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Chapter 1,274 Beach

After a while, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko walked along the main road to the famous Martinez Beach in Cannes.

The beach here is very famous throughout Europe because it is five kilometers long. It is definitely a gift from God to Cannes.

Although it is still early in the month, most people cannot go to the sea to swim freely at this time, but they can already enjoy the bright and warm sunshine here.

And you must also know that at this time of year, it seems that beauties from all over Europe who are interested in getting involved in the film industry come to this small town on the French coast, hoping that miracles will happen to them.

So this can be said to be the place with the highest density of beauties in the small town of Cannes during the film festival.

Looking around, I saw that the beach was full of bikinis. It was a very unique sight.

And looking at the scene of Yan, who is thin and fat, but full of life, Ning Weimin finally understood why Alain Delon had a special liking for this place and why he invited him here as soon as they met.

It is indeed a man's paradise.

It's so amazing!

As long as there are no physical and psychological problems, any man who stands here will surely become restless and his software will harden unconsciously in a short time!

It's a pity that Ning Weimin is no longer free at this time, but he brought his wife with him.

Not only can he no longer enjoy the fun here, but the man's habitual visual habits have also caused him trouble.

Qingzi had always treated him with generosity, and had never suspected that there was anything abnormal about his interactions with the opposite sex around him. At this moment, because of his unblinking gaze, she turned into lemon juice like a little woman.

"Sure enough, a man's nature cannot refuse beauties on the beach. I also like these Western beauties after seeing you..."

Ning Weimin's words with a slightly cold tone made Ning Weimin feel like a thorn in his back, and he immediately noticed the strong jealousy of Qingzi next to him.

You know, people who don't usually get angry often get more violent when they get angry. You can imagine how stressed he is.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin has a good mouth and an even better brain.

In order to escape this disaster, he immediately performed a show of possession and responded as if he was unaware.

"What kind of Western beauties? It's not like you don't know my aesthetic taste. I'm not interested in women like this on the beach. The fact that foreigners like to tan their skin really turns me off. In my eyes, everyone

None of them can compare to my beloved wife, and the same goes for the beach in front of me. No one can compare to my Qingzi. Look at you, compared with them, you are simply shining."

And after talking sweetly, he immediately changed the topic.

"However, it seems that we didn't make any preparations and just came to the beach. Even if we bring a beach towel, it would be good. Otherwise, we can go to the beach and sit for a while. Unfortunately, I have been looking around for a long time and can't find anything for sale.

The shops and kiosks, hey, Qingzi, have you seen them?"

The effect of this combo of moves was obvious, and Qingzi's aura immediately changed.

"Oh, Amin, it turns out you have been looking for a store, is that right?"

Although I don’t fully believe it, the anger in my heart has obviously begun to dissipate.

"Well, that's it. Otherwise, what do you think?"

When Qingzi asked Ning Weimin, another thief came and shouted to catch the thief, intending to confuse the audience.

However, it was a pity that when faced with the attentive Qingzi, he was still careless.

Keiko noticed the cunning and secretive joy in her eyes for a moment.

As a result, Qingzi's newly established trust also collapsed. No matter how much he argued and persisted, it was not enough to win people's trust.

"Ah, why do you look like this? It seems like your conspiracy has succeeded..."

"Why can't I understand? What on earth are you talking about?"

"Don't hide it, Amin has become so cunning now!"

"No way, my dear, I really can't do anything to you. If you don't believe in me, you should believe in your own charm."

"Ha, what does this have to do with my charm? You must have been caught by me. If you hide too much, you will still show your flaws. Amin, you are too misleading."

In any case, even though she discovered the truth, after several interruptions, Keiko became so angry that she actually had a somewhat tolerant attitude.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to deny it. I also know that it's a man's nature to like looking at beautiful women, but I still hope you can pay more attention to me."

Keiko Matsumoto revealed her true feelings and took the initiative to press her face against Ning Weimin's chest, expressing her generous understanding.

It has to be said that gentleness is a woman's strongest weapon.

There was no blame, she just lowered her big watery eyes and looked over affectionately.

Ning Weimin couldn't bear this kind of plaintiveness that used softness to overcome strength.

Even the most hard-hearted man has to turn into soft-hearted people.

Not only did he suddenly lose the motivation to quibble, but he suddenly asked and felt sincere guilt in his heart.

Yes, sexual attraction does come from nature, but what is higher than nature is what marriage needs.

However, God was indeed kind. Ning Weimin had just thought about how to compensate. No, a ready-made method was presented to him.

At this time, a voice saying hello in English suddenly sounded beside him, breaking the romantic time of the newlywed couple.

"Sir, Madam, good afternoon!"

When they turned towards the voice, they all saw a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old.

I saw him holding a metal bucket in his right hand, a sturdy metal shovel in his left hand, wearing a pair of pink-rimmed sunglasses, pink shorts, and a flattering smile.

