Xiaohui.

This teenage girl is the most childish and carefree, and she won't open or lift any pot.

"Brother Weimin, do you really like to show off our girls' fireworks? You bought so many. Don't all the men show off Erkiji and Mareko? Haha, you also like to drink bayberry soda, you are so funny...


Drink, no words are pleasant to the ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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