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Chapter 273: Asking for Ideas (Revision)

Wait until the man and the woman have almost prepared everything they need to live.

After that, it’s time to plan the wedding.

In fact, for ordinary people, the wedding is actually more important than the marriage certificate.

Because this is a public act.

Without such a well-established ceremony, no one would think that the newlyweds are officially husband and wife.

Even if it is a special period when supplies are extremely scarce and there is no banquet, only candies and cigarettes can be given to the guests.

Even if it is an era of changing customs and customs that advocates "no asking for leave, no gifts, no extravagance" when getting married, blessings can only be given some daily necessities.

Such a ceremony must be held, it is absolutely indispensable.

Even the elderly at home will not allow a newlywed couple who has obtained a marriage certificate but has not done anything to live together.

This is the position of the wedding ceremony in the hearts of our people.

It is conceivable that after the reform and opening up, people's livelihood and economy will gradually improve.

Common people's weddings are bound to become more grand day by day, and they need to pay attention to their pomp and ceremony again.

After all, it is a major event in life. No matter the man or the woman, who doesn’t want to have a chance to enjoy it?

So naturally, the banquet was resumed, the clothes of the newlyweds became decent and trendy, and the wedding process became more and more lively.

Only the wedding ceremony has remained the same.

The celebrant still speaks to the leaders, the couple bows to their parents, and lights cigarettes and toasts to the guests, just a few procedures.

At most, we can just let the young people have a wedding ceremony in the end.

To put it bluntly, our people’s attitude towards life is always based on benefits.

What everyone really cares about is the entertainment and opportunities for eating and drinking provided by the wedding.

As for the specific situation in 1982.

People have begun to wave goodbye to the method of picking up relatives on tricycles and bicycles.

It’s no longer the era of the 1970s, when only eight bicycles could hold up the scene.

The level of wedding cars has improved significantly.

Those who have connections usually ask friends to find connections and borrow cars to show off.

It doesn't matter, I will also spend my own money to hire a taxi, which is a luxury.

It was the credit of Counselor Ning Weimin that Bian Jianjun and Li Xiuzhi were so honorable when they got married.

Otherwise, the Bian family's imagination has been limited by poverty, and the young couple may still not know what it is like to make a car.

Of course, for Zhang Shihui, it is not a problem no matter what.

Although he does not have a good father, he is very powerful.

It's easy to hire several taxis for just a few bucks, and it's a no brainer.

In addition, the social connections he made through doing business included people of all ages, and they were Lu Ziye's kind of people.

On the big day of his wedding, he got several cars to pick up the bride, but each of these friends would refuse.

However, it must be said that it is precisely because Zhang Shihui's situation is quite special, she has so many social friends and few relatives in her own family.

What to do with his wedding banquet is a bit difficult to decide.

Because first of all, like ordinary people, they build a greenhouse, hire their own chefs, and hold banquets in their own courtyards, which is a lot of trouble.

It's too trivial and consumes too much energy. Zhang Shihui alone can't do it.

His parents work in a military industry enterprise in the northwest that requires confidentiality, so it is not easy to ask for leave.

It's already nice to be able to leave two days early and come back to attend my son's wedding.

It's impossible to be of any help at all.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Zhang Shihui planned to find a time-honored restaurant to reserve a table for the wedding ceremony, which would be both grand and worry-free.

Unfortunately, the actual operation was not as easy as he imagined.

Unexpected troubles arise, and I still can’t spend money even though I have money.

It’s a shame that no one can afford to hold a wedding in a restaurant these days.

At that time, the service industry in Beijing could not keep up with the tide of people returning to the city, and everything in terms of food, drink, housing and transportation was overcrowded.

There was simply no restaurant manager willing to take on his business.

Firstly, people feel that it is very tiring to have so many people come to eat together and wait on them with great fanfare.

Neither the kitchen nor the service staff will be happy, so why should the employees be dissatisfied with themselves?

The second is that some of the people’s ideas at that time still haven’t changed.

Many people believe that shutting out individual visitors for the sake of two people getting married is a certain risk in terms of public opinion.

If you encounter that customer who is being serious, or if you encounter that reporter who is nosy, you will be causing trouble for yourself.

As a result, Zhang Shihui went to several houses to ask questions, all in vain.

Fortunately, Chongwenmen Hotel has a joint venture relationship with Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant, so Zhang Shihui can speak in his own unit.

But if you do this, another problem arises.

Because since the wedding is held in the workplace’s restaurant, none of the leaders, colleagues, or acquaintances from other departments can be left behind.

The guests originally invited were old and young, so after all, at least forty tables had to be prepared.

