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Chapter 212 Nothing can be done more than three times

Of course, going back today will not be the same as yesterday.

Without Huo Xin accompanying her, Aunt Liu looked surprised when she saw Ning Weimin.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin is very understanding of people and the world. He knows that not having Huo Xin accompany him is another layer of separation, and it is difficult to come to the door empty-handed.

So he first went to the Friendship Store to buy some imported chocolates and cigarettes.

And when the "pig head" of worshiping the temple is sent upwards, the effect is indeed remarkable.

Aunt Liu showed the same kind expression as yesterday, and kept saying that Ning Weimin was a good person and was too polite.

Just like yesterday, Lehehe personally took Ning Weimin to find the warehouse manager Xiao Qi, and opened the warehouse to select goods.

But today, Aunt Liu naturally didn't need to accompany her. She just let Ning Weimin choose.

Before leaving, Aunt Liu was really surprised when she heard that Ning Weimin had brought 5,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons.

But I really didn’t think much about it, instead I made up my own mind, laughed out loud, and praised Ning Weimin.

"Oh, you bought this for your company, right? Your company is different from other companies. It is a fashion company and is very artistic."

"Xiao Ning, aunt, I really want to thank you. I can see that you are a real person. You see, yesterday I just asked you to help me buy more of these calligraphy and painting processing, and you really thought about aunt, and today you actually did it again Come and buy it.”

"Whenever you have time, you and Xinxin must come to Auntie's house to see her. Auntie will cook you some delicious dishes and let you try her cooking skills."

"Today you just take your time and choose. It doesn't matter how much you want. Let Xiao Qi help you choose. As for the price, we'll just keep it the same as yesterday. What do you think?"

So what? Great!

Taking such a big advantage and still collecting the good card, there is nothing more beautiful in the world!

Although the warehouse manager Xiao Qi was not very happy.

I feel that it takes a long time here and I have to help pick out things, which is a bit unfair to me.

But Ning Weimin also prepared two boxes of cigarettes to light up his.

After Aunt Liu left, she took out the things and gave them to Xiao Qi.

This kid was very excited and refreshed, and he really went out of his way to help.

In this way, two hundred and fifty excellent modern paintings were included in Ning Weimin's bag.

And this time, I came because I had time, patience, and preparation.

For example, there are more paintings by Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong and Zhang Daqian. Those by Ning Weimin and Xiao Qi account for almost 70% of this batch of paintings.

Even if we don't calculate based on the value in thirty years, based on the current domestic market situation, these 250 paintings are still worth fifty or sixty thousand.

And because the transaction amount was quite large, the accountant took the initiative to issue an invoice when collecting the money.

Then why can Ning Weimin be unhappy? This is a reasonable and legal guarantee.

So in the following days, Ning Weimin, who was completely addicted, felt like he was holding a burning coal in his heart, and his mind was filled with all the calligraphy and painting that he had not produced in the library.

But the problem is, he won't be able to go again in a short time.

Because firstly, he has no money in hand, and secondly, he has already got a lot of things, and he has to arrange them.

In addition, at the end of the year, the company's affairs have increased, and there are just cocktail parties and banquets for both young and old.

Song Huagui was at a loss for what to do. A thank-you dinner event was assigned to Ning Weimin to take charge, and he didn't even have time.

This went on for a full week, until the dinner party activities were all over.

Zhang Shihui also sent 3,000 yuan in profits from several businesses.

Ning Weimin made a dozen more camphor wood boxes and put these paintings in them.

Then I rented an additional room in the Chongwenmen Hotel specifically to house these paintings.

Only then did he have the conditions to return to the treasure house to search for treasures.

So just like last time, I took the medicine according to the prescription.

Ning Weimin brought two bottles of French red wine that the guests had not finished drinking at the banquet, as a gift for the audience, and then went to see Aunt Liu.

It's just that as the saying goes, there are only three things to do.

This time, Ning Weimin hit a snag and failed to achieve his goal and spend the money.

what's up?

In fact, the problem does not lie with Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu treated Ning Weimin very warmly.

When we met that day, we still happily accepted the gifts and praised Ning Weimin for his conduct.

It's just that because Aunt Liu has to attend a banquet, she can't take Ning Weimin to the library in person.

She wrote a note and asked Ning Weimin to find Xiao Qi, the treasury manager, and just hand the money over to the accountant.

At that time, Ning Weimin didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, he was already familiar with the matter.

He had a good chat with Xiao Qi last time. He was an easy person to get along with. He brought cigarettes to Xiao Qi this time, so there shouldn't be any problems.

