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Chapter 193 The most beautiful

Late autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing.

When the ginkgo trees turn golden, the sky becomes exceptionally blue.

The wind blowing from the west mountain also has more coolness.

Beijing white pears, big red fruits, purple grapes, green oranges, and all kinds of fresh fruits crowd the streets, beckoning people to buy with their bright colors.

Even giant prawns appear in major vegetable markets in Beijing.

This is something that makes many people who have deep pockets and like river fresh seafood very happy.

You know, there has always been an old saying in Beijing, "If you have a good meal, you will die without injustice."

The people of Jinmen also put into action the saying "Eat seafood, it doesn't count as a failure", which has been followed to this day.

Think about it, the crabs from Shengfang have just come off the market, and the large shrimps from the autumn flood have arrived.

How great a blessing is this for eaters who like a smelly mouth and a smelly butt?

Ning Weimin is such a blessed person.

Even though he didn't make it to the buffet party at the Jingcheng Hotel, he didn't feel wronged either.

On the second day of the fashion show, he bought some lychees, cantaloupe and some candied chestnuts from "Gongyi Hao" to see Qu Xiao, then turned around and entered the Chongwenmen vegetable market.

I caught ten large prawns and two yellow croakers, and went back to drink some old wine from Kang Shude.

Isn’t this much better than eating foreign rice that is not suitable for Chinese people’s stomach?

It's just because this meal is delicious, and just this meal is not enough.

Then Ning Weimin took the medicine according to the prescription and drank a meal with Zhang Shihui.

After that, he accompanied the old man to have a barbecue and eat autumn fat.

Of course Zhang Shihui had to return the invitation and treated Ning Weimin to a meal of mutton-boiled meat.

After that, the old man wanted to eat the fried triangles from the same place, and Ning Weimin had to treat Zhang Shihui to a roast duck...

Well, there are so many delicious and delicious things in autumn that your stomach and intestines can’t rest at all.

The joy of eating so much made up for Ning Weimin's regret of not eating that Western-style cold meal.

Of course, just eating and drinking isn’t enough. Why do you need a complete package?

After eating and drinking, of course I have to take a nice and comfortable bath.

Needless to say, as the weather gets cooler, bathing becomes more comfortable.

Ning Weimin now likes to go to Tsinghua University more than Kang Shude, and he has also developed a spending habit of having his back rubbed.

Every time, you have to make a pot of hot tea, some fresh seasonal fruits, or Fenggong’s butter fried cake.

As a result, even Zhang Shihui was infected by him, and he also had the habit of washing pots and ponds.

In short, this day can be described in one word - beautiful!

So to be honest, Ning Weimin didn't take Mi Xiaoran and Huo Xin to heart at all.

Even though Mi Xiaoran didn't have a good look for him when he came out, he still deliberately turned on the semiconductor at home.

But he didn't care at all.

Because Mi Xiaoran had to go to work during the day, he basically went to sleep in a room at Chongwenmen Hotel at night.

They rarely have the opportunity to meet each other, out of sight, out of mind.

On the contrary, this made him very happy, feeling that he was lucky to have left the Chongwenmen Hotel so that he could stay away from such a troublesome woman.

Otherwise, if he still stayed at the Chongwenmen Hotel to work, there would inevitably be unavoidable embarrassment.

Or maybe they are worried about making money through mail order, lest it be leaked out by Mi Xiaoran one day.

How wonderful it is now, not to mention that mail order has been eliminated.

Even if someone has solid evidence and tries to embarrass him by going over old scores, he won't be afraid.

Because he is now an official employee of Pierre Carton.

What the Chongwenmen Hotel cares about, his French boss doesn't care much about.

Don't say you won't feel sorry for him about this kind of thing.

Most of the time, he will even take action on behalf of his optimistic subordinate, explaining and coordinating with the official staff in person.

So even if Mi Xiaoran hates him again, what can she do?

If you want to be good neighbors, just be good neighbors. If you don't, you can just stay away from each other for the rest of your life.

Anyway, we won’t have many interactions with each other in the future.

