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Chapter 150 Too complicated

 After temporarily giving in, Ning Weimin’s next step was to contact the housing management department.

He is very patient and understands the secrets of getting things done these days. He knows that the key lies in the people who implement the policies. Being relevant and having nothing to do are completely different things.

So he didn't rush to the housing management office's door impatiently, like most people.

Instead, through Qiao Wanlin's relationship, he first managed to hook up with a deputy section chief of the Dongcheng District Housing Authority.

Then, through the deputy section chief, he came into contact with the director of the housing management office in Weijia Hutong.

I plan to cultivate personal feelings first and then talk about this matter slowly and in detail.

This process took him nearly two weeks.

Treating guests to dinner is a no-brainer, it must be done four or five times.

The gifts were given to people of all ages, including famous cigarettes and wines, high-end food, and high-end tea.

After returning Bao Dui'er, I spent a total of 200 yuan.

But even though the money was spent, the conversation was quite successful, and finally we finally reached the point where we could open up the sky and talk openly.

The feedback he received was still disappointing.

This mansion is so good!

But the difficulty of getting it back was far worse than he expected!

According to the analysis of the director of the housing management office, based on the current situation, there are too many disadvantages for homeowners.

First of all, this house should actually belong to the period of private house renovation, and the procedures were unexpectedly not completed.

The reason why the renovation was not successful at that time was because the owner, Kang Shude, suddenly disappeared with the property deed.

Although Kang Shude can now prove the actual situation at that time, he was forcibly deported back to his hometown by an organization.

This is a period of social chaos, and those who left the capital passively should not bear any responsibility for this.

But because of the nature of this house, it was supposed to be a "rental house" rented to ordinary people by the state as an intermediary.

This is completely different from the historical problems caused ten years ago.

Therefore, it does not fall within the scope of the current requirements from above to implement private housing policies.

Secondly, after all, this mansion has already been arranged by the government and occupied by people, which creates an established fact.

Moreover, there are too many units and individuals occupying this house, and the various aspects involved are too wide.

Without good resettlement measures, it would be difficult and almost impossible to relocate these units and residents.

For example, the Ancient and Modern Culture Research Association is a unit directly under the Municipal Culture Bureau, and the yamen gate is relatively high.

It doesn't matter. If you come to your door, you will be rejected.

They won't piss you off at all, just accept the approval from their bureau.

As for the street factories, their level is not high and their profits are very slim. It seems that there is no need to exist.

But this is not the case.

No matter what, the street must be here to keep the factory going.

Because from the government's point of view, the more important issue is not letting hundreds of people go hungry.

Dozens of workers want to work and eat here, which affects the livelihood of dozens of families.

If they move away, their jobs will be ruined. Who can afford this responsibility?

Besides, no one can offend the workers.

This is Big Brother, the class that once led everything.

They really dare to bring their families to the housing management office or the street leader's home to have dinner.

As long as you think about it carefully, you will understand that neither the housing management office nor the street is willing to stand up for the homeowner and get into trouble.

And what about the residents?

The undisputed prerequisite for vacating houses is that people must not be displaced.

There are a total of 62 households in the hospital, housing 227 people. How many houses are needed to accommodate them?

Anyway, the housing management office absolutely does not have the ability to do so right now, so there is no need to even think about it.

So what this director means is that neither the current policy nor the actual situation supports the evacuation of houses.

It is very unrealistic for Ning Weimin to take the house back for Kang Shude now.

Of course, considering that Ning Weimin spent a lot of money and was very sincere, the director had no choice but to mention it.

As homeowners, they have no chance at all.

In this matter, their biggest advantage actually lies in the high point of legal principles.

After all, Kang Shude's ownership of the house is undisputed, and he did not receive a penny from the state back then.

It's just that this issue can be debated for a long time, and the policy flexibility is also very large.

No one really cares about this nowadays.

If they really want to solve this problem completely, unless they know a powerful official.

Moreover, people are willing to come forward to help them coordinate all these issues and make responsible decisions.

Otherwise, this advantage will disappear.

All in all, the director's final opinion is that it is absolutely impossible to do this now, and we can only look at it later.

Maybe one day there will be a new policy from above, or there will be some changes in the implementation standards, and this matter will turn around.

It has to be said that after learning all this, Ning Weimin felt extremely disappointed.

He even wanted to curse.

State-owned, collective, public and private are all involved! This is too damn complicated!

But he couldn't help but admit that the director of the housing management office didn't make a fuss with him, and what he said was on point.

There are even some words that are difficult to say clearly due to the person’s status. It’s really interesting to point out all of them.

He couldn't blame others for not helping him wholeheartedly.

Considering that once the house purchase policy is liberalized in the future, I will definitely buy a house.

Just because this thing didn't work out, it doesn't mean that I won't ask others for help in the future, right?

Therefore, he does not feel that there is anything to panic about the costs incurred.

Instead, in order to build a good relationship, he once again sincerely thanked the director for his advice, and also gave each of the director and the deputy section chief who introduced them a digital watch.

As a result, he really made the two cadres of the housing management department very happy.

Both of them felt that he had a good reputation and their trust increased greatly.

The deputy section chief even asked Ning Weimin if there was any way to obtain imported home appliances.

Because Qiao Wanlin told him that Ning Weimin had a wide network and could get anything he wanted.

Well, this actually allowed Ning Weimin to make two orders of color TV business.

Even though he didn't make much money, he still got the book back, and then he and Zhang Shihui each received 400 yuan.

It must be said that this is a relatively unexpected gain.

As for after returning, Ning Weimin will of course make a detailed report to Kang Shude on the general situation.

Unexpectedly, the old man had a good attitude. He seemed to have expected this, which actually comforted him for a long time.

And what surprised him even more was that the old man was very determined to carry out the protracted war to the end.

The old man actually told Ning Weimin that although the matter was not easy to handle, he would try his best.

No matter how much money you spend or how much time you spend, it doesn’t matter.

If you don't want to come back with the complete set, you can come back with part of it.

It doesn't matter if the garden doesn't come back, as long as the eastmost courtyard can support him in his old age.

Because that courtyard was where he and Mr. Song lived together for nearly twenty years, and this was his bottom line.

The old man also said that as long as Ning Weimin can do it, not to mention the promised things, even his own Privy porcelain will be fine.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but be speechless after hearing these words.

Because he knew that this Privy Council porcelain was the old man's favorite, and he wished he could see it twenty-eight times a day.

I can give up even this and want to exchange for that suite.

This can only be said that the old man is really nostalgic and really plans to spend a lot of money on that house.

Nothing else, just keep fighting for it.

But having said that, Ning Weimin actually thinks that this goal is not very difficult.

Because he looked at the housing management office, and it seemed that as long as the resettlement issue could be solved, the house would be almost recovered.

Then just divide and conquer. Can't all the people occupying the house be the same?

At least he was more confident about the courtyard house in the street factory.

Because he knew very well that within a few years, the factory would be in trouble.

Under the impact of the private economy, large factories will collapse as soon as possible.

It only takes a matter of minutes for a small factory like this to close down.

Although what the old man wants is the ancient and modern cultural association.

But if he gets the factory set first, wouldn't there be a possibility of replacement?

This chapter has been completed!
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