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Chapter 392: Extraordinary Talent

As expected, although Qu Xiao was frightened half to death by her parents' looks, it was just a false alarm.

The resentment her parents showed did not last long.

I only vented for a short while and quickly calmed down under self-control.

As for the reason why they are so tolerant, it is very different from their performance last night. The reasons are nothing more than two points.

Firstly, it is because Ning Weimin has performed very well since he entered the school and has successfully won the favor of Qu Xiao's parents.

Especially after he took the initiative to admit his mistake, Ning Weimin did not defend himself.

He just repeatedly emphasized that he understood the mood of Qu Xiao's parents and deeply regretted his original behavior.

So when Qu Xiao's parents saw his sincerity, they were heartbroken and couldn't bear it.

Even they themselves felt that it would be disrespectful to continue to be so unwilling.

Secondly, as adults, Qu Xiao's parents actually knew very well that it was too late to say anything at this point.

There is absolutely no point in complaining now, the most important thing is to solve the actual problem.

But how to solve it?

They have absolutely no clue at the moment.

The only thing that is certain is that since Ning Weimin is a senior employee of Pierre Carton, he is specifically responsible for negotiating this matter on behalf of the company.

They will inevitably have to continue dealing with him and need his advice and cooperation.

Therefore, from a pragmatic point of view, it is not advisable to push people too hard and make the relationship tense.

All in all, I have to admit that Ning Weimin had a good plan and these steps were well laid out.

Only then could Qu Xiao's parents stay rational and use the greatest degree of restraint and patience to solve the problem.

But so far, Ning Weimin still couldn't get to the point.

Because he still lacked a very important step to gain the true trust of Qu Xiao's parents and create the most favorable situation for him to finally convince them.

What he has to do next is to use easy-to-understand descriptions and try to popularize common knowledge about the clothing modeling industry to Qu Xiao’s parents as concisely as possible.

Let me introduce the establishment of Pierre Carton and its business in the Republic.

And talk about the various situations of Quxiao training and performance in detail.

From the perspective of ordinary people, they may think that this matter is insignificant and that Ning Weimin just took off his pants and farted in a superfluous manner.

But this idea is actually a big mistake.

Because these people must have never realized that the greatest sense of distrust in any negotiation arises precisely from the unequal amount of information.

If the information gap between the two parties is too large, the disadvantaged party will definitely be worried because it is in a disadvantageous situation.

Trying to reach a consensus without finding a way to eliminate this state of affairs is tantamount to wishful thinking.

The party with an information disadvantage will definitely worry that the party with an advantage will take advantage of its ignorance, and will be full of worries and hesitate to move forward.

So how can we possibly reach an agreement?

This comes from Ning Weimin’s experience in his previous life.

When he was working as a postal dealer in his previous life, once the market for postal currency cards was booming, many ordinary people would often come to inquire about the market, wanting to get involved.

But these ordinary people do not have much professional knowledge, and almost all of them are models of greed and cowardice.

As time went on, Ning Weimin gradually mastered the method of dealing with these people, which was to pretend to be a good person and have good intentions.

Take the initiative to reveal small industry insiders to such customers, remind them what they should pay attention to in transactions, and how to avoid traps and losses.

This hand is very useful.

Since he could have kept silent, these people would naturally have a sense of trust because of his "sincerity".

Then when it comes time to pay in the end, who else can you turn to if you don’t turn to him?

To put it bluntly, he is destroying other people's traps, luring prey into his trap, and making others grateful.

In the same way, it is also appropriate to adopt this routine for Qu Xiao’s parents.

If Ning Weimin tells them a lot of relevant information, he can take the initiative to reduce the information gap between the two parties.

You can still successfully win people's trust through this move and achieve the same goal.

So no matter what Qu Xiao’s parents know or don’t know, no matter what they want to know or what they don’t want to know.

The people of Ningwei knew everything and told them everything.

Even just saying it, he also provides verifiable methods and evidence.

For example, he brought some foreign pictorials from the Zhai Palace.

Show Qu Xiao’s parents the style of foreign models and the attire of foreign high society.

At the same time, he also told them about the four major international fashion weeks and the high income of the world's top models.

As well as the trend of younger and younger people in the modeling industry, and fierce competition in this industry abroad.

Ning Weimin also brought some domestic official media newspapers and reference news distributed nationwide.

Pointing to the relevant news above, Qu Xiao’s parents understood the importance the country attaches to Pierre Carton’s investment in China.

Let them see how the clothing models were positively recognized and evaluated by the official media, and what a sensational effect it caused among the people.

And by the way, it explains the many prejudices and misunderstandings in society.

Ning Weimin even brought a photo of Qu Xiao and the nationally famous female leader of the Ministry of Textiles.

Let Qu Xiao's parents know what an amazing role their daughter has played in international trade.

And how much he is loved and valued by a big leader whose name is often on "News Network".

Ning Weimin also brought a group photo of the original model team members, backstage photos, and photos of the celebration party.

Point out to Qu Xiao's parents one by one, which one is an athlete, which one has been an actor, and which one is a college student.

None of them used to have very low self-esteem because they were too tall.

