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Chapter 412: The art of controlling people

Seeing that Ning Weimin was about to argue again, Kang Shude stopped him with a glare.

"Let me finish my words first. I know that you want to use me to make a case again, or mention those celebrities who are engaged in learning or art. Chen Jingrun, Qian Xuesen, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, you want to use them

Are these people examples?”

"I admit that there are specializations in the arts, and the skills in all walks of life are good, and no one can do it without anyone. On a larger scale, the social wealth created by some knowledge is quite large, and it can strengthen the country and enrich the people. On a smaller scale,

Almost every subject knowledge or industry skill in the world can help one achieve oneself and support one's family. As the saying goes, if you have 360 ​​skills, you will be number one."

"But, you also have to understand that a greater contribution does not mean a greater benefit. The way social distribution is done is not based on this. People who are capable will never achieve their goals and will starve to death. Mencius said, '

Those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others. Over thousands of years, this law has never changed. What is a person who works hard? That is the nobility."

"Here, we must make it clear that mental workers and mental workers are completely different things. Mental workers are also labor. Mental workers only refer to the art of controlling people. That is, people who specialize in managing people in an industry. In this way, if

From the perspective of benefit distribution, even social elites and pillars of the country will have different levels of knowledge and skills. They can be roughly divided into noble, wealthy and powerful."

"What do you mean? If a person has studied general knowledge to a certain level. Whether it is liberal arts, science, or art, it is possible to gain fame and respect from others, but it is not so easy to gain wealth and other resources.

This is called nobleness. It is also the situation of intellectuals."

"If a person discovers a way to make money that others don't know about, masters business tips that are difficult for others to master, or knows how to create exclusive and good products, then he will soon make gold and silver and become a breakout

It is not difficult to get a household. This is called wealth. Most of these people are businessmen, and sometimes they may be a very good craftsman."

"But if you want to get more with this little ability, it is impossible. There is only one kind of person in the world who can have power, wealth and fame at the same time, and that is the powerful. And whether it is noble or wealthy, the biggest problem lies in the foundation

It is unstable, what is gained is easy to lose, and cannot be passed down from generation to generation. In terms of security, it can never be compared with the wealthy class."

"Having said this, I would also like to point out that the powerful class in my words does not refer to those who hold power, but refers to all those who are good at controlling people's hearts and know how to use power. Politics and business have always had something in common.

Department. So this class is not limited to officials. It also includes those large merchants who have done business all over the world in history and have particularly strong financial capital and human connections."

"What these people have in common is that they are all proficient in human nature, good at winning over people's hearts, and can make others work hard to achieve their own goals. And their skills can often be passed down from generation to generation. To a large extent, they are not even afraid of unexpected events. They are extremely

Possibility of turning over.”

"Why do you say that? The reason is also very simple. Knowledge and knowledge in a general sense are easily outdated and invalid. Once professional skills are surpassed by others, and once the methods of making money are imitated by others, they often lose popularity, and most of them will never be used again.

There is no hope of turning around. Even the decline of an industry and its complete demise are possible.”

"However, it is very different when you reach the powerful class. Their ability to study human nature and ponder people's hearts is always useful. And few people understand this skill, and even fewer people teach it. But it is an indispensable knowledge.

.Because all professions are counted, the more big things are done, the more people are needed to cooperate to complete them. If there is a lack of talents in charge, real big things cannot be achieved. So even if you learn the art of controlling people, you just need to learn a

People who are half-hearted often live much better than ordinary people who don't understand anything."

"To put it bluntly, this is why wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit. The reason why children from poor families have difficulty achieving great achievements, and the reason why it is difficult for poor families to produce truly noble children is mainly because most people cannot even

They don’t even understand this truth. Too many people have chosen the wrong path from the beginning. No matter how good they are at studying, what they learn is dead knowledge and stupid knowledge. It is common stuff that everyone can learn through books. In the future, life will

Naturally, it involves a lot of investment and little reward. By the time you realize it, it’s often too late.”

"Besides, it's useless even if you can understand it earlier. It depends on whether you have this talent and whether you have a good teacher to teach you the tricks, so that you can catch up. You know, the more useful the skill, the more valuable it is.

The harder it is to learn."

"Just imagine, a child from a poor family may have to learn the most basic ways of socializing and dealing with others. How can he compare to those children from aristocratic families who have regarded social interaction as a daily routine since childhood and soaked in Vanity Fair every day?


