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Chapter 430: Choose carefully

The old couple of the Bian family all thought it was necessary to have a talk with Bian Jiangong.

Let’s have a serious negotiation with this dumb, heartless “Mu Guiying”.

So when Bian Jiangong returned home the next day in accordance with his mother's request, he found that not only his parents were sitting at home, waiting for him.

The atmosphere was as solemn as the White Tiger Festival Hall in the Palace Commander's Palace.

The only difference is that there are no six banners symbolizing the authority of the state and no accompanying guards.

The conversation was dominated by Aunt Bian.

The mother told her son frankly that neither she nor his father liked the girl Mu Yueying.

Bian Jiangong glanced at his mother, frowned, moved his lips, and refrained from making a sound.

Aunt Bian then said, "Well, this 'Mu Guiying', there's nothing wrong with her. It's just that she's awkward and doesn't get along with anyone in our family. I think... forget it.

If not, let’s… talk about another one?”

Bian Jiangong was not happy about this and sneered.

"Humph, it's you who say it's okay, and it's you who say it's not okay! Then do I still have a man of my own? I would like to ask, who is urging me to find a partner on New Year's Eve this year?"

Aunt Bian explained earnestly, "My parents are not against your dating partner, but this 'Mu Guiying'...she...she is really..."

"What is it really?"

"It's really two hundred and five!"

Aunt Bian, who never talks about people's rights and wrongs without reason, violated her principles for the first time under the pressure of her son.

I struggled to squeeze out a few hurtful words.

But then, she felt that she had really done something wrong, so she took her husband out again.

"Your dad... your dad doesn't like her bluster. You're a pretty grown-up girl. She doesn't know if she's really stupid or pretending to be stupid. She doesn't speak out of her head..."

"That's what I love about her. I love how outspoken she is."

What does it mean to talk in a hurry?

When Bian Jiangong spoke angrily, he almost knocked his own mother over.

Of course, I followed him and realized something was wrong, so I tried my best to soften my tone and explain.

"Mom, I'm not trying to argue with you, but you can't say that to others."

"I know that she has a very special personality. The only disadvantage she suffers from is that she doesn't know what to say and doesn't restrain her words and deeds in time based on other people's reactions. But this, in turn, also proves that she is pure in nature and not hypocritical."

"You have never seen her at work, otherwise you would definitely like her. She is cheerful, loves to laugh, and can play and make trouble. The children in the nursery in our factory like her the most. I am the same, and I stay with her.

Very relaxing..."

Uncle Bian felt that he couldn't listen anymore, so he shook his head and interrupted.

"You're just a fool. Boy, are you dating someone to get a wife? What's the purpose of marrying a wife? It's to make a living. According to you, she is just a half-grown child. Is she a person who makes a living?"

Aunt Bian also felt that her son's words were out of line.

"I'm not talking about her. I saw a thread on her elbow and I didn't even know it. Put it aside, if the girl went out with her naked body like this and went to a male colleague's house, she would be ashamed to death...


Bian Jiangong really didn't like hearing it now.

"Dad, Mom, what age are we in? Are you still talking about this? Nowadays, the emphasis is on congeniality and free love. Let me tell you the truth. It's still hot for your son to shave his head and choose one. Only Xiao Mu has not promised me yet.

Well, the situation I am facing now is very serious. There are two competitors in the same factory, and one of them is a college student..."

Unexpectedly, Aunt Bian answered immediately.

"Well, let's give it to someone else. You can't be so stupid yourself. As a girl, she looks pretty good."

"It's pretty but useless? It's just like the paintings on the wall. It doesn't support food or drink. I really don't see how this girl is considerate at all. You won't be wronged if you marry such a girl.


"Just like yesterday, well, she actually feels at ease and allows you, a grown-up man, to serve her like this. Do you want to live like this for the rest of your life?"

Uncle Bian, his attitude was a bit better, but he said it seriously.

"We all understand what you are thinking. After all, your mother and I have been here before. Who hasn't been young before? But getting married is a lifetime thing. One or two years is a sense of freshness, and a lifetime is a sense of responsibility. Just listen to us.

, when looking for a partner, you can’t just make the girl look good..."

But it was still useless. Bian Jiangong felt like he had eaten the weight and became determined.

"Dad, Mom, I don't just want her to be good-looking. She has many advantages. You don't know her yet, so don't hold any prejudices."

"She may be a bit lacking in sophistication, but she is very emotional. She always sheds tears when watching movies, and she really likes to take care of others."

"This is not just for children, but also for the elderly. Her mother is ill and can no longer get off the ground. Xiao Mu is very patient with her mother and takes good care of her. That's all..."

