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Chapter 1245: Paradise

It was already past three in the afternoon when it was time to settle down.

Almost everyone in the inspection group had a good meal and a good meal.

Except for a few people who had gastrointestinal problems and seemed to have difficulty adapting to dipping sashimi in wasabi soy sauce, which caused some side effects of diarrhea, generally everyone was very satisfied with this exotic Japanese cuisine.

However, among everyone, only Yao Peifang, who helped Ning Weimin review the accounts, knew how much money Ning Weimin paid in blood for this sumptuous banquet.

Almost half a million yen!

Just this meal!

If you hadn't participated in it personally, you would have seen Ning Weimin happily swiping his credit card to settle the bill.

She would never believe that there were people in this world who could spend three thousand dollars on a meal and twenty thousand yuan on food and drink.

Even the Japanese can't stand it!

For this reason, Yao Peifang couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, and couldn't help but have a look on her face.

When she returned to the station wagon, the huge psychological burden not only made her taciturn, but inadvertently, her frown would reveal worry and worry.

However, this meal, which she considered to be an extremely luxurious meal, was still nothing.

She soon realized that poverty limited her imagination.

Because compared to food, the real place to spend money is on housing.

You know, hotels in Tokyo are expensive.

As one of the top three hotels in Tokyo in this era, the price of Tokyo New Otani Hotel is naturally not cheap.

The last time Ning Weimin attended a wedding, the price he heard was that an ordinary single room on the 15th floor would cost 50,000 yen per night.

A double room is more expensive, costing 60,000 yen.

In addition, the old principal, deputy principal, and deputy director Jin naturally cannot receive the same treatment as other grassroots cadres, so they must be given a high-end suite worth hundreds of thousands of yen per night.

Therefore, after calculation, for such a group of people, the accommodation fee for a day would be just over 1.1 million yen.

According to the itinerary, the delegation will stay in Tokyo for three days, with a few days in between to visit Kyoto and Osaka. Before leaving, there will be two days of shopping in Tokyo and two more days of hotel stay.

So I will stay at New Otani Hotel for five days in total.

For this reason, the sales department of Tokyo New Otani Hotel gave them a preferential price - charging them a full five million yen, including breakfast.

This number is undoubtedly even more thrilling for Yao Peifang.

In her opinion, just staying there temporarily for a few days would cost more than 200,000 yuan!

This is almost like throwing money into the sea.

Of course, the accommodation conditions are also very good, and no one can fault it.

Not to mention that the New Otani Hotel in Tokyo actually has a ten-acre Japanese garden.

The green grass here is lush and the lake is quiet. It is an excellent viewing spot whether it is cherry blossom season or maple leaf season.

First of all, the most urgent wish of Chang Shasha, who had to get out of the car to see the cherry blossoms on the way, was perfectly realized.

As for the other facilities of the hotel, they are beyond imagination.

As one of the iconic buildings in Tokyo today, the New Otani Hotel Tokyo stands out in its surroundings in terms of color and style, and can compete with the Imperial Palace not far away.

Not only are there shops, bars, gyms, open-air swimming pools and revolving restaurants, but the hotel lobby as the front is even more magnificent.

The hall is surrounded by elegantly decorated corridors, giving people a feeling of no end in sight.

The chandeliers hanging on the roof shine like the starry night sky.

And in addition, whether it is the red-carpeted staircase leading to the second floor or the two never-ending conveyor belt-style elevators in the center of the lobby, they all highlight the extraordinary style of this hotel.

So much so that the members of the inspection team were stunned as soon as they walked into the hall, a bit like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

These people have never seen such a grand hotel even in movies.

But the most important reason for the delegation to stay at ease is not only the good environment and good facilities, but more importantly, the connection between Tokyo New Otani Hotel and the Republic.

Ning Weimin's judgment was absolutely correct. When he learned that this place was once the temporary residence of the Embassy of the Republic, and that the rooms Ning Weimin booked for everyone were the same rooms used by the embassy back then.

The entire inspection group was very excited and couldn't wait to enter their respective rooms to take a closer look.

And the hotel's arrangements did not disappoint them.

Because they knew in advance that a group of guests from the Republic were coming, the New Otani Hotel not only kept the Chinese tea supply in the room reserved by Ning Weimin, but also added Chinese candies and Chinese late-night snacks this time.

In the guest room of the delegation, everyone can find three different Chinese candies on the bedside table.

If the delegation is in need, even during the non-business hours of the hotel's Chinese restaurant, Chinese meals such as white rice porridge, wonton noodles, fried spring rolls, Yangzhou fried rice and fried noodles, and fried dumplings can be eaten through the food delivery service.

In this era of Tokyo, Japan, even a five-star hotel is unique in its special care.

Even Ning Weimin cannot help but appreciate this, and recognizes that the service at the New Otani Hotel is quite considerate and attentive.

So it’s not surprising that the members of the inspection team said that this place is like paradise.

