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Chapter 270 Wisdom

deal with...

This is the greatest understanding of life among the older generation in Beijing.

Because for the people in the capital who came from before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

It can almost experience military chaos, war, fall, epidemic, hunger, movement... over and over again.

Nowadays, I am extremely lucky to be able to survive with my whole body, have a full meal, and have my children around me.

As for the middle generation, those members of the third generation who were born before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China and were the first to go to the mountains and countryside also understand the limitations of personal power in the face of life.

Their passionate youth, surging passion, and lofty ambitions have long been exhausted in years of intimate dialogue with nature.

Just like the queue-jumping life experienced by Ke Bizhou and Du Jianchun in the TV series "Wasted Years" currently being broadcast on TV.

Just like what is sung in the theme song of this TV series "An Unforgettable Song".

"A song, a depressing song, a song made of sweat and tears, so much melancholy and decadence..."

After so many years, they spent their youth and experienced many joys and sorrows that are difficult to describe, and finally understood the gap between ideal and reality.

Now it is finally possible to return to the city, restore the household registration, and live a stable life with food, drink, a regular job, and the ability to marry a wife and have children.

It is difficult for them to make unrealistic demands on life.

There are also younger generations of fresh graduates.

Even if they are dissatisfied and dissatisfied, they have many opinions about life and are full of resentment.

So what?

They cannot avoid the subsequent impact of the population boom.

There is no escape from the objective reality that more than 17 million educated young people have returned to cities, which has increased the employment pressure in cities.

They must make a choice about their future.

After all, don't be too picky, obey the school's assignments and find a job first.

I still eat the free rice at home, listen to the nagging of my parents and family, and join the ranks of the 5.41 million unemployed young people across the country.

Is it okay not to deal with it?

If I don't deal with you, I won't survive. You have to rely on dealing with me to survive.

So there are cramped alleys and crowded courtyards.

Parents who repeat daily tasks of daily necessities are short-lived and boring, and can only get a job with a meager salary.

A penny must be broken into eight pieces, and thrift should be implemented into every corner of life.

It has become a common state for most people in Beijing, and this state must be defined as a kind of happiness.

So it is conceivable that under such social conditions.

In order to eliminate waste, the government promotes collective weddings and simple weddings.

If anyone could stand up and say, "If I don't deal with my marriage, I won't do it. I don't care about money, so I have to do whatever I want!"

What an awesome and lightning-fast thing this is!

Especially the person who said this sentence did not come from a family at the top of the social pyramid, but just an ordinary grassroots family.

This kind of privilege and strength does not come from one's ancestors or Lao Tzu, it all comes from one's own efforts.

Then it can be said to be an inspirational legend for common people, a myth of rising against the odds.

And this person does exist! He is Zhang Shihui!

Zhang Shihui, who was fortunate enough to meet Ning Weimin and seized the opportunity, finally got married to Liu Weijing in May 1982.

Through an ultra-luxurious and almost perfect wedding, he was honored to become a contemporary tycoon in Beijing in the 1980s!

His marriage to Liu Weijing not only brought surprise to his family, but also shocked his leaders and colleagues, and fulfilled his original wishes and dreams.

As a result, he has become an idol that is admired and envied by many people around him!

If we use an appropriate metaphor to describe this effect, it is like a rocket flying across the sky, shining in people's eyes.

In fact, it sounds a bit like the billboard that Japan's Sony Corporation just erected this month at the south entrance of Wangfujing, the most famous commercial street in the Republic.

That huge billboard, which is about four meters high and six meters wide, has almost all the modern home appliances produced by Sony listed on it.

Everyone who passes by this street and this intersection can't help but look up.

And almost everyone who sees this advertisement will be in a surging mood and have a dream with almost the same pattern in their hearts.

They just hope that their future lives will be reshaped by the fashionable and modern lifestyles on this billboard.

In short, Zhang Shihui plays a role similar to this Sony billboard to the people around him.

He also provides everyone with the most standard example of happiness, which can be called the "best specimen".

This is no exaggeration.

Because the superiority of Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing’s marriage is reflected in all aspects.

If you make an intuitive comparison between their marriages and those of other contemporary people, you can easily see how huge the gap is, which is definitely beyond the imagination of normal people.

First let’s talk about furniture.

