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Chapter 41 Night Talk

 The night when Bian Jiangong was drunk, Ning Weimin also felt uncomfortable.

He always ate food that tasted so good that he could feel it on his pillow, but he actually suffered from insomnia.

He didn't know what was wrong, but while lying on the bed, his mind kept wandering about making meritorious deeds.

Thinking of the boy holding his head and crying.

Thinking of his virtue of cooking with fire and soup, he took three large bowls of braised and cooked food into his mouth.

How big is a person's belly in total?

This kid actually ate so much that people who sold braised pork didn't dare to sell it to him anymore. He had to thank his mouth!

And after sending him back, uncle Bian's curses came from the house of Bian's house.

And the gray-haired Aunt Bian wiped away her tears as she brought water to the house again and again, cleaning up the rickety figure...

In the end, Ning Weimin, whose mind was in turmoil, could only sit up from the bed, lit a cigarette, and hugged his knees in a daze.

Often when a person feels conflicted, he will also feel empty at the same time.

Ning Weimin felt so empty in his heart now that he couldn't even figure out what he should feel about.

Regarding this matter, he felt that Bian Jiangong was indeed pitiful.

But the problem is that this is a common phenomenon in this era, and many families have to face this problem.

Moreover, rescuing people will not lead to poverty. Individuals have their own destiny, and each person can only be responsible for his or her own life.

He earned his job by himself and did not rely on anyone to help him.

But why do you feel so unhappy?

He obviously has never been a soft-hearted person.

In the past, he never blinked when he saw his peers losing money, being chased by loan sharks, and even jumping off buildings.

What I'm thinking about is how to collect the business that others have leaked.

Why are you so abnormal now, worrying about neighbors who are neither relatives nor friends?

Is it superfluous? Is it possible that I have “Madonna” disease?

No, no, although this logic makes sense, humans are not machines after all.

Humans are emotional animals, even if they are an orphan without a father or mother, they still have feelings.

Apart from anything else, he couldn't forget that when he had no possessions, Aunt Bian, Aunt Luo and Aunt Mi were the ones who helped to unpack, clean and mend the roof.

I can’t even forget that Uncle Bian and Aunt Bian would always ask for help. If they asked for hot water, they would be given hot water, and if they asked for short onions and ginger, they would be given green onions and ginger.

He even treated him like his own son, giving him plenty of food and drink.

Even his master, Mr. Kang, was sent to the hospital by the old couple.

This kind of neighborly relationship is priceless, and it is no worse than relatives. It nourishes his body and mind with warmth.

He didn't help the Bian family for no reason. He was repaying kindness with kindness and providing information.

In addition, Bian Jiangong's situation is really too oppressive for a man.

I have nowhere to use my strength, and nowhere to vent my anger. I face my loved ones every day, full of low self-esteem and guilt.

But he did nothing wrong, his only fault was existence.

There is nothing more pitiful than this...

Just thinking about it, Ning Weimin's eyes became a little wet.

But at this moment, I heard a cough in the outer room, and Kang Shude actually woke up.

"Old man, is it my smoke that's burning you? I'll pinch it right away."

Ning Weimin realized something, felt a little embarrassed, and quickly took the last puff of his cigarette.

But the response he got was something he didn't expect at all.

"No. I'm not even afraid of the smell of your stinky feet, but why am I afraid of your cigarette? I haven't fallen asleep at all. I've been flipping sesame seeds, and there's something nagging in my mind."

"Ah? There's something on your mind?... Then... How big of a deal must it be?"

No wonder Ning Weimin was surprised, Kang Shude was his master, and in his mind he was a know-it-all.

He had never seen the old man unable to make up his mind.

But what the old man said next was even more surprising.

Because there is no such clever way.

Hey, they both have so many worries on their minds.

"Hey, the most difficult thing in the world is human relationships. To be honest, I think this matter actually has something to do with you."