"For a true aristocrat, a word or an action in dealing with others has been a natural reaction for a long time because of training since childhood. When he really encounters a problem in how to deal with relationships, perhaps a word of advice from his elders will be more effective than an ordinary person's lifetime of thinking.


"This is the true meaning of 'it takes three generations to cultivate a nobleman'. And this is only based on ability, and does not involve connections, power resources at all..."

Kang Shude's mouth was already a little dry when he said this.

But he saw that Ning Weimin was completely fascinated.

Not to mention that I forgot to argue, and also forgot about the Spring Festival Gala that was still playing. I just lowered my head and pondered my words, and couldn't help but smile secretly with pride.

So the old man picked up the wine glass and took a sip to moisten his throat before continuing.

"Since you are taking me as an example today, well, let's just take things in the antique industry. I learned how to identify antique calligraphy, paintings, and jewelry. To be honest, even if Mr. Song is like this

I have a good teacher to teach me. But in terms of eyesight, no matter what, I can't compare with those who have been playing with agates and golden melon seeds since they were young, and the rooms are filled with rosewood furniture."

"Because if a person grows up among these good things, then he will naturally develop a keen eye for identifying antiques. If you encounter something, it is obvious to others, but to me, it may last a lifetime.

There is endless knowledge to learn. Who has ever had something in their family and played with it like a toy since they were children? This is the essential gap."

"So in the same way, it is enough to give a definition of nobility. Let me tell you, you must have an absolutely comfortable environment and gain a sufficient sense of security, only then can people show an elegant and calm demeanor, that is nobility

.It is said that noble people are not surprised by changes. This is true. If not for other reasons, it is because this kind of people have such a strong sense of security. The skills they have mastered in controlling people and their network resources make it almost impossible for them to suffer poverty.


"On the other hand, whether you are a scholar or a nouveau riche, it is very likely that you grew up poor, and your fear of poverty and your low self-esteem are innately written into your bones. Such people will definitely show their flaws as soon as they become rich.


"The first thing is to show off. Even if he has a gold watch or a gold pen, for fear that you can't see it, he would like to hang it under your nose so that you can see clearly. Once he has some small achievements, he will forget about it with joy, and he will puff out his chest and stink every day.

Hey Se. Do you know there is an old saying in the past? A new painting on a tree house does not make it old. This person must be from the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Ning Weimin suddenly woke up.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw Kang Shude looking at him with a rather amused look.

Then he couldn't help but blush, and showed an unspeakable wry smile in embarrassment.

"Master, you've said so much just to scold me here. Come on, it's my fault today. Can I apologize to you? I'm a nouveau riche, I'm showing off, I'm the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I

I don't dare to get carried away anymore, can I just keep my tail between my legs and be an honest person? Thank you for reminding me that I will have to study hard and make progress every day in the future. I will strive to get rid of the 'cheap' grade as soon as possible and be a little bit more 'expensive'


Seeing him bowing his head and admitting his mistake so spiritually, and being such a teachable child, made Kang Shude amused.

"Boy, you are so talkative. Now you know that Jiang is old, are you hot? You, you, just wanted to rebel just now. I am not telling you, you are just a disciple, how dare you teach the master?

Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

"Hey, if it weren't for the fact that you are walking too fast now and have reached a critical moment, and I still don't know the risks involved, I wouldn't bother to touch you."

"It took me half my life to understand these truths. Why am I telling you so much? I have to achieve your success? As the old saying goes, the master has taught his disciples to starve to death. I will just let you fall into the fire.

It would be nice to wait for you to cry to me when you are done..."

These words are even more shocking.

But Ning Weimin, who was familiar with Kang Shude's character, fully believed that the old man would never make a mistake, and there must be more important and serious things to say later.

So striking while the iron was hot, he no longer dared to make any effort, but continued to think of ways to please him.

"Old man, there's nothing else to say. Your kindness to me is all in your heart. If you have anything to teach me, don't hold me back, just speak up."

He stood up after him, went straight to his coat pocket and brought back a brocade box.

"Look, this is the New Year's gift I prepared for you. I originally thought of taking it out when I was eating dumplings, but now I'm going to use this to apologize to you. You, sir, have a lot, and you can't be the same as me because of that little thing just now.

,Yes or no?"

As Ning Weimin spoke, he pushed the brocade box over first.

Then he took the initiative to take the small wine jar on the table and poured a full glass of rice wine for Kang Shude.

