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Chapter 254 The Second Meal (Revision)

As for the second meal, Ning Weimin invited several leaders from the brocade box factory and all the masters from the silk workshop.

The place to treat guests is the "Judequan" roast duck restaurant at the front door.

In addition to two roast ducks, there is also a table of dishes, beer, liquor, and soda.

And all the guests looked flattered.

This is not only because they are a small factory with 300 people and an annual output value of about 300,000 yuan.

Not even the factory director and secretary had ever had such a sumptuous and formal banquet.

It was also because none of them expected that after just a few days, Ning Weimin would come back to see them again.

The general manager of this foreign-funded enterprise not only expressed his intention to continue ordering brocade boxes, but also directly proposed to them that he wanted to completely round up all the silk figures in the backlog.

He also asked the factory to bring back the neglected products sent to the handicraft store and sell them to him.

In total, there would be more than 660 silk figures, which would cost about 8,000 to 9,000 yuan!

What does this mean?

It shows that big pies can really fall from the sky!

If I get this money, not only the silk production team will suddenly turn a profit.

Even the monthly bonuses for all workers in the factory were paid.

And if what Ning Weimin said was true, he wanted to sign a formal exclusive supply contract with the factory.

Then from now on, the silk figures produced in the factory will no longer have to worry about sales.

Needless to say, the Silk Man'er production team is no longer a burden to the factory, but has also become a small money tree.

The leaders of the brocade box factory here will have a much easier burden on their shoulders, and they will most likely be praised by their superiors at the end of the year.

And for several silk masters, they will also win the respect they deserve.

From now on, these seven old technicians who have been treated coldly, looked down upon, and despised everywhere will no longer have to look at other people's faces.

They can rely on their skills to receive wages and bonuses with their heads held high, and wait to retire from their posts with peace of mind.

Just like other workers in the brocade box factory, they feel at ease.

It's just that the Jinshi Factory is quite satisfied with the result and extremely grateful.

But the only thing that was a bit out of place was that Ning Weimin's heart seemed a bit big.

He was not satisfied with the fact that it took a master three days to make a big silk man and two days to make a small silk man.

He actually put forward the request in person that he hoped that the Jinxiao Factory would increase its output to at least three times as soon as possible, and that the masters would teach their apprentices their skills.

But this time, the factory leaders and master craftsmen were in a dilemma.

Because the skill of making silk figures cannot be acquired in a day.

If you really want to take on an apprentice, you won't be able to show off in just three to five years.

But if you recruit workers and train apprentices, let alone whether Ning Weimin can continue to reimburse you like this, you can really make it as much as you want.

Let’s just say this, it’s not cost-effective no matter how you calculate it.

Because the recruitment quota has to be decided by the boss.

The job these days is to guarantee a job that lasts until old age, sickness, and death. How can one recruit people casually?

Even if the superiors approve and recruit apprentices, making silk figures is not as good as learning to make brocade boxes.

Because making a brocade box is easy to learn and much simpler.

It only takes half a year to become an apprentice, and the monthly output is twice as much as that of a silk man.

From the factory's perspective, why bother with such trouble?

So much so that the leaders and masters were all worried and didn't know how to talk to Ning Weimin.

Agree, it's not a big deal, but don't agree, because you're afraid of upsetting Ning Weimin and offending the God of Wealth who uses foreigners' money to do good deeds.

In the end, Director Zhang, who was in charge of production in the factory, relied on his friendship with Director Li from the street to talk to Ning Weimin about the difficulties in the factory.

"...This, this, Manager Ning. You have to understand our difficulties. To be honest, if we want to recruit workers, we first have to ask our superiors for quotas. Then we have to go through a lot of trouble."

"Even if I beg grandpa to tell grandma, I might not be able to get the approval for several months. If I really wait until I get the approval, it will take at least several years to learn how to make silk figures, so it won't be a big deal."

"What's more, the masters have to take care of their apprentices, which will also affect their energy and make them slower to produce work."

"So you said that we have spent so much effort and there is no practical benefit. How can we do it? Why don't we wait for this matter later and let's slowly add it up..."

At this point, Director Zhang paused, discussed his opinions with the factory director and secretary with his eyes, and then continued.

"Of course, it will be no problem for Silk Man to supply you exclusively. We will also do our best to speed up the supply to you. We can even give you a discount on the ex-factory price."

"How about 50 cents less per silk figure? If you purchase more than 300 brocade boxes at a time, we will give you the fraction..."

"By the way, there is also this meal. We are here to treat you. Today we are treating you..."

Obviously, this was to stop Ning Weimin's mouth with a sweet date and to stabilize his mood.

But is this a matter of taking advantage?

Ning Weimin is a very smart person, and he understands the key points as soon as he hears it.

But he couldn't help but secretly shake his head, thinking that these guys are really not business material.

At that time, he couldn't help but want to raise the price of the silk figures by a large amount, hoping to benefit people.

Don’t you want fifty cents cheaper?

I'll give you an increase of five yuan, you'll be happy, right?

But when the words came to his lips, he thought about it again and suddenly changed his mind.

Because he had an idea and came up with a better idea.

"Okay, Director Zhang, I understand what you mean. I can understand the difficulties in the factory, so... let's put this matter aside first? Let's finish what we can decide first."

As soon as Ning Weimin said this, everyone present immediately saw their expressions soften.

Especially Director Zhang, who nodded frequently.

"Let it go, let it go..."

"... As for the preferential price, forget it. I know it's not easy for you. I can't bear to take advantage of you. Of course, I'm the one who invited you to this meal. It's me who invited everyone out. Everyone here, whether

Leaders are still masters. I am honored to be able to come and give me this face..."

The atmosphere was even better now, and the elders present all looked happy.

Everyone felt that Ning Weimin was well-educated and generous.

But no one expected that the next sentence was a bit abrupt, and they were immediately confused.

"...However, I also want to say a few words from some leaders. If I can find a way to find someone who does not occupy our factory's recruitment quota and does not require the factory to bear the apprenticeship wages, then our senior masters here can always teach

Do you have some skills? Will the factory object again? After all, I still hope to try to solve the production problem..."

No one thought that Ning Weimin had not really given up yet.

It's come full circle, and now it's come full circle.

However, the conditions he mentioned were even more unbelievable to everyone's ears.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Absolutely impossible!

This chapter has been completed!
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