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Chapter 215 The high-priced old man

Things went really smoothly after that.

Just one day later, Aunt Liu called Huo Xin and Ning Weimin and told them the good news that the matter was settled.

On the phone, Aunt Liu was extremely proud.

She claimed that with just a piece of contract, Director Wu, who was good at making decisions, was left speechless and extremely embarrassed.

Even Xiao Zhang, who was acting as a roadblock, was severely scolded by her in front of Director Wu.

She also said that if the leader hadn't intervened in the end and Director Wu apologized and said a lot of nice things to her, the matter would never have been settled.

So now when it comes to handling inventory, Ning Weimin's side completely occupies the high point of reason.

He must buy the items in the library first, and only after he has finished selecting can it be the Hong Kong businessman's turn.

Aunt Liu asked Ning Weimin not to pay any deposit.

As much as he wants, he can just take the money and pick up the goods.

Just remind him to hurry up.

Because the Hong Kong passenger has already flown back to the port city to raise money, he will probably be able to come back with the money within ten days.

If someone brings real money and silver, it will be difficult to deal with it if there is no movement from Ning Weimin.

In this case, Aunt Liu could not delay it for too long.

At most, it can only delay Ning Weimin for three days.

Of course, Ning Weimin was very sympathetic to this.

After thanking Aunt Liu, he did not dare to delay at all and started planning and arranging everything intensively.

As for specific problems, freight is actually the best solution.

Because calligraphy and painting are small items, it doesn’t take much trouble to transport them.

These days, there are lifting companies everywhere, and you can find a fleet of ten or eight human-powered tricycles at short notice, and the prices are very cheap.

It costs five yuan for a car, and it is a great job for the tricycle driver to handle the transportation.

But packing and inventory may have to be a little more improvised.

Because time was so tight, Ning Weimin couldn't find so many camphor wood boxes by scratching.

I'm afraid I can only make do with cardboard boxes for now, and then slowly replace them later.

Secondly, houses are too scarce these days. Currently, there is no other way to obtain them except relying on public allocation.

Unfortunately, things like calligraphy and painting are too delicate and not as solid as porcelain and wood.

The air-raid shelter in Master Luo's factory can no longer be used.

Well, apart from placing it in Chongwenmen Hotel, it is really difficult to find any other suitable place.

If we want to completely solve this problem, I'm afraid we can only wait until the higher authorities provide policies to liberalize private housing transactions.

Of course, what worries Ning Weimin the most is his lack of cash.

To be honest, he has really made a lot of money since traveling to this era.

In fact, he had already become the leading wealthy man in the capital.

Judging from his current net worth, let alone 200,000, even 300,000 is enough.

But the problem is, even though the business he cooperated with Zhang Shihui is so prosperous, he is still receiving a high salary and can earn almost 18,000 yuan a month.

But collecting any category requires investing in gold and silver.

He spends whatever he earns, but all his money is spent on things.

To put it bluntly, two hands cannot cover five bowls.

It’s difficult for most people to specialize in one area, but how many people can be versatile?

It's not easy for him to be able to handle stamps, calligraphy and paintings at the same time, and occasionally collect exquisite porcelain and copperware.

It can be imagined that it was not easy to get these things.

It would be unrealistic for him to sell his money to raise money for this matter.

Not to mention whether you want to part with it or not, whether it's worth it or whether you take off your pants and fart, it's too late in terms of time.

So this situation is very awkward.

At present, Ning Weimin has a lot of money to spend. The cash in Ning Weimin's hand is only more than 6,000 yuan, and he needs to exchange it for foreign exchange coupons of 5,000 yuan at most.

Ordinary people may be very happy if they have this kind of money, and they can directly realize the four modernizations of life.

But if you use it to buy paintings, it will definitely be a drop in the bucket. It's pitiful.

There is no doubt that what Kang Shude once said at this time.

"There are two most common regrets in life: one is not being able to do what you can, and the other is trying too hard."

Ning Weimin truly had a profound experience.

There is no other way. Since I don't have it, I can only borrow it.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of rich people around Ning Weimin.

And with his reputation and eloquence, it was not too shabby to open his mouth to borrow money.

No, he adheres to the principle of putting the easy things first and then the difficult ones. Rabbits only eat grass on the edge of their nests. The first choice is his master Kang Shude.


Because first, the old man has nowhere to spend his money.

In daily life, the most expensive items such as cigarettes, wine, tea, and snacks are all high-end goods provided by Ning Weimin on time.

Ning Weimin also paid for the rent, water and electricity for the entire hospital.

The old man himself works in a communications office, so he doesn't have to spend money to read newspapers and magazines.

At most, his salary can only buy some firewood, rice, oil, salt and some wine and food, which he can't spend at all.

In addition, the old man’s way of bringing in money is not old or young.

Apart from anything else, it has been ten months since Ning Weimin handed over his salary to the old man.

After leaving the Chongwenmen Hotel, Ning Weimin became a golden collar man, and everything went up even higher.

Since then, the old man has been given an increase of 200 yuan, and he still pays double tribute during holidays.

In addition, when he took back his family property at the beginning of the year, the old man sold a lot of useless things.

And the two pieces of living money he made by himself during his normal trips to the ghost market.

Conservatively speaking, the old man should have 18,000 yuan in hand to be truly a high-priced old man.

So if the money is idle, isn't it just idle? How about the little interest?

What a shameful waste!

How about just borrowing it for support?

Just like that, when Kang Shude came back from get off work that day, he found that Ning Weimin, who had disappeared for several days, suddenly appeared at home.

What's even more strange is that there is a sumptuous table of wine and food set up in the room, and the table is full of his favorite dishes.

Braised pork elbow, dry croquettes, fried diced pork in sauce, and crabs.

There is also a plate of fried peanuts and cold preserved eggs.

Well, you can tell by the smell that it's Ruibinlou's craftsmanship.

Even the wine went well with him. The hot Jimo rice wine had Xianhua plum in it.

It was all like a magic trick.

And this apprentice is facing his master.

He smiled humbly as never before, and everything that came out of his mouth was full of good words.

Well, what a great exchange of greetings and attentiveness! He looks more filial than his own son!

But the more it goes like this, the more fake it becomes, and it's obviously just a trick.

What kind of person is Kang Shude? Who has he not seen in this life?

Faced with such a situation, he had already guessed what kind of medicine Ning Weimin was selling in his gourd.

This chapter has been completed!
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