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Chapter 347 Kill the rich and give to the poor

When Ning Weimin said this, Zhang Shihui's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but scream in admiration.

"Yes, that makes sense. If you calculate it this way, then this business is indeed very profitable. I feel completely relieved!"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I just felt a little sad when I first heard you saying that you would give up profits to sell goods. I feel like we don't have to wear slippers to take out like Jiefang shoes. Isn't it too much of a disadvantage? Don't worry about it with a box of cigarettes.

See, if you only make one penny less, how much less will you make over time?"

"But then when you mentioned time, oh, I understood. It turns out that this is called catching the big and letting the small go. This is called giving and receiving! That's right, if we waste time on these things, we will lose a lot of money.


"Taking a loss together is really taking advantage. What kind of money do we make? Isn't it because the state-owned stores are rigid in their systems and cannot flexibly change prices, and they are unwilling to take a small loss. What money do we make from selling those high-end goods?"

Gold and silver, what you earn from selling these cheap goods is time."

Zhang Shihui's words fully prove that he has understood it well.

Ning Weimin was naturally very happy.

"That's right! What I mean is that we have to be more generous in our business. You can't make money from the poor. It's too tiring and not considered your skill. Of course, if you want to eat big meat, you have to make money from the fat guys. There are also

A sense of accomplishment, right? To put it bluntly, what we earn from the poor is reputation, and what we earn from the rich is profit. This is called killing the rich and giving to the poor!"

As he spoke, he regarded himself more and more as a hero in the water and Liangshan, shaking his head.

But Zhang Shihui is still troubled by a problem.

"Weimin, your idea is absolutely brilliant. But there is one thing. I don't have to worry about selling those high-end goods. We are familiar with the business. But I am a bit unwieldy with these cheap cigarettes and alcohol. You see,

The volume of our purchase is too large, so it’s hard to sell it out. Guaguai, there are 12,500 cigarettes and 3,600 bottles of Erguotou. I’m really a little scared... I guess it’s just not making any money.

These goods are enough to keep me busy for two three months..."

I really can't say that Zhang Shihui's concerns are unreasonable.

But the good thing is that Ning Weimin is a person who likes to think before he decides and act after he has decided.

He acted cautiously. In fact, he had already made plans for this issue and had already planned it for Zhang Shihui.

"Don't be anxious, listen to me and tell me slowly. There is a lot of alcohol and tobacco, so if we want to make a move smoothly and quickly, we have to find the right direction and have our own unique method. If you want me

See, it can be divided into two and treated differently."

"You see, many city residents smoke Class C cigarettes with filters such as Qingquan, Huanghe and Badaling, and we purchase relatively few. As for Erguotou wine, in fact, apart from bulk wine, people also like to buy it most.

of bottled wine.”

"Then we can distribute these cigarettes and alcohol through our relatives and friends at cost price. No one will find it troublesome and unwilling to help. Because whoever sells to acquaintances can get benefits and earn face."

"If nothing else, let's sell Red Star Erguotou at the purchase price of RMB 1.40, which is RMB 10 more than a pound of 'Mao San' in a non-staple food store. If you count the people who buy it, you will also lose a glass bottle. Then

It means there’s nothing wrong with it, right? Let’s compare it with the unbeatable official price of one dollar and fifty-two cents in the store, you say! Who buys such wine, can he not be grateful to the person who sold it to him? "

"To tell you the truth, I have tried this kind of thing on our neighbors a long time ago. I asked them to help me sell my ordinary but cheap clothes. As a result, not only all of my neighbors

The work unit is very prestigious, and everyone is making money from it."

"Now they all miss me very much. When they see me, they take the initiative to ask me about it. They always ask me what new bargains I have. Their enthusiasm is very high. I'm not afraid that you don't like to hear it. I just rely on this.

The good popularity gained in exchange will last ten lifetimes. I’m afraid I won’t make any more money than you, even if I sell cheap home appliances to your relatives..."

The last sentence left Zhang Shihui stunned, and he couldn't help but blurt it out after a moment.

"Ah? Then according to what you say, I...I am no longer the one who was taken advantage of?"

Followed by another slap.

"Hey, you are so cunning! When someone does something for you, you actually have to thank you in return! Okay, you are truly a profiteer! It's so bad for you..."

But in the face of such accusations, Ning Weimin was not ashamed, but proud.

He simply didn't bother to pay attention to Zhang Shihui, who was gnashing his teeth, whether because of jealousy or low self-esteem.

With a stern look on his face, he said, "Listen carefully to what I have to say..."

