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Chapter 378: Losing your temper

"It's true that I am in a foreign company, and I am certainly not as familiar with the situation within the system as you are. But if you think that I don't understand the importance of relationships, that's not necessarily true. Don't shopping malls and officialdom have something in common? They are also needed.

We need to work hard on communication, otherwise we will have difficulty every step of the way.”

"To be honest, our company's chairman, Mr. Pierre Catton, has been in the Republic since 1979 and is very optimistic about the domestic market. But why was our company only established last year? The main reason is that foreigners don't understand us.

The importance of domestic relationships has been met with obstacles everywhere. Fortunately, Mr. Catton woke up early and hired our current general manager, Ms. Song Huagui, with a high salary to be responsible for opening up domestic channels. Otherwise, we would still not be able to see truly international fashion in our country."

"As for the specific aspects of operation, relationships are even more neglected. From preferential policies, performance promotions, to store location selection, and the cultivation of customer groups, what does it not rely on relationships? What things do not need a red stamp?"

"Without the help and support of the Ministry of Textiles and the Ministry of Economic and Trade, our company's business would not be able to develop at all. If nothing else, model performances would be labeled as indecent and become a crime. What does this mean? This is

This shows that a big business must have a big backer."

Ning Weimin's strategy was very shrewd.

He knows that in order to change the other person's mind, he often has to start by following the other person's words, which is the method with the least resistance.

As expected, these words first gained Li Zhong's support, causing him to express his feelings and couldn't help but interject.

"Hey, I agree with you. If you don't rely on relationships to do business, why do you rely on it? Take my trip to Huacheng as an example. The relationship with the railway is the most important. Without this relationship, you have to squeeze into ordinary carriages. If you want to go to Huacheng,

Getting things like electronic watches and calculators back is even more of a daydream. Let alone checking them in, you can’t even get in to Huacheng Railway Station. If the industrial and commercial officers catch you on duty, you will either be severely fined or confiscated. Even the goods on the train will be confiscated.

Someone is doing a spot check, it's called a 'bloodletting needle'..."

Li Zhong is quite interesting.

Once he got involved, there was no end to it, and he even boasted about his business experience.

He doesn't feel ashamed about making a small amount of money by taking advantage of policy loopholes, but feels proud of it, thinking how capable he is.

If Jiang Hao hadn't been alert enough, he would have quickly stopped this kid from making unbridled remarks.

Li Zhong might be able to tell which conductor used the lounge to help him bring goods, and which anti-smuggling team in Huacheng provided him with goods.

So this can only show that Jiang Hao's brother-in-law is a man who has no wealth and loves vanity.

Because only such people will like to talk nonsense and brag about themselves endlessly.

He doesn't understand the principle of "talking too much and losing your words". He doesn't know that showing off one's self is the most annoying thing, and he doesn't understand the meaning of "being able to speak is not as good as being able to listen."

On the other hand, in fact, only those who encourage others to talk more and are good at listening can win the favor of others and master more information at the same time.

No, a real-life example is right in front of us.

Li Zhong himself had a very good attitude toward Ning Weimin, who listened to his talk with great interest for a long time.

After being reminded by Jiang Hao, he handed over the right to speak again.

He gave Ning Weimin a smile, no longer showing any clear hostility towards him as before.

"Brother, don't mind. I'm interrupting you. It's purely out of my feelings. Just say it. Just keep talking..."

Ning Weimin is very good at being a good person, and he comes up with beautiful scenes casually.

"It's okay. We just sat together and chatted casually. Besides, these things you mentioned are really the first time I have heard of them. They are quite insightful."

Although it is a lie, no one will take it seriously, but such a lie is easier to win the favor of others than the truth.

The proof is that Li Zhong was happy again, and he picked up the cigarette case on the table and gave Ning Weimin a cigarette.

A box of Hilton for one dollar and six.

Of course, there is no tax payment mark.

"Then let me talk about my understanding of relationships..."

After Ning Weimin lit his cigarette, he opened his mouth again.

"When it comes to individuals, relationships are even more important. Everyone here must understand that in terms of social reality, a person alone cannot win against a clique. If a person has no friends in society, no one will help him.

, his situation will be very bad. This is true for ordinary people, especially for those who want to achieve a career. If you work alone and cannot rely on the help of others, it will be impossible to build any career."

"In fact, there is a type of people in society who have extraordinary abilities, profound insights, and talents. They could have achieved great success, but they live in poverty. Why is this? Isn't it because these people are talented, but they are also arrogant about their talents?

.Think that you are better than others and that you are an indispensable talent. Because of your arrogance, you cannot get along well with the people around you. In this way, due to the lack of social relationships and connections, they are eventually buried. This is enough to prove that talent alone

It won’t work either.”

"In fact, from my personal experience, most of a person's achievements are always given by others. Because opportunities have to be given to you by someone. The more popularity you have, the more opportunities you have. What's more, life is a big stage.

We all have our own place in it. No one can deal with all the problems. Having more popularity can also reduce one worry. As the saying goes, when everyone adds fuel, the flame will grow brighter. Relationships are like a lamp.

At the end of life, I can guide you to the prosperity of another village."

"So, a person's ability, future and potential are actually determined by the quality and number of his friends. People with more friends have more face and will always get various practical and concrete benefits.

With help, there is almost nothing that cannot be done. It can be defined in this way, only a person with many friends is a successful person..."

At this point, Ning Weimin lost his temper again to Wu Shen.

He waved his hand and used his signature move, tapping Ning Weimin's head with his finger.

"Hey, that's a bit interesting. It's like this. I, Old Wu, have many friends and a lot of face. I can do anything that anyone can't do. I can do anything that anyone can't get in through. I, Old Wu, can do it.

Friends are here."

"Those stupid college students have their eyes wide open on the top of their heads, but what's the point of having so much ink in their stomachs? They're all under my command and have to obey my command."

"I really need to go back and tell my father what you said. The old man in our family always says that I am ignorant and incompetent, and blames me for not doing a good job in the Cultural Affairs Bureau, which is embarrassing to him. This time I can find someone to stop him.

The theory is based on it. Sooner or later, I will be able to do the same as him and work as a director..."

This rough embryo was making noises, but as soon as I thought about it, I suddenly felt something was wrong again.

The hand that had just been lowered suddenly slapped the table hard and was raised again.

It was aimed at Ning Weimin like the barrel of a gun.

"Hey, that's not right! Huo Xin has blown you to the sky. You just made it through your own hard work."

"He also said that you are a good businessman, speak excellent English, and have unique abilities. You will soon be compared with your immediate boss."

"Who said this? It's not your turn to say it. What do you mean, kid? Are you trying to trick us into thinking I'm Hu Chuankui?"

(Note: Hu Chuankui is the painted-faced character in the Peking Opera model opera "Shajiabang". The painted face can express his charlatanism, righteousness, boldness and lack of scheming. In the words of Aqing's wife, he is a "bastard"


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