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Chapter 201: Brainstorming

In addition to these possible reasons for putting on the table, Ning Weimin also used a trick that could only be hidden in his heart.

That was this planning proposal. He did not sign it, nor did he submit it directly to Pierre Caton himself.

Instead, it was given to Song Huagui alone.

Don't underestimate this, this is exactly where this guy has the most emotional intelligence and is the best at being a good person.

The reason is actually very simple.

What about foreign companies?

Aren’t foreign companies also using Chinese as employees?

Don’t we still have to run our business in the country?

So some domestic rules still have to be followed.

As the saying goes, a flood cannot cover a golden mountain.

Since Pierre Carton's trust in Song Huagui is unparalleled.

Then someone like Ning Weimin, who uses the banner of Song Huagui whenever something good happens, is the best way to express his loyalty to the top.

In this way, Song Huagui would certainly not misunderstand his motives.

Even if you decide not to adopt his opinion in the end, you will definitely appreciate it and will not be suspicious of him or blame him.

It can be said that no matter whether he succeeds or not, Ning Weimin has no worries at all, and it will make Song Huagui favor him even more.

Isn’t this how the relationship between our fellow countrymen has to be?

Everyone despises flatterers, but everyone likes the taste of flattery.

Such subtle and silent influence is the most powerful.

As expected, Ning Weimin did not misjudge the person at all.

Neither Pierre Carton nor Song Huagui are the kind of people who only see money.

On the contrary, they are very socially responsible. They attach great importance to artistic pursuits and take promoting cultural exchanges as their own responsibility.

So just two days later, Song Huagui accompanied Pierre Carton to the Temple of Heaven Zhai Palace again.

The purpose of their trip was to discuss the contents of the planning proposal with Ning Weimin.

To say that Song Huagui's character is really good, he actually has no intention of taking any credit for himself.

Her uprightness was entirely due to Ning Weimin, and she directly asked him to tell Pierre Carton all his thoughts.

As for Pierre Carton himself, he is not only an adventurous and innovative person, but also quite humble.

He is indeed proud of his career and success, but he does not have the arrogance of Westerners at all.

He always said, "I am just a relatively lucky tailor who achieved success with a needle, a thread, a pen and hard work..."

So it can be said that Ning Weimin and his boss, his immediate superior, are born with the same attributes.

Needless to say, his plan was reasonable, beneficial, and reasonable, and it naturally caught the attention of his two superiors.

In this way, at the end of the day, after Pierre Carton, Song Huagui and Ning Weimin had an extremely in-depth communication and exchange, they basically confirmed Ning Weimin's suggestion.

It was decided on the spot to change the business strategy of the exhibition hall from long-term closed operation to short-term closed operation.

Ning Weimin was also officially authorized to communicate and coordinate with the Temple of Heaven Garden authorities on this matter.

If the garden has no objection, Song Huagui will come forward to contact the art school to discuss the implementation details of the sculpture art exhibition.

After all, Song Huagui graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts, and her husband Wan Man is a wall hanging artist and a visiting professor at the Academy of Fine Arts.

Human resources in this area are inherently advantageous.

As for funds, it is never an issue.

Because labor in the Republic is so low, even artists are worthless.

Tens of thousands of yuan is enough to organize this event in a decent way.

In short, this matter was settled without any obstacles and with great efficiency.

For this reason, not only did Ning Weimin have a bright face.

He felt confident that he had followed the right leader and that all his hard work had been in vain.

Pierre Carton also felt that he had a keen eye for recognizing talents, and he was very lucky to have found two such excellent subordinates.

Ning Weimin is knowledgeable and talented.

Song Huagui considered the overall situation and understood the general situation.

With them working together to contribute to the company, why worry about the future of Pierre Carton not being prosperous?

As for Song Huagui, she really looks like a big sister.

In addition to telling Ning Weimin not to tire himself too much, he also urged him to go to the company to get two more suits and two pairs of leather shoes to change out of his already unsightly clothes.

He was told not to let him mess around anymore and deliberately ruin the PC's clothing image.

This is called fake criticism, but real praise.

So much so that Huo Xin, who was serving tea and water and witnessing the whole process, felt that her heart was already extremely hot.

Because she never expected that Ning Weimin would actually talk about this matter.

Not only did Ning Weimin not lose his job, but he gained more respect and trust.

Also because she saw with her own eyes the conversations between Ning Weimin, Song Huagui and Pierre Carton.

This feeling is completely different.

Ning Weimin did not face the nervousness or groveling of foreign bosses at all. Instead, he spoke eloquently and bluntly.

He completely became the core of the dialogue and the link of communication.

He easily won unanimous praise from his two immediate superiors.

"Oh! Now I understand clearly. What is serving the country and the people, and what is eternal loyalty?"

"Look at Ning Weimin, he is really fighting for his cause and silently doing good things for the people and the country!"

"But who can know his merits? Who knows that he is risking his own future to do this?"

Women generally appreciate capable men.

A young man with personality is even more charming.

Especially in this era when men are gradually beginning to become feminized, and in this era when women are longing for Takakura Ken.

An unmarried young man like Ning Weimin, who must be talented, good-looking, tough-tempered, and generous, is simply a rare animal.

Therefore, unknowingly, through this incident, Huo Xin once again had some subtle chemical changes in his impression of Ning Weimin.

Under the influence of high-secretion hormones, Huo Xin improved Ning Weimin's original "good" image and became completely radiant.

Ning Weimin's contradictions that had angered her several times were no longer flaws.

Strictly speaking, it has become a majestic image of talent and pride.

"Don't all men have to have a temper? The key is not only to have a temper, but also to have real skills. Besides, when he doesn't lose his temper, isn't he also very considerate and considerate. And he is also willing to spend money. Such a man

Where can I find it?"

This further strengthened Huo Xin's desire to pursue Ning Weimin.

"He is such a person who can be so insistent on national justice that has nothing to do with him. Then he must be very loyal to his personal feelings. No matter what happens, he will never leave his lover."

What is confusion and infatuation?

Even if there is something that is not there, I can take the initiative to make up for it and think the best of the other person.

This Miss Huo, that's it.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly blushed. It was so red that it was inexplicable and confusing.

And he was blushing and feeling proud at the same time.

But where does this go?

The dizzy Miss Huo didn't even think about whether the things in her mind were reliable.

Can national justice and love between men and women be on the same level? Can they be the same thing?

This chapter has been completed!
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