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Chapter 141 Old things

 Everything in life has a cause and effect relationship.

And they often don’t allow people to come to your door until they are ready.

So don't forget that Kang Shude didn't even make up his mind about the house.

Soon, another similar thing happened.

One day at the end of March, Li Guangdong, the director of the sub-district office who had been reorganized, got off work and came to see Kang Shude in a hurry.

It was said that some of his personal belongings were found and the street had to return them to him in accordance with the policy.

Moreover, we must hurry up and get rid of things quickly.

I came today to inform him to find someone, a car, and a place to pull things as soon as possible.

Of course, Kang Shude was completely unexpected. What's even more surprising is why he was in such a hurry.

After Director Li took a sip of tea and explained in detail, the old man finally understood what was going on.

It was actually the boss who issued orders from above to urge the implementation of the housing policy.

Within the jurisdiction of Ganqing Street, there is a row of more than a dozen small auditorium-style houses.

That was property belonging to the original Methodist Church, which was the property attached to Zhushikou Church.

After liberation, it was originally managed by our domestic religious groups.

But later in special years, it became a street debris warehouse.

Since this is the period when urban population is most difficult to relocate, there is a shortage of houses everywhere.

When the religious groups know about it, they start to implement the policy below.

So I took the initiative to find the housing management office and asked when I could get the house back.

Therefore, the housing management office believes that this also belongs to the category of real estate that should be implemented as a priority.

So I went to the street to discuss it, hoping that we could clean it up quickly and solve this problem.

Of course Director Li has no objection. He has been working in the street for 70 years.

Not knowing the cause and effect, he only had a rough impression in his mind that those houses had been unoccupied for a long time.

Not only was the electricity cut off, but a board was also hung on the door, and the door was locked with a big lock that would prevent the general from dismounting, and it was attached to the street seal.

It has not even been repaired over the years, and it looks gloomy from the outside.

So the kids in the alley spread the rumor that people had been hanged there and it was sealed because it was haunted.

Now that there is a policy from above to supervise this matter, we should do it according to the policy.

It should be done, there is no problem at all.

And if you open it and take a look, if the things inside are of no use, just sell them for scrap, wouldn't you be able to get some financial subsidies?

Just like that, he was full of promises and promised to vacate it within a week.

But the result was good. After he took someone to pick the lock, he opened the house and saw that he was still in trouble.

Because he never expected that it would be filled with excitement.

Where do you put the useless junk?

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be personal items that needed to be returned.

Fortunately, I also found the account books, and after checking them, I can basically tell who owns the things.

But new troubles arose.

Because of the personnel changes that have occurred over the past two decades, the changes are really quite big.

Many people who lived in the hutong back then have moved away and their whereabouts are unknown, and some have even passed away.

So how to deal with these things is a headache.

Director Li did not dare to make any independent decisions, so he called his superiors specifically for instructions.

The superiors have issued instructions that the room must be returned and the items must also be returned.

If the owner of the item cannot be found in a short period of time and cannot be returned, please temporarily hand it over and let the district keep it for you.

Then think about it, Director Li shouldn't urge Kang Shude to get the things away as soon as possible?

Before the Spring Festival, Kang Shude had just brought his things to Director Li's house to celebrate the New Year.

Just because of this respect and this personal relationship, I have to give you some warning, don't let the old man get confused and take time for granted.

Director Li is not afraid of anything else, but he is afraid that if he misses this stall, it will definitely take a lot of trouble to find these things from the district again.

It’s not impossible. But how troublesome would it be to go through the procedures again?

In this way, Kang Shude and Ning Weimin made a plan, and the next day they got a cart and went to the small auditorium to have a look.

I originally thought, wasn't Ning Weimin renting a room in the Chongwenmen Hotel under a fictitious identity?

If it doesn't work, I'll take my things to a hotel to store them first. This is the same thing.

Unexpectedly, it would be better not to look at it, but when they saw it, both of them were a little dumbfounded.

