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Chapter 395 Good Employee

Suddenly, Ning Weimin spoke.

He first looked around the scene coldly, showing an extremely dissatisfied and hostile attitude toward the party targeting him.

Then his body immediately turned to Song Huagui, who was calm on the surface but very anxious in his heart, and asked for instructions in a very respectful tone.

"Mr. Song, regarding this issue, I have some new ideas in the past two days. I originally wanted to think more comprehensively before asking for your instructions. Since colleagues at the head office are so concerned about this matter, they are anxious to get a result.

Do you think I can talk about my immature ideas first?"

What does it mean to be a good employee?

A good employee must be able to observe people's opinions and be considerate.

A good employee must understand that his boss is always his boss.

In front of the boss, no matter how small or unimportant the matter is, let the boss decide.

Ning Weimin is undoubtedly a person who knows how to respect his superiors and is extremely smart and well-behaved.

This is an advantage in communication skills.

With this advantage, he could naturally make appropriate arrangements for his advance and retreat based on Song Huagui's reaction in a timely manner, and keep his words in perspective.

So it's no wonder Song Huagui valued him so much.

Just like now, this kid can not only resolve her dilemma, but also set a good example for others.

Tell them what subordinates should look like.

How could she not like such a knowledgeable and expressive person?

Is there any reason she doesn't like it?

What a talent!

The more this happens, the more we need to cherish it!

Song Huagui suddenly felt warm in his heart and looked at Ning Weimin with approval.

"Say what you have, don't look forward and backward. The advantage of young people is not that they dare to think and speak. We are not a state-owned enterprise, and fresh ideas cannot be suffocated by pale paper. As long as the ideas are inspiring, they are worthy of encouragement.


Listen to the words and the sound of the gongs and drums.

The encouragement hidden in Song Huagui's words is already very clear.

That is undoubtedly equivalent to saying, "Don't worry about charging, I will hold the battle for you!"

Ning Weimin felt greatly relieved and relaxed.

But on the other hand, he saw that Ning Weimin's position in Song Huagui's heart was getting closer and closer, and no one looked down upon him.

Those people here felt uncomfortable.

Many people felt sour in their hearts and couldn't help but curse.


"Pretty boy!"


Zou Guodong and Manager Sha even looked at each other and reached a consensus through their glances.

Prepare for a while and no matter what Ning Weimin says, he will firmly and unanimously oppose it.

However, under such circumstances, Ning Weimin's speech was a sudden breakthrough, and it completely broke the original dialogue train of thought.

So all the preparations made by the opposition were in vain.

"Actually, I understand everyone's mood and situation very well. Indeed, recently, the issue of sales staff's income has become a controversial issue. Many people in the head office can't figure it out and are in a mood. It will definitely affect work efficiency. This

It’s an indisputable fact and I won’t shy away from it.”

"But I think it is completely meaningless for everyone to argue about whether sales staff should reduce their commissions. Because this is fundamentally a paradox. The core essence of what everyone is concerned about is actually the company.

The question is whether the income distribution among all employees is reasonable."

"If you just reduce the sales staff's commission to settle the matter, it will not only be unfair, but also have side effects. In turn, it will dampen the enthusiasm of the sales staff, which will also damage the interests of the company. Is it wrong to work more and get more?"

?Isn’t it true that the more commissions the sales staff receive, the company’s profits will also increase at the same time?”

"So in my opinion, if you want to handle this matter well, you can change your perspective! It's not that the sales staff get too much, but that the rest of us get too little!"

Good guy!

This last sentence is truly shocking.

No one expected that Ning Weimin would choose to add instead of subtracting.

The conference room seemed to shake slightly. Everyone's eyes widened and they made a slight sound of surprise.

As for Zou Guodong and Manager Sha, they were immediately dumbfounded.

They swallowed back the "objection" and "no" that were rising in their throats, and their eyes were full of bewilderment.

Even Song Huagui was suddenly stunned and frightened.

"Everyone, I definitely don't only see my own suffering and don't know the suffering of everyone else. I will simply open the skylight today and speak frankly, and I will take out whatever I have."

"The pain of salespeople is that their wages are low and they have no bonuses. Moreover, the system imposes many service requirements on them, such as how to stand, how to sit, how to speak, and how to laugh. All kinds of restrictions. It's normal to have a stiff face and a hoarse voice at the end of the day.

