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Chapter 160 Adventure

Monkey tickets are the weather vane of the future postal market!

Being able to personally control the monkey ticket market and become the banker of the monkey ticket gave Ning Weimin an indescribable joy.

He thought that he had anticipated his destiny, controlled his life, and created his own legend with his own abilities.

I feel very proud of this.

But in fact, he soon discovered that he was still too petty.

Because no matter how carefully he plans, he thinks his plans are lofty, but they are simply not enough in the face of fate.

You know, the energy of fate is really too great.

As long as you gently move your little finger, you can seamlessly control the ups and downs of life as you please.

When this guy has a bad temper, he can easily put people into a place of no return.

And once I show mercy and give you a little sweetness, it may be enough to save you twenty years of struggle.

For example, it was also a chance encounter.

When fate pushed Huo Xin, the star of disaster, in front of Ning Weimin, it was really enough for him to drink.

But when fate pushed a true nobleman in front of Ning Weimin, it gave him unlimited opportunities and the possibility of improving his rank.

And all of this happened in the Capital Hotel, this wonderful place.

In the early 1980s, the Jingcheng Hotel was still the tallest building in Beijing.

But its height actually never relies on the spire, making it appear very real.

Because historically, this is where complex political and business relationships intersect, and it is a place that can influence the world pattern.

In special years, this is even the only place where we can maintain full communication with the world.

Sun Yat-sen stayed here, Nixon dined here, and Khrushchev had his head shaved here.

In 1972, American citizen Yang Chenning visited China. It was here that he argued with fellow Confucians and firmly opposed the construction of high-energy particle accelerators.

In 1979, Li Chunping also met the mysterious Hollywood actress here, and was able to go abroad and become a billionaire.

Therefore, the Capital Hotel can undoubtedly be called the crossroads of destiny.

I don’t know how many people have completely changed the direction of their lives after taking a tour here.

So Ning Weimin often stayed here, waiting to exchange foreign exchange certificates, and a wonderful experience happened to him.

It became something unexpected and reasonable.

At the end of June 1981, when most people in Beijing were still relying on watermelon, soda, and beer to cool down.

When the young people in Beijing were staring at the results of the first film "Golden Rooster Award" and the film "White Flower Award" published in newspapers and magazines, as well as the list of winning films and actors.

Ning Weimin, however, had to sit in the air-conditioning of the Beijing Hotel for several hours almost every afternoon.

In addition to chatting with foreigners, he also wanted to taste the unique imported vanilla ice cream here.

Nowadays, he has become more and more familiar with Jingcheng Hotel.

He knows that there are Coca-Cola and oranges here that are not available outside.

Know when the cafe in the lobby is most crowded and when it is least crowded.

He completely mastered the Western rules of blonds drinking afternoon tea.

He also learned that foreigners are accustomed to using "new money" to refer to foreign exchange certificates and "old money" to refer to RMB.

He also found out why foreigners are more eager for RMB than Chinese are for foreign exchange certificates.

That means whether you are buying train tickets, airplane tickets, checking in postal items, or living at home, hosting family banquets and salons to entertain friends.

If foreigners have RMB, not only will it be much easier for foreigners to do things, but their expenses will also be reduced by half.

As a result, his exchange business is now becoming more and more skillful, and his persuasiveness and success rate have greatly increased.

Almost every time the "old money" brought can be converted into "new money" relatively smoothly.

And on this day, he had just finished half of the exchange task and was on his way out of the coffee shop to use the toilet.

Completely unexpectedly, he was stopped by a "pink-faced" guy who passed by him just after getting off the elevator.

With the help of fate, a historic encounter befell him in such a rather random way.

The person in front of Ning Weimin was a foreign man about fifty years old.

He had his hands in his pockets and was dressed very fashionably. His shirt and pants fit him well.

Not only is he majestic, he also has gentle eyes and looks very cultivated.

But he obviously didn't speak Chinese. After calling "Ha Lou", he didn't know how to continue the conversation.

He smiled slightly awkwardly, then pointed at Ning Weimin's vest, acting as if he was interested and wanted to touch it.

Ning Weimin was not stupid, and he quickly understood what the foreigner meant.

You know, his vest is homemade.

Because Ning Weimin didn't want to wear these days' half-sleeved shirts.

He hates chemical fiber fabrics very much, but these days' cotton vests don't look good with their necks exposed.

So when he had an idea, he asked his neighbor Aunt Mi for help and nailed together an ordinary blue cotton vest and an old fake collar at home.

As a result, under his later vision and aesthetics, the combination of different colors and materials worked surprisingly well.