Because when they arrived at the ground, the person responsible for looking after the warehouse on the street turned on the lights in three rooms for them, and then said, "You two can take a look at it as you like. There are too many things, and they are all in these rooms, so I won't accompany you."

..." and let it go.

Well, even Kang Shude himself didn't expect that most of his things are actually here.

And there are so many stacked together.

I can't even think of going to the Chongwenmen Hotel, I can't put it down.

What's there?

Fully two rooms are filled with large pieces of old furniture.

Tables, picture cases, tables, desks, bookshelves, hanging screens, folding screens, partitions, flower stands, hangers, wardrobes, suitcases, standing cabinets, armchairs, official hat chairs, Eight Immortals tables, ancient bookshelf, Arhat beds, washstands,

Dressing table, large fish tank, floor-standing vase...

There is also a room filled with small furnishings from the past.

Flower goblet, candlestick, incense burner, festival box, lacquer box, duster bottle, material container, watermelon jar, winter melon jar, general jar, tea jar, porcelain stool, porcelain pillow, porcelain hat holder, pen holder and pen washer, teapot, tea bowl, flower pot

Abacus, wine glass and flask, iron stove, Western clock...

And this is only visible on the surface.

In addition, there are more than a dozen large lying boxes with codes written in chalk, which are also from Kangshude.

What a guy! Good things are really good for both young and old!

It's almost like being in a prop warehouse where movies and TV series of the Republic of China were shot.

There is no doubt that Kang Shude's excitement at this time must come from his attachment and nostalgia for these old objects.

Although these things are covered with dust and spider silk, it is difficult to find a trace of bright color. At first glance, it seems that no one has touched them for a long time.

But he didn't care at all that his hands were covered in dust.

Look at this, touch that, my hands are trembling.

What does it mean to see things and miss people?

By touching these things, the past seems to be close at hand again.

Especially when he thought about his family, wife and children, the old man couldn't help but burst into tears...

As for Ning Weimin, he was filled with surprise, but it was mainly because of the quantity, size and quality of these artifacts.

Out of curiosity, he couldn't help but run into the pile of things to check.

First, he blew away the ashes and picked up the most conspicuous general jar.

Turning it over and looking at it, well, it turned out to be the enamel color of the Qianlong Dynasty.

Get that duster bottle again...

This one is a bit different, but it is from the Xianfeng period, and the painting of colorful butterflies and hundreds of fruits is pretty good, so it can be considered an object.

This pile of plates looks awkward, how does it look like...

Hey, it’s really a Japanese thing!

But this is strange.

The old man obviously hates Japanese people the most, so why do he still have these Japanese porcelains with "Arita ware" written on them?

Ning Weimin originally wanted to ask.

But when he turned around with the things in hand and saw that Yao Kangshude was crying with tears in his eyes, he immediately changed his plan.

He put down his things, embarrassed to disturb the master again.

Then he quietly walked out of the door and got into the room with large pieces of furniture.

At this sight, his heart felt like it was on fire, and the temperature rose again.

After entering the house, he went straight to a large painting desk.

The painting table was three or four meters long, and he couldn't wait to wipe the dust in front of his eyes with his sleeves.

I saw that the tabletop was extremely flat, with warm colors, flowing graphics, and "ghost faces" that looked like huanghuali.

After moving down the smallest altar table, I found that the patterns and carvings were extremely delicate and exquisite, and the color was deep and shiny, much like rosewood.

This time he couldn't hold it in any longer and almost burst out of joy.

Because in his eyes, these things are money.

He didn't even need to do detailed calculations to get a rough estimate. He knew that even at the current low price, these things would add up to over 10,000 yuan.

He said in his heart, Master is Master.

The old man's wealth is unmistakable. He is definitely on par with the landlords and rich people. I guarantee that they will all be good things.

I didn’t expect that I still have this life!

I accidentally became a rich second generation!

This chapter has been completed!
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