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Chapter 21 Eyes Open

 In fact, it’s no wonder there is such a sound.

This is more than two yuan!

Not to mention that according to Ning Weimin's own "exchange rate", that would be 300,000 in the future.

Even now, this is enough for him to eat breakfast for half a month.

Or in a big restaurant, you’ll have to pay for a bunch of croquettes, three kinds of croquettes, and a liter of beer.

So when he thought about it, Ning Weimin was also quite surprised.

He thought to himself, what kind of bath is this? It's so expensive?

On the other side, as soon as the old man came out of the window, he anxiously stretched his head to see the bath ticket in Master's hand.

What he saw was four pink paper receipts connected together.

There are not many words on it, except for the name of the Tsinghua Garden Bathhouse and the official seal stamped on it.

The only words on each ticket are "Buntang Ticket", "Fifty Cents" and "Limited to one person".

Buntang ticket? What’s the difference between this and the usual 26 cents for a pond ticket?

Ning Weimin wanted to ask, but he was a little embarrassed for fear of showing his cowardice.

Fortunately, during the hesitation, Kang Shude had already seen what he was thinking and took the initiative to explain a few words to him.

"A basin is a pool upstairs where one person can wash alone. There are fewer people up there, so it's cleaner than down below."

After saying that, he started walking back inside.

Ning Weimin understood now.

But just as I was about to follow him, I found that many people were staring at the old man's back in shock, or whispering.

Among those who were talking, there was even one who extended four fingers to his companion with an extremely exaggerated expression.

The look of envy in his eyes, if you look at it today, is like looking at the krypton gold of a rich man.

Huh? This made Ning Weimin feel that this matter was not that simple anymore.

After frowning and thinking about it, the old man's explanation seemed quite vague.

For example, we just say "Buntang" when buying a ticket, but why do we say "Pen'er" when buying a ticket?

Also, why do we have to issue four tickets?

In this way, he was truly intrigued by the suspense.

When I chased it in, I really couldn't wait to see what was going on inside.

Not to mention, as soon as you enter the second door, you can immediately feel that this Tsinghua Garden is different from other bathhouses.

First of all, the difference lies in the decoration facilities here.

It is a luxurious, elegant, high-end Western-style building, which is very consistent with the style of the external Western-style building.

There are ceiling lights above the head, a patio in the middle of the corridor, a vault at the top, and glass windows that let in skylight.

If it weren't for the fact that these things seemed a little too old.

The characteristics of the bathhouse in the corridor are too obvious.

There are the service desk for changing the brand, the entrance of the women's bathroom, the entrance of the men's bathroom, the entrance of the barber shop...

This place could really be used as a bungalow set in a movie.

In addition, there are too many people here.

That's not an ordinary amount, it's a super amount.

The door to the men's bathroom is completely covered in dirt.

The team even lined up from the entrance, and there were more than two dozen young and old men lined up along the corridor wall.

Either young people are gathering together, or older people are holding a newspaper and reading it while waiting.

Everyone looked impatient, and it was obvious that time was running out.

The entrance to the bathroom is especially the busiest, and you can hear the voices of several waiters yelling at people from outside.

"...Wash it, hang it to dry. If you don't wash it or dry it, you can put on your clothes. Don't take a nap in the shower, or you'll break your waist and legs. Buy a plaster, it's not enough to take a shower!"

Okay, this is still funny.

Don't tell me, it rhymes quite a bit, and the rhythm is like playing Allegro.

There are also shouts specifically for taking off the basket.

It not only has industry characteristics, but also has guiding significance.

"Go in anxiously. There is a clothes basket inside. You can take off your clothes directly. The number plate is hanging on the edge of the basket. Take off your upper body first, then your lower body, so that you can take off your clothes and put them on. Please hand over your valuables to the cabinet, otherwise they may be lost.

It’s irresponsible!”

Of course, not all are so humorous and calm, there are also urgent situations.

"Hey, I'm telling you, these two are wearing clothes and making baskets. The one who rises in front should let the one behind him get up!"

"And for those over there, I would like to ask you comrades, if you have any questions, would you like to go back and chat? Let's hurry up and be considerate of each other!"

Obviously, the situation here may be more severe than Ning Weimin imagined, and it is not optimistic.

But precisely because it was so difficult to take a bath, it became even more obvious that the bath they took today was of a high standard and extraordinary.

Kang Shude did not allow Ning Weimin to watch the excitement, so he gave him a strong pull, walked quickly through the crowd, and led him into a tight hug.

Finally, after the master and apprentice passed by the entrance of the men's bathroom and the barber shop, Ning Weimin saw a staircase leading to the second floor.

The stairs were made of wood, and the steps were a little worn out, but the railings were still bright red.

There will be a thumping sound when walking on it.

It's not until you get upstairs from here that you really feel different.

Not only did the noise almost disappear, my ears were immediately clear, but the decorations above were also more upscale.

At the entrance of the stairs, there is first a large mirror that can reflect the whole body of a person, and then there is a hardwood table.

There is a square mirror and wall plug above the table, and cotton swabs, combs, hair dryers and other items are placed on the table.

Opposite the formal mirror and table are several old blue leather sofas, but the texture is very good.

It's actually a wooden frame with a leather seat. You can tell by looking at it that it will be very comfortable to sit on.

Further along the wall, there are rows of small rooms.

The walls are all made of wood and the floor is paved with tiles.

The most amazing thing is the windows facing the street, which are all made of stained glass with different patterns.

This scene is exactly the same as the Shanghai style in the movie.

Gorgeous, psychedelic, and full of age.

In addition, it may be because the workload is much less, or it may be because we know that most people who are willing to spend several times the price to take a bath are not ordinary people.

The waiter responsible for the reception was also unexpectedly kind and polite.

In this age where the service industry is dominated by big men, it is rare for Ning Weimin to see polite service with a smile and hear the word "please".

"Are you two together? Please come over there. It's a coincidence that a private room has just been vacated, so you two don't have to wait for a while..."

In this way, under the guidance of the waiter, the master and apprentice entered a room inside.

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin was even more surprised by the level of hardware in the room.

I bet it was an inside-outside suite.

Outside are two small beds with lockers. There are clean white bath towels and towels on the bed.

There is an ashtray on the coffee table in the middle, a tea set, slippers underneath, and a spittoon in the corner.

The inner room is suddenly bright, and because the window facing it is a large area of ​​frosted glass, the lighting is much greater than that of the downstairs.

There are two large Western-style enamel bathtubs, one on each side of the room.

Both the shower head and the faucet are made of pure copper.

In addition, there is a ceramic basin in the house.

In addition to the mirror on the basin, there is also soap, shampoo and cream.

The most important thing is that one of the bathhouse staff is shirtless and wearing a towel over his shoulders.

He was working hard to use hot water and disinfectant water at the same time to flush the bathtub in the house.

Seeing this scene, Ning Weimin immediately understood.

I bet this is the meaning of "Dui Pen'er", a single room for two people in one house.

Don't tell me, it's just like taking a shower in a hotel. This kind of treatment is definitely a five-star standard.

The only difference from the single rooms in high-end bathing centers in the future is that the purpose of bathing here is more pure.

The environment also has a sense of vicissitudes of the times and is uniquely interesting.

This chapter has been completed!
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