This nondescript and casual piece seems quite fashionable these days.

When word spread about his generosity, not only did Zhang Shihui follow suit, but female colleagues and neighbors also called him a fake overseas Chinese.

"Do you want to see my clothes?"

Ning Weimin took the initiative to ask in English.

And his opening was obviously an even bigger surprise to the foreigner.

"Do you speak English? That would be great. Yes, can I see your top?"

"Okay. Just take it easy."

Just like that, the foreigners came over enthusiastically.

You're really welcome to watch this carefully in public.

Not only look at it, but also touch it.

Big Nose finally turned to look behind Ning Weimin.

But fortunately, he is a person who knows etiquette and did not embarrass Ning Weimin too much.

"Did you buy this dress? Where can I buy it?"

"I didn't buy it, I made it myself."

"Oh, are you a fashion designer?"

"No, no, I just prefer DIY..."

"DIY? What is that?"

Ning Weimin immediately realized that he was ahead of his time, as this word was not yet popular these days.

So he couldn't help but shake his head, smiled slightly, and explained.

"Do It Yourself".

Interesting, very interesting!" The foreigner couldn't help but laugh.

But what he said next really surprised Ning Weimin.

"Friend, I have a heartfelt request. Can you sell me this dress?"

"You want to buy my clothes?"

"Yes. I can pay... fifty yuan. How about fifty yuan of 'new money'?"

Ning Weimin found it funny and didn't understand why this elegant foreigner was so obsessed with this dress.

He has a casual style, which is completely out of tune. He quickly shook his head.

"No, no, this is not about money. I give you the clothes, but what should I wear?"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

The foreigner immediately understood and spread his hands in embarrassment."

But he didn't give up. He thought about it, held his chin, and came up with a new suggestion.

"Is this good? How about you and I go upstairs? I have a lot of new clothes. If you pick one you like, I will give you another fifty yuan..."

Seeing this foreigner's eyes filled with anticipation and his attitude full of sincerity.

Ning Weimin felt a little embarrassed and refused.

Of course, Ning Weimin was not stupid, so he took the opportunity to put forward conditions that were more beneficial to him.

"Do you really want it that much? Well, if you have two thousand yuan of 'new money' and are willing to exchange it with me for two thousand yuan of 'old money', I can give you this dress for free."

Here you go. Just give me another piece of clothing and let me wear it."

This time it was the foreigner who was stunned.

He seemed a little surprised, but after a moment he smiled and extended his hand.

"No problem, then we've decided."

Needless to say, when the two people walked into the elevator together, they had a good impression of each other because they both achieved their respective wishes.

Foreigners have been asking Ning Weimin how he came up with such a brilliant idea.

Ning Weimin answered each one patiently.

But he never expected that he would be dazzled by this foreigner.

Because when he followed the foreigner into a large room in the Jingcheng Hotel, he casually changed into a shirt.

But the foreigner refused to exchange banknotes with him.

He had to tie his cuffs, put on his new clothes, stand upright, and take a few steps in the room.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but get angry, thinking that he had been teased and this was a humiliation to him.

"Sir, are your promises insincere? Do you want to exchange money with me?"

The foreigner quickly made a conciliatory attitude and gave a pleasant explanation.

"Don't be angry, don't be anxious, my friend. I don't mean to offend you in any way. You will get what you want. But I also want to tell you that I am a fashion designer and I will hold a fashion show soon.

I think your physical condition is very good, so I hope you can wear my clothes for a walk and let me see the effect..."

Ning Weimin didn't listen to him and responded with a bewildered expression.

"Are you kidding me? I'm only 1.77 meters tall. How can I be a model? If I were to walk on the catwalk, I wouldn't be taller than a girl wearing high heels..."

But the foreigner was even more surprised and slapped his forehead.

"My friend, you exceeded my expectations. You know what a real show of clothes is, right?"

"Then you must understand that I can't find a truly suitable model in your country. So height is not a problem. You are already considered tall in this country."

"What's important is that your frame is well-proportioned and your temperament meets my clothing needs. And we can communicate smoothly, which is more important than anything else!"

Ning Weimin was completely speechless, "Are you telling the truth or are you lying? Who are you? Why do you insist on holding a clothing exhibition in our country?"

The foreigner then realized that they had not introduced each other yet and extended his hand again.

"It's an honor to meet you. I'm from France and I've been a fashion designer for more than 30 years. My own clothing brand is my name - Pierre Cardin. To say it sincerely, I really need you.

Such a person is well rewarded..."


This name... looks so familiar!

It was a surprise to Ning Weimin and a surprise to Ning Weimin.

This chapter has been completed!
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