Who used to be unable to find a partner because of a poor family background or a poor job.

But now their lives are completely different. Everyone has become confident and beautiful, and they all have boyfriends with very good conditions.

Others had to quit the modeling industry because they were too old and of average height, and were replaced by newcomers.

Then he started talking about the other side of the glamorous lives of models.

For example, before going on stage, you have to undergo rigorous training and what kind of price you have to pay.

For another example, in order to stay in shape, I have to stay away from sweets, avoid greasy food, and exercise strict dietary restraint.

And after almost every performance, the model's feet will be injured...

In this way, everything is explained in detail.

So in the eye-opening information, Ning Weimin achieved his goal subtly and unnoticed by others.

By this time, there was actually no need for him to explicitly defend or deliberately beautify anything.

These facts alone were enough to arouse Quxiao's parents to be moved and think about it, causing them to start weighing the pros and cons.

At least they've learned a few important points.

This industry is conducive to national construction, this industry is glamorous, and its development prospects are promising.

Moreover, this industry also requires talent and hard work, and it is not as simple as it seems.

Not everyone can do it if they want to, and not everyone can become famous for it.

The most important thing is that this profession is by no means a depravity that entertains people with sex, but an inspirer and leader that makes people become more and more beautiful.

Although most people still don't know or understand it.

But being a fashion model is definitely an upright act, which is beneficial to the country and society.

As for the problem of over-revealing clothing, it is just a rare and accidental phenomenon and a special situation caused by different national conditions.

Domestic clothing models actually do not need to expose their body to a very large extent, and they are definitely not human models like Pan Yuliang.

Being photographed like this by reporters is also due to lax control and lack of timely communication.

And these issues can be further coordinated and improved...

In this way, when all this information was fully displayed, Ning Weimin was completely ready to launch the final verbal charge.

"Uncle, aunt, let me digress. I would like to ask, do you think Chen Jingrun and Nie Weiping are great people? Can they be called the national idols of our republic in the new era?"

"Of course, his contributions and achievements are obvious to all. Chen Jingrun's Goldbach's conjecture caused a sensation in the mathematics community. Nie Weiping, as the main player who defeated the Japanese team this year, was awarded the highest rank in Go-Ninth Dan, which is also his name.

In fact, they are all amazing."

"Is there still any doubt about this? Their deeds have been publicized in newspapers for a long time. Haven't various units and schools organized studies?"

Qu Xiao's parents all answered without thinking.

Ning Weimin asked again, "Okay, then I would like to ask again, if possible. Do you hope that your daughter will become such an amazing person? Or do you hope that she will be willing to work at the front desk of the Chongwenmen Hotel forever and live a mediocre life?"

Suddenly, the topic turned to Qu Xiao.

Qu Xiao's parents, including Qu Xiao himself, couldn't help but be stunned.

"How can this be compared? What kind of contributions did Chen Jingrun and Nie Weiping make to the country?"

"This question is a bit far-fetched. There is no comparability at all. Will Chen Jingrun and Nie Weiping be questioned for inappropriate behavior?"

Soon, Qu Xiao’s parents began to express doubts and objections in unison.

But this time, Ning Weimin didn't follow them and actually started to argue with them for the first time.

"Why can't we compare? In terms of contribution, Qu Xiao is not inferior. Just like Chen Jingrun was born for mathematics and Nie Weiping was born for Go, in my opinion, Qu Xiao was almost born for fashion.


"Please don't belittle yourselves. Just like the female leader of the Textile Department, why does she always select Quxiao to perform on the stage? Isn't it because the Textile Department discovered that as long as the clothes your daughters have displayed, they will be recognized internationally.

The order quantity in the market will surge like a tide."

"Please take a good look at her. Your daughter has such an outstanding image. Without joking, her work as a clothing model has become an actual need of the country. Her performance on stage not only brings great benefits to the Ministry of Textiles

With the exchange of foreign exchange, it opened a window for the Western world to understand the Republic. It was her style that made Europe re-recognize the charm of Oriental silk."

Ning Weimin's compliment really caught people off guard.

In particular, he cleverly compared Qu Xiao with Chen Jingrun and Nie Weiping.

This kind of technique that can produce "psychological resonance" made Qu Xiao's parents either agree or disagree, and they felt extremely conflicted for a while.

Qu Xiao blushed at the praise and couldn't help but lower his head in embarrassment.

But this actually gave Ning Weimin an excuse to use the topic to his advantage, he pointed out deliberately.

"Xiaoqu, you must not bow your head. You need to be calm and you need to get used to it, because for the rest of your life, even if you don't work as a fashion model, there will still be many people who will be attracted by your appearance and stare at you intently.

It's about you. You should become stronger, use the confidence you learned on the catwalk, and not be afraid of these, so that you can live a relaxed life."

After saying that, he changed the topic and once again encouraged Qu Xiao's parents with all his strength.

"Qu Xiao's talent in appearance was given by you. She completely inherited the excellent genes of her parents. No matter how you view fashion models now, can you forgive me? But at least you have to admit that I introduced Qu Xiao to

This is absolutely correct in terms of vision, right?"