As if he was afraid that Master would forget, he reminded him deliberately.

"Even if you are just going to get angry at the old man I got for you, you can't be angry with me anymore, right? What's the relationship between the two of us? We are masters and disciples who depend on each other for life. You have to think more about my benefits.


Asking for mercy like this is actually equivalent to a puppy lying on the ground and rolling around.

Kang Shude suppressed a smile and opened the brocade box to take another look.

Ouch! A piece of Tianhuang Pingzhang aniseed with six sides should cost at least 40 to 50 grams.

According to the prices in the store, this is more than 500 yuan.

Although the old man already takes money lightly, an insider is an insider.

He knew that only literati could afford Tianhuang in the past.

This thing is both elegant and expensive, which is enough to represent how much Ning Weimin respects him.

Thinking about it again, this apprentice also managed to get his favorite rice wine, which really shows that he regards him as a relative.

Isn't etiquette just for expressing one's feelings?

He was sincerely grateful, so naturally it was hard for him to put on airs and show off his posture.

"Okay, look, you turned off the TV and sat upright in front of me to pour me a drink. You really mean to sincerely want to ask for advice. Then I will teach you to be a good boy."

"Boy, do you know that you are suspended in your company? You are about to become the chicken that kills the chicken and the monkey. Regardless of the many achievements you have made, it is called burning oil. You are living in your own little kingdom.

You are so beautiful, right? Let me tell you, you won’t be beautiful for a few more days. If you can’t survive this year, you will have to be punished by your leader.”

"As for you, if you are willing to bow your head and endure the temporary anger, you can continue to pretend to be a foreigner in the name of a foreigner. If you are not willing to tolerate it, I advise you to think about your own future..."

The prediction announced by Kang Shude immediately made Ning Weimin frown.

However, he thought about it carefully and shook his head.

"You're saying that I... have so much merit that I can't win, right? I don't want to compete with our general manager for credit. I flatter her very well. I give her gifts, I'm obedient, and I even make suggestions to help her improve the company's performance."

, If it weren’t for me, this company would never be able to turn a profit this year? And on the contrary, she is very kind to me. I will be rewarded for my merits, and they are all generous rewards. I am the only person in our company besides the general manager who is equipped with cars.

.And I just gave her another New Year's gift yesterday, and she treats me like a biological brother. You said she was going to attack me, I really can't believe it..."

Kang Shude immediately snorted dismissively.

"Otherwise, you should. You are so stupid and ignorant! Why have you forgotten the most basic principles? Think about what I taught you in the beginning?"

"When dealing with others, suffering is a blessing. The more you pay, the less you get back. Only at critical moments do you have the right to refuse. It is not a good thing to receive too many benefits from others. No matter how much you take today, sooner or later you have to take it with you."

The profit will be returned."

"Your leaders will reward you for every merit, and they are all generous rewards. According to me, it can only prove one thing, that you are not really treated as one of our own. Doing this will have two advantages for your leaders. One is that they can take advantage of you.

Being a role model can better inspire others to do a good job. The second thing is that I don’t owe you any favors. When you are punished, I will be able to deal with official matters decisively and not be sloppy."

Ning Weimin couldn't sit still after hearing this. He was quite puzzled by Kang Shude's words.

"I don't understand. Even if it's like what you said, why does she have to target me? People like me are obviously useful to her. Why would she want to target me? There must be a reason.

Right? Is this necessary?"

At this time, Kang Shude looked serious and told Ning Weimin eight words with sincerity - "Things are accomplished because of people, and things are ruined because of people."

Then Kang Shude explained it in detail.

"You are useful, but no matter how useful you are, you are not as good as everyone else in your company, right? Your leaders can't just rely on you to run this company. Who should you rely on? You can only rely on yourself and others.

Human relationships are so antagonistic."

"You must know that when people go out to do things, they cannot be wishful thinking and rush for success. They must advance and retreat, and make detours. On the one hand, they must find opportunities to display what they have learned and show their talents. On the other hand, they must also make good friends with others and minimize related side effects.

.You can’t be tough to the end and create confrontation, otherwise, the opposite will happen. One day, when your benefits to others are no longer outweighed by the harm, you will be discarded.”

"I tell you this not to make you blame others and feel that it is unfair to kill the donkey. But I want to let you understand why the donkey died. In fact, including you, if anyone wants to be able to manage people,

The powerful class that makes good use of people. So when faced with similar situations, they must do the same."

