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Chapter 256 Three Magic Weapons

After eating three meals in a row like this, Ning Weimin's heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys were burdened, but he succeeded in coaxing all the suppliers.

He made almost everyone appreciate his generosity and loyalty, which was his greatest achievement.

Although such good popularity in front of me can't be exchanged for much real money.

But in the long run, making people trust him and willingly and sincerely want to do a good job for him is more important than anything else.

Because Ning Weimin knows best the principles of business.

The benefit does not lie in the amount, but in the balance.

Only balance can ensure the smooth operation and healthy development of business.

Otherwise, no matter how good the business is, nothing will be lost if it is ruined.

It is for this reason that just maintaining stability in supply is still not enough.

Ning Weimin also attaches great importance to the safety of logistics.

The safety he requires does not just mean that the goods are transported to the Zhai Palace intact.

It also represents the confidentiality of information.

After all, he was under the guise of helping domestic artists sell their works on consignment, under the guise of promoting cultural exchanges, for a few bucks.

Whether it was the supplier or the company, he could not expose the secret, so that he could safely keep the generous price difference in his pocket.

Otherwise, his angelic and positive image will be replaced by a philistine face.

The result is not that everyone thinks of him well, but that he is no longer a human being inside and out.

What's especially lucky is that, thanks to himself, he already has someone he can trust in this regard.

That is Luo Guangliang!

As their understanding deepened, Ning Weimin discovered more and more advantages in Luo Guangliang.

First of all, this buddy attaches great importance to friendship.

In life, Kang Shude was much more considerate than Ning Weimin.

From the day he arrived, he did almost all the housework.

Laundry, washing dishes, cleaning and cooking, whatever needs to be done at any time, the old man doesn't have to say anything.

And from the day he started riding, the old man's wine, tea, and snacks had never stopped.

Luo Guangliang was also extremely polite and enthusiastic to his neighbors. He called uncle, uncle, aunt, and aunt whenever he saw anyone.

Whoever needs help, there is never a time to refuse.

Although Master Luo still looked disgusted when he saw him.

But Luo Guangliang also bought wine and meat for his family, bought toys for his nephew, and gave money to his mother. He fulfilled all his duties as a son.

He treated Ning Weimin more like a brother and a benefactor.

For example, every time Ning Weimin came back to stay, Luo Guangliang had to go out of his way to bring him some wine and food.

She also rushes to do housework and doesn't let him get his hands on her at all.

It made Ning Weimin feel embarrassed.

Kang Shude also told Luo Guangliang not to treat Ning Weimin as a master, and let him do what Ning Weimin should do.

When it comes to work, Luo Guangliang is not only down-to-earth and hard-working, but also brave and resourceful.

You should know that Luo Guangliang has a taciturn and unsmiling character.

And the idea of ​​not fighting, not robbing, not cheating, and just wanting to make money by pedaling openly.

Everything is incompatible with other tricycle drivers, making him an outlier in the group.

Although he will not have conflicts or enmity with other tricycle drivers because of grabbing jobs.

Although he has a strong physique and a fierce appearance, it makes people feel scared to see him.

Moreover, he has been "Grand Slam" for three years, which can be regarded as a kind of capital in this alternative group with a strong reputation.

But those "weirds" who don't want to be complicit are often a sin in themselves.

I can't stand some people who just don't like him, so they collude with each other, always holding back their bad intentions, and want to trick him secretly.

Especially under the care of Ning Weimin, the Chongwenmen Hotel not far from the Beijing Railway Station.

Luo Guangliang is always given the job of catching trains for outgoing guests, and even greets him in advance to book a ride, allowing him to earn much more money than others.

This will make it easier for him to get pink eye disease and make him a fat piece of meat that other people will take a bite out of.

I have to admit that jealousy will not be extinguished because of anger, but will only make it more inflamed.

In this case, if Luo Guangliang is a reckless man who only relies on bravery and recklessness.

He will definitely forget Ning Weimin's warning to never fight and cause trouble again.

Openly fighting and subduing them purely by force will create hidden dangers for the "storm" that cannot be avoided next year.

And if he is really an honest fool who only knows how to give in, he will definitely lose his deterrence.

He couldn't stop others from kicking him in the face and completely trampling him under their feet.

But the result is that just like he has been in the industry for three years, he has consistently continued to work and live in his own way and at his own pace.

It is true that some people are trying to mess with him, and some are blackmailing him.

But I don’t know why, even if I succeeded for a while, my attitude towards him soon changed.

