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Chapter 218 Anomalies

Ning Weimin was truly moved.

He is a very calculating person, precisely because he comes from a later generation that cannot survive without calculating.

Have you ever seen someone like Zhang Shihui who treats his friends so sincerely?

Needless to say, the relationship between Zhang Shihui and him was far less close than that of Kang Shude, who needed him to support him until his death.

But in this era where most people cannot earn a thousand a year.

Zhang Shihui, like Kang Shude, tried his best to help him and gave him 10,000 yuan more than he expected.

Not only is there no interest, but if you borrow money from him, you may also lose some interest.

What is a buddy?

This is!

He doesn't even know what to say...

However, just when Ning Weimin was in a state of excitement, unexpectedly, Zhang Shihui's image changed drastically and she started fighting with him again.

"Well...but, I have one more condition. Do you think you can agree to it? That is to try your best to return the 20,000 I lent you before May Day next year. Let's not give it up for a year, just half a year, okay?


Ning Weimin was so confused that he not only said, "Oh? Half a year? What is this?"

I also said to myself, are you stingy or generous? Don’t you still believe me?

Zhang Shihui gave a somewhat embarrassed explanation.

"Don't think too much, it's like this, haha. You know the situation between Liu Weijing and me. Let alone cooked rice, it's almost like popcorn. It's time for us to start a family, right?"

"Originally, it was supposed to be done last year. But at that time, my life was just a little better, so I and Liu Weijing agreed on the idea of ​​starting a career first and then starting a family. We had to make enough money first. So, we decided on a five-year plan.

Thousands of goals.”

"But the problem is that this goal has been achieved, and it's almost the end of the year. And I'm addicted to making money. You see how busy the end of the year is, and the business is so booming. It's the time to make money. How can I put down the business and get married?

Woolen cloth?"

"So a few days ago, Liu Weijing was almost anxious with me. When he asked me when I would do something, his parents thought I had something in mind and were a little dissatisfied with me. Nothing else, I'll express my feelings quickly.

In just the past two days, I have just discussed it with them, saying that it will be done on May Day after the Chinese New Year."

"As for me, my biggest wish is that on the wedding day, I must officially hand over the deposit certificate for the 50,000 yuan that we both set a goal to, to Liu Weijing. Only in this way can I be worthy of him.


"We are both men, so we don't want to pretend. What do you mean by love? I would say that love is a trick played by men to deceive women. If I give my heart to you, you will always have me. Yes.

What's the use? What's the use of saying this? Can it be used as food or clothing?"

"As the saying goes, marry a man, wear clothes and eat with a man. If you are really capable, if a man loves a woman, don't say anything first, just give a wad of money to the woman to make the woman feel safe. This is called a man.

This is what men do. Otherwise, why get married? Why get a wife if you don’t have enough to eat? Is it love to let your wife suffer and suffer with you? If you just use nice words to coax people, just say no

If you practice, that’s cheating.”

"I admit that I was once one of the liars in the past, and I only told Liu Weijing some vain sweet words. But I really had nothing at that time, and I also had a heart to work hard for good and earn as much as I could.

My heart for money is better now, I am indeed rich. Then I have to be more noble, right?"

"You're talking about a girl who has never been in a relationship. She fell in love with me the moment she fell in love with me, and she has been with me till now. Even if I have nothing, even if I owe a lot of debt, she has always been willing to follow me and give her all her best.

She helped me without any complaints. Shouldn't I be grateful to her, tolerate her, love her, and make her feel at ease and happy?"

"This fifty thousand yuan is my love for Liu Weijing. It is my sincerity. Brother, you have to help me, right? You have to let me be a man for once, so that I have no regrets."

During the whole process of saying these words, Zhang Shihui couldn't help but steal glances at Ning Weimin.

I was afraid that he would show suspicion, disapproval or ridicule, which would make me deeply disappointed.

But what he worried about didn't happen at all.

Not only did Ning Weimin's eyes always clarify, but he also listened with concentration and seriousness.

Even in the process of his telling, he seemed to feel the same and nodded in agreement.

Keep saying "That's right..."

"Yes, yes..."

"Should, should..."

As a result, Zhang Shihui, whose emotions were recognized and respected, had enough courage to speak out all her heart-wrenching confessions.

And I felt very relaxed and happy about it.

Perhaps this is the fate of people being divided into groups and birds of a feather flocking together.

What is supposed to be a relationship between ordinary people will make each other wary and alienated, and may even lead to unpleasant borrowings.

It was reached very harmoniously.

There is no IOU and no guarantee required.

However, both parties felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction and felt that their emotions were getting closer to each other.

It can only be said to be an anomaly that borrowing money can be done like this.


With fifty-five thousand in cash in hand, Ning Weimin finally felt more at ease.

This means that at least he will not be so busy that he misses the opportunity that fate puts in front of him.

No matter what, even if the transaction were to be carried out tomorrow, he would still be able to capture 20 to 30% of the calligraphy and painting.

So at this time, in order to strive for greater victory, he did a few things within his power.

First, he tried his best to exchange these RMB into foreign exchange certificates through foreigners in Beijing hotels.

Because using RMB to buy paintings directly means that RMB 1.25 cents can be used as a one-dollar foreign exchange coupon.

It is higher than the 1:1.2 exchange ratio offered by scalpers, which is really not cost-effective.

Since I can save a little, of course I have to save a little. If I buy one more painting, it will cost almost tens of millions.

Secondly, he met with the warehouse manager Xiao Qi in private.

Not only did Xiao Qi have a meal outside, but he also gave Xiao Qi 100 yuan and a bill.

The purpose is to let Xiao Qi use these few days to help pick out the works of the painters he listed according to the list.

Then gather it together so that he can take it away directly when he pays the money.

The importance of this matter is self-evident.

You must know that painters are different from painters. The painters he wrote about will all be members of the billion-dollar club in the future.

If one picture can outshine ten others, it can directly increase the value of the business.

Third, Ning Weimin contacted several senior executives of the company.

For a period of one year, you can borrow foreign exchange certificates from them at an annual interest rate of 30%.

To be honest, his credit is still very limited right now. Even if these people are willing to lend him money, they won't be able to lend him too much.

He estimated that each person would only get one or two thousand yuan at most.

And this is where the willing take the bait.

No matter how much you can borrow, it's better than nothing.

As for the end, Ning Weimin has another very important attempt.

That is to give the idea of ​​borrowing money to Pierre Carton, the boss.

Because I know that the old French man has to spend Christmas in Europe.

Ning Weimin's target of attack was naturally Song Huagui, Mr. Caton's chief representative in China.

And he knows that he can't just ask for money directly. He has to prove his worth and the success rate will be high.

So he spent a day and a night rushing out a copy of the "Initial Development Plan for the Mainland Market" before he could meet with his immediate boss.

This chapter has been completed!
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