At first glance, he looks like a local kid from Cannes, lively and playful, but his reason for coming is a bit puzzling.

"Are you okay? You look like foreigners...Indians?"

Although this answer is a bit insulting, in this era, Ning Weimin can understand that it is not easy to be too harsh on a French boy who cannot distinguish between Asians.

"No, we are not. I am Chinese and my wife is Japanese. What can I do for you, kid?"

"Ah, I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't mean to offend you."

The boy immediately apologized for guessing the wrong nationality, and his mouth was indeed very sweet.

"Actually, it's like this. I noticed you over there, and I thought I must come over and say hello to you."

Ning Weimin was a little curious, "Why do you think so? What attracted you to us?"

"Because you are foreigners who are rarely seen here. Although you are not Indians, you are indeed from Asia, right? There are not many Asians here, not to mention you are all so beautiful! I have to say, from you

From the moment I walked into this beach, it became much brighter. I was thinking at that time, if you are making movies, you must be big stars in your own country..."

When the young man said this, he showed an air of taking it for granted.

"The two of us?" Matsumoto Keiko smiled.

"Oh yeah! Of course!"

"I'm glad to hear you think so."

Ning Weimin also laughed. Although this young man's approach was reckless, it was really hard to dislike.

"You guessed it right. My wife is a movie actress. But if you want to sign, you must have paper and pen."

"Haha, sir, I'm afraid I don't. But we can also make up for this regret in other ways, such as talking about business..."

"Business talk?" Ning Weimin was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, sir, you can see my products right away. Very good products."

As the boy spoke, he leaned over and began to show what was in his bucket - it turned out to be some colorful flowers of different types.

This once again surprised Ning Weimin. He did not expect to meet someone with the same ideals.

What was even more unexpected was that despite his young age, the rhetoric he was selling was quite sophisticated.

"I picked these flowers myself, so they are very cheap. It costs fifty francs to sell them to others, but it only costs twenty francs to sell them to you. How about it?"

"Oh, I really can't tell, but you are already an experienced salesman."

"So to speak, sir."

"Well, seeing how good you are at doing business, we'll be happy to buy a few."


"It seems you have chosen the right person."

"That's great. I'm sure your wife will be even more beautiful because of these flowers, sir."

"You are good at talking."

"This is a matter of course, sir. Beautiful women should have beautiful things, right?"

"Okay, kid, let's choose five flowers."

"Okay sir, a hundred francs in total."

Although he knew that he was being tricked, Ning Weimin really didn't mind at all, he just felt it was interesting and even a little lucky.


Not only for this young man's fluent English and seasoned sales skills, but also for his timely appearance and the most appropriate gift that made Keiko Matsumoto smile.

Qingzi selected the flowers, held them and smelled the flowers, her expression was very satisfied.

A few small coins can make my wife happy and calm down. I don't understand why this shouldn't be rewarded.

So Ning Weimin took out his wallet and not only exchanged one hundred francs in cash for flowers, he also gave the boy an additional hundred francs.

"The extra hundred francs are for your eloquence."

Needless to say, the young man was naturally overjoyed and said, "Sir, you are so generous. Thank you very much. I wish you a happy day."

Then he said to Keiko Matsumoto in an extremely exaggerated way, "Madam, you are really good at choosing a husband. I think even Princess Diana would be jealous of you. You must hide him well on the opening day of the film festival, otherwise I will

I'm afraid that if the princess comes to Cannes and sees him, she will kidnap your husband..."

After saying that, he turned around, took the money and left, quickly blending into the background of the beach.

Qingzi, who was stunned by his words, took a long time to recover, looked at the flowers in her hands that exuded such fragrance, smiled and sighed.

"What an amazing kid. For a minor, he is really good at talking. I believe he will become an excellent salesman when he grows up."

Ning Weimin kept laughing and almost had a stomachache.

He really didn't expect that this young man would be silent before leaving, and even Princess Diana would use it to play cymbals.

"I agree. There are few people who can be as smooth-talking as this guy. And what he said just now is so reasonable. I totally agree."

"Which sentence?"

"A beautiful woman should own beautiful things."

With that said, Ning Weimin took out a brightly colored flower from Qingzi's hand and quickly inserted it behind her right ear.

"Look, this flower should bloom here. You are more beautiful than the sea here..."

Obviously Ning Weimin's move was successful. Matsumoto Keiko looked back at Ning Weimin, her expression softened by this sudden move and praise.

On the other hand, for Ning Weimin, this expression was vivid enough and full of tenderness and sweetness.

At this moment, both of them could hardly feel the sea breeze blowing around them, nor could they hear any sounds.

What they can feel is the warmth their hands bring to each other, and what they can feel is the love in each other's eyes.

Even through two pairs of sunglasses, they could feel something special in each other's eyes.

"Oh my gosh, that's a nice expression!"


