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Chapter 402 Bright Sunshine

 About the matter of Ning Weimin being equipped with a "four-wheeled iron horse".

Even more cheerful than the neighbors in Shan'er Hutong were the "beautiful girls" from the Jianguo Hotel franchise and the girls from Zhai Palace.

 Because as members of the direct line of the Ningwei people, each of them knew it very well.

 The reason why I can live a life where hard work is rewarded abundantly.

Even if he has no academic qualifications, his income is enough to dwarf his peers, all thanks to Ning Weimin.

 Especially when wages and commissions are paid out in October.

Each of the "Mei Chun Mei Zi" has a monthly income of more than 4,000 yuan, and the girls in the Zhai Palace all have a monthly income of more than 1,000 yuan.

The girls' admiration and admiration for Ning Weimin became even higher.

 It is no exaggeration to say that it is actually very similar to the movie "Red Detachment of Detachments".

The girls not only regarded Ning Weimin as their idol and benefactor, but also as a big brother they could rely on.

 So naturally, everyone was sincerely happy for Ning Weimin to get the car.

 Honourably, I believe that this is the treatment Ning Weimin deserves.

Even when chatting with family, relatives, and friends, the girls would not help but use this matter to brag about Ning Weimin.

Especially want others to know what a good job they have, what a good leader they have met, and how capable this leader is.

Needless to say, these compliments reached Ning Weimin’s ears, and he was so beautiful that his bones were brittle.

 Men all have plots to become heroes and pursue the pursuit of leadership.

 The greatest happiness is to be needed by others and be recognized by others.

 Think about it, being praised so fiercely by more than 20 beautiful girls behind my back.

If Ning Weimin could still remain indifferent and indifferent, he would really be no ordinary human being.

 So feeling full of accomplishment, Ning Weimin quickly made a decision that could not only impress the public but also inspire the girls to work enthusiastically.

To be more specific, it’s actually early November when the weather is good.

Ning Weimin wanted to take advantage of the convenience of having a car and organized his employees in two groups to take turns to visit the Old Summer Palace.

Of course, he knew very well that his small pickup truck would definitely not be able to pull so many people.

 It is impossible to put all these girls in the back of a pickup truck like pulling goods.

If you say it alone without being ostentatious, you will definitely break up these girls and let the cold wind make them sick.

So the only real and feasible solution is that this pickup truck can only be used as a supply vehicle to bring more food and drink supplies for everyone.

 You have to pay for a Hongqi CA630 tourist bus separately to take the girls there.

 The money for chartering a car is, of course, nothing important to Ning Weimin.

 It only costs 80 yuan for two days.

Even including a good cigarette for the driver, as well as food and drink, the price is still one hundred.

 But what worries Ning Weimin is how to prevent Huo Xin from sitting in the passenger seat.

 He is really a little annoyed by this girl's endless lectures and just wants to keep as far away from her as possible.

So just for this reason, and also to reduce my labor burden.

 After careful consideration, Ning Weimin finally called Gong Haibin, Geng Ping, Wu Guoqing, and several buddies from the model team to help.

 In this way, he could use the excuse of loading and unloading to keep company with one of them.

 On the day of departure, there were many people.

When everyone gathered at the Chongwenmen intersection on time, they discovered that the fifteen-seater tourist bus was overcrowded by one person.

So Geng Ping and Wu Guoqing, who were following the big car, had no choice but to show their style and take turns taking turns.

It just so happened that these two brothers were still models. They were tall and stood upright in the car and bumped their heads.

 It was a lot of fun along the way.

An hour later, when it was finally time to get off the bus, the two brothers’ necks were sore.

But even so, they have to admit that this trip is really not in vain.

 Because Ning Weimin was very good at picking places, there was no place more suitable for a picnic than the Old Summer Palace.

These days, the Old Summer Palace has not yet been planned as a heritage park. It is really an unattended wilderness.

 There is no management office, no tourists, and you don’t even need to buy tickets.

Taking the iconic Dashui Fa ruins of the Old Summer Palace as an example, you can climb up and take photos at will.

 Even if you want to move a big rock back, no one will stop you, just do whatever you want.

What’s more, this is the most beautiful time of autumn.

 In the lush woods, the leaves should be yellow, red if they should be, and green if they should be green.

 The little wind blows again, like petals falling away.

There is also a gurgling stream on the ground, with wild flowers blooming and butterflies flying. It is really beautiful.

To be honest, even Ning Weimin himself was glad that he got it right. It was such a brilliant idea.

Just like this, in the mountains and fields, everyone breathed the rich oxygen, admired the ancient trees and wild flowers, listened to the songs of wild birds, and watched the little squirrels and other small animals playing on the forest road. They quickly went crazy playing.

Girls, it is natural to love beauty, so it is natural to pick blooming flowers to dress yourself up.

They put colorful flowers on their heads one by one, and then took pictures in groups among the flowers with the cameras they brought.

 The men seemed more restrained. At first, even the postures for taking photos were quite formal.

 To say that what really makes these gentlemen happy and relaxed is this pickup truck.

Ning Weimin knows that there are very few men who don’t like to touch the steering wheel.

