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Chapter 415 Tear Gas

Indeed, the feelings of girls who have reached the age of love are the most sensitive and easiest to be touched.

Often for just an inexplicable reason, a man can deeply occupy a girl's heart and become her first love that she will never forget.

So on the same New Year's Eve, another person also thought of Ning Weimin.

That was Lan Lan, who returned from the Printing College after winter vacation and celebrated the New Year at home.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Lan Lan's father, mother, and brother all sat around the sofa watching the Spring Festival Gala on TV.

But she secretly hid in her room to read a book.

However, although she held the book in her hands, the handwriting in front of her eyes was almost blurry, and her mind was not on the book at all.

On this night, no book could relieve her of the loneliness that was hard to dispel and always lingering in her heart.

I forgot which teacher I heard said it in school, but Lan Lan quite agrees with it.

"The reason why loneliness arises is because of some unfulfilled desires and restlessness in people's hearts."

So what is her unfulfilled desire?

Does she hope that her mother can give her loving and warm touches and hugs as she did when she was a child?

Or do you desire to have better academic performance in exchange for your father’s gratification and praise?

Or maybe she wants to get a portable small cassette player so that she can enjoy music conveniently in her college dormitory?

No, in fact, what she wanted most was to meet that person.

Although when she thought that Ning Weimin already belonged to her, her heart couldn't help but tremble with pain.

She obviously knew that since Ning Weimin already had a good match, she should completely forget about him.

But strangely enough, the more she didn't want to think about it, the more she always thought about Ning Weimin.

Especially when a person is quiet, he can't think about it, he can't think about it at all.

Even if she locked the "Orchid Picture" that Ning Weimin gave her in a cabinet to cut off the possibility of seeing things and thinking about people, it would be completely useless.

It might have been better when I was in school.

After all, there are girls in the same dormitory to talk to, and there are studies and daily chores to distract you.

But as soon as she returned home during the holidays, she felt as if she was possessed by a demon, and her mind would always think of every bit of their past relationship.

She remembered how Ning Weimin came to her rescue on the crowded bus where they first met.

Thinking of her unexpected encounter with Ning Weimin in her work clothes at the scrapyard of Nantai Foundation Factory.

And the extraordinarily relaxing and wonderful leisure time they spent together.

It was even inevitable for her to compare Ning Weimin with the attentive male classmates around her.

And there is always only one answer, that is, no one can be as humorous, knowledgeable, connotative, well-informed, and knowledgeable about the joys of life as Ning Weimin...

Otherwise...otherwise, just write him a letter?

Use the tone of greeting a normal friend, tell him your current situation calmly...

Everyday life on campus, and then...then what?

Hey! Am I just looking for a reason to meet him again?

Lan Lan was shocked, this was not my intention!

Since the relationship between lovers has been confirmed, no one else can get involved.

Anyone who wants to forcibly intervene is called immoral and will be criticized by thousands of people and despised by everyone.

Lan Lan couldn't help but shudder, and then realized that her emotions had reached a very dangerous edge.

She shook her head vigorously, as if to get rid of all these terrible thoughts.

No, you can't think like this. This is exactly a sign of lowering your personality.

Her self-esteem, her moral values, and her family would not allow her to have such an inappropriate thought.

What's more, Ning Weimin's girlfriend is also a fashion model. As the girl named Mi said, she is beautiful and fashionable.

I...how can I compare?

Lan Lan threw away the book and raised her wrist. The hands of the watch were already pointing to half past eight.

She stood up irritably, a little at a loss.

This is really annoying. How can we forget him? How can we completely erase his traces from our hearts?

It is said that time can make people forget everything. What if... what if this rule is not valid for me? What should I do?

If ideals are really unattainable and dreams really don’t exist, then what’s the point of doing this?

Thinking of this, big tears flowed out of Lan Lan's eyes like springs...

But just at this moment, there was a very light knock on the door.

"Lan Lan, can I come in?" It was Lan Zheng's voice.

Lan Lan quickly wiped the tears on her face, "Brother, come in..."

After the door was pushed open, she asked again, "What's going on? Brother..."

"Mom asked you to eat some fruit. The grapefruit someone gave to dad is so sweet."

Lan Lan shook his head.

"I can't eat it. There are too many delicious foods for the New Year's Eve dinner. I'm already very full."

Lan Zheng laughed and teased her.

"This is not like what you said. When there is delicious food, you have never missed the meal? Isn't it because you are worried?"

"What's the matter, are you worried because there are too many male classmates chasing you? It's because you have grown up, and you don't even listen to your favorite cross talk in the past..."

"Hey, the two boys who called you tonight to wish you New Year's greetings still have telephones at home, and their conditions are quite good. Which one do you like?..."

Lan Lan was immediately annoyed.

"You are talking nonsense again! They are just ordinary classmates of mine. If you continue to make up nonsense, let's see if I still ignore you..."

But even though Lan Lan wiped her tears promptly, her expression was flawless.

But in a dim environment with only one bedside lamp lighting, the reflection of tears is actually quite clear from a certain angle.

When Lan Zheng closed the door and left, he took the two shining tears on his sister's face into his eyes.

So after closing the door and thinking silently for a while, he took action.

Soon, after knocking on his sister's door again, he brought a tape and placed it on Lan Lan's bedside table.

"Hey, this is a New Year's gift from my brother. I found it with great difficulty. Have you heard of Liu Wenzheng's songs? Nowadays, women listen to Teresa Teng, and men listen to Liu Wenzheng. It is very popular..."

"Never heard of it? You've been studying so hard that you don't know anything? This is the song that is being spread on university campuses now. You little nerd is too out of date..."

"Look, the tape I gave you is not a ripped one. It's the original version, with 28 songs, and it's a gold-listed song. Do you know why I gave you this tape? Hey, there's a song in it, and it seems to be written just for you.

.Listen well and tell me your thoughts later..."

Finally, before leaving, he added, "I'm going to watch TV. You can just put it on the tape recorder and listen to it. I'll pour it for you. The second part..."

Just like that, when the door closed again, Lan Lan couldn't help but stare at the tape.

For no other reason than because Liu Wenzheng on this tape is like a prince charming, so handsome.

Moreover, the indifferent look on his face was quite similar to Ning Weimin's usual look.

As a result, Lan Lan, who had just escaped from the bad mood, accidentally fell into the memory of the same mistake again.

The most terrible thing was that subconsciously, she did not forget to put the tape into the tape recorder as her brother said.

As a result, as soon as I pressed the play button, there was an extremely bright melody and free and easy sound.

"You came to me with a smile and brought away my troubles. I already have her in my heart. Oh, she arrived before you..."

It made it difficult for her to contain the sadness in her heart.

He immediately lay down on the bedside, hugged the pillow tightly and cried loudly.

This is truly an unexpected surprise!

It must be stated that Lan Zheng's actions were entirely out of good intentions.

He actually wanted Lan Lan to listen to the song "Orchid Grass" that echoed her name.

The lyrics of this song are derived from Hu Shi's poem "Hope". As Hu Shi drifted to the treasure island in his later years, this year, Liu Wenzheng's guitar returned to the mainland again.

According to Lan Zheng's imaginary scenario, his sister should actually turn on the radio recorder and hear the song "I came from the mountains with orchids and grass."

He believed that this sad little girl would smile, forget her troubles, and appreciate his clever intentions.

However, it is a pity that man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation.

As luck would have it, "Orchid Grass" is the second side of the tape.

The first page I turned over happened to be the song "Late".

But Lan Lan was so restless that she misplaced it.

In the end, this matter was self-defeating and turned into a tear gas that made people emotional!

This chapter has been completed!
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