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Chapter 1,257 The Third Class Rich Man

You must know that NTT, which currently has annual revenue of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars and is the world's largest company by market capitalization, only has a yearly actual profit of 10.5 billion U.S. dollars.

The richest man in Malaysia, the Sugar King Kuok, who once missed out on his daughter-in-law because he looked down on Teresa Teng, his family wealth at this time had not yet accumulated tens of billions of dollars.

Even Wang An, the richest Chinese tycoon in the United States and a leader in the computer industry, is only worth US$3 billion at this time.

So good. In that case, why does Ning Weimin think that he can quietly cash out the wealth harvest, which may be as huge as trillions of yen, from the Japanese market, and then transfer it quietly and unnoticed?


Why does he think that even after Japan's economic collapse, he will still be safe and sound and enjoy the flowers of wealth that he has watered with the blood and tears of the Japanese?

After all, the Japanese government is not a fool. It is impossible for the Japanese government to be unaware and indifferent to the behavior of someone who obtained such huge financial gains from the economic bubble and transferred it outside Japan.

Especially for a foreigner from a third world country like him, the Japanese are even less likely to have such a big heart. Of course, after Japan falls into the hell of economic collapse, he will be allowed to enjoy the fruits of victory, even if he is completely

was obtained legally.

So how could he not be afraid?

If the Japanese government really wants to mess with him, it will have too many tricks at its disposal.

Especially after the economic collapse, it is natural for the Japanese government to kill pigs for meat.

Do you need any reason to punish him?

This kind of disaster cannot be avoided by paying taxes legally and obeying the law.

To be honest, it is absolutely impossible for others to stop messing with you if you don’t commit a crime!

Who helped you make money from this economic bubble?

This is your sin.

If he really dares to believe that Japan is a civilized society based on the rule of law and is happy without making any arrangements, then he is out of his mind and deserves to die.

Not to mention that Japanese society itself is very complicated.

You know, Japan allows profiteering organizations to exist legally, just for this reason. Japan has never been a safe country.

Especially in the current social environment, stimulated by economic factors, the bubble has reached a certain level, and the gangsters who dominate the underground economy have begun to appear.

In order to expand their power, these Yakuza have even colluded with the political and financial circles of Bai Dao, and they will do whatever it takes to make money, without any lower limit.

This situation also made Japan in 1987 look more and more like a crazy world.

Don't look at it thirty years later. When most people who have experienced it talk about Japan's economic bubble, they talk about taking taxis with 10,000 yen bills, singing and dancing every day, going to restaurants during the day, going to nightclubs at night, buying random luxury goods, and queuing up to buy them when traveling overseas.

Civilians can also play golf...etc., many wonderful memories.

But it must be said that this is only partial and an incomplete personal subjective impression.

You must know that everything has its pros and cons. In fact, Japan in the bubble economy actually has an ugly and cruel side.

In addition to promoting the carnival of wealth every day in order to promote consumption, media such as TV stations and newspapers and periodicals are also showing the chaos caused by money.

Nowadays, as long as a careful person looks at the social news on TV and newspapers, he can strongly feel that vicious cases and crimes motivated by money are almost everywhere in every corner of Tokyo all the time.

Of course, the first one to bear the brunt is the real estate industry related to land and houses.

Because in Tokyo at this time, even the corners of the land, just a few square meters of land, had high economic value.

All kinds of monsters, monsters, demons and demons came to attack this piece of fat.

And the terrible thing is that many landlords or land owners in Japan rely far more on the inherent living environment than money.

Therefore, in order to acquire more land in the city center or around the city as quickly as possible, many real estate companies will use Yakuza's power to seize land through unfair means, thus causing serious social problems.

Beatings, looting, arsons, and phone calls are commonplace in Tokyo every day.

The Akasaka apartment sold by Ning Weimin is one example.

Even the actress Ma Liu Haruko, one of the "NHK Three Girls", also lives in this high-end apartment.

Although her home was threatened, she devoted herself to the demonstrations against the forced acquisition of the architectural firm and used her influence to make the lawsuit arouse public opinion.

But there is still no way to stop the continued harassment and increased pressure from real estate agents.

Therefore, even such people are still like this, which shows the hardship and helplessness of the common people.

This is not a big deal. In order to seize land, even fatal shootings are happening frequently.