The probability of another entanglement of interests and emotional involvement between them should be about the same as a parallel line.

Of course, when it comes to the benefits of becoming a senior executive of a foreign company, there are many.

First of all, Ning Weimin was quite satisfied with the confirmed treatment and benefits.

It has to be said that in this era, foreign language talents are in very short supply.

According to rumors, there was a foreign-funded company in Shanghai at this time that was willing to hire a foreign language expert for five thousand yuan.

And we must also know that in this era, people’s primary need for work is stability.

Therefore, it is difficult for foreign companies to recruit qualified talents by themselves.

What to do?

Under normal circumstances, foreign-funded enterprises can only recruit and train people through the then Foreign Service Co., Ltd. - a local government agency referred to as "Foreign Service" on their behalf.

Because of this, my country's first white-collar workers from foreign companies can be said to have iron rice bowls and high incomes.

Even if they are fired by their foreign bosses, they are not afraid to find another job.

As long as you tell the "foreign service", you can switch to a new company in no time.

As for income, people who work in foreign-funded enterprises through "foreign services".

Basically, "foreign service" pays their wages, and foreign companies only provide bonuses and meal allowances.

As a result, this has led to the well-known situation that the monthly income of white-collar workers in foreign companies is both RMB and foreign exchange coupons.

Of course, due to changes in exchange rates.

Often the income from foreign exchange coupons is greater than the real wages of employees of foreign companies.

As for Ning Weimin, his situation is quite special and different from most people.

Because first of all, he is a person that Pierre Caton personally likes.

Second, he does not need the guarantee of an iron rice bowl.

So in fact, he did not need to go through the intermediary of "foreign service" and became one of the few directly employed personnel like Song Huagui.

His salary package is a basic salary of 1,500 yuan per month, plus bonuses and various subsidies.

The key is all about foreign exchange coupon settlement.

So if we really talk about it, I'm afraid his income is much higher than that of the full-time manager of the operations department with a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan.

In addition, Pierre Carton itself is engaged in clothing.

Then when Ning Weimin enters the company, he doesn't have to worry about what to wear. He will also get two high-end matching outfits for free.

This isn't just about two Pierre Carton suits.

It is a complete set including tie, belt, shirt, leather shoes and all accessories.

The total value is equivalent to two to three thousand yuan in foreign exchange coupons.

Secondly, if he is not hired through "foreign service", Ning Weimin's files do not need to be transferred.

Then he is still an unemployed vagrant on the street, so he naturally has full freedom to do business.

It is not very convenient for him to be busy with other things outside and start his own business.

You can not only obtain your own license, but also make full use of the resources of Pierre Carton.

As long as it complies with industry ethics, does not affect your own work, and does not affect the company's interests, no one will interfere at all.

To put it bluntly, just for this reason, if there was no salary, Ning Weimin would be willing to work for Pierre Carton for nothing.

Because he is absolutely certain that the rewards he gets from the company will be far greater than what he pays.

So compared to such generous employment conditions, he was almost embarrassed to ask whether the attendance system could be more flexible.

But it happened that at this time, Song Huagui took the initiative to mention it to Pierre Carton as a supplement to his words.

It is said that his job content is actually more like that of a firefighter or a special commissioner.

The affairs that he will be responsible for in the future may be more complex and challenging.

Most of them are things that most people in China lack experience in, but are relatively important.

There will inevitably be times when you stay up all night to work, and there will also be times when you go to a distant place, or even go on a business trip overseas.

Therefore, time needs to be flexibly managed, and everything should be based on the actual needs of the work.

Of course, he can rest as he pleases when nothing happens.

But when something happens, you have to solve it.

By explaining the situation in advance, I hope he can be mentally prepared and not complain when he gets busy.

In this regard, Ning Weimin could not believe his luck.

There is no doubt that for him, such a job is the perfection he dreams of.

What else could he find fault with?

He now wished he could hug Song Huagui on the spot and shout.

"Sister, you are my long-lost sister, right? You are so considerate of your brother."

This chapter has been completed!
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