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Chapter 1268: Sophisticated

It can be said that the above two points are mainly contributed by the auction company.

As for Mihara Masahiro, the monetary cost he has to pay actually lies in how to obtain a stable supply of goods.

Judging from the terms he and Somei have negotiated, it is estimated that he will have to pay 400 million to 600 million yen to buy out Somei's paintings in the next three years.

Of course, this amount of money is not a small amount, and in fact he can't get it out.

Even if his collection is valuable, it is impossible to sell it all at once.

What's more, he still wants to continue hoarding goods and is unwilling to take action immediately.

However, he has already thought of a brilliant way, which is to find other people to cooperate and transfer the financial risks to others, making himself 100% safe.

And the person he fell in love with was Ning Weimin.

So after seeing off his two accomplices from the auction house, Mihara Masahiro immediately called his wife Mihara Ruriko to make special preparations for attending Ning Weimin's wedding tomorrow.

"Madam, find me a better wooden box quickly. Then help me wrap it more beautifully with high-grade furoshiki."

"What are you doing?"

"Put stuff."

"What to pack?"

"Here, these are the wedding gifts that I will give to President Ning tomorrow."

As he spoke, Mihara Masahiro opened a plastic package from a cardboard box.

Then he took out a metal object that looked like a strange bird and placed it on the table.

Before this was over, another thing was taken out, which was a large jar of the same texture.

These two things were immediately disliked by the director's wife because of their weird appearance, complicated decoration, flamboyant patterns, and green patina. They were incompatible with the clean, simple, bright and open environment in the house.

"Oh, husband. What kind of crap are these two? You want to put them on my imported oak table.

Dirty scraps of scrap metal, weird shapes, they look like garbage, how can you get rid of them?"

"What do you know! I managed to get these by asking the two auctioneers just now. They are all Chinese antiques. I heard they came from the collection of an old Chinese family. I relied on favors to get them from within.

I bought it for 500,000 yen."

However, Mihara Masahiro still did not gain the loyalty of his wife.

The lady's contempt remained unchanged.

"Ah, hubby, please don't be joking. What kind of Chinese antiquities are collected by a Chinese family? It sounds like a big deal. But if they are really good things, why are two pieces worth five hundred thousand yen? You have always collected paintings.

, I don’t understand this, so I won’t let people from auction houses deceive me by using things from the flea market.”

"Hey, how is that possible? Don't worry, they will never lie to me. Only a fool would cheat me for hundreds of thousands of yen and destroy the basis of cooperation between the two parties. In fact, these two items are cheap, mainly because they are all

Chinese antiquities are not as popular in the world's art market. Nowadays, Chinese antiquities are not as popular as our Japanese antiquities. I heard that Xinyi East has auctioned this thing several times but has not sold it. The owner of the goods is short of money.

Descendants of the Chinese ethnic group secretly used family items to cash in, but were unwilling to pay commissions. In the end, they had no choice but to mortgage the items to the auction house and let nothing go. In fact, it stands to reason that other people wanted to take it from the auction house.

These two items had to be paid millions of yen anyway, otherwise they would not be able to offset the commission receivable from the auction house. But it was different for me. For the sake of cooperation, the auction house gave me half the price. I used

Do you think it's appropriate to give it to President Ning? President Ning likes Chinese antiques the most, and he must know the goods."

Mihara Masahiro was still determined, and his explanation did make some sense, so the director's wife finally changed her attitude.

Not long after, two black paulownia wood boxes were brought to my husband.

Then he put things inside to test the size and said, "Oh my husband, you are so smart. You use five hundred thousand yen to give a one million yen gift. It is really a good deal, cheap and pleasing. However, it takes a lot of effort.

I have given you such a gift. Are you sure that President Ning will agree to your request? The money we need is several hundred million yen. Doesn’t it seem sincere enough to just give such a gift? If people don’t

What should I do if I agree?”

"Don't worry about this. President Ning is a smart man, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make so much money alone in Japan. Moreover, he is also an expert in the art market. It is impossible for him to be unclear about the recent prices of those paintings. I also

It’s not like using his money in vain. It’s a good thing that can make money easily. I asked him to join forces, and he had no reason to refuse. In fact, the gift was just a polite gesture of goodwill..."