A few years ago, two real estate agency companies, Ozaki Kogyo and Mogami Tsunesan, both engaged in land speculation and related to the yakuza, had a conflict over land in Bunkyo District, Tokyo.

As a result, Ozaki Kiyomitsu, the boss of Ozaki Kogyo, who was known as the "three hundred million yen that can walk away", was randomly shot to death by three killers disguised as visitors while he was in the hospital.

Both the mass media and the police suspected that Taiyoshi Hayasaka, the boss of another real estate agency, Mogami Tsunesan, was behind the crime through the Sumiyoshi Kai, a long-established violent organization in Tokyo. Unfortunately, no real evidence was found, and the murderer was nowhere to be found afterwards.

However, no one could have imagined that even without Ozaki Kiyomitsu as his rival, Taiyoshi Hayasaka, who had become the emerging king of the real estate agency market, would actually become a thorn in the side of other violent groups in Tokyo.

Not long ago, he also suffered a violent attack at his home in Setagaya Ward.

The assailant threw three melon grenades into his living room.

Fortunately, his French bodyguard turned the sofa upside down to cover it up, otherwise he would probably have died.

This shows the dangers faced by land speculators in Japan.

This is just playing with your life!

It’s about making money with your head tied to your belt!

Therefore, it was absolutely wise for Ning Weimin to choose to sell the Akasaka Apartment in time.

His life is too precious to take the risk of not knowing when he will "pick up the cantaloupe" just for a few dollars.

But even so, he couldn't be sure that he was absolutely safe.

Because he has too many properties under his name!

Now that land and housing prices have risen to this level, who can guarantee that the land and houses under his name will not be regarded as fat by others?

Yes, he now has Axia, a partner with a background in the world of martial arts, who can help avoid a lot of related troubles.

But the problem is that even Axia herself came to Japan to avoid disaster.

With her ability and her manpower, facing a tycoon like Genshiro Kawamoto, she still has to be obedient and sell her shop to others, and how much trouble can she help deal with?

Small fish and shrimps are probably no problem, but what if they encounter a giant monster with enough weight again?

It is even possible that even the Inakawa Society who protected her would not be able to help but want to bite them when they become fat?

I have never heard of a violent organization that really cares about friendship rather than profit.

You know, the so-called "giri" in Yakuza, Japan, is just a superficial thing.

The right thing to do is to put "morality" on both sides and "profit" in the middle.

There is a saying that goes well, there is no such thing as loyalty or betrayal in this world, it is just the lack of chips due to betrayal.

If Ning Weimin didn't consider hidden dangers like this, he would just keep his head down and count his money every day.

It would be unwise to wait until something goes wrong and personal safety may really be threatened.

I'm afraid that by then I will have no choice but to regret it and sit back and wait for death.

In addition, there is another point that Ning Weimin needs to seriously consider, which is the issue of the butterfly effect.

Ning Weimin didn't know how much impact his coming to this world would have on the original history, and whether it would cause changes in some major historical events.

Although he hopes that this will not be the case, even though he knows that his greatest reliance is his understanding and mastery of the original history, he cannot be too naive and think that everything in this world will be as he knew it in his previous life.

At least what he did has some meaning, and he has changed a lot.

At least I got the patent for the trolley suitcase and made a mature product in advance.

In addition, the money he invested in the Japanese stock market cannot be considered an insignificant amount. Some of the advice he and President Hanwa Kogyo Kitashige gave may have helped Hanwa Kogyo achieve better financial management results than in its original history.

So what if his butterfly wings really bring a hurricane?

What if "Black Monday" comes early?

Maybe become "Black Friday"?

What if the Japanese stock market accelerates to reach the top?

Perhaps it would not be able to survive the emperor's death or ring the New Year's bell in 1990, and the Tokyo stock market would begin to collapse early.

Is it even possible that additional wars will break out?

For example, if the Gulf War starts early, will the United States fight Iran first?

These are all unknowns, and Ning Weimin is not sure that they will not happen.

For things like opportunities, timing is very important. It cannot be early or late, otherwise big problems will occur.

If you don't grasp it accurately, not only will you not get any advantage, you may also suffer big losses.

Ning Weimin didn't want to think that he could make a fortune with a handful of things in his hands and was running forward with all his strength, only to be stumbled by some unexpected changes and become a dog chewing the mud.

Yes, his personal wealth has now expanded into a towering mountain.

Not to mention ordinary people, even rich people in the usual sense need to look up to them.