What is this scene?

Liu Weijing's parents shook their heads simply because they felt sorry for Zhang Shihui about the money.

You know, these days, wedding banquets are a loss-making business. The more banquets you host, the more you will suffer, and you won’t be able to get back many gifts.

Based on a 55-year-old table reservation, the banquet alone would cost more than 2,000 yuan.

It's really a waste of time to throw away the National Taiwan University color TV set. No matter how much you can earn, you still have to feel sad.

But Zhang Shihui is different from them.

What he was vague about was that the scene was too big and he felt that he couldn't hold it any longer.

Although he is not afraid of spending money, he also wants to show his face on the most important day of his life and make a grand event.

But he's not stupid.

After hanging out with Ning Weimin for a long time, he also understands the principle of not revealing wealth.

It wouldn't matter if such a high-profile wedding was secretly held elsewhere.

Because in addition to relatives, the people he invited were all friends with interests, colleagues and classmates with whom he had real friendships.

No one will wonder where his money comes from.

But if it falls in the eyes of the unit leader and colleagues who can't get along with each other, it will be different.

He believes that many people will definitely feel jealous and suspicious, and then they will ponder certain things.

If there is no reasonable excuse for this, the consequences will be endless.

So Zhang Shihui was at a loss.

He could only discuss with Ning Weimin and Qiao Wanlin, two people who knew his details, to see how to handle this matter.

Needless to say, this is a wise move.

Qiao Wanlin and Ning Weimin were both human sperm, and one of them gave him an idea.

First of all, what Qiao Wanlin meant was that through his connections, he could help find a workplace canteen and ask.

If possible, do it somewhere else.

If it really doesn't work, I suggest Zhang Shihui go out in advance.

Just make up a lie and say that you have an overseas relative in your family and that's it.

With a reasonable excuse, no one will investigate further.

As long as Zhang Shihui keeps to himself and stops doing it, it's no big deal.

At the same time, Qiao Wanlin also had good news to tell Zhang Shihui and Ning Weimin.

This guy said that because of his outstanding work performance, he was valued by his superiors and would soon be transferred to work in the District Service Bureau.

If Zhang Shihui is willing, he can also transfer Zhang Shihui to work in another unit, such as the Chongwenmen Hotel opposite.

Next, Ning Weimin also said that it is not Zhang Shihui's personality to compromise.

Since Zhang Shihui has been thinking about this matter for so long, it is estimated that he will regret it in the future if he does not do it in a big way.

In this case, let's just do what we should do.

Why not go with your temper and encourage him to leave in the workplace, leaving behind a vigorous legend?

After finishing the work, just resign and go work for Pierre Carton, that's it.

There are actually benefits to being freed from the constraints of state-owned units.

That's how you make money and you have complete freedom.

If Zhang Shihui is reluctant to give up her current financial path, this is the most appropriate choice.

And it’s not a problem to work night shifts all the time. It will ruin your body and affect the quality of the next generation...

In short, the different ideas of Qiao Wanlin and Ning Weimin, although they cannot be said to completely solve this problem, are so in line with Zhang Shihui's wishes.

But at least it gave him some support and made him feel at ease.

He didn't understand anything else, but he made one point anyway.

The worst outcome is to eat somewhere else, so let's just leave it like that...

What's interesting is that Zhang Shihui has made up his mind, but Liu Weijing's parents are still worried.

Privately, the old couple kept asking their daughter how much knowledge Zhang Shihui had.

Not for anything else, but because of this marriage, the old couple also have their own concerns.

After calculation, they believed that Zhang Shihui had already spent a lot.

I'm afraid that my son-in-law will make a fool of himself by being fat and spend too much money, which will lead to a loss. Isn't that going to hurt my daughter anyway?

But even if Liu Weijing deliberately prevaricated, he only vaguely said that Zhang Shihui had 20,000 in cash.

I didn't even have the nerve to tell them that Ning Weimin had just paid back another 40,000 yuan to help Zhang Shihui.

It was enough to make the old couple gasp.

Liu Weijing's mother was dumbfounded.

Liu Weijing’s father’s dentures almost fell out.

Ten thousand yuan is considered rich!

I didn’t expect that after buying so many things, this kid still has a net worth of two million yuan!

How capable this is! Isn’t he just a rich man?

So after being stunned for a long time, the old couple turned out to be a little confused and said to their daughter in unison.

"Don't be stupid. You can give him children as soon as possible. Do you hear me? You have to tie his heart."

"Yes! You should have children as soon as possible after marriage! Only when you have children can a family be truly stable."

This chapter has been completed!
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