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Chapter 146

 You must know that first of all, what they need is a place to store their things. Whether it can be lived in is not important.

In terms of the scarcity of this property, it is much better.

And because of the lack of information these days, although money is important, power is also important.

But whether you can get things done or not depends more on the breadth of your network and whether you know the people you know well.

With the right people, small people can accomplish big things.

What's more, people in the capital have a joke about no matter how poor or humble a person is.

You can find a high-ranking official by searching among relatives, with up to three levels of connections.

To put it bluntly, humans are social animals. Who doesn’t have a few close relatives?

Therefore, it has become a truth that one person can calculate the shortcomings and two people can calculate the strengths. Sometimes, three cobblers can really defeat Zhuge Liang.

Even though these neighbors are just ordinary people, they are full of energy when they take things seriously.

Everyone actually found a place and finally got together, allowing Kang Shude and Ning Weimin to make their choice.

First let’s talk about Aunt Bian’s house.

As the director of the neighborhood committee, this old lady is not a big official, but she knows a lot of people in the nearby area.

She learned that there was an empty classroom in a nearby elementary school, so she went to find the mother of the elementary school's academic dean.

As a result, the son, out of consideration for his mother, agreed to rent out the classroom temporarily.

The good thing about this house is that it's nearby and it's free.

It's very convenient and sufficient for turnover, but it won't work after a long time.

Because the school will definitely have arrangements in the future and it is impossible to leave the room idle for a long time.

Naughty kids are inevitable in school.

If these things are put in, if a student becomes familiar with the situation and sneaks in through the window to destroy them, that's it.

As for Aunt Mi, she knows an acquaintance who looks after the warehouse.

As soon as she asked, they promised her that she could move in at any time and there was plenty of space to store her things.

But that's the ugly thing to say. If the situation changes and the superiors want to inspect the warehouse, then it must be moved immediately.

Otherwise, Panku had more things inexplicably than he could explain clearly.

The good thing about that place is that there are people who can help look after it.

And it doesn’t cost any money, just some cigarettes and alcohol.

But the disadvantage is that you never know when you will have to deal with the inspection.

In addition, there are rats in the warehouse, so the porcelain is fine in there, but the furniture is a bit untidy.

So from this point of view, the place that Master Luo found is the most reliable and suitable.

The place Master Luo found was actually the cellar where their workshop used to store ingredients.

Because the pastry factory just built a cold storage last year, that place is no longer in use and has been idle for several months.

As the deputy director of the workshop, Master Luo can get along well with the factory leaders.

For this reason, he said hello to his superiors and took Kang Shude and Ning Weimin away.

From this look, it looks really good.

It was the mid-1960s when I co-authored The Cellar. In order to prepare for war, the factory responded to the instructions from its superiors and mobilized workers to build underground civil defense fortifications.

It is what we commonly call "air raid shelter".

It is inconspicuous on the surface, but the underground area is much larger, at least two thousand square meters.

It is precisely because it is isolated from sunlight and air that it is hidden deep underground.

Therefore, heat is rarely transferred in, so the food can be preserved for a long time.

And this place has many benefits.

First, the location is right in front of Master Luo's workshop, and Master Luo and his son help watch it every day.

Just press the iron door and there is no risk of things being stolen.

Second, the construction regulations for air raid shelters are too good.

Because it has been waterproofed and cemented, the moisture underneath is not serious.

There was no change in the big wooden box in the first three years.

There is no mouse, even if you want to dig a hole, you can't get in.

It's no problem at all to put the furniture in.

Third, the circuit equipment inside is quite rudimentary, with only a few lights on the wall for illumination.

Penetrating people is quite penetrating.

But the advantage is that the fire safety factor is high, and it is impossible to burn things due to accidental short circuit.

All in all, it's suitable anywhere, but it's just a little troublesome.

It just needs to be approved by the leadership of the pastry factory.

According to Master Luo, just invite the workshop director and a deputy director to have a drink.