But the problem is that although this mountain is large, it is essentially made of snow and is too unreliable.

And he knew very well that once this snow mountain collapsed, the world would be turned upside down and there would be no recovery.

how to say?

It's just like Alexandre Dumas divided the rich into categories in the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo".

Those whose wealth consists of fields, mines and real estate, and those whose wealth consists of gold, silver and jewelry are the first-class rich. This is what Westerners think of as "old money".

Their wealth is highly resistant to risks, and their income is guaranteed during droughts and floods. They only need to lie in bed to collect rent.

Those who start industrial companies are in the second category, with average wealth resistance to risks, and are affected by economic laws, industry development, and consumer demand.

Those who play finance like Danglars belong to the third category. They make money by their will or opportunities. Those who cannot withstand the collapse of banks and sudden changes in the current situation. The increase or decrease of property depends solely on speculation and is subject to the laws of nature.

The rule of the law that the big fish eats the small fish.

If he uses this ruler to measure himself properly, Ning Weimin will be able to clearly see his own quality.

There is no doubt that 80% of him is now a third-class rich man, and he is the one who is least able to withstand risks.

Who allowed him to overload his output and make money despite being heavily in debt?

Whether it's the current situation, the government's attitude, or the social environment around him, a little surprise is enough to make him drink.

Fortunately, the trolley suitcase made him an 18% second-class rich man, and the related patent made him a 21% first-class rich man.

This is the most authentic look of him.

To be honest, from a quality perspective, his wealth is not even as good as the two production companies owned by Keiko Matsumoto.

Because it owns the rights to adapt Matsumoto Seicho's works and the copyrights to some of Kurosawa Akira's personal works, and it is still making new films.

You know, once cultural copyright enters the information age, it will be a mine where you can count money while lying down with the help of streaming media.

What's more, film and television companies have additional functions - facilitating money laundering and tax avoidance.

How much would you say a set is worth if burned?

I said to invest one billion, but only spend five hundred million, and the government can’t say anything!

From this perspective, Matsumoto Keiko actually has the potential to be a first-class millionaire than him.

In short, as the old saying goes, people who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries.

Now that he has clearly seen his hidden dangers, Ning Weimin naturally plans his career carefully for his future life.

Now that he is married, he is no longer the bachelor who used to do whatever he wanted.

He doesn't want his wife and children to be frightened with him and live an exciting life with him, like riding a roller coaster.

So after much thought and based on the principle of putting stability first and safety first, Ning Weimin made the following decisions.

First of all, speculative business must be carried out with a certain amount of advance. You cannot be careless and wait for everything to happen according to the script.

In order to avoid the "Black Monday" stock market crash and make the most of this opportunity, you have to sell whatever you need.

You need to reduce your stock position by at least 70% and wait for the bottom after the stock market crash.

In addition, Ning Weimin also believes that there is no need to focus on the Japanese market.

He can put his eggs in more baskets, imitate the Japanese way of investing overseas, and realize the transfer of benefits in a safer way.

Learn what Accountant Jia and Pan Paopao did, use the ant moving method, and gradually move cash from Japan to overseas.

Then look for other value depressions to increase the value of your personal wealth.

To put it bluntly, it means retreating while fighting, bluffing, and running away in advance.

Think about it, if on the day Japan's economic bubble bursts, at least half of Ning Weimin's money earned from Japan and the loans he borrowed were transferred overseas, what can the Japanese government do to him then?

It must be a weapon that avoids rats. I'm afraid that it will break the pot and drop it, so it won't be easy for him to bite.

This principle is just like what he said to Director Taniguchi: as long as you take out the capital from the speculative market in advance, you will be in an invincible position. No matter what happens again, you will not be in a hurry to get angry.

Finally, there is another point, out of inner guilt and compensation, out of feelings and gratitude to Keiko.

Ning Weimin, who felt happy in his marriage, sincerely planned to give his wife an industry she could rely on.

Let’s call it a betrothal gift.

He hopes that even if he encounters an accident one day or encounters some bad luck, he can leave this world early.

Even if his finances become a mess by then.

But as long as Qingzi still has the wedding gift he chose, Qingzi and his children can still live a prosperous life with financial freedom and no need to worry about money.

Although it is impossible for him to completely avoid risks, at least he must first transplant his family foundation and the future of his wife and children into a reliable source of wealth.

This is what he, a husband, must do.

This chapter has been completed!
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