But who knew, a roadblock would appear unexpectedly.

Just when Xiao Qi and Ning Weimin were about to open the door and enter the warehouse, they were chased from behind by a short, fat woman in her thirties and stopped them.

This master looks like a "meathead".

It was quite rude, it sounded like Xiao Qi's leader, asking Xiao Qi what he wanted to do.

As soon as he heard that Ning Weimin wanted to buy a painting, he said coldly.

"Don't look at it, the painting is no longer for sale. Everything in here has been packed up. They have already agreed that a deposit of 10,000 yuan will be sent tomorrow. So I'm sorry, this warehouse is completely sealed. We want

Let’s do this once and for all.”

Where the hell did these local tyrants and evil gentry come from?

What Ning Weimin was most worried about happened, and he felt like his brain was exploding in an instant.

He was extremely reluctant to say it.

"But...I...I have a note..."

Xiao Qi was also surprised and helped to intercede.

"Sister Zhang, this matter is what Director Liu meant. Look..."

Unexpectedly, this "dunzi" didn't give any face at all.

"Okay, then you can ask Director Liu to greet me personally."

After saying that, he took the key back from Xiao Qi's hand, then twisted his butt and left.

Didn’t this make Ning Weimin blind?

Of course he knew that Aunt Liu had left, so where could he find someone?

Fortunately, Xiao Qi was a man who could not sleep and eat well without merit. He already had the cigarette in his pocket. He couldn't bear to see Ning Weimin lose his mind.

I took the initiative to inquire about some information.

It took half an hour to inform Ning Weimin of the specific situation. It was really not optimistic.

"What Sister Zhang said is true. Two days ago, we held a Hong Kong and Macao social gathering here. A guest from Hong Kong who came to the event noticed the calligraphy and paintings in the Foreign Guest Service Department and seemed to be very interested."

"Later... Later, the Hong Kong visitor seemed to have directly asked Director Wu, who is responsible for organizing activities in our unit, and then made an agreement with Director Wu to buy all these paintings and calligraphy. But Director Wu seemed to have drunk too much that day.

I have always forgotten to explain it to Director Liu personally."

"Oh, by the way, I also heard that that person seems to specialize in calligraphy and painting business in Hong Kong and Macao. Look at the trouble this has caused. You are really unlucky."

Ning Weimin felt so painful.

He has taken out less than one-tenth of such a huge treasure trove.

How can you be willing to accept it when you are about to be taken away by others?

Still don’t have the courage!

If he had known this, he would have sold off all the porcelain furniture he had, but he should have snatched up a batch of paintings!

Seeing Ning Weimin's anxious expression, Xiao Qi came up with an idea.

"Hey, I said, that person said he wanted to place a deposit, but he hasn't done so yet. If you really want to, you can also place a deposit. How about being the first to do so? You place the foreign exchange coupon."

Ning Weimin smiled bitterly, "The deposit is no problem. I can definitely raise the 10,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons. But the problem is that I don't have anyone with such wealth. I can't possibly eat all these calligraphy and paintings as soon as I open my mouth."


Xiao Qi was really kind-hearted. After hearing what Ning Weimin said, he further revealed the inside story and gave him advice.

"No, no, I think you're a little overthinking. In fact, there's no need to eat it all."

"You see, he, Director Wu, is the director, and our Director Liu is also the director. This is called half a pound versus eight ounces. Even Director Liu is the leader who is directly in charge of us, so he still has the upper hand."

"Secondly, you are a representative of a foreign-funded enterprise, and that person is a Hong Kong visitor, so the impact of foreign affairs seems to be similar. But your company is famous, so you have the upper hand in this regard."

"The only difference is the money. He wants it, and you want it too. So why not just give it half to one person? Even if you don't want half, thirty or fifty thousand is fine, right?"

"After all, you are our old customer. As long as you can come up with a decent sum of money. I think the leader also has to worry about the influence of external affairs. It is impossible to completely refute your face. You have to talk about first come, first served, right?"

"So the top priority is that you have to discuss it with Director Liu quickly and decide how much you want. I think if that's the case, it won't be a big problem..."

Hey, don’t mention it, little people also have their own value.

As long as the timing is right and chance coincides, small people can do big things and change history.

Ning Weimin thought about it and couldn't help but admit that this analysis was really valuable.

(To be honest, anti-theft stickers are purely a helpless move. Anti-theft can only prevent instant theft. Hope you understand)

This chapter has been completed!
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