Mihara Masahiro comforted his wife, but at this point, seeing that his wife was noncommittal and still looked unconvinced, he temporarily changed his words and gave her an additional reason.

"What's more, if you think about it, last year he was willing to spend so much money to run the Japan Record Awards in order to promote Teresa Deng. I don't believe that Miss Matsumoto, whom he wants to marry, doesn't mind this at all as his newlywed wife. What's more,

I remember that Ms. Matsumoto also seems to like singing, but it seems that she has not been selected for the Record Awards. Otherwise, you can reveal your feelings to Ms. Matsumoto in private tomorrow and persuade her that she should record again.

A new album. No matter what her results are, I guarantee that she will win a gold medal. It will fulfill her wish."

Needless to say, women are women and lack a sense of the overall situation, but from the perspective of women being jealous, the wife of the director really did not need a heavy hammer to sound the drum, and she immediately understood her husband's intentions.

"Oh, that's right. My wife is also a big star, how can she be indifferent to her husband praising other women? Husband, you have a keen eye. As long as she has desire, she is someone we can use. As long as she still wants to

Use the Record Awards to prove your singing skills. We still have the trump card to control them. At worst, we will just make another private deal."

However, women are women after all, and some things are more eager for quick success and unclear.

The director's wife closed the box and stopped looking for the furoshiki. She actually said, "But hubby, your asking price should be raised accordingly this time. Have you ever thought about it, we sold it for 80 million last time?"

Although the paintings given to President Ning were all things we didn't like, and we only spent 40 to 50 million at the beginning. But according to the current market situation, these things have actually increased in price, and are now worth at least 1

It must be more than 100 million. President Ning's luck is really amazing. For him, last year's grand prize was obtained without spending any money, and he also made a small profit. This is too much of an advantage.

I feel uncomfortable thinking about this."

Fortunately, Mihara Masahiro was aware of this, and he didn't let his wife do whatever he wanted.

"Haha, don't mind this matter. You said it yourself, it's just good luck. And don't forget, it's precisely because President Ning made money that I spoke to him this time.

It's easier to agree. You might as well think about it again. It's not convenient for him as a Chinese to do many things in Japan. We can help him contact the auction house to sell his paintings, so that there will be at least several million from them.

There are benefits to be gained, right? We are now the upper class people who make money from art. So the most important thing is to convince President Ning to use the money to form a partnership. As long as we seize the opportunity this time, we can do this big thing

It’s done, so what else does it matter? By then, even if I retire early and give up my seat, it won’t matter. My wife, have you ever thought about our life after having billions or tens of billions of assets?

What does it look like? If we can successfully sell all the paintings in our hands, then in the future we can also travel around the world, live in a single-family villa, have our own housekeeper and maid, and have cocktail parties or dance parties from time to time.

It’s even possible that we can move our family to Qingshan.”


The director's wife's enthusiasm was really ignited by his description, and she happily clasped her hands in admiration.

"Oh, husband, what you said makes me really look forward to it. Become a member of Aoyama living in Minato City, and be neighbors with those politicians and famous scholars. What a happy old age. And if I really have the chance to be the wife of the director

In addition to being a composer’s wife, I can add a collector’s wife and an art connoisseur’s wife. Then I really feel that I have no regrets in this life. Even our children and grandchildren will be proud of us.

After becoming a truly famous family."

"Haha, that's right. So tomorrow, let's work together to convince the newlywed couple."

Having said this, Mihara Masahiro and his wife Liulizi laughed unbridled, as if the bright future was already within their control.

It should be said that this Mihara Masahiro is really an old fox who eats people without spitting out their bones.

He is actually brave and cunning, and wants to feed on the nouveau riche who were nourished by the bubble.

He is really a dark genius who is "lazy, cunning, vicious, vicious and ruthless". Even Ning Weimin will inevitably become a tool for his use.

But it must also be said that man’s calculation is never as good as God’s calculation.

His complacency was based on his not knowing the true value of the two things he gave to Ning Weimin.

If he wanted to know a few years later that what he had casually given away would be the important late Shang artifacts from China that were living in a foreign country - "Pan Fang Lei" and "Owl Zun".

If he wanted to know, according to the standards of Chinese cultural relics, these are two priceless first-class cultural relics, and their own value is worth as much as all the Japanese paintings he plans to hype.

God knows how he would calculate the gains and losses.