"Today, our neighbor Lao Mi met me at the door of the courtyard just as I was getting off work. He pulled me to chat for a while and asked me something. He said that the two job quotas offered to you in the district can be divided between them.

his home."

"His eldest daughter, Xiaoran, hasn't got a job yet. She said she has no hope after waiting for the past two months. She hides at home and cries every day. The old couple have no choice, fearing that their daughter will not wait for the assignment of work, and her eyes will be broken.

I cried so much."

"It was nothing at first. Logically speaking, we should help, why don't we just ask. Whether it works or not is another matter. So I didn't think much about it at the time, so I agreed. But when I came back, I thought about it again.

Then the second boy also stays at home."

"Both the Bian family and the Mi family have been old neighbors in the courtyard for many years. It would be a shame if this thing doesn't work out. I'm afraid that Director Li will say that there is a way to do this, and it will be embarrassing. You

Let’s talk about who we help and who we don’t help? What if Xiaoran’s problem comes to pass, what will happen to the Bian family? It’s hard for me to pretend to be dumb and dumbfounded..."

Look, what does it mean to rush things?

What a wonder!

Originally, Ning Weimin just had a preliminary idea and was still hesitating.

But now, he has really made up his mind.

"Old man, to tell you the truth, the reason why I can't sleep today is the same as yours. I had a drink with Jiangong today, and he is really anxious about work."

"Since you said that the Mi family has also begged you. One of them is coaxing, and the other two are rushing. Then simply, I don't plan to take the job given by the district. Just ask Director Li directly and see if you can get these two jobs.

Give the work to Xiaoran and Jiangong."

"Even if it's not so good, it's okay to downgrade the job. As long as it can be arranged for both of us, that's fine. I will definitely have to do my best for Director Li later. And in the process, who should be invited and who should be given gifts?

I’ve got it all covered too.”

"Just in case it doesn't work out, or it becomes one or not, at least we try our best. The neighbors will definitely understand. We won't hurt our feelings at all..."

No need to ask, now of course it was Kang Shude's turn to be surprised.

The old man hesitated and sat up from the bed.

"Weimin, you're not talking nonsense, are you? You want to give up your own job opportunity for others? But...but this is what you deserve. You really can't do it. There will definitely be no shop like this after passing this village.


"I know. It's okay, I'm willing to..."

Ning Weimin did not listen to Kang Shude's advice and only looked at his own heart.

"That's what I think. The Bian family and the Mi family have helped us a lot. Although it's just a small thing, it was a help in times of need. We must repay it, so we can feel comfortable. Not to mention the neighbors in the street for so many years.

I haven’t blushed. We all get along very harmoniously, which is not easy. We just have this opportunity. Since we have repaid the favor between the two families, you don’t have to sit on the candle anymore. How nice?"

Kang Shude was still anxious.

"Boy, you care about affection, which is good. But you don't involve yourself in helping others. How hard is it to find a good job now? This is an absolute loss-making business. There is really no need to go to this step, no

People will pick on you if you're not..."

But these words still did not persuade him. Instead, Ning Weimin showed a burst of arrogance.

"Look, you're off the mark again. To be honest, I really don't care about this job."

"It's actually unnecessary for me to take this class. At most, I can only make do with it for two or three years, and I will definitely have to resign and work outside."

"However, this job is different for the Bian family and the Mi family. It may be their lifelong future."

"It's like having a mouthful of food. For those who have had enough to eat and drink, it is just for grinding their teeth. But if it is given to those who are hungry, it can save lives. Do you think I should do this?"

In the darkness, Kang Shude was speechless.

It seems that I have never encountered such a strange thing.

It's quite irritating to think about, but it just doesn't make people angry.

It seems like I have to think about it carefully for a while before I can figure it out.

After waiting for a while, the old man finally got a reply.

"You kid, have you really thought about it? Don't you regret it? There is no turning back when you shoot. Don't be careless!"

Ning Weimin's decision is like an iron pillar that can be erected.

"That's right! No regrets!"

This chapter has been completed!
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