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Chapter 1,248 Eyes shining

Ning Weimin's itinerary for the inspection team's second day in Tokyo was to go to Disneyland.

It stands to reason that Yao Peifang should be very happy about this day's travel plan.

After all, what girl in the world doesn’t like to play?

In the past, when she was in China, even when she was still in school, Yao Peifang liked to go out and have fun.

She still remembers the outings organized by the school, whether it was to Yangpu Park or Xijiao Park, or the farthest one was to Chongming Island. It was very exciting and would immediately become a top priority in life.

And it's not just her own, it's also a big deal for the whole family.

At least three to five days in advance, parents will plan for themselves what to wear, what to wear, and what to eat!

Later, it was the same when I arrived in the capital, including the Forbidden City, Beihai, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, and the Great Wall.

As long as she can go to a place to play, she will never be absent.

Not to mention that we are about to go to Tokyo Disneyland, known as Asia’s number one amusement park.

To be honest, when she is in China, she always pays special attention to Disney-related information from movies, TV, comics, pictorials and other channels.

By the time she was about to go abroad, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck cartoons had already begun to be broadcast in China.

The Disney cartoon images in her mind were simply too rich, and she yearned even more for this place that was famous all over the world.

Although she came to Japan, she has never had the opportunity to visit this legendary amusement park due to lack of money.

But she had already heard a lot of relevant descriptions from the old members of the modeling team.

Almost everyone who has been there describes Tokyo Disneyland as a paradise full of earthly joy.

But the problem is that expectations are expectations, but the reality is a bit special.

First of all, this time she didn't really go to play, but to work.

Secondly, she is no longer the carefree and worry-free child whose parents have arranged everything for her.

Instead, it’s time to talk about her worrying about others, thinking about others, serving others, and arranging a series of travel matters such as eating, drinking, shopping, etc.

You know, taking care of the entire inspection team is by no means an easy task.

After spending more than half a day working yesterday including picking up the airport, shopping, and eating, she had already begun to realize how tiring the job of a tour guide was.

Especially when she was going to a place that she had never been to before, her eyesight was completely dark.

You know, you will have to put in more effort.

But she hadn't had a good rest yet, and Tokyo Disneyland was still in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, which was far away from their base. They had to pack up and set off before eight o'clock in the morning.

So she slept half the night with sleepy exhaustion. When she washed up in the morning, she found that Ning Weimin's crow's mouth was right again. The dark circles under her eyes made her look like the national treasure giant panda.


And after barely putting on her makeup, she didn't have enough time to have breakfast.

So not long after she went to meet the driver of the tourist bus, Ning Weimin came out of the hotel with all the well-fed and drunk inspection team.

To be honest, before setting off, even Yao Peifang was not sure whether she could persist today.

But the good thing is that Yao Peifang met a good boss.

Not only is he not evil-hearted, but he is also quite attentive and possesses the qualities of a warm man.

In fact, when Yao Peifang stood with the red-faced members of the inspection team, Ning Weimin immediately noticed the difference in her complexion.

As the members of the inspection team got on the bus one by one, Ning Weimin couldn't help but whisper to her, "Why do you look so ugly! Are you sick?"

"No, no, it's just... I just can't adapt to the new environment. I didn't sleep well yesterday."

"I didn't see you in the restaurant just now. What? You didn't even eat breakfast?"

"Well, I don't have enough time. If I don't want to eat, I won't eat. I ate a lot last night, and I just used it up to control my weight."

Yao Peifang replied sheepishly, and then quickly added for fear of being disliked, "But please don't worry, I won't hold you back. I will also rest early when I come back today. I should be able to adapt."

However, what surprised her but was very touching was that Ning Weimin not only said nothing about this, but also did not complain or complain at all.

Instead, he asked the driver to wait, turned around and entered the hotel lobby again.

After a while, I saw him come back with a pot of coffee and a sandwich.

Then he gave it to Yao Peifang and put her in the passenger seat.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing in the lobby. There is only this little thing. You can just have a bite. Drink as much coffee as you can to refresh yourself. Take the time to squint for a while on the way. Maybe you will feel better."

At this time, no matter how stupid Yao Peifang is, she still knows that Ning Weimin intends to take care of her, and her heart can't help but be filled with warmth.

But what's even more surprising is that when they actually arrived at the place, Yao Peifang discovered that today's escort work was actually much easier than yesterday.

Because on the one hand, Ning Weimin rushed to do many things, including explaining the work.

On the other hand, Disney amusement parks are very intuitive, and the service facilities and rides are particularly convenient and thoughtful.

Whether it is amusement rides, snack sales points, restaurants, shops, smoking areas, or toilets, there is no need to understand Japanese at all. Any tourist can handle it just by reading the signs.

I have to say, let’s not talk about the playing experience. Just based on the hardware facilities and services of the amusement park, the first impression after entering the park is enough to surprise and admire.