"As for doubts and controversies, in fact, to a certain extent, they are really unavoidable. Because people with outstanding abilities will always be criticized by others and bear the pressure of their own excellence. Even Chen Jingrun and Nie Weiping are the same."

"If you have seen the documentary report "Goldbach's Conjecture", you will definitely know that Chen Jingrun is obsessed with his majors and his living ability is quite poor. So if he hadn't achieved professional results, what would he be in the eyes of others?

What does he look like? Doesn’t he know how to let others talk behind his back?”

"This is even more true for Nie Weiping. You may not know yet. This ninth-level master has been obsessed with playing chess since he was a child. He even skipped school to play chess. He has been scolded by his parents and teachers since he was a child. Everyone thinks that he is neglecting his studies and not doing his job properly.

But so what now?”

"The fact is that there are no perfect people in the world. But there are people with extraordinary talents, and geniuses exist. I really think Qu Xiao is a top talent in the modeling industry. Her hard work and achievements speak for themselves.

.She really should waste this talent that so many people only dream about."

"But on the other hand, if Qu Xiao doesn't become a model, won't she attract rumors? I don't think so. Everyone longs for a beautiful appearance, but sometimes being too beautiful is a sin. Compared with being helpless because of this, I

I think it’s better to face it bravely and actively.”

Qu Xiao's parents couldn't help but look at each other.

Before they even spoke, Ning Weimin could already sense the softening of their hearts just from their expressions and eyes.

"That's what I say, but after all, clothing models are easy to talk about but not nice to hear. Even if we as parents can understand our daughters, what will others think of us? People live in society and always have to worry about other people's opinions. What's more, what if it happens again?

What should we do if a situation similar to this happens? We can’t explain it to our relatives and friends.”

"That's right. Besides, what will happen even if Qu Xiao does a good job? Didn't you say that fashion models only need young girls? How long can she be able to do it? No matter how I look at it, this is not a permanent one.

The matter is nothing to talk about as a career. After all, Chongwenmen Hotel is the iron rice bowl of the country, so we can only take care of her for the rest of her life."

To be honest, Ning Weimin was secretly relieved at this moment.

Because at this point, there are no big obstacles emotionally and conceptually.

The final concerns of Qu Xiao's parents were all practical and small issues. As long as these points can be explained, it can end perfectly.

"Uncle, aunt, I understand your concerns very much. However, I have to say that although your concerns are necessary, they are indeed a bit overblown."

"Because people's ideas will change. As far as I know, my country's first batch of female shop assistants appeared in Wangfujing in the 16th year of the Republic of China. After liberation, in order to fight for the right to work and oppose discrimination, the majority of female comrades also dedicated There have been campaigns. And since last year, women have changed the old tradition and changed their pants to open from the right side to the front."

"At that time, none of these things were criticized and faced with the world's disapproval. But now, do people still criticize these things? Even wearing bell-bottom pants, perming your hair, wearing lipstick, and wearing high heels are not

Is it becoming more common?”

"I dare not say that the pressure you are currently under will be easy. But I am sure that you will feel more and more relaxed. Of course, the rational way to deal with it at the moment should be kept confidential as much as possible. And if anyone criticizes me, I mean,

You can take the photo of Qu Xiao and the leader to your unit and show it to your colleagues."

"Or when Quxiao has a performance, I will get some tickets and invite you and your relatives and friends to go and see it. I believe that anyone who has watched Quxiao's performance has personally experienced the foreign guests and leaders at the scene.

People who don’t follow the attitude of the media will definitely have a new understanding of Qu Xiao’s career and be proud of her performance.”

"As for the career of modeling, I can't say how high Qu Xiao can reach. It not only depends on personal conditions and continuous efforts, but also depends on luck. But I can at least guarantee that our company has plans to hold a model competition in China

Qu Xiao will also have the opportunity to perform abroad. He will even have the opportunity to go abroad to participate in competitions and win glory for the country."

"Another point, you might as well think about it from another angle. There is no long-term guarantee for models, but they are a high-income group abroad. The prospects of the clothing industry are also very broad. If Qu Xiao retires from the modeling team one day, she will also be a

Experienced teachers can use everything they learn to train new models for the clothing industry."

"Even the current domestic income is not bad. Qu Xiaoguang earns three to four thousand yuan in foreign exchange coupons after performing every year. Ordinary people only earn six or seven hundred yuan a year, but Qu Xiaoguang earns six or seven hundred yuan a year.

Years. Does she really need to rely on dead wages?"

"Of course, she can find a way to maintain her job at the unit. If the time can be adjusted, she can still work part-time as she is now. If the time is not easy to coordinate, she can either take a leave or apply for a leave of absence without pay.

After all, it is a proper guarantee, so that there is no way out, and you will not suffer any losses in the end. What do you think?"

Just like that, when Ning Weimin ended his persuasion with a rhetorical question.

Qu Xiao's parents could no longer express any doubts and were completely lost in thought.

Hehe, what is actually giftedness?

This guy's mouth is truly gifted.

That is definitely a perfect fossil that was dug out thousands of years ago and still retains the complete skeleton and teeth.

This chapter has been completed!
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