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Chapter 242: Seeking power

Manager Sha, who had humiliated himself, was furious.

However, they had to endure hardships and doubly meet the material requirements of Ning Weimin.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin succeeded in using Manager Sha to kill the chicken and scare the monkey.

Because it was precisely because of the fear of this incredible result that Manager Sha tamed him inexplicably when he saw it, so no one in the company dared to cause trouble for Ning Weimin.

This allowed Ning Weimin to concentrate on his work and achieve good results very efficiently.

For example, the negotiations regarding the venue of the specialty store are progressing well.

Except that the Jingcheng Hotel has some special significance and is a relatively special place, so we couldn't talk about it.

Negotiations between the Capital Airport and the Jianguo Hotel, which is about to be completed, have basically gone smoothly.

With the assistance of Ning Weimin, Song Huagui represented Pierre Carton and finally rented nearly 100 square meters of space in each of these two locations at an annual rent of about 16,000 yuan for the establishment of the company.

franchise store.

As for the sculpture art exhibition in the Zhai Palace, Ning Weimin did not invite many media due to publicity costs.

But because of his orderly organization and high artistic level of his works, the theme of the art exhibition and the architecture of the Zhai Palace are also interesting accordingly.

This relatively low-key opening event was a great success due to its good reputation spread from person to person.

In fact, in the following days, many media came to make supplementary reports after hearing the news, and achieved quite a sensational social effect.

In less than half a month, the park's ticket sales increased by 20%.

The exhibition hall also sold more than twenty sets of clothing.

This was a complete surprise.

But the more profound significance lies in the gratitude and goodwill this event received from the teachers and students of the Sculpture Department, as well as the resulting feedback from the art world.

Again, in the current society where the economy is still quite backward, art workers are in a very difficult situation.

This is especially true for the teachers and students of the sculpture department who have very little social demand and are completely unpopular.

This sculpture competition organized by Pierre Carton Company undoubtedly provides teachers and students of the sculpture departments of the two major universities with an opportunity to gain both fame and fortune.

Although the bonus is not large, the total amount is only a few thousand yuan.

But compared with the past when it was almost impossible for them to obtain material rewards through professional skills, this is already very rare.

For example, if the student wins the third prize, it will be 600 yuan, and the teacher's specially invited work will also be worth 500 yuan.

This is enough to support their focused creation for a year.

In addition, participating works can also receive the most authentic feedback from visitors and have the opportunity to be exposed by media reports.

This is of course a rarer benefit for anyone who is determined to engage in art throughout his life.

So before the competition ended, teachers and students from the two schools were willing to work with Pierre Carton Company.

They all expressed their hope that this art exhibition can be held all year round, even once every few years.

It didn't take long for the news to spread, causing "Zinmei", "Sichuan America" ​​and "Hangmei" to speak out in newspapers.

Several well-established art academies all announced from a distance that Pierre Carton Company had indeed done something good.

It's a pity that it's too limited, the scale is a bit small, and it doesn't seem to match the status of a well-known international company.

They very much hope to participate and hope that Pierre Carton can turn this art exhibition into a national annual exhibition.

Then this triggered a discussion in the social field, and someone raised a series of new questions.

Questioning whether it is appropriate for such an art exhibition to be held by a foreign-funded enterprise, whether it is authoritative, and whether fairness can be guaranteed.

Of course, for such a question, no matter how fierce the debate is, there will be no answer.

But I have to say that after this event was held, the actual effect of widespread publicity was quite good.

Unexpectedly, Pierre Carton Company actually showed up nationwide. At least the major art academies across the country are aware of this company.

And since then, more and more people have come to visit the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall.

Not only were some people attracted by the sculptures to see what was new, but there were also wealthy people among the common people who, knowing Pierre Carton's name, made a special trip to the exhibition hall to buy clothes.

According to Ning Weimin, if this momentum can be maintained for a long time.

From now on, the exhibition hall can at least maintain a balance of payments and will no longer be a simple money-losing business.

So naturally, after the event, Ning Weimin asked Song Huagui for real power.

To be honest, Ning Weimin never had such a plan.

He is actually quite lazy. He always just wants to have some leisure time in his own little piece of land.

But Manager Sha deliberately used the small power in his hands to make things difficult for him and stumbling upon him.

Moreover, he himself is currently worried about his personal financial difficulties.

The two things put together made him understand the importance and benefits of power with a painful experience.

I also understand the truth that a real man should not be without money.

So in order not to be choked by just anyone.

Also in order to take advantage of the company's glory and gain some benefits for myself.

His thoughts changed 360 degrees, and he decided to become a powerful person who could not be underestimated.

As for his specific requirements, first, he hopes to control the management rights of the airport and Jianguo Hotel franchise stores.

I want the company to give the company full responsibility for the operation of the two specialty stores like the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall.

The second is that he also wants independent financial power.

I hope that the company can send financial personnel to make independent calculations, and he can decide where and how to spend the money.

From now on, I will only report accounts to the company once every quarter.

In turn, there are two kinds of promises he can make to the company.

First, he ensured that both stores, including the showroom, would be profitable in the year they opened.

The net profit of the three places is no less than 300,000 yuan.

Second, he decided to expand the sculpture art exhibition into a national annual exhibition.

However, he will no longer ask for support from the company for related expenses in this regard, which will be borne by the exhibition hall's income.

There is no doubt that these proposals of Ning Weimin are quite pragmatic.

And he was originally a meritorious minister who made suggestions.

In addition, Song Huagui recognized Ning Weimin's abilities and trusted him as a person.

So it stands to reason that Song Huagui should agree to Ning Weimin's request.

Unfortunately, this kind of transfer of power will never be so smooth.

It's impossible if no one comes out to fight.

What's more, Song Huagui's biggest advantage and biggest disadvantage as a person is that he attaches great importance to emotions.

She had feelings for Ning Weimin, and the same for other subordinates.

How else can we say it is family management?

As a result, Zou Guodong, the head of the operations department, stood up and raised objections, which suddenly put Song Huagui in a difficult position.

Zou Guodong pointed out that Ning Weimin was too young.

Although he has great ideas, he lacks actual business marketing experience and is not capable enough to directly manage two franchise stores.

Moreover, these two stores are crucial to the company and will determine whether this business model can be established and whether it can be used as the company's main profit development direction.

So to be on the safe side, it would be better for him, the head of the operations department, to be in charge.

It must be said that this opinion is quite high-sounding and captures Ning Weimin's biggest weakness.

But the more he behaves like this, the less Ning Weimin wants to retreat.

Retreat once, step by step.

Why should I plant trees and let you, an old boy, pick peaches?

Ning Weimin proposed the idea of ​​a franchised store as his own suggestion. There has never been such a business model in mainland China.

If Zou Guodong was put in charge, he would also have disadvantages.

It would be better for one person to own one store and the two of them to engage in internal competition and compare.

At that time, everyone will take care of their own business. After a period of time, let the company evaluate their respective business performance and business models, and then determine the final person in charge.

This solved Song Huagui's problem. She thought it was good, and Zou Guodong didn't have any objections either.

Then the ensuing debate is about who manages which store.

There is no doubt that the airport aspect seems to be much superior.

Not only is the customer flow stable, but now the store can be renovated and ready to open.

On the other hand, Jianguo Hotel will have to wait until it opens, and it is not yet certain how many people will be there.

But unexpectedly, Ning Weimin was very generous. As soon as Zou Guodong started to argue, he took the initiative to give in.

Agreed to put Zou Guodong in charge of the airport.

Just run the Jianguo Hotel's specialty store yourself.

So there were no more questions, and the debate on this matter was over.

This chapter has been completed!
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