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Chapter 265: Congratulations (repair)

The "Zhanguang" operation carefully planned by Ning Weimin was a great success.

But he himself never imagined how widespread and sensational the publicity effect his chicken-thief idea would have!

It turns out that since Pierre Carton was organizing a fashion show titled "Living Sculpture" in Paris during this period, the master himself has become a focal figure in the European fashion industry and is receiving keen attention from major media.

Therefore, reporters from well-known European news agencies like AFP, Reuters, ANSA, and other well-known European news agencies are very interested in anything related to the master.

Whether it is the "Fashion Dragon" itself, which combines French fabrics with Chinese wood carvings, or the leaders' remarks based on it, as well as the leaders' actions of visiting Pierre Carton's clothing store.

They were all very active in taking photos and asking questions for interviews.

Needless to say, the more compliments there are, the better the leader's mood will be, and the more enthusiastic he will be when speaking on the spot.

In the end, I was not paying attention and was delayed in this place for more than twenty minutes.

The result was so good that even the domestic media had to re-examine this additional visit process.

Some people even regret it because they didn’t pay much attention to it at the beginning and didn’t produce enough material.

So after all the official procedures were completed that day, these people came back specifically to conduct a very detailed interview with the Pierre Carton clothing store.

Ning Weimin is such a shrewd person, how could he let such an opportunity pass by so easily?

He not only accompanied me personally, but also explained enthusiastically and patiently.

I also gave some consignment crafts as small gifts to those who took advantage of these "make-up lessons".

Since these items are not sold elsewhere, they are very popular and reporters like them very much.

All in all, Ning Weimin left a pretty good impression on reporters.

After all, the business environment has just started these days, and reporters have not yet regarded themselves as uncrowned kings. They are arrogant as they should be to win or get cards.

I am very satisfied that I can take advantage of my work to attend the banquet held at Jianguo Hotel and receive some unexpected small gifts.

Just like that, that night, "Xinwen Lianbo" broadcast the news about the opening ceremony of Jianguo Hotel.

It is a great honor that as part of the highlights of the opening day, the scene of the leaders visiting the Pierre Catton store and praising the "fashion dragon" appeared in front of the national audience for five seconds.

The "Beijing Evening News" also made a detailed special report on the opening of Jianguo Hotel in a long article of several thousand words on the first and second pages, and 30% of it was devoted to

Introducing the "PC" brand dedicated store.

Probably Ning Weimin was able to accompany him.

The reporter not only fully adopted his statement, but also called Pierre Cardin's entry into the Jianguo Hotel "a pioneering work in the clothing retail industry" and said the store was "a store like an art gallery."

At the same time, he also boasted about the complete facilities such as slippers, hooks, seats, mirrors and other facilities in the dressing room of the Pierre Catton store.

It is called "the most international and modern civilization in detail".

And use this to compare the shortcomings of clothing sales in domestic shopping malls.

Finally, the reporter also published a photo of Ning Weimin and several girls as a companion picture in the newspaper.

That really gave me a lot of face, and it almost put Pierre Carton's franchise store in the sky.

Then, it's the next day.

The national People's Daily, Guangming Daily, and the local Youth Daily also published relevant reports.

And almost every newspaper, to one degree or another, mentions and praises the "Pierre Carton" franchise store.

So for this reason, Ning Weimin was overjoyed, and felt quite proud of Tao Taoran.

You know, Zou Guodong spent a lot of effort and relied on many friends and connections to open the airport store.

Invite actors, models, and media reporters.

The carriage fare, fashion show, banquets, and gifts are all added together, and I don’t know how much it cost.

But because the place is so far away, the scene is not small and very lively.

However, the level of advertising is not high and the social effect is very limited.

Almost all the newspaper reporters who come here are from local newspapers or industry magazines such as "Fashion" and "Domestic Apparel".

Most of the articles published are unimportant pages and articles the size of tofu cubes.

How can it be compared with Ning Weimin's special promotion effect on TV and in a national newspaper?

Not to mention anything else, just because he appeared on TV and newspapers, Ning Weimin himself became a celebrity in Shan'er Hutong overnight.

The neighbors in Courtyard No. 2 were all excited to see him again. Everyone said they had seen him on TV.

There are also many neighbors from other courtyards in the alley who say that the photo of Ning Weimin in the "Beijing Evening News" is very handsome and looks like a big shot.

Not only did Director Li of the subdistrict call Ning Weimin to express his congratulations, but Master Kang Shude also said that he had done something good.

He was very considerate and did not hold him accountable for not touching antiquities recently and relaxing in his studies.

What does this mean?

Doesn’t it mean that the exposure rate and publicity effect of multimedia are outstanding? It is enough to prove that Ning Wei Min is doing the right thing.

If there was a book that taught people how to spend a small amount of money to accomplish big things, his approach would probably be considered a classic case.

Then can this boy still be beautiful?

It would be good if he didn't get sick and looked in the mirror.

However, more glorious things are yet to come.

Ning Weimin couldn't believe it. In less than five days, the occupancy rate of Jianguo Hotel had reached 100%.

Originally, he thought that if such a soft advertisement could attract some spectators, it would be enough.

Because not everyone has the courage, the time, and the leisure to come to a high-end place like Jianguo Hotel to see the world.

Those who can come must be people with some background in their families, otherwise they will look so shabby that they won’t even be able to get in.

So in the beginning, it would be okay for him to do business with these people.

But in fact, it’s still so sweet!

In a short period of time, all 528 guest rooms were filled!

Moreover, the information revealed from the front desk is that there are no longer a few extra beds in the room, and those who made reservations in advance have been queued up until a month later.

Even the restaurants, bars, and cafes of the Jianguo Hotel are almost at full capacity, and they are extremely popular.

Why is this so?

Actually it's not surprising.

Because if Ning Weimin had a friend or acquaintance who worked in the Tourism Administration Bureau, he would only need to know a set of data to understand how difficult it is for foreign guests to find accommodation in the capital these days.

You will naturally understand why the Jianguo Hotel became a project designated by a great man, and it was completed in less than two years and opened to welcome guests.

PS: There is one more chapter after midnight

This chapter has been completed!
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