Turn off the lights
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Chapter 233: No destruction, no establishment

It can be said that from this time on, Ning Weimin's good mood for the New Year was completely ruined.

In fact, I called someone at home, took off my coat and suit, put on a comfortable cotton-padded jacket, and washed my hands.

Whether he was chatting with Kang Shude about family matters or using chopsticks in front of a large table of sumptuous New Year dishes, Ning Weimin seemed a little absent-minded.

Maybe it's because today is such a special day.

The misery of Aunt Luo and Luo Guangliang always lingered in his mind, making him uneasy.

The wine has no taste in your mouth, and the food tastes bland and unappetizing. It feels a bit awkward no matter how you stay.

As a result, Kang Shude was a little unhappy because of this.

This old man not only misunderstood that his apprentice had a high mouth, but now he couldn't bear to eat his own home-cooked food.

And I also feel that chatting with Ning Weimin today is like playing the piano to a cow.

So the more you eat this meal, the less interesting it becomes.

In less than half an hour, the old and the young had all finished their New Year’s Eve dinner and put down their rice bowls.

Kang Shude was too lazy to talk about the New Year's allusions and anecdotes from the old days, so he simply turned on the big color TV and watched it.

As for Ning Weimin, because the old man had something to say beforehand, he had no intention of explaining anything to his master.

He was afraid that he would be scolded again for speaking his mind.

Just like that, Kang Shude was watching TV with a tea cup, and Ning Weimin was smoking a small cigarette, reading a book and reading a newspaper.

On New Year's Eve this year, they spent an extremely quiet time, even more boring than usual.

Except for a banquet table with not much eaten, which was still waiting for dumplings to be cooked at midnight, there were no other major features in the room.

But things took a turn for the worse at this moment.

You know, men like to drain their kidneys after drinking. Ning Weimin has no problem with holding back his urine.

Feeling that he was getting anxious, he put a small cigarette in his mouth, took a flashlight and walked out, using the flashlight in the snow to go to the alley toilet to urinate.

Speaking of which, this was also a feature of life back then.

Because the municipal lighting equipment is so poor, there are only a few telephone poles in the alley, which is equivalent to a few low-wattage light bulbs.

What's more, the bathroom lights are often broken by naughty children with stones.

Therefore, flashlights have become necessary equipment for residents living in hutongs to travel at night.

However, what he didn't expect was that when Ning Weimin passed by the Luo family's door, the scene of the Luo family made him unavoidably entangled.

Don't worry, according to the custom of the year, all the lights in the Luo family's houses are on today.

But unlike the Mi family and the Bian family, no matter which room in the Luo family, without exception, it was quiet.

Not to mention Luo Guangliang, who was huddled on the wire bed in the small kitchen with his head covered.

The key is that there was no sound in the room where the Luo family had their reunion dinner.

Apart from the occasional babble of children, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of a radio program - crosstalk actor Jiang Kun was singing "Little Son Lang" loudly in the Luo family's chat box.

Needless to say, under such circumstances, there is no sense of humor in the performance of this cross talk joke and song.

Whether it was the laughter of the crowd in the background recording or the "flash thunder" exploding in the sky outside the alley, the scene at Luo's house was made particularly desolate.

Especially the sentence in the song, "If you are not educated, you will not be able to see your parents."

Even Ning Weimin felt like crying when he heard it.

He really didn't understand what Master Luo wanted to prove by going so far as to kill his relatives.

He didn't believe that Master Luo could not feel hurt by treating his own son like this.

This Master Luo is so generous!

Face is more important than the blood relationship of his family.

Perhaps even he himself doesn't know who he is competing with and why.

What a pity for all of us, the Chinese New Year is spent like this...

Shaking his head and sighing, Ning Weimin peed.

Of course, after urinating, I have to come back again and still have to pass by Luo's house.

Ning Weimin felt a little regretful about going to the toilet at this time.

When he entered the hospital, he muttered.

I thought it would be better to be incompetent and not leave the hospital at all. I would just go under the wall. Why would I have to go out and go through all this trouble!

He can't see this!

It’s as uncomfortable as if such a tragedy happened to me...

But don't mention it, just when Ning Weimin passed by the Luo family's small kitchen again and finally left the depressing atmosphere of the Luo family.

A string of "night pearls" suddenly appeared in the sky.

Looking at the fireworks flashing in the sky, I don't know what's going on.

A good idea that seemed to be able to solve the problem suddenly popped into Ning Weimin's mind.

It can be said that it was a sudden inspiration.

This made him stunned for a moment.

Just as the colorful lights flashed across his face, he thought over the idea in his mind again.

Finally settling on this idea will only make things better.

I can probably handle it myself, and there should be no side effects.

So I looked at my surroundings and turned off the flashlight in my hand.

He quietly and quietly retreated.

He didn't stop until he reached the window of Luo's small kitchen.

Then he exerted all his energy, rounded the flashlight in his hand, and swung it towards the glass window of the Luo family's small kitchen resolutely and decisively!

"A roar!"

With this hit, the glass window shattered!

Is there anything that is not shocking?

Not to mention Luo Guangliang who was on the bed was shocked and jumped up!

Even in the main room of the Luo family, the child burst into tears.

Master Luo and Luo Guangsheng, father and son, opened the door one after the other and ran out!

At this time, as for Ning Weimin, he did well and pretended to get up from the ground.

While patting the "unnecessary" snow on his body, he was still acting with a grin on his face.

"Good guy, this fall knocked me down! This big horse fell down!"

"Ouch! Look at what a fuss this is! Why did you smash the windows of your house!"

"Unexpected accident, purely accidental! I drank some wine, and the ground was too slippery! I turned around and the flashlight actually flew out!"

"Are you okay? Guang Liang, are you not injured? Hey, as long as you are okay..."

"I'm sorry! Don't worry, I'll pay for it. I will be responsible for everything that is damaged!"

"It's just...it's just in time for the Spring Festival, and the glass shop will open in a few days. This house is like this, and the cold wind is blowing so hard that no one can live in it!"

"I'm talking about Master Luo and Brother Luo, do you think it's better to let Guang Liang live at home? Or let him go to my place to make do?"

"It's all up to me. Master Luo, you have a lot of money. Don't be angry. I don't mean to cause trouble for you during the Chinese New Year."

"If we don't break it, we won't stand it up. We will be safe every year! I promise to restore it to its original state. Isn't it enough to let this broken mirror be reunited?"

Facing the Luo family members in front of him, Ning Weimin's face was full of apologies!

He spoke sincerely and remorsefully, and the auspicious words in his belly kept coming one after another, which was easier to say than a cross talk.

On the other hand, the three men of the Luo family are just like clay and wood sculptures. I don't know if they are stupid by looking at them or by hearing them.

Anyway, my brain just can't get around this.

Not to mention responding, these three men even looked at each other with frozen eyes.

No one could have imagined that such a drama would happen on New Year's Day.

What finally broke the deadlock was a cough from Aunt Bian.

The old lady was also alarmed and went out to have a look.

The director of the neighborhood committee came all the way to ask.

"I asked, what did you say, and what happened?"

This chapter has been completed!
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