Except for the old director who felt that the conditions of the suite were too luxurious, and the old man who got drunk and made a fuss, insisting that Ning Weimin change him into an ordinary room, everyone was very satisfied with this place.

So much so that everyone suddenly came up with the common idea of ​​not arranging any more group activities today, and just let everyone move freely in the hotel and stroll around casually.

Anyway, the old director was also drunk, so he could get enough sleep and have a good rest.

Everyone can also eliminate the fatigue from the long journey, and all follow-up activities can be done after tomorrow when you are mentally refreshed.

Naturally, Ning Weimin had no reason not to respond to such a request that would make him worry less.

So after telling everyone how to go to the buffet restaurant with their room number and signature, he said goodbye to everyone for the time being and went to rest.

And in this way, Yao Peifang is of course considered off work.

Although it cannot be said that everything is completely trouble-free, I can't help but help a few people who don't understand how to use the hotel's central air conditioning and bathroom equipment to solve some minor problems.

But compared to the busy reception work this morning, it can indeed be regarded as a real enjoyment of time.

But that's strange. It stands to reason that in such a comfortable hotel, you should take a hot bath and relax.

With her current state of fatigue, she should fall asleep soon.

But she just lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

All she could think about was what she had experienced today. The chaotic information that came like a big explosion flooded her mind without any structure, making her anxious and upset, and she could not calm down completely.

It would be even worse if she forced her eyes to close and count, because all she saw before her eyes was Ning Weimin's shadow.

Somehow, she remembered Ning Weimin's slightly raised expression when he swiped his card to pay.

Perhaps it was because she had never seen any compatriot who could be so confident in front of the Japanese, and would naturally show a somewhat contemptuous and proud air.

She didn't know whether to call him frivolous or childish, but she couldn't forget it even if she wanted to.

Of course, she couldn't help but feel a little worried about Ning Weimin.

Maybe it was unfounded worries, anyway, she always felt that spending money like this was nothing.

Not everyone knows how to repay kindness with kindness. Maybe Ning Weimin's heroic spirit will be very satisfying for a while.

But it may not be able to get the sincere gratitude of these people, and it is possible that others will take them for granted and count these as their "crimes". Instead, they will cause trouble for them and lead to additional right and wrong.

But should I tell him?

Is it appropriate to mention these things to him rashly because he is a quiet person?

Will people think she is a gossip?

It’s unfair enough to be treated like a donkey with good intentions...

Just thinking about it, the more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. At this time, she looked at her watch and saw that it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

She simply stopped sleeping and got up to freshen up. She planned to go downstairs to the cafeteria to have something to eat.

However, when I opened the curtains to take a look at the sky, I accidentally discovered that the courtyard downstairs was extremely beautiful.

The New Otani Hotel at night is like a place where you can turn on electricity for free. The inside and outside of the building are glowing, not only making the sky colorful and translucent, but it also seems to want to shine through the ground, making the bricks, cement, and wood,

The soil also emits light.

Even the courtyard has lights with different colors.

The water of the waterfall is so blue, the cherry blossoms are so gorgeous, and the green plants seem to be made of emerald.

All the scenery seems to be purified by the light, so pure that it reminds people of the legendary paradise.

So there was no rush to eat. Yao Peifang immediately became interested, took the elevator downstairs, walked through the lobby of the hotel and headed straight to the inviting courtyard.

Perhaps it was because it was the busiest time in the hotel restaurant. There were very few guests in the courtyard. Everyone had probably gone to dine, so the environment was extremely quiet.

Except for the sound of water pouring from the waterfall in the distance, the distant music from the lit hotel restaurant on the other side, or the occasional happy laughter of a few blond Western guests, there is almost nothing here.

No sound can be heard either.

The smell is also very fragrant.

The newly plowed grass exudes an attractive grass fragrance, and the breeze by the lake is cool and fresh.

To say that the air is sweet is not an exaggeration.

It is so enjoyable to walk in a place like this.

Of course, there is no such word these days, but objectively speaking, this place is indeed a big oxygen bar.

Yao Peifang walked leisurely on the path, her mood gradually relaxed and became better and better. However, when she walked across the small vermilion bridge and reached the other side, her mood suddenly became tense.

For no other reason than because she unexpectedly found someone she knew sitting on the seat across the bridge - Ning Weimin.

At this time, he no longer showed any ease, but seemed to have something on his mind. He sat here alone in silence, staring at the lights in the distance in a daze.

For a moment, Yao Peifang wanted to escape quietly.

But she didn't know that it was Ning Weimin's melancholy prince-like expression that attracted her.

Or perhaps it was a mysterious fate that made her find it difficult to leave.

Maybe the scenery was too charming and she couldn't bear to give in to such an environment.

Anyway, her body only turned 45 degrees and then stopped.

And in the moment of biting her lips, she regained her courage and decided to cross the bridge over the sparkling lake.

This chapter has been completed!
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