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Chapter 307: Work (repair)

Su Jin's eyes lit up when he heard Bian Jianjun's words, and he felt like there was a bright future in the dark.

What else are you thinking about?

Why don't you worry about the street taking the lead?

Strength is a slave, it will come back when it is used up.

As long as it doesn't take up working time, everyone will think it's a good deal.

What's more, the more you work, the more you will get, the more you work, the more you will get, and there is no ceiling.

This is perfect for Su Jin who is in urgent need of money and has no place to use his energy.

So before Su Jin could even open his mouth, Su Jin's master was already busy taking over his duties.

"Okay, I think this is a good thing. Jianjun, just go back and talk about it, and you must give Su Jin a chance. It's not easy for him!"

But Bian Jianjun is not afraid of helping, he is just afraid of doing the same thing.

"Hey, don't worry when I do something. Once you ask, I can definitely get it done. The key is...Su Jin, you have to think about it. Don't let me say it and you won't go."

"No!" Su Jin immediately and seriously agreed.

"I will definitely go, and I promise to do a good job! Brother Bian, I...I really don't know what to say...Thank you, thank you."

Bian Jianjun was relieved and expressed his satisfaction with a smile.

"Thank you for what? We are in the same unit. Isn't it normal for us to help each other when we have difficulties?"

Then he gave two more kind instructions.

"By the way, now that the matter is settled. As for the porter, you'd better stop doing it and resign immediately."

"That work is too tiring. You'd better take a good rest these days to recuperate your body. Don't wait until it's time to start working. You lie down."

"Of course, I also know that you are waiting for the money, so I will try to help you and see if we can ask our neighborhood committee to advance you some money for emergency relief."

Of course, Su Jin was even more moved this time, and even his eye circles were red.

To be honest, on this day, all Su Jin could think about was Bian Jianjun's proposal.

Because he had long realized that his current way of living was no longer a problem.

Physical work is not his strong point, and the muscle soreness caused by being a porter even makes his hands shake.

Now even when he gets a pedicure during the day, he doesn't dare to do the fine work anymore, causing the master a lot of trouble.

Coupled with the loss of blood and the loss of the body, it is obvious that one is exchanging one's life for money. It's not that he doesn't know this truth.

It can include rent, water, electricity, gas, oil, salt, firewood and rice, father’s medicine money, sister’s book fees, and debts owed.

But they all forced him to carry on regardless of the consequences and to live without knowing what he was capable of.

Before today, he couldn't stop at all, because he had to go on living with money.

If he wanted to stop, it would mean that his life would be unsustainable, and he would have to watch his father being tortured by illness and his sister bursting into tears with sadness.

Such mental pain was more unbearable to him than physical pain.

So even if one day he does it and falls down, it can only be regarded as fate.

Think about it, how ironic!

The action he took originally to survive turned out to be a way to kill himself.

If he really dies like this, he will also become a laughing stock in the eyes of the little devils in the underworld, right?

But it’s different now!

As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Bian Jianjun's advice gave him hope of getting out of his difficult life and the possibility of escaping from the vicious cycle.

Looking forward, his road is no longer completely dark, but has light.

Even if it's tiny...

Things are going pretty smoothly down there.

I don't know if it's because Su Jin has already experienced all the suffering in this life.

God is tired of him and doesn't bother to play tricks on him anymore.

Or maybe Bian Jiangong was the noble man he was destined to be, and he was just trying to pull him out of the quagmire properly.

Su Jin went to work part-time in a sewing club. Only one day later, Bian Jianjun's reply came.

Not only did he contact Su Jin about working in a sewing club, but he also received an advance payment of thirty yuan from the neighborhood committee.

In this way, another five days passed until the sewing club opened successfully.

Su Jin officially joined the sewing club and became one of the first batch of twenty-two temporary workers.

Of course, since it is a temporary part-time job, your time is completely independent.

As long as you have free time after work, you can go to the sewing club to do work at any time.

So on the first day Su Jin went to do odd jobs in order to earn more money, he hurried to the grocery store to sell vegetables as soon as he got off work from the bathhouse, and then hurried home.

After preparing meals for my father and sister, I brought some food in a lunch box.

He packed up his father's original tailoring tools and ran to the sewing club.

As for the small courtyard rented by Ning Weimin, the three front rooms were temporarily lent to the sewing club.

Since these rooms face the street, they are not only convenient to enter and exit, but also have more sunshine every day.

The lighting conditions and thermal insulation conditions are the best.

And considering that most people work regular shifts, more people come to work at night.

Ning Weimin also paid for workers to double the number of fluorescent tubes on the roof and equip each workstation with a small green desk lamp.

Such working conditions made Su Jin feel happy when he first arrived. They were much better than he imagined.

Of course he understands that tailoring requires the most eyesight and requires sufficient lighting in order to be able to do it skillfully.

It's a pity that things in this world are never perfect.

The only drawback is that the area of ​​these three rooms is not large, only about 60 square meters in total.

A long wooden platform was set up from one end to the other, and around the wall were mostly sewing machines that had been brought here and there from the street.

Coupled with a desk for the statistics manager and everyone's stools, there is almost not much room for everyone to move around.

Su Jin sat down at the seat assigned to him and realized that if all the sewing machines in the room were occupied, the room would become a train of cars.

No matter who wants to go out to the toilet or get something, it will become very difficult.

In addition, except for Su Jin, almost all the people who come to do this kind of odd job are women around forty years old.

There are even some older aunts, half-old ladies.

The environment here must be noisy, and there will never be peace.

Especially when everyone is here, it's really no better than a bathhouse.

How can those aunties keep their mouths shut?

When they meet, they often call each other "his Aunt Wang," "Aunt Cui," "old sister," and "old sister."

Then you have to ask acquaintances, "Have you eaten?" "Is your home fine?"

After sitting down to work, we still have to talk about what we ate yesterday, what we are doing today, and how to cook most cost-effectively.

If you don't, you'll just say that the parents are short-sighted.

She was sulking with her girlfriend today, and she had a quarrel with her mother-in-law yesterday.

You blame the man in the family for not doing the housework, and she blames the son for fighting and causing trouble outside and not making progress in his studies.

There are people who don't know Su Jin, and it's very refreshing to see a young man like him doing this.

Come here to trick him and find out what's going on with him.

She even deliberately teased him, telling him half-truths and half-falsehoods to introduce someone to him.

In short, discipline is undisciplined, people do whatever they want, the environment is buzzing, and the environment is so messy that it makes people feel upset.

You know, although the work here is all about removing stitches, smashing stitches, sewing edges, making buttonholes and the like.

It doesn't require too complicated techniques, but it still requires care and patience to do it well.

These old ladies are chatting away, which is of course a bad factor that affects work efficiency and distracts people.

If I really make a mistake, it's easy to rework it, but I'm afraid it will ruin the clothes, so I won't be able to compensate others.

What's more, if it's ordinary clothes, that's it. The key is that Ning Weimin mainly arranges for people to modify those defective products of Pierre Carton.

Su Jin felt that these clothes were worth a lot just based on their quality and style.

Therefore, he was very troubled by this point. He was not used to it, and he couldn't help but worry about it.

He was afraid that he would waste such a good opportunity, not be able to get a job, and not make the money he expected.

But then again, misfortune lies on the back of blessing, and blessing lies on the back of misfortune.

Under certain conditions and at a special time, bad things can turn into good things.

For example, Su Jin, who has lived so long and suffered so much, never thought about the unbearable experiences he had in the past.

At this time, some strange changes began to occur, which actually exerted a benign effect on him, making him better than others in his work.

This allowed him to still achieve his original intention of changing his destiny with his hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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