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Chapter 177 Restlessness

During the sweaty training, men's clothing matching of red shirt and white pants suddenly became fashionable on the streets of Beijing.

Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui survived the hottest dog days of summer together.

But even though Beijing has entered early autumn, the temperature has dropped.

However, the social situation still seems noisy and impetuous, and peace is rare.

On the one hand, the reason is that the TV station broadcast the first imported Japanese drama "Zi Sanshiro" during prime time.

And such a judo story told using bushido, clogs, kimonos, and tatami has unexpectedly caused a great sensation.

So every night when the TV series is broadcast, there will be a strange phenomenon of sudden decrease in the number of passers-by on the road, and strange Japanese songs singing in every house.

Then, because the behavior of splitting bricks and wood blocks was spontaneously imitated by many boys, building materials were thrown away at many construction sites in Beijing.

Since then, there has been no silence in the capital. Even in the middle of the day, you can still hear the "hehe" sounds of boys.

Even the regional rotating blackout system implemented in Beijing at that time had to give in to these ghostly songs and shouts.

Just because the TV series was so popular, the Electric Power Bureau in Beijing had to break its inherent regulations in response to the strong demands of the audience.

Every day when "Zi Sanshiro" was played, power supply was specially provided to the whole city for one hour. This was definitely the most special act of caring for the people in the 1980s.

On the other hand, with "Follow Me" and "Sunday English" becoming increasingly popular, a well-known film actor's choice to go abroad has also aroused widespread discussion in society.

This year, Cen Chong was only twenty years old.

And for her movie "Little Flower", she just won the "Hundred Flowers Award" for Best Actress.

It can be said that he is in the rising period of his acting career.

But on August 26, 1981, she unexpectedly became the first young film actor in China to study abroad at her own expense.

Choosing to leave behind all the honors and achievements at home, he went alone to a strange country on the other side of the ocean, and fled to a colorful and colorful Western world.

When the plane rumbled away from the ground, Cen Chong left with the thirst for knowledge and curiosity of a girl, and the simplicity and simplicity of an oriental girl.

From this moment on, she cannot predict or control whether her future will be bad, good, bright, or bleak.

And it is precisely because of Cen Chong's fame that she is the first star to go abroad.

Although the official media did not report much about this incident, it still caused an uproar among young people.

Some people think that Cen Chong was too impulsive and risky and made wrong choices.

Some people think that she is a good young man who is brave enough to explore life and full of self-motivation, and they have fervent hopes for her to return from her studies and serve the motherland.

But more people think that she is a typical example of worshiping foreign countries and pursuing the full moon of foreign countries beyond her own capabilities.

In the end, there are only two outcomes, either come back dejected and accomplish nothing, or go away like a meat bun and beat the dog.

The impact of this incident on Ning Weimin was that he also suffered some discrimination from those around him.

You know, because many people like Cen Chong's movies, they have a growing resentment towards the Western world and foreigners who lured Cen Chong away.

However, word has almost spread throughout Shan'er Hutong that Ning Weimin resigned from his job and wanted to serve the French.

Under such circumstances, the way everyone looked at Ning Weimin was almost the same as the way people in the old society looked at foreign compradors.

Behind the scenes, of course, there are inevitably some accusations and ridicules, saying that he even tastes foreigners' farts delicious.

Who can hear this and not be angry?

To be honest, if the national conditions were not such and the policy was too restrictive, why would Ning Weimin be willing to choose this path?

Being his own boss is something he doesn't know much about.

So he is obviously a patriotic person, but he has to endure the humiliation and bear the burden first.

The most amazing thing is that most of the people who support Cen Chong's going abroad are people like Huo Xin who really imagine foreign countries as paradise.

When I mentioned this incident, I said that looking back now, we are the only ones in the world who are stupid, and we ourselves are the ones who are really in dire straits.

No matter how developed it is, it cannot catch up with the West. Everyone now has private cars.

It is said that truly talented people should go out. Only by going out can they realize their personal value and live up to their lives.

Regarding this, Ning Weimin was absolutely disgusted from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to vomit after hearing it, but he couldn't say anything.

One can imagine how uncomfortable this kind of splint-like anger was for him.

But there is one thing that is good to be happy about, that is, Huo Xin's foot has recovered well.

I can now land on the ground and walk slowly.

Obviously, when school starts in September, Ning Weimin will be completely relieved.

Finally, there is one exciting thing that continues all the time.

That's what happened on August 8, which caused another disturbance in cross-strait relations that had been relatively flat for many years.

Whether it is radio, newspapers or television, follow-up reports are made almost every day.

The two sides' respective shoutings from a distance suddenly became the focus of attention from people across the country.

Many people in the capital are worried or doubtful whether this incident will become the trigger for a major war again.

But for some reason, Kang Shude paid more attention to this matter than anyone else.

The old man not only listens to the radio and reads newspapers every day.

He even rarely went to Bian's house to watch someone else's black and white TV and watched "Xinwen Lianbo" for several days.

Ning Weimin hadn't been home much recently, so he could sense something was wrong.

Because the old man doesn't go out much anymore, and he's no longer interested in playing with the porcelain at home.

Instead, he often shuts himself up at home and is fascinated by the newspapers and semiconductors on the table.

Those newspapers have been available every day since August 8. They are spread out on the table, and they are all cross-strait news.

One time Ning Weimin came back at noon and found that the old man had not eaten any breakfast at home, and the bowl of mung bean porridge was actually rancid.

Finally I couldn't help but ask, "I said what's wrong with you? You worry about the country and the people every day. Old man, what does this have to do with you? Tell me the truth, you are not lurking, right?"

Isn't Kang Shude worried about this?

He scolded Ning Weimin on the spot for talking nonsense. He even said such words. It’s over!

But Ning Weimin also had something to say, "I also know that this is a bit much. But I'm not worried about you."

"Do you think I'm the only one who noticed something unusual about you? None of our neighbors would put sand in their eyes."

"To put it bluntly, I am the only one who dares to ask you the truth. So if you have something to hide, you'd better tell me so that I can help you with some advice..."

Kang Shude couldn't help but smile bitterly, and after being silent for a while, he finally said.

"Mr. Song... over there. I have nothing to say to anyone, but I can't help but worry about my old friend..."

Ning Weimin rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Song? Your master? Is he the same Song Xiuwen named on the house deed?"

Kang Shude nodded slowly.

"Yes, he left in 1948. He is almost eighty now..."

Having said this, the old man looked out the window and sighed.

"Oh, half a lifetime has passed in a flash, more than thirty years have passed..."

Ning Weimin looked at the old man, then at the newspaper on the Eight Immortals table, his expression finally softened.

After thinking about it, I realized that this was really nothing, so I said it quite easily.

"That's what I said. We, my father and my son, have some overseas connections."

"You, if you just miss your old friends and are worried about the cross-strait tensions rising again, then there is no need. According to me, this is actually an opportunity for the two sides to break the deadlock."

"You, if you really want to find Mr. Song and meet him, it may not be hopeless or impossible."

Kang Shude was naturally stunned by these shocking words.

"Ah? You...how dare you say that?"

Ning Weimin became interested.

"Hey, I'm just as sure about this thing as I am about the stamp market."

"If nothing else, the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family. Even if their bones are broken, their tendons are still connected. I don't know how many people care about their relatives and friends more than you. And reform and opening up is the basic national policy we adhere to now."

"Don't believe me, let me give you a point-by-point analysis..."

This chapter has been completed!
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