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Chapter 183 Red face and white face

Before eight o'clock in the morning, a comrade from the police station rushed to the venue to inform Song Huagui.

Talking about male model Wang Jian, he went out drinking last night and got into a fistfight due to a verbal argument.

As a result, he was detained in accordance with the public security regulations and had to wait five days to come out. Moreover, his face was scratched by a beer bottle.

In other words, this kid will never be able to take the stage again today, and he must let others take his place.

So caught off guard, Song Huagui had no other option, so he had to let Zhang Shihui, who was an alternate player, prepare to play.

After all, Zhang Shihui is one centimeter taller than Ning Weimin.

For this reason, Zhang Shihui herself was both nervous and ugly.

Originally, he planned to accompany Liu Weijing and Mi Xiaoran, who would arrive shortly, to watch the excitement in the audience.

I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to show my face.

This is to let his girlfriend see his glamorous and handsome look on stage.

When the two of them get married, they will definitely put an end to gossip about putting flowers on cow dung.

To put it bluntly, being on stage once was enough to make him and his wife brag for the rest of their lives.

But the problem is that he is a little timid and his calves are a little forward.

I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm just afraid that if I get on stage I won't be able to move forward.

Being embarrassed is a trivial matter, but the consequences of throwing blame are simply unimaginable.

So this is also very contradictory...

It's different from Zhang Shihui, who has poor mental quality and worries about gains and losses, fearing that she will ruin the performance.

It's also different from Wang Jian who tried to get drunk to resolve his tension yesterday, but he ruined himself completely unintentionally.

The little girl Shi Kaili is definitely proactive and sincere, and she is eager to throw the blame.

Because on the day Mingming disbanded, Pierre Carton, French designer and Song Huagui called her and Qu Xiao over alone.

Several people worked together very seriously and gave the two little girls good words.

He said that you two should rest early and go to bed early today.

Don't eat spicy food tomorrow, but go to bed early and get up early. What time will you come on the 18th?

Don't touch your hair, don't cut your hair...

In short, don't do this, don't do that. I told you a lot of unnecessary things.

As a result, Shi Kaili became more and more frightened the next day, and instead accidentally went to Silian Barber Shop.

Well, you just knowingly committed the crime.

Not only did my hair get cut, but it was also permed.

It was a small curl that was permed on the head, and it really looked like an African.

Needless to say, when Shi Kaili came to the Capital Hotel early in the morning on the 18th to report for duty, what kind of result would that be?

At that time, everyone who saw her in the banquet hall initially felt as if they were frozen as in the cartoon.

All of a sudden, they all stopped there, "frozen" into icemen.

It was only by shouting "Ahhhh!" that everyone broke the ice.

But it also made everyone even more frightened.

Because this shout was made by Pierre Carton.

He appeared hysterical and angry in front of everyone like never before.

But that's not all. All the other French people were just as hysterical.

Whether it was the designer or the two coaches, they all looked the same and yelled around Shi Kaili, saying things she couldn't understand at all.

Shi Kaili was so frightened that her face turned pale and she was trembling.

At this time she also knew she was afraid.

Seeing such a big reaction at the scene, she had no idea what to do and what punishment she would receive.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin came, stood in front of Shi Kaili, persuaded and pulled her, and finally put those foreigners aside.

Song Huagui glanced at Shi Kaili unhappily, and quickly chased after Pierre Carton.

It was up to the two of them to negotiate with these foreigners for a while.

That's why Shi Kaili was finally punished - washing cups!

Pierre Carton wanted to punish her by washing all the dozen coffee cups that had been used in the banquet hall before bringing them in again.

I'm working as a waiter backstage today.

And Shi Kaili was simply stunned when she heard the punitive measures announced by Song Huagui on behalf of Mr. Caton.

"Auntie, I...why did you suddenly turn me into a waiter who washes cups?"

Seeing that Shi Kaili seemed a little dissatisfied, Song Huagui was even more angry.

"Are you still not happy? Xiaoshi, you are such an ignorant child. If you are not allowed to do something, you have to do it. Do you know what kind of impact your disobedience will have on the performance? You almost

It ruined all our efforts, do you know..."

One of them was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and the other had tears already hanging in his eyes.

Thanks to the presence of Ning Weimin, who sang the red face in a timely manner, all this was alleviated.

"Forget it, sister, look at how pitiful she is..."