I found a flat place and expressed my willingness to teach a few buddies how to drive.

As expected, once these male models took turns to get started, they were reluctant to let go.

 In the end, Ning Weimin wanted to take a breather and had to ask the driver of the tourist bus to help teach him.

However, this is nothing. It was only when we started preparing lunch at noon that the superiority of the pickup truck was fully highlighted.

 Because Ning Weimin prepared so many supplies for everyone.

 Alcohol, charcoal, soda, beer, plastic sheeting, pots and pans, various condiments, homemade barbecue grills, you can get whatever you need.

Not to mention all kinds of fresh vegetables, he also specially marinated lamb skewers, chicken skewers, and a large bag of potatoes and corn specially prepared for grilling.

Well, because of this, this meal is called a rich and lively meal.

There were pots of delicious food, bunches of fruit snacks, waves of white beer, and lots of laughter.

 Finally, everyone has eaten, drank, and played enough, and wants to go back.

 Both men and women expressed their feelings almost unanimously.

 That is, it is great to have a car!

Many people say that happy days like this are just like a dream. Without a car, they can only be regarded as daydreams.

Unexpectedly, the driver of the tour bus openly opposed everyone.

"You can't say that. I still have a car to drive. But this is the first time I have played like this. So having a car is not the most important thing. You can rent a car if you don't have a car. The key is to be able to play.

.I really envy you young people! You are in your prime, and your youthful years are infinitely beautiful! Unlike me, if I don’t have such a good time, my wife and children will be tied up.”

 After saying this, everyone laughed even more heartily, thinking that the driver was really funny and he was so good at making fun of people.

 Because we had such a good time this first time, we waited until the next group of people came to go to the Old Summer Palace again.

Ning Weimin simply stopped the business of the cigarette shop for a day.

We also invited Luo Guangliang, Zhang Shihui, Liu Weijing, Qu Xiao and Shi Kaili to come.

The similarity between this time and last time is that the superiority of Ning Weimin's pickup truck still won unanimous praise and praise.

 We all had the same fun and were equally satisfied.

However, the biggest difference is that when Ning Wei Minjiao was driving, he also called Qu Xiao and Shi Kaili over.

It also gave these two girls a taste of driver addiction and enlightened them.

What’s more, Zhang Shihui seems to be far more interested in driving than others, and he also dares to think more deeply than others.

During lunch, halfway through drinking, Zhang Shihui suddenly became so excited that he pulled Ning Weimin aside and talked.

 “I also want to get a car and drive!”

Ning Weimin couldn't help but raise his head and stared straight into his eyes.

He had no idea that Zhang Shihui would have such an idea.

 Honestly speaking, he only had a good leader to get his pickup truck.

If Song Huagui hadn't taken the initiative to think about him, he himself would not have dared to have such extravagant requests.

Zhang Shihui certainly understands that her request is a bit unrealistic.

So I thought about it, and soon became frustrated, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Hey! But I don't know how to get a car. I really envy you, Weimin, do you know? In fact, my biggest dream since I was a child is to be a driver and travel around the world by steering the wheel.

Unexpectedly, my wish was fulfilled by you. You are so lucky. If I can drive a car, no matter what kind of car it is, as long as it has four wheels, I will be content for the rest of my life..."

Zhang Shihui took advantage of the wine to speak out a lot of what was in her heart.

Needless to say, from his heartfelt statement, Ning Weimin could fully understand how obsessed Zhang Shihui was with cars.

To others, a car may be just a car, but to Zhang Shihui, it is not.

 Perhaps it represents a spirit to him, a symbol of something beyond.

Because of this, as a friend, Ning Weimin not only did not follow these words, but also advised him to give up his thoughts.

 In fact, he encouraged him seriously.

 “If you really like cars, go and learn them first.”

“What? What did you say?” This time, Zhang Shihui found it incredible.

"I mean, I think your idea is good. You can make the necessary preparations for driving first. To tell you the truth, I got my driver's license through my connections. If I can find a way, I can help you arrange a place to learn to drive. Although you have to take the test

Even if you get your driver's license, I can't get a car for you to drive right away, but I can lend you my car. Are you willing to go?"

“You mean... you are willing to arrange for me to learn to drive, and you are also willing to lend me your car to drive?”

“Yes, this relationship between us means nothing. But the first thing is that you have to get your driver’s license yourself.”

“I, of course I have no problem. But buddy...don’t you think I’m being stupid?”

"No, not at all. Who doesn't have a dream? As a friend, of course I have to support you, and I believe that there are workarounds for any restrictions. Let's make money for another two years. Even if the country does not allow private cars to be purchased

, but as long as we have enough money, we will always make a difference, what do you think?"

This time Zhang Shihui was inspired and his spirit was immediately lifted.

“Yeah, you said this tourist bus only costs a few dozen yuan a day. The worst case scenario is that I can rent it for a month. I have my own capital, so why not drive it by myself? As long as it can satisfy the driving addiction.”

 Under the bright sunshine, his face burst into laughter, as happy as a child.

Ning Weimin suddenly remembered the time when he bought his first car in his previous life.

Although it was just a Big Dipper bought with a loan.

This chapter has been completed!
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