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Chapter 1,286 Ginseng Essence

How to evaluate the difficulty of this?

How likely is it that Ning Weimin can turn these movie copies into treasure? Can he really use the movie copies he bought to quickly achieve positive profits?

In fact, you only need to compare the situation of French films being released in Japan.

If we look at the situation revealed by Keiko Matsumoto, a semi-expert in the Japanese film market, the situation is quite optimistic.

After entering the 1980s, as long as a French movie starring a well-known star, no matter how poorly it performed in Japan, it would have a box office revenue of more than 250 million yen.

Think about it, 250 million yen compared to 4.5 million yen, this is an odds of 55 to 1.

In other words, it is almost equivalent to a success rate of 98%!

So, it’s not that I don’t know, it’s that I’m shocked.

Ning Weimin's seemingly stupid acquisition is actually a very suitable and good deal!

It's just that no one has ever done this in the past, and no one even dared to think about it.


The reason is also very simple.

First of all, it's not that the Japanese and Europeans are really that stupid, but it's caused by the information gap.

You know, European film companies have extremely little understanding of the Japanese film market.

Europeans have always looked down upon the Asian market and do not understand either the Japanese film distribution system or the Japanese film approval system.

They also don’t understand that the Japanese are servile and inferior in their bones. They don’t know that these little devils worship foreigners and they dream of leaving Asia and joining Europe, so they also have a special preference for European movies and stars.

Secondly, Japanese film companies themselves are in the same situation as European film studios, in decline.

Also due to the weakening of the studio system, large-capacity movie theaters in Japan have closed one after another. New forms of entertainment due to the rapid popularity of televisions have begun to emerge and dominate the mainstream. This has made it difficult for film companies to survive and has fallen into economic difficulties step by step.

Nowadays, Japan's five major film companies are at odds with Japan's economic situation. Almost all of them are unable to protect themselves. Their finances are quite tight. The cost of film production is getting lower and lower every year. They have to find ways to maintain their normal operations.

If Japan hadn't been experiencing an economic bubble, Japan's entertainment industry had also entered a dividend period, and movies were still enjoying some success, I'm afraid even these five major film studios would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Therefore, although there is obviously a lack of film sources, Japanese film companies have little spare time to spend money overseas to purchase imported films.

Who could be as unconventional as Ning Weimin, taking the money he made from the speculative market and going to Europe to spread it without any concern?

Who else has the courage of Ning Weimin, who has a vision beyond the times and spends huge sums of money to package and acquire film libraries?

These are all unsolvable problems in reality.

And at the end, there is a very crucial point. It is destined that only Ning Weimin in Japan can do all this, and only he with a long-term vision can see the opportunities, and exclude almost all film and television companies in Europe and the United States.


That was the popularity of video recorders in Japan.

You must know that the progress and development of science and technology have been quietly changing people's lifestyles, but it is often difficult for those who are involved to notice this change.

Take the Japanese home video recorder as an example. This thing appeared in 1975.

But at that time, a VHS projection system easily cost millions of yen, which was not something that ordinary families could afford.

It was not until 1978 that the price of Japanese projectors gradually dropped.

This year, Japanese people can buy a camera and video recorder with only 550,000 yen.

By 1981, prices had changed significantly, and an HR-4100 could be purchased for only 250,000 yen.

This price should be considered relatively affordable, so the penetration rate of home video recorders in Japan exceeds 10%.

Then in 1982, the price of video recorders in Japan dropped further, reaching about 200,000 yen.

At the same time, Japan's per capita income also began to increase rapidly.

Against this background of ups and downs, video recorders finally entered thousands of households in Japan in large quantities.

At the same time, another emerging industry has quietly emerged. In order to meet Japan's domestic demand for video tapes, Japanese video rental stores have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

This was not over until 1985, when Japan's Panasonic launched the MACLORD YOU, an integrated recording and broadcasting machine, priced at 100,000 yen, which directly brought the price down.

This is equivalent to what a normal working-class person can afford with ten days' salary.

In this regard, Japan is far ahead of the world, taking the lead in achieving an 80% household penetration rate of video recorders in this year.

At the same time, benefiting from this, video rental stores across Japan have also officially taken shape in Japan.

In this year, the number exceeded 2,500.

But having said that, precisely because this change process was so fast in Japan, it took only ten years.

As a result, if I wasn't careful during my childhood, both Europe and the United States were far behind them.

This imbalance in the popularity of video recorders has led to the fact that film companies in Europe and the United States have still not been able to see the potential market and huge profits of video tapes.

In other words, the profits of the video tape market are currently a blue ocean that has been seriously underestimated and ignored by European and American film companies.

This lack of evaluation, in turn, turned out to be a huge benefit to Ning Weimin. It was equivalent to the fact that the two French production companies that dealt with him left him a huge profit margin out of ignorance.

The low acquisition cost allowed him to make enough money to offset the acquisition cost by using the abundant channels in the Japanese market without too much effort after buying these movie copies.

Doing this is like picking up money for nothing on the street!

In short, for Ning Weimin, even if he does not consider the huge interests in the future streaming media era, the two deals he made in Cannes are much sweeter than they appear on the surface, and how good is this?


After saying the above words, Ning Weimin felt extremely relaxed.

After all, these proud calculations of his can only be kept in his own heart.

Apart from Matsumoto Keiko who can talk about it, there is no other person around him who can express it so freely.

His trust in other people is not to the same extent as his trust in Pierre Cardon.

Besides, the master is not an ordinary person. To be recognized and appreciated by him is of great significance to Ning Weimin.

However, after listening to Ning Weimin's words, the master's reaction was a little different from what Ning Weimin imagined.