However, whether they wanted to or not, their emotional communication was interrupted again.

Suddenly, another stranger quietly came to them and disturbed them.

When Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko quickly turned to the direction of the sound, what they saw this time was a middle-aged man holding a camera.

"She is indeed more beautiful than the sea! I really envy you, young man."

The other person also spoke English, but it was much more standard and fluent than the French boy just now.

"Who are you?"

"No need to ask, of course I am a photographer. You should be able to tell from my equipment."

Ning Weimin did notice this man's distinctive camera and bag at this time, which looked very professional.

Moreover, his hair is gray and he is quite old. He looks quite stable and does not look like a self-righteous and frivolous person.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is David Bailey, I travel around and make a living doing photography."

As he said this, the man came over and stretched out his hand to Ning Weimin.

Out of politeness, Ning Weimin also extended his hand to respond. He asked curiously, "You speak English very well..."

"Because I'm British." The photographer named David smiled.

But what was even more surprising was that he actually spoke Japanese next.

"If I read correctly, you should be Japanese, right? My last wife was Japanese."

Now communication is no problem at all.

So when Ning Weimin clarified his nationality again, David also spoke out and expressed his attitude.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. But when I saw you guys on camera, I couldn't believe my lens. I had to come and see it for myself. Now I can say this, young man, you have a good one.

of diamonds. You are so lucky.”

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you for complimenting my wife."

"Oh, I'm just being honest. Your wife has amazing visuals. Just like a professional model."

Then David turned to Matsumoto Keiko and asked eagerly.

"Ma'am, do you have any experience in photography? Are you interested in being a model?"

These words directly caused Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko to smile, and Ning Weimin refused without hesitation.

"no thank you."


"Because my wife is actually a movie actress. And she is very famous in Asia. She has filmed many commercials. Although not many people here know her, I believe that your Japanese wife will definitely know her."

This is a tactful way of saying that I don’t want to be disturbed anymore.

However, I didn't expect that this David was a bit perseverant and settled for the next best thing, and actually made another request.

"Then if you don't mind, how about letting me take some photos for you?"

"You want a picture of us?"

"Yes, I will not use them for commercial purposes, I just want to keep them for myself. To be honest, I have always liked to take pictures of all kinds of couples, which can inspire my yearning for life and supplement my inspiration. And

You two are the most perfect couple I have ever seen on this trip, especially your wife. I have been to most countries in Europe and America, as well as Japan and several other countries in Asia, but I have never found it.

A woman as full of brilliance as her."

"What can I say? I have the perfect woman next to me."

"Yes, don't worry. If you agree to my taking photos, I will send you a copy according to your address after the photos are developed. No matter how far away, it doesn't matter even if you return to Japan. How about it? Soon.

It's almost evening, I promise I'll take beautiful pictures for you."

No matter what, seeing how sincere the photographer was, Ning Weimin could only use his eyes to ask his wife for her opinion.

But Matsumoto Keiko actually doesn’t care, it’s just a photo.

When she was in Japan, she didn't know how many secret photos she would take every day.

Now that she is in France, she feels embarrassed to refuse such a polite inquiry.

So just like that, Keiko Matsumoto and Ning Weimin took photos of the two of them at the famous Martinez Beach at the sunset when a British photographer took the initiative to ask for them.

I have to say, this is also a very romantic encounter.

If their trip had stopped at this time, their first day in Cannes would have been perfect.

But unfortunately, everything in this world has flaws, and even on such a beautiful beach, not all encounters are pleasant.

Different from the first two cymbals, the person who disturbed Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko for the third time was not a likeable person.

Several drunk college students wearing swimming trunks packed their things and were about to go back from the beach. However, they saw the charming Matsumoto Keiko and couldn't walk together.

The black-haired oriental beauty is so charming and swaying in the sea breeze.

So a few drunk college students immediately gathered around, completely ignoring Ning Weimin, and went to strike up a conversation with Matsumoto Keiko and chat with her casually.

Most egregious, though Keiko Matsumoto's body language clearly conveyed that she was uncomfortable with the situation.

Ning Weimin also stopped in front of her to protect her from being harassed.

But these college students still kept entangled with each other and one boy even took out a whiskey bottle and said rude words in an attempt to lure Matsumoto Keiko to attend the party with them.

Facing such a helpless situation, it was like a scholar meeting a soldier.

Ning Weimin had no choice but to take his wife and leave the beautiful beach in the evening in order to prevent trouble.

Their first trip to Martinez Beach ended on a rather disappointing note.

However, those college students were not too proud, because just when they saw Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko entering the taxi.

Out of revenge, Ning Weimin finally shouted a few contemptuous words at them, which was enough to make them collectively break their defenses.

"Hey, you trash, stop daydreaming! Your invitation is an insult to this lady! She only drinks champagne! Understand? Champagne!"

This chapter has been completed!
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