Most newcomers this year are dissatisfied with the rough and rustic brown-red furniture under dim fluorescent lights in furniture stores.

It’s expensive, requires furniture fees, and doesn’t look good.

So everyone basically chooses to hire a carpenter to make furniture at home.

In the early 1970s, "Thirty-Six Legs" was popular.

As time goes by, these "legs" become more and more numerous.

After a few years, it became "forty-eight legs", and later it became "fifty-six legs".

The reason why the number of legs has not increased is because these legs are all based on housing.

In the 1980s, due to the increase in population and the tightening of urban housing, the fashion of furniture changed drastically, and modular furniture became popular.

Several square boxes can be placed together, or they can be moved together and updated at will.

The color is the color of Czech furniture, clear water wax, or very light yellow.

Needless to say, building furniture requires more than a dozen materials such as wood, fiberboard, glue, paint, nails, etc.

You also need to hire a carpenter, a place, and someone with good cigarettes, good wine, and good food to serve you.

The things involved here are extremely trivial and troublesome.

Just preparing the materials and lumber, and the required meat stamps and oil stamps are enough to give the owner a headache, and in the end, he may not save much money.

But it’s impossible not to do it. This is the basic equipment for young men and women to get married these days.

If someone is getting married without a modular cabinet, his friends will discuss it privately.

"This is the most basic thing. Hey, I haven't even made a set of modular cabinets. How can I get married when I'm so poor!"

On the other hand, Zhang Shihui is very cool and doesn't have to worry about these things at all.

You know, since Ning Weimin went to work in Pierre Cardon, he took care of the second-hand dealer's business by himself, and all the profits went into his own pocket.

Now, he needs RMB in his pocket, foreign exchange certificates and foreign exchange certificates, and he also has a ready-made house where furniture can be placed.

You can spend money to buy ready-made ones, so why go to all the trouble?

For him, perhaps the only troublesome thing is that he didn't expect it.

When Liu Weijing was shopping in a store, he unexpectedly saw a set of "tiger-leg" furniture in the Xisi Furniture Store. He liked it very much.

They are all imported Romanian furniture, and you can only buy them with a specially approved ticket.

There are only a few sets in total, and many officials cannot get them.

There is no way anyone can buy it if they are willing to pay a price of 1,800.

Fortunately, Zhang Shihui also has his own cleverness.

Since he knows how to use the method of throwing steel to make the tiger leave the mountain and take away the occupied stool,

So with his IQ and taking the prescribed medicine, it wouldn't be too difficult to get rid of this set of furniture.

No, after searching for a day, he pretended to be a plumber and carried a tool bag to the furniture store.

Then he followed the furniture, back and forth, wandering endlessly.

The salesperson knew he didn't have a ticket as soon as he saw him and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

But Zhang Shihui took advantage of the salesperson's carelessness and made an unexpected move that shocked people's eyes.

He pretended to turn around in front of the mirror of the wardrobe and deliberately punched out the steel pipe from the tool bag.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the large wardrobe mirror was smashed.

Is the salesperson still in a hurry?

At that time, I jumped up and said, "Oh, you can't run away, you have to pay for it."

Just like that, Zhang Shihui easily achieved his goal without even opening his mouth.

Afterwards, the boy was of course very proud and boasted about himself for a long time.

He even specially called Ning Weimin to his house to see the set of furniture, showing off his shame in front of Ning Weimin.

But a wise man will always make mistakes.

Ning Weimin easily found something wrong with the furniture Zhang Shihui got back.

He suggested that Zhang Shihui should get rid of the two single sofas in the house and replace them with a large sofa two meters long, preferably made of leather.

At the beginning, Zhang Shihui was a little confused and stubbornly questioned Ning Weimin's suggestion.

"Why should I change? How good are two separate ones? A two-meter-long one takes up a lot of space. My house is not big, and there are stupid and stupid things. What do you think? Brother,

Why did you make such a bad move on me?"

And Ning Weimin's answer was simply amazing.

"The spatula still touches the rim of the pot. Let me ask you one question, are you sure you can sleep in bed every day after you get married?"

Yes, Zhang Shihui was immediately asked.

After a moment, he woke up, glanced at Ning Weimin, and couldn't help but raise his thumb.

"Brother, you are so wise! Your advice is so accurate!"

This chapter has been completed!
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