Although everyone is familiar with Ning Weimin's ability to make money using the "matryoshka" model through stocks and real estate in Japan, his self-control to quit when he sees fit, and how he operates after buying movie copies.

Expressed affirmation, appreciation and praise.


Sure enough, his success was not a fluke; his ideas and judgment were indeed unique and different.

But the strange thing is that the master's expression is not as exciting as these words.

The master's expression seemed a little absent-minded and dissociated, and also showed a bit of melancholy.

After that, the master didn't even speak for a long time.

Ning Weimin felt that it took several minutes before his boss suddenly woke up and said to him, "I'm sorry, I was a little distracted. The main reason is that I didn't expect that you would buy something for me temporarily."

These movie copies I downloaded actually have such a mature operation plan. I didn’t expect you to be so happy to pay for such a large transaction. Now it seems that you can’t delay the payment after making these two transactions.

Yes, and you actually don’t have much money in your hands now. Am I right?”

As the old saying goes, listen to the words and the sound of the gongs and drums.

Ning Weimin, who was so shrewd, immediately discovered the master's true focus without any further mention, and he immediately understood the implicit meaning of his boss's words.

So he didn't bother to explain anything at all, and immediately actively expressed his loyalty.

"Mr. Caton, have you encountered any financial problems? Do you need money? If so, I hope you can tell me frankly. I am willing to do my best to help you."

Such an attitude naturally made Pierre Cardon feel good about him, and he became more and more fond of Ning Weimin emotionally.

However, in the conversation between the two just now, because Ning Weimin had some reservations about the specific amount of wealth he earned in Japan, his explanation was relatively vague.

He only told the master that he had brought out 500 million from Japan, but he did not mention the francs or US dollars.

This led to Pierkaton having a wrong understanding of Ning Weimin's financial ability.

It should be said that in Pierre Carton's eyes, it is already a great thing that Ning Weimin can spend 500 million francs to buy a copy of a movie at this age.

This was originally the minimum amount of financial help he expected to receive.

However, he didn't expect that he would call Ning Weimin back, which seemed to be a step too late.

Ning Weimin was so happy to give money that he had already written a check for 300 million francs and handed it over to others.

Even if there is no need to pay off the balance of the transaction in the short term, how much money will Ning Weimin have left in his hands?

Frankly speaking, because of his preconceptions, Pierkaton no longer had any expectations about whether Ning Weimin could help him.

What's more, Ning Weimin had a good plan for what he bought.

After hearing what he said, even Pierre Cardin now had to admit that Ning Weimin's purchase of a copy of the movie was a very good investment. This brilliant idea would definitely bring him good returns.

So the old man really didn't intend to involve Ning Weimin in this matter at this time.

After all, it is not easy for a young man to earn hundreds of millions of francs.

Picardon didn't want his words to affect Ning Weimin's brilliant business plan.

What's more, this matter does not involve Pierre Cardin.

Regardless of whether it was public or private, Ning Weimin actually had no obligation to help.

So after thinking about it, the kind-hearted old French man decided to keep Ning Weimin out of the matter. He deliberately acted as if nothing had happened and changed the topic.

"Okay, don't think too much. I'm just curious. I've listened to your story. It's really exciting. So now, it's time for us to go to dinner. My friend, you haven't been to Maxi yet.

Maxim's main store, right? Today, I will entertain you and your wife there and give you a refreshment. Believe me, you will not be disappointed. There are many dishes in Maxim's main store in Paris that are unique here.

Ah, by the way, I have also arranged a hotel for you. It is a luxurious suite in the George V Hotel. It has a large balcony and George V Street outside the window. The hotel is not far from here, just a twenty-minute walk. Yours

Your luggage should have been delivered to you..."

However, Ning Weimin is a good person. He is not that easy to fool. Instead, he can immediately read signs of insincerity on his boss's face.

So he continued to inquire very persistently, "Mr. Caton, please don't hesitate and just make your request to me. I have always kept my gratitude to you in my heart for so many years and dare not forget it. In fact, I have been looking forward to it."

If I have a chance, I can do something for you in return. So even if you need 100 million US dollars or 200 million US dollars right now, I will..."

However, the master's temper is still so stubborn, and it seems that due to his age, he is somewhat deaf.

"Haha, kid, don't insist anymore. I have fully felt your friendship. I also sincerely thank you. However, even if you have 100 million francs or 200 million francs, it will not be able to do what I want to do at the moment.


In order to appease Ning Weimin, the master smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Fortunately, the shrewd Ning Weimin noticed the misunderstanding in the conversation between the two in time and did not let this mistake continue.

"Mr. Carton, what I said was not francs, what I just said was dollars..."

"What? What did you say! Sorry, I didn't hear clearly..."

"I just said dollars..."

"How is that possible! You...you mean...you have two hundred million dollars?"

"Yes, if you need it, I can give it to you now..."

People like Pierre Cardon have experienced too many things in their lives, especially at his age.

In fact, it stands to reason that no matter how bizarre the things in this world are, no matter how powerful the stimulation is, it will be difficult for him to show his behavior.

In fact, ever since Ning Weimin met this old French man.

No matter what the occasion, no matter what the situation, he looked at Pierre Carton with a calm and calm attitude.

Except for the occasional times when I can't control my temper at work and get angry because the results don't meet my own requirements.

In his daily life, the master is almost a person who always maintains elegance, confidence, and gentleness.

Others never seem to find any exaggerated expressions on his face.

But things are completely different at this moment. This pattern suddenly changed and it came to an end.

The effect of Ning Weimin's words was like a blow to the head, making this well-informed costume master shudder and suddenly feel dizzy.

He stared at Ning Weimin blankly, his pupils dilating greatly.

It was like an old man who was about to die suddenly saw the ginseng essence that could make him immortal.

This chapter has been completed!
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