But Ning Weimin and the old man met and took stock, and felt that they might not be able to move in the short term.

It would be better to spend more money and do things more safely.

So that day they set up a sumptuous banquet at the largest restaurant outside the factory and invited all the leaders they could.

The chairman of the trade union, deputy secretary, deputy factory director, chief of the administrative section, chief of the production section, leader of the political work group, old workshop director, and Master Luo and his son gathered together to exchange cups.

Then Ning Weimin also bought 20 cartons of good cigarettes, which were shared by all the cadres present. He also left two cartons for each of the factory director and secretary who went to the bureau for a meeting.

He also took the initiative to express that he could not use the air-raid shelter in the factory in vain and was willing to pay the factory 200 yuan a year as compensation.

The last one is, to put it bluntly, a small treasury in disguise.

Of course, this money does not need to be recorded in the account. The leaders can spend their time in the restaurant and have more meals together.

This not only made everyone in the factory satisfied and smiling, but Master Luo also felt that he was very proud.

In this way, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, and the matter of the "air raid shelter" was finalized.

After the big iron gate is installed, it's time to dump things underground.

The factory was considerate enough to send a truck to help.

It will be more convenient once the things are pulled from the street to the ground.

Without Kang Shude and Ning Weimin lifting a finger, Master Luo arranged for his apprentices and workers to transport it inside.

Ning Weimin just spent another two dollars to treat the driver and workers outside for a while.

As a result, everything was done smoothly and everyone was satisfied. It couldn't have been more appropriate.

This huge problem is solved.

Even Master Luo's son Luo Guangsheng was very busy because Ning Weimin lit cigarettes and poured wine when he was entertaining guests.

I had a pleasant drink with the leaders and left a good impression in front of the factory leaders.

Soon after, he was promoted to workshop section leader, which was an unexpected surprise.

But the matter has reached this point, but it's not over yet.

Because people cannot be too outstanding. Once outstanding, the capable will inevitably work harder.

There are rarely times in life when everything can be resolved neatly and completely.

In most cases, one thing is connected to another, just like days must be passed day by day.

Just when Ning Weimin took a breath and wanted to relax for a few days and relax from the fatigue of these days.

He really didn't expect that Kang Shude would actually take out a large yellowed house deed and place it in front of him.

I want him as an apprentice to do it out of exercise and see if he can get another house back.

He also said that this apartment is difficult and not an easy thing to do.

But as long as it is done, the things in his air-raid shelter can be given to Ning Weimin.

Ning Weimin was so shocked when he heard this that he was speechless.

"I... I said, old man, you... are you doing this magic trick? What... is going on? Why... did you create another house again?"

But the old man smiled, looking a bit cunning.

"You think this is the only apartment I have. Do you understand?"

Ning Weimin couldn't help but slap his thigh.

"Hey, it's no wonder people say that people are old and treacherous, horses are slippery, and rabbits are old and it's hard to catch an eagle. It's really yours. Then tell me honestly, how many properties are there hidden away?"

"To be honest, I think this is all you have."

"Tch! Can I believe it? It's weird if I believe you. If you come up with a house deed later, I'll be stupid."

But the old man tapped the property deed with his finger and said quite solemnly.

"I'm not confused. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You have to see this house with your own eyes to believe it. This is the first of the 'Eight Great Cabinets' in the capital, the Ma family in Xinglong Woodyard, and the garden built by the royal foreman Ma Huitang for himself.

Ah. I have not been a high-ranking official in my life, so I am lucky to have such a big house that is comparable to a royal palace. Do I still have the energy to save other assets?"

As soon as he said this, Ning Weimin was surprised again.

At the same time, I looked at it with curiosity.

As a result, when he saw it, he couldn't take his eyes away from it, and even took a breath of air.

Because if nothing else, the area of ​​the house alone occupies an entire alley.

No wonder this old man is willing to go to such great lengths to motivate him.

This chapter has been completed!
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