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Chapter 303 Opening (revision)

May 21, 1982, Friday, Xiaoman.

At six o'clock in the morning, not long after it started to get dark, Ning Weimin, who was sleeping in the guest room of Chongwenmen Hotel, was woken up by a morning wake-up call from the front desk.

After hanging up the phone, he yawned heavily and opened the curtains a crack.

First, he opened his hazy eyes and looked at the sky outside the window.

Reluctantly, Lai slept on the bed and woke up for three or four minutes.

Finally, I managed to get up and go to the ground to wash up.

To be honest, Ning Weimin has never gotten up so early since he quit the material recycling business and ended his relationship with the eastern suburbs garbage dump.

He has always lived a happy life of sleeping until dawn and staying in bed until he wakes up naturally.

As for today, the reason why such a special case occurred.

That's all because this is the day when the sewing club he cooperates with the street officially opens for business, and there are a lot of things that need to be done for him.

In fact, speaking of it, Ning Weimin himself chose this date.

When the house was almost ready in the first two days, Director Li from the street specifically asked him which day would be the best day for the sewing club to open and how to hold the opening ceremony.

Originally, Ning Weimin was very indifferent, thinking that it didn't matter whether he opened the business or not.

Even speaking from his own heart, he prefers not to do it at all.

Because he rented this courtyard to use as a warehouse and conduct clothing business entirely in his own name.

He did have a business license, but it was just an individual business license that he had just asked Director Li to help him apply for in his own name under an excuse.

In fact, this side of the street has always been controlled by him as an executive of Pierre Carton.

They also mistakenly thought that he represented a series of cooperation between foreign-funded enterprises and the streets.

But in fact, the only thing he can really show off to outsiders here is the collective processing center run by the street office.

Of course he didn't want to be the leader, lest he cause unnecessary trouble.

But Ning Weimin had second thoughts. If this was true, it would make him feel guilty and make others suspicious.

What's more, he still owes Director Li a huge favor for this house.

Not to mention that Director Li chose the location so well, drove others away because of his decision, and the rental contract was so affordable.

Just talk about the subsequent trivial tasks such as cleaning up the house, modifying circuits, making shelves, moving furniture, and cleaning.

Which one was not done by Director Li and organized manpower?

Apart from contacting Honglian Factory and asking them to bring the inventory over for storage, he didn't bother with anything else.

As a result, he took the biggest advantage himself.

The street can only do some processing work in his hands, eat some leftovers, and how much money can he save?

As the saying goes, everything has to be almost the same.

After all, Director Li's inquiry itself is a kind of courtesy and attention.

So no matter how you look at it, he should reciprocate the favor and hold an opening ceremony properly to bring glory to Director Li's face.

For state cadres, obviously political performance and reputation are the most important.

No matter how small this matter is, it can still be regarded as a practical matter for grassroots cadres to benefit the masses.

Then spreading the word and taking care of things will only do good and not bad for Director Li.

At least it is enough for Director Li to cope with inspections from superiors and summarize work at the end of the year.

In this way, Ning Weimin made up his mind, looked at the calendar carefully, and finally chose an auspicious day, which was Xiaoman's day.

However, it is said that it is for the sake of good luck, but there is no real Feng Shui theory. After all, the almanac has been sold for a long time.

His real thoughts are actually very simple.

Since the Xiaoman solar term means entering the rainy season with heavy rainfall, Beijing often experiences sustained and large-scale heavy rainfall.

Water is wealth. If you can open your business on Xiaoman's day, your business will be prosperous, you will make a lot of money, and you will make a lot of money.

Director Li has no objections to this, and his reasons for agreeing are even more overwhelming.

Just to make this day easy to remember, so that I will never forget it or make a mistake.

Yes, two happy people got together, and this day was decided.

Next, of course, it is time to prepare the content required for the opening ceremony.

Of course, Director Li would not let him do a series of routine trivial matters such as making plaques, issuing invitations, buying firecrackers, red paper, and colored silk, and took care of them all by himself.

Ning Weimin was also very generous, offering to help with money as the icing on the cake.

First, on the opening day, he would transfer four girls he cultivated from Zhai Palace to support the scene.

Specialized in delivering scissors, receiving colored silk, and making tea and water to receive guests during the ribbon-cutting process.

Second, he also paid 80 yuan to invite a lion dance team composed of workers from the Baizhifang 541 Mint to perform a lion dance to bring good luck.

This lion dance team has been inherited in an orderly manner. It is said that it originated from the "Taishi Laohui" in the Qing Dynasty. It is quite famous in the southern region of Beijing and is definitely worth the money.

Third, Ning Weimin also booked four tables at the "Old Zhengxing" at the front door according to Director Li's list.

At a price of fifty yuan per table, we plan to invite people from the street office, neighborhood committees, and guests from all walks of life to try our cuisine.

Needless to say, Director Li couldn't help but be touched by such support and cooperation.

However, due to the limitations of the times, there was a large gap in understanding of interests. Director Li did not think that everything he had done was worthy of Ning Weimin's efforts. Instead, he misunderstood it again.

He actually decided that Ning Weimin was a grateful person.

I thought Ning Weimin was repaying the street like this because he grew up relying on his mother's salary from a sewing club and remembered old friendships and never forgot his roots.

Look, this is a strange combination of circumstances, and probably nothing in the world would be so cheap.

Ning Weimin didn't even need to do anything, and his good reputation flew to the top of his head.

In short, no matter how you put it, Ning Weimin’s main task is on the opening day.

Just dress decently, coordinate and arrange the several things he promised, and don't make any mistakes.

A quarter past nine in the morning.

In front of the gate of the new sewing club on Meishi Street, people were putting up the national flag and climbing up the ladder to hang up the plaque and the big red whip.

Director Li also saw Ning Weimin and rushed to the scene.

Today is a special day. Director Li feels extremely affectionate towards Ning Weimin, and is also particularly curious about his national treasure-like dark circles under his eyes.

(Note: "Tai Shi Laohui" is the folk lion dance team during spring outings in the imperial temple. "Tai Shi" refers specifically to the big lion, which must have one head and one tail, and two people dance together. The relative term is "young lion"

", refers specifically to the little lion, which only needs one person to dance. "Laohui" means that the club has a history of at least a hundred years. Specifically, the "Taishi Laohui" should be established during the Qianlong period.)

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