Then he concentrated on showing his true nature as a profiteer and continued to play the game.

"As for these Yudaiqiao, Dayan, and Shuanghe mouthless cigarettes, except for the very poor people in the city, almost no one smokes them anymore. Let's keep a few of them in the store and sell them later to make a show.

That’s enough. For other goods, it’s up to you to find channels to sell them to the suburbs.”

"In short, there is one word you should remember, that is 'quick'! Even if you pay a little bit for the freight, it will be cheaper than our purchasing price, so hurry up and get it out. Because only by recovering the capital as soon as possible can we purchase new goods and continue this virtuous cycle.


Zhang Shihui's attention has returned, and after hearing this, she couldn't help but like it again.

"Hey, the direction you gave is really on the right track. Well, farmers like this kind of cigarettes and are the largest consumer group. If we do this, it might really work. If you want to say so, let's sell it farther away.

Is that okay? Like my mother’s hometown in Hebei, there seems to be a relative who also owns a cigarette shop. If you want to give it to him, don’t worry, he is also suitable..."

But Zhang Shihui never expected that this idea, which he thought was a good idea, would immediately be strongly opposed by Ning Weimin.

"Don't mention it, please don't! This tobacco and alcohol are not ordinary things, and the national control regulations are strict. Our goods must not leave our hands outside the capital. Otherwise, once discovered, the license will be revoked


"Hey, go back and take a good look at the relevant regulations. The relevant responsibilities are very detailed. It is illegal to transport alcohol and cigarettes in excess of the amount on the receipt. So be careful and never make such mistakes due to ignorance and negligence.

Put ourselves in it."

"Regarding this matter, I really have to tell you something special. Foreign trade cigarettes are often suspected of smuggling. Although the profits are huge, don't touch them. It's not worth it. Let me tell you, even for the recycling business of high-end tobacco and alcohol, you can't do it.

Don’t accept foreign cigarettes…”

Zhang Shihui couldn't help but take Ning Weimin's serious attitude seriously.

He nodded and made his promise seriously.

"If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known it was so serious. Then I understand, don't worry, I will definitely read those rules carefully when I go back. Since you reminded me, I won't make mistakes."

Then he seemed to wake up to something.

"Hey, if you want to put it that way, are you thinking so carefully about the man named Huang just to take precautions and fear that we will make mistakes? It is because he will support us at the critical moment. So for him, we

... From now on, we can only sell local products from the capital?"

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin laughed when he said this.

"Hey, it's true just in case. But you've got the wrong idea about the logical relationship."

"Let me tell you the truth, the real reason is that once we sell a large amount of cheap cigarettes to the suburbs, it will definitely have an impact on the tobacco and alcohol market in the suburbs. Our products are cheap, so everyone will buy ours.

We won’t sell any more to the public.”

"This kind of behavior is called dumping in Western countries, and it can drive other companies out of business. The supply and marketing cooperatives don't understand how we make money and have absolutely no power to fight back. How can they be happy?"

"As time goes by, they will definitely not be able to bear it. Maybe they can ask the Sugar, Tobacco and Liquor Company to investigate. Can you guarantee that no one will find us? What will we do then? If the person named Huang wants to question us, he will have to

I’m using local products as a shield.”

"Don't forget, local protectionism exists everywhere. If local tobacco and alcohol are sold well, maximizing profits and taxes is the most important thing. What are you afraid of if there is a backlog of tobacco and alcohol from other places? So even if what we do is not authentic, give Huang Da

The manager caused trouble. But it can help a local company resolve its overstocked inventory, which is a great achievement."

"I'm sure that before this happens, our tobacco and alcohol companies in Beijing will first thank the Sugar Industry Tobacco and Liquor Company. That person named Huang will certainly be commended by his superiors for his achievements. By then, even if our problems are exposed, he will

He will also make the right choice. He will not be too harsh on us, and maybe he will continue to support us in the future..."

Having said this, Ning Weimin could no longer hide his smug look.

He raised his chin towards Zhang Shihui, squeezed his eyes, and laughed evilly.

At this time, under the dim light, his face gave Zhang Shihui the same feeling.

In fact, it is quite similar to the scheming profiteers in Shanghai and Shanghai in the movie "Mayor Chen" released last year.

However, what is the saying?

That's called a stinky fish looking for death... No, no, it's a turtle... Bah! It's Xingxingxixingxing, a good man knows a good man.

Zhang Shihui actually had no worries about being led aboard the pirate ship.

He is like Mu Renzhi who follows Huang Shiren all the time in the movie "The White-Haired Girl", with happy smile lines on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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