And this is in line with the old saying, there is a time in life that must be there, but there is no time in life, so don’t force it.

Some people are destined to make wedding dresses for others, no matter how hard they work, and can only be regarded as the gods of wealth.


But having said that, whether it is sad or not depends on who you compare it to.

If compared with Deputy Director Kaga, another co-conspirator in operating the awards, Mihara Masahiro's current situation is actually pretty good.

Although he missed the real treasure without knowing it, at least he felt happy in his heart, and his family was harmonious, and his husband and wife were of the same mind.

The two couples are greedy and calculating, but in the end they are like-minded in pursuing money together.

And this is much better than Mr. and Mrs. Kaga, an old man and a young wife, who share the same bed but have different dreams.

In fact, although Ning Weimin fulfilled his promise, in return he gave Director Kaga and his wife what they needed - funding for them to open a beauty salon of their own.

But sometimes "getting" will lead to new problems.

Just like the Kaga couple, although the couple's economic conditions have greatly improved as a result.

Their income from this is much higher than Deputy Director Kaga's income from TBS.

Moreover, Mrs. Kaga Isako finally has her own business and no longer has to ask for money from her husband.

However, the original conflicts between the husband and wife not only did not reduce, but the internal rifts unknowingly intensified. This was definitely something that no one expected at the beginning.

For no other reason than because the profits of beauty salons are too high.

In addition to receiving more than 200 million in membership fees immediately after opening.

After officially opening, it has been maintaining profits of tens of millions every month.

This kind of income is so high that Isako already thinks that she no longer needs to rely on her husband, and that she can be completely independent in finance and life.

It's so high that Isako has shifted the focus of her life from her family and husband to her beauty salon business. She no longer feels at ease being a housewife and thinks that her husband is far less important than her side business.

This will naturally make her husband, Deputy Director Kaga, feel dissatisfied and even have his self-esteem hurt.

This is by no means alarmist. After all, male chauvinism is prevalent in Japanese society, not to mention that Deputy Director Kaga is over sixty.

Although he loves money, he has always been in a dilemma about the balance of property between his two daughters and his new wife.

But what he values ​​most is that his old age can be peaceful and adequately taken care of.

But now he feels that his life is completely out of balance.

Not only is everything he needs gradually lost, but if this situation gets worse, his reputation and marriage may also be in jeopardy. You can imagine the anger and fear he feels in his heart.

And he also regretted it immensely and missed the generally stable marriage situation in the past.

To be honest, the disharmony in the lives of an old husband and a young wife has indeed existed objectively from the beginning, not to mention that it is a halfway marriage.

Apart from anything else, the problem is huge when it comes to the most basic diet.

Because the young wife has a good stomach and is used to rushing for school and work, bread and coffee are indispensable staples in daily life, not only for breakfast but also for dinner.

But Deputy Director Kaga has never liked bread, and he especially hates French baguettes that look like logs.

An old-school Japanese like him only eats rice, and has miso soup and rice for breakfast.

When you feel upset after eating rice, mix in 30% wheat, which makes it taste delicious.

This is the living habit of a person like him, and this kind of meal must be cooked by his wife.

Although Isako is disgusted with this troublesome and rustic meal, she has been fulfilling her duties as a wife for a long time.

In return, Director Kaga will not only buy some expensive gifts for his young wife, but also try his best to get opportunities to go overseas to give his wife a holiday to satisfy the woman's vanity.

But even when it comes to traveling abroad, they also have different interests.

For example, when he went to Basel, Switzerland for a cultural exchange meeting last year, Director Kaga and his wife accompanied him.

During his meeting, Isako hired a tour guide himself and visited the Young Woman's Peak, Lake Constance and other scenic spots.

After the three-day meeting, they took a bus together to visit Lausanne, Geneva, Annecy, climbed Mount Blanc, and toured the Lyon area.

After that, I flew to Paris, where I stayed for a week for sightseeing and shopping.

Then we went to Nice, a seaside resort in the south of France, to take a sea bath and play roulette in a casino in Monaco.

In total, I lost about $1,200.

Everywhere Isako went, she was welcomed by men.

Especially in Rome and Venice, he was treated like a star by the Italian youth.

Although I only speak a few words in English, I didn't feel inconvenienced.

When he didn't understand, the other party expressed it in Japanese.

This chapter has been completed!
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