In this case, the only thing that can compensate them for their hard work is sales commission."

"However, I have to say that the high returns that salespeople can get cannot be separated from the support of other departments in the company. It is based on the hard work of other colleagues. For other people, their efforts are not

What you can see intuitively cannot be directly linked to performance, which is the reason why their income and sales staff are increasing. This is also unfair to them."

"So I personally believe that the key to solving the problem lies in how to accurately measure the value of the work of other departments, and we should try to increase the income of non-sales personnel."

That's right, after this additional explanation, Ning Weimin's meaning has become very obvious.

To put it mildly, he just wants everyone to make money together and everyone will benefit.

To put it bluntly, it means exchanging benefits and buying them with money.

There is no doubt that his suggestion has practical benefits for everyone, and it is definitely better than simply reducing the sales staff's commission.

One is to harm others without benefiting oneself, and the other is to share blessings. Even a fool knows how to choose?

The problem is, this is so unrealistic!

It is undoubtedly equivalent to defeating Song Huagui's army, which means that the company will have to bear additional costs for this.

It was added for no reason, so what can Song Huagui do?

"You mean... are you suggesting that the company raise the wages of all non-sales staff?"

Zou Guodong seized the opportunity and finally jumped out to express doubts. His unkind eyes were quite challenging.

Indeed, he admitted that Ning Weimin's mind was indeed flexible enough, and he did draw a beautiful pie for everyone.

But the problem is that it is impossible to realize it.

If nothing else, let’s just say that in Beijing these days, the average social wage level is only 60, and a one-level salary increase is only 7 yuan.

With the salary level of Pierre Cardon Clothing Company, as an employee of a foreign company, you are already living at the top of the high-income bracket.

A salary increase? How is that possible?

Just focus on this, the company will not spit out this blood for no reason, there is no need to be perfect!

So now he just wants to see Ning Weimin make a fool of himself in public and be rejected by Song Huagui himself.

"No, no, I don't mean that. Wages are guaranteed income regardless of drought or flood. If we simply raise wages, we will be like a state-owned enterprise with an iron rice bowl. Of course, we need to significantly increase bonuses. At least double what we have in the past, and

It cannot be as rigid as in the past. I think bonuses should be linked to performance, and employees at the same level should be allowed to have income gaps to better encourage labor enthusiasm. And we might as well hand over the power of internal evaluation to the heads of each department, which will make it easier

Conducive to our management work..."

Ning Weimin's argument turned out to be another big sugar-coated bomb.

The sound of the cannon was even more shocking to the heads of various departments present at the meeting.

Because everyone understands that this means a direct improvement of their own authority.

If the company allocates a large amount of money every month for them to distribute, then it is strange that their subordinates cannot treat them as their ancestors.

But the key issue is still that it’s unrealistic.

I heard Manager Sha laugh again.

"Haha, the ideas of young people are amazing. I really can't keep up. It would be great if this could really happen. But why do I take it for granted that I shouldn't eat minced meat? What does Mr. Song think?

Is my mind too rigid? Or is our Deputy Manager Ning too whimsical?"

In this mocking tone, everyone turned their attention to Song Huagui.

At this time, the conference room was very quiet. Everyone thought that the most critical moment had arrived and wanted to see the ending of the story.

I want to see Ning Weimin's extremely stupid and self-inflicted "returning spear".

How will Song Huagui deal with it, and will he regret his support just now?

However, at this time, Song Huagui, who was slightly embarrassed, was not allowed to speak.

Ning Weimin's eyes widened and he snatched back the right to speak without moving his brows.

"Manager Sha, can you be more patient? You are really not a rigid brain, but you can't hold your breath and lack self-cultivation. I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you in such a hurry to ask Mr. Song to express his position?

I am different from some people. I will never just make demands to the company and complain about difficulties without taking the corresponding responsibilities. While increasing bonuses for employees, of course I cannot let the company suffer. I must still give the company

Just an idea to increase profits will do."

Okay, roast chicken with big nest neck!

Manager Sha choked and swallowed a mouthful of old blood.

Don't tell me, just look at the rosy look on his fat face.

It really felt a bit like being slapped in the mouth and being swollen.

This chapter has been completed!
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