Even if you can't be affectionate, at least you can keep your relationship intact.

As time went by, not only was Luo Guangliang not bitten to death or eaten, but he became a taboo that the tricycle drivers did not want to offend.

Everyone said that he was very lucky and anyone who messed with him would be in trouble.

And gradually, two or three straight-tempered little brothers who admired him very much gathered around Luo Guangliang, and they vaguely formed an independent hilltop.

This is ability!

Ning Weimin didn't know how Luo Guangliang did it.

The secret here belongs to a profession that he doesn't understand.

However, what he can be sure of is that Luo Guangliang is absolutely stable in his work and has excellent mental quality.

It's just that this kid can always control himself and has the ability to stay out of the whirlpool of trouble.

He would know that Luo Guangliang would never ride a three-wheeler for the rest of his life.

There is nothing to say, if such people don’t use it, it is a waste and a waste of natural resources.

So Ning Weimin naturally gave Luo Guangliang all the work of selling goods in the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall.

Regarding the requirements, Ning Weimin did not go into too many details.

I just promised generously and paid ten yuan for a trip.

At the end of the month, the money will be calculated based on the number of times and will be handed over to Luo Guangliang.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that for ordinary work, Luo Guangliang can do it whether he asks his little brother to do it or he does it himself.

However, Luo Guangliang has to produce all the tourist products in the jade factory, brocade box factory and street factory.

Moreover, the source of goods must be kept confidential, and no one should tell anyone who inquires about it.

Luo Guangliang's reaction satisfied Ning Weimin.

He listened carefully and nodded solemnly.

Apart from expressing his heartfelt thanks and inviting Ning Weimin to drink, he didn't say any more unnecessary words.

Since then, Luo Guangsheng has delivered the tourist products from the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall on time every three days without any mistakes.

In addition, Ning Weimin also treated his subordinates in Zhai Palace with the same care.

He never did it because he was the leader of the girls and the top executive of the company.

I think I can put on airs at will and order others around like a big girl.

At five o'clock in the afternoon on April 2, in Ning Weimin's office.

A dozen girls who had just received their wages from the accountant gathered around his long desk and looked at him happily.

Not for anything else, just because of the golden light that shines into the house at sunset.

Ning Weimin unzipped a bulging black leather bag.

He took out the bonuses divided by rubber bands and placed them on the table.

All of them are foreign exchange coupons that are rare for ordinary people to see.

"We are all our own people, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Let's split it up together in person, and take it clearly and sign it. One hundred and eighteen for each person. Let's all order."

"I still need to explain the situation to everyone. In the past half month, our turnover has been 23,511. So excluding the 5,000 guarantee, if I want to fulfill my promise, I should give 8% to everyone equally.

Yes. Is this number correct?"

"Next month, I hope everyone will continue to work hard. In fact, it is not difficult at all to get 10%. How about it, I didn't lie to you, right?"

The bonuses were taken away one by one by different delicate hands.

The girls either counted happily, whispered excitedly, or stuffed their bags into their bags and zipped them up.

Everyone's movements were very natural, and when anyone took the money, they didn't forget to give a friendly greeting.

“Thank you manager!”

But that's not all, because Ning Weimin didn't let them leave like this.

Instead, he named three more people.

"You three are the sales champions of this month's coffee shop, Wuliang Palace and bedroom respectively."

"I looked at the daily records, and you three sold the most. So I want to say, well done, thank you for your hard work! Each of you will get fifty more foreign exchange coupons than the others.


"We are a big pot here, so we can only work as a team and distribute equally. Maybe I have wronged you a little, but there is nothing we can do about it. So I hope that after the Jianguo Hotel's specialty store opens, you can go work there."

"At that time, the commission will be calculated on a per-person basis. Whoever sells it will get it. You can neither take advantage of others nor suffer losses."

"How about it? Do you have the confidence to leave Zhai Gong and do more challenging work? Do you want to make more money for the company and yourself?"

There is no doubt that every fair face of these three girls was so excited that it looked like a big red flower blooming.

How could they have imagined that there would be such a surprise, such an honor and such encouragement?

Of course they won't refuse.

Because other girls couldn't restrain their envy and jealousy.

Ning Weimin said these words to them, and the opportunity he gave them was a strong temptation for anyone.


Trust! Respect! Interests!

These are Ning Weimin's three magic weapons for building interpersonal relationships, balancing business, and being invincible.

No matter the past, present or even future.

As long as he offers these three important gifts, most people will firmly stand in his business camp without any distractions.

This chapter has been completed!
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