In fact, not to mention the responsible Yao Peifang, even the inspection team who came just for fun noticed this and were equally surprised.

For example, the old director said, "It's amazing. I didn't expect that this Disneyland could be built on such a scale? Look at these landscaping, look at these buildings? The park can actually be built like this?"

The deputy director said, "Yeah, look at these facilities, they compare to our Temple of Heaven. I thought our Temple of Heaven is now well-known in the capital, and everyone knows that our services, facilities, and tourist attractions are good. I didn't expect this."

In comparison, we are really outclassed. As expected of a developed country, even the amusement park is so advanced."

Deputy Director Jin said, "This is like saying that there are people outside the world, and there is a heaven outside the world. In fact, this is normal, after all, our country's economic construction has just started. But I have to say, after all, the Temple of Heaven is not this kind of purely entertainment tour.

Paradise, our tourism resources are mainly based on historical atmosphere and historic buildings. The cultural connotation of the Temple of Heaven is not comparable to this modern amusement park, so there is no need to underestimate ourselves. If Disney had the history and gardens like ours, I'm afraid they wouldn't

I will work so hard on these things.”

Qiao Wanlin immediately agreed, "Yes, the director's words make sense. In fact, in China, with our current conditions, it is remarkable that the Temple of Heaven Park can achieve its current level. The work achievements of the two directors are obvious to all. Not to mention us.

Now we can go out and see the world. We can learn and improve things that are not as good as other places. I think that when we go back this time, all related recreational areas in the Temple of Heaven Park, whether they are facilities or services, will definitely become more complete.

It makes tourists more satisfied. If you ask me, what I should really be ashamed of is the newly opened Beijing Amusement Park. The tourists there are not inferior to here, but the construction and management level of the entire park is very different.

It’s not just that…”

Saying that, Qiao Wanlin shook his head.

The words of these people reminded Yao Peifang of what Ning Weimin told her yesterday.

As she looked at Ning Weimin, she couldn't help but think to herself, it would be great if the district leaders could come here to take a look.

Maybe we didn’t find the right partner for the Beijing Amusement Park, or maybe we were deceived by the Japanese, spent too much money, and gave away the right to supervise and participate in operations.

But the more important reason is that I am afraid that it is really just because we are not knowledgeable enough that we are so gullible and can be manipulated by others.

But she didn't expect that she and Ning Weimin actually thought of going together. Ning Weimin glanced at her meaningfully and took over the conversation.

"I also agree with the views of several leaders. As the old saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. The side effects of working behind closed doors are indeed too great. In fact, the key issue is to look more at the outside world. Because many things are different in developed countries.

There are already ready-made samples for us to copy, which can completely prevent us from taking detours. Therefore, what I hope is that more and more people from our several investors can come out and take a look. Currently, I can arrange one year

Twice, with more than a dozen people each time. Next year, let me make a wish for everyone. To give you a more specific number, I will try to arrange four overseas inspections, with twenty-five to thirty people each time."

These few words were truly shocking and immediately aroused a strong response.

"Weimin, are you kidding me? You have to host 100 people to study abroad a year. How much will it cost?"

"Yeah, even if it's not according to our standards, it still costs several million yuan."

"Manager Ning's courage is truly remarkable. Such bold words are not something ordinary people would dare to promise. However, if such a large amount of money is spent on this, I am afraid that the restaurant's profits will be halved, and there will be public discussion."

Ning Weimin smiled and said, "It will definitely cost a lot of money, but we can definitely afford it. Although it is not possible to rely on a Dangu branch in Tokyo, we will open branches in Osaka and Kyoto, and we have achieved it.

If you make a profit, then there will be no problem. And don’t forget what I said. Japan’s taxes are heavy and progressive. If some money is not spent, it will be cheaper for the Japanese government. Since the wool comes from the sheep, then why should we?

I feel bad. I think if this plan goes well, not only the grassroots cadres of several of our investors will have the opportunity to go abroad soon, we can even invite higher-level leaders and friendly units, such as the district government, tourism bureau, and the Second Lighting Bureau.

Second Commercial Bureau, what will be the situation then?"

Imprisoned ideas require keys to open, and Ning Weimin is just a skilled locksmith.

After he said this, he was enlightened, and the reaction of the inspection team immediately changed drastically.

A few leaders who took the lead really took it seriously and began to study the feasibility.

If nothing else, everyone knows that if a subordinate unit can do such a thing, how many points it will gain in the eyes of the superior leaders!

Yao Peifang looked at Ning Weimin who was smiling and couldn't help but secretly thought, how treacherous!

Such suggestions can not only sell well in front of the leaders, but also win over allies, making it easier to achieve one's own goals.

She seems to have really learned something again.

But the question is, everyone can say nice things. Do you really have the ability to make such a promise?

Why are you so confident? You are not worried at all that you will not be able to do it.

Yao Peifang looked at Ning Weimin's face again, his eyes shining brighter and brighter.

This chapter has been completed!
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