"You must understand that a qualified helmsman must master at least three skills. The first is to draw pancakes. Look at Liu Bei, he claimed to be the King of Zhongshan and wanted to help the Han Dynasty and save the world. At first everyone

They all laughed, but after hearing it more, they believed it. So he was able to recruit people who were better than him."

"Managing subordinates is actually very similar to achieving hegemony. Whether the person in charge has the ability and how capable it is mainly depends on whether he has the ability to find outstanding subordinates to assist him. In this world, creating goals and achieving goals are not

The same person. If you brag, the number of people who believe it will help you achieve it. The biggest problem for ordinary people is that they dare not brag. Therefore, they can only serve other people's goals throughout their lives."

"The second skill is to give up the benefits. Bragging has a shelf life, and it must be realized through benefit distribution. Otherwise, no one will believe it. Of course, this kind of benefit cannot be shared equally by everyone. It must be distributed to the important and capable people.

Subordinates, let those with weak abilities not even have soup to drink. The gap between the rich and the poor must be widened and a huge gap will be created, otherwise people will have no motivation."

"The third skill is to be ruthless. The strong will swell if they eat too much meat. At this time, if you want to suppress, you must check and balance. The boss must have a kind heart, but the means must also be ruthless. Any heroes and capable people in the early stage of the company

Ministers will become obstacles in the later stage. Because they are senior, have high incomes, have great abilities, and are familiar with the people, they will become more and more unruly. If you want the old ministers and capable ministers to become more and more motivated, just take the most thorny ones and kill them to serve as a warning to others.

For big things, you must break the emotional shackles. Everything is result-oriented."

"Of course, your leader is a woman after all. There is a gender issue here. In my life experience, I have never met a woman in a high position. I'm not completely sure whether she will be merciful or not. It's just a few

A result."

"First, she is a qualified general manager. As I expected, she didn't hesitate at all when it was time to kill her. Second, she is not qualified. She will act according to your temper, indulge you and ignore you. In the end, it will not be your company."

The reason for the disunity is that she was fired by your foreign boss. The third reason is that the two of you will mess up this company together, and either you will fire everyone else, or you will leave together."

Ning Weimin was speechless for a long time, silently digesting Professor Kang Shude's teachings.

Don't tell me, these words are really useful. It can be said that it is valuable knowledge that cannot be exchanged for a lot of money.

If the value of truth theory is at least worth two pieces of Tianhuang, he will not lose anything.

You know, there were many things that he didn't understand in the past, but it was only today that he seemed to understand them.

For example, in his previous life, when his company reached a certain scale, it was unable to expand.

All day long he has to spend his energy on conflicts within the company.

In order to resolve the conflicts among several capable generals and to appease their tempers.

Now he understands that this is what he asked for and is the result of his connivance.

He only saw that some people could make money for him, but ignored the negative impact they had on the company.

So much so that once their performance improves, all of his employees become like uncles.

But some people with particularly good qualities and knowledge refuse to stay at all.

I would rather go to another company where the benefits and commissions are not as good as his. They have seen clearly his disordered management and have long since decided to follow him. The development is limited.

For another example, he understands now.

Song Huagui gave him cars, money, and positions without hesitation. I'm afraid he was really on guard against him.

It was similar to the way he interacted with people like Jiang Hao, Wu Shen, and Li Zhong. He settled everything one by one. He believed that he should use it and not waste it.

Of course, this cannot be said to have any bad intentions, it is probably just like what the old man said.

It's because he takes his ability too seriously, thinking that he is the most useful to the company.

Make it impossible for other people in the company not to be hostile and jealous.

Song Huagui could only regard him as a temporary confidant and assistant.

Otherwise, it would be purely to cause trouble for herself, and she would have to isolate herself.

And there is one last thing, which is an extra bonus.

Ning Weimin suddenly discovered that the President of the United States, whom he had always looked down on in his previous life, was "extremely unworthy" and seemed to have two brushes.

At least this old boy is pretty good at painting cakes, and that old Huangmao really dared to promise benefits and call on everyone to share it.

It's a pity that I traveled a little early and didn't get to see the second half of the US president's campaign.

Ning Weimin had no idea what the old boy's final outcome would be, and he was quite curious.

Well, no matter what, he thought that this "outrageous" thing could not compare to the "mustache" during World War II.

That big shot is the one who really made his fortune by blowing stuff.

This chapter has been completed!
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