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Chapter 323 Zhang Dashao

There are always some strange people and strange things in the world.

According to Bian Jiangong's description, it is obvious that "Zhang Dashao" should be regarded as a freak in the "Polar Bear" factory.

Thanks to the huge "Polar Bear" factory, with more than 2,000 employees, a total of three canteens have been set up.

Among them, the large canteen and the halal canteen both serve employees. They are old canteens that have existed since the factory was built.

Only this small canteen was established because of "Zhang Dashao" after he came here five years ago.

Since it was specially established, it inevitably has some special characteristics.

First of all, this small canteen is only responsible for receiving factory leaders at the level of deputy director or above.

"Zhang Dashao" doesn't even serve the full-time section chiefs of each department.

Secondly, don't forget that "Zhang Dashao" is busy with the leaders' lunch every day and does nothing else.

But his salary was extremely high.

Everyone in the factory knew that as soon as "Zhang Dashao" came to the factory, he would dominate the other two masters in charge of the employee canteen.

In addition to bonuses, he actually gets a fixed salary of more than 90 yuan every month, which is directly the first-class salary of a cook.

However, the two masters, even though they are both veteran workers in the factory, each only earns the second-level salary of a cook of 85 yuan per month.

Until last year, Master Pang from the cafeteria won the first prize in the "Cook Competition" of the Light Industry Bureau.

The salary has just been raised by another level, barely the same as "Zhang Dashao".

What's even more amazing is that "Zhang Dashao" is extremely domineering in everything he does, especially at work.

From the day he arrived, when the ingredients for "Polar Bear" arrived, he had to pick them first and choose them first.

Only the items he has picked can be divided between the remaining two canteens.

Moreover, he did not do any of the chores in the kitchen of the small canteen, and assigned them all to people in the large canteen.

But he can't tolerate mistakes and loves to find fault with others.

If the people who cook for him do something a little bit not to his liking or a little sloppy, he will scold them.

The most incredible thing is that it’s useless for anyone to dissent.

Let alone the fact that all factory leaders rarely have a unified opinion on this issue, they all unswervingly support "Zhang Dashao".

Even Master Pang, the top man in charge of the canteen, is the same.

He originally loved to protect his own people's shortcomings, but he changed his past habits and instead turned his elbows outward.

Not to mention the ingredients delivered every day, Master Pang couldn't wait to pick up the best ones and deliver them to "Zhang Dashao" on his own initiative.

When it comes to "Zhang Dashao" scolding people, he actually said that the scolding was justified.

On the other hand, he scolded his subordinates for not being careless in their work and humiliating his people.

Who wants to show displeasure over this? Master Pang simply throws a few words at him.

"Either you leave the cafeteria, or you have to listen to Master Zhang and work hard from now on."

As a way of appeasement, Master Pang only agreed to arrange for two people to serve him in rotation for one month.

After you finish your work, you will be given a month of easy work and four days of rest as a reward.

But if someone doesn't do well, offends "Zhang Dashao" and then says dissatisfied words...

I'm sorry about that!

Whoever is eliminated first when the salary is raised next time will have to wait for another opportunity.

What's even more strange is that according to information revealed by people in the administrative department, it seems that "Zhang Dashao" was personally introduced to the factory by Master Pang.

So everyone couldn't understand, and they were extremely puzzled, who owed whom this?

It was obviously Master Pang who helped so much, but why did he feel as guilty as if he owed money to "Zhang Dashao"?

Master Pang has always been outgoing and informal, but he despises others for showing off in front of him?

But why do you respect "Zhang Dashao" like you respect your ancestors?

There is nothing more puzzling than this in the world!

But, after all, no matter who it is, they really have to admit it.

Although "Zhang Dashao" is arrogant, he does have the capital to be arrogant.

At least the old guy's craftsmanship is good and not adulterated at all.

It even sounds a bit miraculous.

For example, in summer, when the weather gets hot, things tend to break easily.

The canteen does not have any refrigeration equipment.

Vegetables and fruits are easy to talk about, but meat has to be stored in the cold storage of the canteen.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to make it through the night, and you’ll feel bad.

For this reason, every year when summer comes, "Zhang Dashao" has to go to the cold storage to get meat every day.

The biggest difference between him and others was revealed at this time.

Generally, when someone picks up something, everyone should report the number first, make an appointment, and then take it away.

"Zhang Dashao" doesn't matter.

When he wanted meat, he counted it with the warehouseman and started cutting it.

When it comes to the tip of the buttocks after two kilograms, go up to the white striped pig and cut it with a knife.

Throw it on the scale, it’s an absolute two pounds!

For half a pound of tenderloin, use the same cut.

Make another appointment, it’s still the same!

Three pounds of pork ribs, still one knife.

When the warehouse manager took another look at the scale, he was simply amazed!

So as soon as this incident spread, "Zhang Dashao" got another nickname - "Zhang Yidao".

It is said that the only time the numbers did not match the contract was when the old guy asked for a pig's knuckle.

At that time, he quoted two catties and twenty liang, but the person in charge of the warehouse said it was actually two catties and seven.

Unexpectedly, the old guy was talking about the net weight, and the warehouse manager was too early to make an appointment.

I really had to wait for "Zhang Dashao" to come face to face with him and "click, click, click" before shaving the bone.

The above-mentioned "Yi Yue" is quite accurate. If it says "two catties", it means "two catties".

Look, even those who specialize in selling meat have never heard of anyone who can do this?

This is the "Zhang Dashao".

Also, the people who helped him cook are also spreading the word outside.

When it comes to the old guy chopping vegetables, he almost never talks about using a chopping board or a chopping board.

There is no mention of that at all.

For example, if you want to burn coir raincoat radishes in winter, you have to use your knife skills to cut out the flowers.

This knife can't cut it, this carrot can't be pulled apart.

It's time to cut the big hair, and it's broken.

You don’t need a chopping board or a block, you just have to play with a seal! Isn’t this the truth?

But people "open the big spoon" and just cut it with a knife.

After cutting, put it on a plate, then simmer it with oil and mix it up.

After taking away the radish, the table underneath was still like that. It was difficult to even find a knife mark, don't even think about it.

In addition, "Zhang Dashao" is also very good at white cases.

As everyone knows, there is no baking powder these days, and all alkali is used. If it is not done well, it will turn yellow or sour.

When making steamed buns in a big cafeteria, you have to make them by the pound.

How much flour, how much water, how much dough to knead, and how much alkaline flour to put are all fixed.

But I didn't expect that "Zhang Dashao" didn't use the usual methods at all.

As long as he sees how big the dough is and feels the softness of the dough, he will know what to do.

Then he would take a piece of paper, put some alkaline noodles on it, and put it on it to make sure it was right.

It is said that there is some leftover after brewing, and it is said that the alkaline is strong after brewing. I have never said that.

What kind of master style is this?

Awesome! So awesome!

This chapter has been completed!
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