It’s over, it’s over!

It's okay if I don't say it. The more I talked about it, the angrier it became. The old lady screamed.

"Oh, please stop it! She actually has a paralyzed mother at home! How can you pretend to be a good person! Doesn't this make you tired again?"

"Besides, she should serve her mother as she should. Don't you think you should serve their family as well?"

"No, I absolutely cannot agree. I can't let these two women bully my son together like this in the future..."

It’s the same with everything, I’m just afraid that I won’t say good things properly.

Even if it's a mother and son, the more important things are discussed, the more important it is not to get anxious.

Otherwise, once people are emotional and their words go to extremes, they will become less able to communicate effectively.

All of a sudden, Bian Jiangong's anger rose to the top of his head, and he was completely in conflict with it.

"What is bullying? Why isn't it good? Isn't it a good thing to respect the old and love the young? Besides, I am happy with it."

"I'm surprised. Are you still the director of the neighborhood committee? Are you aware of this? In the past, you always said one thing and did another. Are they all lies?"

Aunt Bian felt a pain in her heart, and she was also angry and angry.

"Are you sincere? Do you have to stay away from your mother? Who am I doing this for? OK, I won't ask or care about your affairs from now on, just do whatever you want!"

"Who asked you to take care of it? You don't care, I don't want it. Whether she is a witch or a toad, I am willing to do it. Aren't you going to spend the rest of your life with her?"

There was no way to continue, the two of them were completely excited about this matter.

What follows is not an argument, but is just to make a point.

Although, in the end, Bian Jiangong was scolded by his father and ran away in embarrassment.

But Aunt Bian had no joy at all in achieving an overwhelming victory.

Because in the play "Yuanmen Beheads the Son", the beheading is not successful, and the marriage has become an established fact.

Now that her son has also run away, this possibility naturally arises.

Aunt Bian had no choice but to shed tears in front of her wife.

I blame this bastard son for being so ignorant and ignorant of his parents' hard work.

Uncle Bian said angrily, "Let him go, he will marry whomever he wants. He has said it himself, and it has nothing to do with us."

Aunt Bian said, "But that is our son after all! Although he has never served you and me like this. He hasn't even married a wife yet, so he has forgotten his parents. But how can we really bear to see him marry such a person?"

Daughter-in-law, fill yourself in and spend the rest of your life working as a cow or a horse for others? No matter what? No matter what, it’s okay."

Aunt Bian didn't even let her husband interfere with what happened next.

She was determined that getting married would not be an easy matter at all.

It's not like buying radishes or choosing cabbage, it's more or less the same.

If they are similar at the beginning, they will become much different in the end.

In the past, when the eldest son got married, the conditions at home were not good. Now that the conditions are finally better, how can we not be careful?

So the old lady started to use her entire network to choose a better girl, and then forced her son to meet her.

Aunt Bian has her own opinion. She believes that there must be more men than women in Bian Jiangong's factory.

When they meet a good-looking unmarried girl, bachelors flock to her, and even ordinary people are praised as fairies.

But whether it is people or goods, they are afraid to be compared together.

As long as he meets a truly good girl, his son will probably change his mind and understand what it means to be a mother.

Don't say it, Aunt Bian may really be on a different level, and whatever she wants comes to her.

She went to the street for a meeting, and the fat director, two alleys away, actually approached her and wanted to introduce a partner to Bian Jiangong.

"Old Bian, would you like to introduce someone to your little son? Let me tell you, that girl is really good. Your family was the first one I thought of."

Aunt Bian was happy and angry after hearing this, but she was also surprised that she could still ask if she wanted to come. Could it be that she was buying something?

But she was not allowed to ask, as the fat director's next words drew all her attention away.

“How much does your son earn?”

"Sixty-four yuan and eight."

"Oh, it's quite a lot. But my daughter earns more. For ninety yuan, how about being a factory cadre in a big textile factory?"

How about it?

This is almost one and a half times that of Bian Jiangong. Aunt Bian was very happy when she heard this number.

"Hey, it's really good for a young man to earn so much. Or a cadre? Then... how old is this girl?"

"twenty five."

"We have only made twenty-three meritorious deeds..."

As expected, Aunt Bian's worries were justified.

According to common sense, a young man who is not very old.

In a formal job, it is impossible to earn much more than an ordinary person.

But the fat director couldn't stand it and would say, "Hey, why do you still call me older when you are two years older? Besides, your old son's birthday is actually only a year and a half away."

"What's more, if the girl hadn't been busy with her career, she would have forgotten her own things. How could such a good thing happen?"