"Is she still pitiful? I think she is irritating..."

"She must have realized her mistake. I understand her. Please give Xiaoshi to me and I will talk to her. You can go about your business. There are so many things going on today, and you have been wasted for her...


In this way, Song Huagui finally left, leaving Shi Kaili to Ning Weimin.

As a child, I have never experienced this at home.

Shi Kaili's eyes moved to the roof, her mouth tightened, and her nose twitched.

Ning Weimin couldn't help being amused when he saw that she felt aggrieved.

"Okay, stop trying. My sister-in-law, you are more powerful than Nezha Naohai. With your curly head, all the French people are about to have their muscles cramped by you. You still want to

What's wrong?"

Shi Kaili couldn't help but burst into laughter, blushed, and quickly pretended to be innocent.

"I...I didn't know it would be so serious..."

"Come on, you don't know? You know what you are doing better than anyone else. You just want to make yourself look ugly so you can stop acting, right? Oh, it's childish to do something that's not on the stage. Isn't it childish? Quite.

You’re an older girl, so boring!”

Looking at Ning Weimin, he also turned his face away in disgust, revealing his own plan.

Shi Kaili didn't dare to pretend anymore, she was afraid that there would be no one who would love her.

She stuck out her tongue and started acting coquettishly.

"Brother Ning, it's okay if I'm wrong. Then I'll wash the cup now..."

Ning Weimin then pretended to be generous and waved his hand like a leader.

"Well, that's pretty much it. Go ahead, go ahead, come find me backstage after washing..."

It took a lot of effort to resolve Shi Kaili's matter.

Ning Weimin had just put his mind at ease, but he never expected that something big would happen just as he went backstage.

In the dressing area backstage, our attentive Chinese people pulled out a large tarpaulin and divided the dressing area into two according to the style of the performance at the National Palace.

The reason is that there are male and female models, the performance clothes are close-fitting, and the mixing of men and women creates many inconveniences.

But this time is different from last time.

Since Peking Opera performances are interspersed, Peking Opera musicians and actors occupy a large area.

There is very limited space left for clothing models.

Pierre Carton's staff didn't have much space to bring the clothes in, so it was quite inconvenient to change.

Moreover, the French designer is a male and is not allowed to enter the area where female models are.

Then he won't be able to match the clothes and use pins to change the size of the clothes.

So because the French designer couldn't work, he started arguing with the officials sent by the Ministry of Textiles to manage the backstage.

After learning about this, Pierre Carton rushed backstage with a frown on his face and lost his temper for the second time today.

He showed rare stubbornness and asked the accompanying translator to speak to the official person responsible for managing the backstage.

"We have always had male and female models changing in the same room. There is no inconvenience. As a fashion designer, I have to understand my model's body like a surgeon. Sorry, please take off the tarp, this is work!"


When they said this, Mr. Caton and the designer were both "playing hooligans" with serious faces.

So the officials looked at each other in confusion but had nothing to do.

They actually know that they should respect Pierre Carton's opinion, but given the sensitivity of the country to such issues, they really don't dare to make such a decision.

Nothing else, Song Huagui and Ning Weimin had to go to the battle together to lobby for explanation.

Ning Weimin used the scenery in the swimming pool as a metaphor, and also used the time constraints and huge impact to explain the matter.

Song Huagui added that these models are very likely to go to the international stage.

We can't go outside and let others adapt to us?

In this way, it was a mixed doubles match, and finally the red-faced and white-faced partner in charge of the backstage was convinced.

After an internal agreement was made backstage and no one was allowed to leak any information, the tarpaulin was finally ordered to be removed.

But this matter is not over yet, because the unexpected chain reaction is that Zhang Shihui is scared.

He refused to change his clothes and go on stage at all costs. With a sad face, he insisted on letting Ning Weimin take the stage for him.

Ning Weimin felt angry and funny.

"Why are you making trouble for you! There are so many girls who haven't said anything yet. Why are you trying to make trouble? You can't make trouble like you!"

Zhang Shihui almost knelt down in front of Ning Weimin.

"Oh, man, there is no conscience on earth. If I had that intention, I would hit my head and die."

"The problem is, I really can't do this! You have to think about the rest of my life, right? Don't you know what my situation is like?"

"If I ever changed clothes with a woman and Liu Weijing knew about it, I would stop killing me! I will always owe you, okay?"

This chapter has been completed!
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