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Chapter 284: A glorious wedding

As a bride who marries to a foreign country.

Mi Xiaoran, who is about to leave everything he was familiar with in the past, will indeed feel that his future is uncertain.

She will inevitably become sentimental and shed some tears of sorrow for winter and autumn.

This is normal. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't be considered a woman.

But this state did not last long for her.

Because there were many things that needed to be done in the future, her attention was successfully distracted.

For example, in the following period, she was forced by Aunt Mi to fly around major department stores every day like a butterfly, buying this and that.

I bought everything for clothes and everything, and just bought a big suitcase of Chinese patent medicines.

It seemed like she was going to travel in the desert this time.

There are no shops, no people, no hospital, and everything has to be brought from the country.

And this was a common problem when going abroad in the 1980s.

These days, no one who goes abroad does not go out with large and small bags, mainly because they are worried that things abroad are expensive.

Since there were few opportunities to go abroad, domestic news was spread by false rumors, and almost no one bought a bunch of things without thinking.

Finally, I often go abroad to see...

Oh my God, I realize how stupid I am. I bought many things for nothing.

Clothes, in particular, are not as expensive abroad as you might imagine. If you catch a big sale, they may even be cheaper than at home.

In this matter, the Mi family is also not immune.

After all, humans are limited.

Everyone lives in the era in which he lives, and will be influenced by the people around him, and will have the same taste as his contemporaries.

Therefore, although Mi Xiaoran once strongly opposed it, it was useless to say it in vain.

"Mom, don't go too far. Why are you buying such old things? Hanyu has already said that America has everything. Whatever you need, it's most convenient to buy it there now."

Aunt Mi's answer was like that of most parents who send their children abroad.

"Silly girl, how much do things cost in the United States? How much does it cost here? Let me tell you, once you get married, you won't be as good as before. No matter how rich the Zhao family is, they won't like a daughter-in-law who spends money without thinking.

Is this true?"

Mi Xiaoran immediately realized her mother's good intentions and couldn't help being stunned.

"Then...then, why should I bring so many medicines? Where do you want me to open a pharmacy?"

Little did I know that Aunt Mi would be more reasonable.

"No, don't bring anything with you. You have to bring these medicines with you too. I don't believe that in the United States you can buy toilet water, refreshing oil and bezoar detoxification pills? Do you know that you are prepared for any trouble? It won't be too cumbersome when you use it.

Okay. Besides, haven’t you seen Hanyu’s uncle? He brought the coffee can from the United States with him wherever he goes. Why isn’t he tired? It’s the same thing..."

Not to mention, Mi Xiaoran was really dumbfounded and couldn't refute it at all.

Because when Wang Dadong came to the mainland, the most important thing in his luggage was indeed two large cans of coffee brought from the United States.

He even laughed and talked to Mi Xiaoran face to face, saying that thanks to his intelligence, otherwise it would be difficult to drink real coffee every day.

In this way, after finally buying One Place, Aunt Mi actually bought six large suitcases of stuff.

Such a result made Mi Xiaoran dumbfounded.

Because not to mention bringing such old things to live in the United States, it looks like a refugee.

Just talking about the shipping cost, it is not a small amount, it is more valuable than those things.

How stupid you have to be to do this!

Fortunately, to Mi Xiaoran's relief, Zhao Hanyu not only did not laugh at this, but also showed great tolerance and understanding.

"Auntie is also kind-hearted, and you must understand her thoughts. Why not, I will pay for these things. We try to take them with us when we leave. If we can't take them, leave them behind. Anyway, you can have daily necessities at home.

Use it..."

These words were definitely an unexpected gain and made Mi Xiaoran feel warm in her heart.

For this reason, she felt that she had indeed chosen the right person, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

It seems that the unfamiliar environment she will face in the future does not make her so nervous anymore.

However, what made her even more happy was that Zhao Hanyu arranged the wedding in a very grand manner, beyond her imagination.

Since there was still one event to be held in the United States, we originally agreed that it would be a simple event in the capital.

The Mi family left all the wedding planning to Zhao Hanyu. Except for the list of guests, Mi Xiaoran didn't put any thought into it.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hanyu did not deal with this matter.

He actually booked the banquet hall of the Capital Hotel and provided a buffet for a total of 150 people at the standard of thirty yuan per person.

The magnificence of his handiwork made everyone who received the invitation envious.

So on the day of the wedding, not only the relatives and friends of the Mi family, the neighbors in No. 2 Courtyard, the leaders and colleagues of the Chongwenmen Hotel, but also the teachers and classmates whom Mi Xiaoran had not contacted for a long time, and the educated youth who went to the same educated youth center when he went to the countryside, all came to visit.

Come as promised.

Everyone was excited and honored to have the honor to attend this wedding held in the Capital Hotel.

Of course, the Mi family has changed a lot since their own daughter got married in such a grand manner.

Not only did Master Mi and Aunt Mi wear decent clothes, Mi Xiaohui also wore an imported dress bought from the Friendship Store.

Together, they became the first objects of congratulations from many guests.

They heard too many flattering words, which made them feel dizzy, but they also felt very happy.

As the only elder of the groom in the Mainland, Wang Dadong was also required to be there, and he also acted as the officiant.

And to give him face.

The Jinmen Municipal Government and relevant cooperative units also attached great importance to it and sent special personnel to Beijing to attend the wedding and presented a generous gift.

As for Mi Xiaoran himself, it is even more dazzling.

Although she didn't take the wedding car that day, it was a little regretful.

But she became the first bride in Beijing to wear a wedding dress and hold a wedding ceremony in a Beijing hotel since the reform and opening up.

This "first" is fully qualified to be recorded in the annals of history.

When the wedding march was played, Mi Xiaoran appeared at the entrance of the venue holding a bouquet of flowers and holding the groom's arm.

This appearance was the climax and immediately caused a sensation in the audience.

Amid the applause and cheers, and the flash of camera flashes, the newlyweds became the center of attention.

This day is definitely the most dazzling, most scenic and beautiful day in Mi Xiaoran's life.

And this limelight is absolutely meaningful. It is probably more important to her than any other bride.

Because she has never forgotten the humiliation she suffered here.

She vividly remembers how she was pushed away by the sharp-tongued Huo Xin at the celebration party for Pierre Carton's costume show last year.

The experience of that day left her with obvious after-effects of suffering.

In all her life, she has never felt so inferior, ashamed and angry as she did that day.

She had thought about this over and over again.

She later discovered that she actually lost not to Huo Xin, but to Huo Xin's social status.

In other words, they lost to the social status of Huo Xin's family.

Because of a person, whether it is his rich words, logical thinking, self-confidence and temperament, or the attitude towards others.

In fact, it is closely related to the background and quality of your family.

It was difficult for her to make a confrontational counterattack at that time, and she was at a loss for words.

It was because she unconsciously felt the pressure of facing a young lady with a privileged background.

In fact, subconsciously, she recognized that Huo Xin was stronger than herself.

But it's different now, not to mention that she already has enough confidence to compete with Huo Xin in rhetoric.

Even if she is indeed not as good as Huo Xin, so what?

Today she is nothing compared to the past, and Huo Xin will never humiliate her in public like last time.

Yes, she has completely regained her confidence, because she has completely become the person who belongs to this kind of situation.

A wife is valued by her husband. Although this principle is simple, it is a wise saying.

It's a pity that although she wanted Huo Xin to see today's scene and asked Ning Weimin to come on her behalf, she didn't seem to come.

Otherwise, that would really be considered a feeling of pride...

This chapter has been completed!
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