"I won't hide it from you. This time it was the girl's mother who was anxious and forced her daughter to solve her personal problems before May Day. Otherwise, this girl just got the key to a two-bedroom apartment and slowly found it. What kind of

Can’t find it?”

"I'm also telling you, I'm not short, I'm 1.67 meters tall, and I'm fair. There's nothing I can't do around the house. The only thing I can be picky about is that I don't like to dress up, and my appearance is plain.

a little……"

Aunt Bian asked no more questions.

You earn so much and have a two-bedroom apartment, so what else do you ask!

How nice it would be to have a simple appearance.

Just be white, it will cover up all the ugliness.

She understands this very well. After all, she is a cadre, so dressing up in fancy clothes looks frivolous.

Nothing like that "Mu Guiying" yesterday, a babysitter, like a child herself, never restless.

If I need to add more feathers to her, maybe she can actually go on stage and sing.

Aunt Bian was overjoyed and thanked the fat director and let her make the connection.

When I went back that day, Aunt Bian kept thinking about the girl from the textile factory.

From the bottom of my heart, I feel that it is so suitable and wonderful for women to do textile work.

She kept talking to her husband about a documentary about a textile factory she had watched.

The girls inside all have snow-white overalls and nimble fingers, and their two big eyes are staring at the silver threads.

Come to think of it, the people who take care of these girls are naturally more outstanding.

The fat director made a rather romantic arrangement for the two young people to meet in a pavilion corridor in Zhongshan Park.

But the trouble is that we are running out of time, it will be Sunday morning two days later.

You know, Aunt Bian and Bian Jiangong are fighting a cold war.

No matter how much she tried to persuade her on the phone, the boy refused to agree to meet the girl from the textile factory.

Now the aunt was at a loss. She felt that her son was too ignorant, so in the end she had no choice but to go and represent him.

At the agreed place, Aunt Bian saw the fat director as soon as she arrived.

When she explained the situation, she inevitably received a lot of complaints.

The absence of the principal made the fat director feel unexplainably angry, feeling that the Bian family didn't take the girl seriously.

The fat director also said that he had introduced people to him ten times in this pavilion, and nine of them ended up being successful.

The one that didn't work out almost worked.

That time, the parents of both parties got into a fight for some unknown reason. The man's father said that the woman's father had written a big-character poster for him.

In short, it has nothing to do with the fat director.

However, the fat director herself is very concerned about the success rate of the marriage introduction, which represents her ability and reputation.

But this time, I am afraid that because Bian Jiayan is not trustworthy, there will be another failure rate.

For this reason, Aunt Bian was moved and ashamed

Especially when she saw with her own eyes many well-dressed girls walking towards the pavilion, and some of them even walked into the pavilion.

Looking at these beautiful girls and the scenery of red flowers and green leaves in the park, she couldn't help but think about it.

Oops, I really didn’t think twice this time.

She didn't even discuss it with her son, so how could she come here to take his place?

Can she be worthy of the girl who dresses up seriously and looks forward to the date?

Not to mention that the girl didn't mind, she just fooled her this time and she said she didn't mind.

After that, can she guarantee that her son will come next time?

Just like that, Aunt Bian was completely speechless and couldn't even say a word to defend herself.

At this moment, suddenly, the fat director's eyes lit up, and he waved his hands and shouted.

"Oh, Lihua, here! We are here!"

Aunt Bian couldn't help but panic and looked over quickly, but she felt strangely anxious.

There was no sign of the girl, she had not been seen at all.

When she was wondering, the fat director pointed out to her, "Look, everyone is here, this girl is Zhao Lihua. It will take a while, how you explain it is your business, I don't care..."

Aunt Bian was immediately shocked.

Because if the fat director hadn't pointed out this, she would have definitely concluded that the person the fat director was referring to was a gay man.

What a good guy, he is dressed neatly in a blue cadre uniform, and his short hair is neatly combed.

He also wore a pair of rigid iron-rimmed glasses, which had no girlish characteristics at all.

By the way, Bai is really fair, but he has a flat face and a fat figure. He looks at least 134.

It was just like a walking steamed bun, or a big white pancake with puffs of dough.

And when I took a closer look, I saw that the lips were black and fluffy, and the hair was so heavy that it looked like he had a beard.

It makes no sense for a person like this to be called Zhao Lihua.

It makes people feel like life is a joke on purpose.

But precisely because of this, in an instant, Aunt Bian no longer felt any debt to the fat director.

On the contrary, it is a feeling of joy.

She was glad that Bian Jiangong was not here today.

Otherwise, this kid will definitely explode.

Maybe it's because of this incident that I don't recognize her as my mother.

This chapter has been completed!
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