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Chapter 437 They are all tigers

Since entering college, Ti Kangguang has not lived much at home.

He would only stay at home for a day and a half when he went home to spend time with his mother on weekends.

Anyway, there are so many hotels in the XJTLU Group that even if they took turns, he wouldn't be able to stay there.

However, Di Yiming's work is very busy, not to mention that he has many women outside.

I really don't have much time to spend with my family.

Therefore, at home, Di Kangguang has rarely seen his father, and only occasionally has a meal with his parents at the same time.

As for official matters, the father and son also don't have much contact.

Although Tikatsuguang directly joined XJTLU Group after graduating from university, his position was almost fictitious.

The main task Tsutsumi Ichiaki gave him was to become familiar with the company's operating model and the rules of communication between chaebols.

In fact, in addition to attending weekly high-level meetings, Ti Kangguang was able to see his father at the meetings.

Most of the rest of the time they spent together was when he and his father accompanied various dignitaries to play golf according to the schedule arranged in advance.

Or attending banquets and receptions with his father, and facing interviews with the media.

This is the training of his successor.

As a result, father and son almost always meet step by step in their lives, and contact each other according to their schedule.

There are really not many parts that can intersect, and there are no random situations.

So when he received a call from his father's secretary and heard his father's order to come to the head office immediately for a meeting, Tsutsumi was really unprepared and instinctively felt something abnormal.

However, he didn't have much time to think about it, so he could only rush off with something strange in mind.

As a result, as soon as he entered the chairman's office of Tsui Yiming, he felt the extremely unkind gaze of his father sitting behind the desk.

"Chairman, I'm here. Thank you for your hard work."

Di Kangguang bowed first, but he was surprised to find that his father's eyes were still cold.

It wasn't until he was sweating profusely from being stared at by this kind of gaze that Tsutsumi Ichiaki finally turned around and gave instructions to the secretary standing at the door.

"You go out first, don't let anyone disturb us."

The secretary immediately bowed his head and left in a hurry.

He didn't even dare to respond to Ti Kangguang with a look.

The way he carefully closed the door made Ti Kangguang feel even more uneasy.

"Why did you hit someone?"

Di Yiming issued an accusation straight to the point.

"Hit someone?"

Ti Kangguang was immediately stunned.

Not pretending to be confused, but surprised that my father was well-informed.

"Yoshikawa from Nishiura Department Store Ikebukuro main store! Didn't you hit him just now?"

"Yes, I hit him...I'm sorry, father, I was a little impulsive."

Di Kangguang quietly changed the title and took a sneak peek at his father's face before explaining carefully.

"But Yoshikawa went too far. He actually asked me to apologize to a Chinese model. In public, he accused me in front of many people of harassing women and affecting the reputation of Nishiura Department Store. How can I bear this?

He is just a dog of the Di family, how do you understand that I should endure such humiliation?"

But his explanation failed to impress Ichiaki Tsutsumi. Instead, it provoked the current "Emperor" of the Nishiura Empire to slam the table.

"Asshole! You have to understand the situation even when fighting a dog. Yoshikawa is not your subordinate, and he represents your uncle! Didn't he tell you?"

Di Kangguang was shocked again.

"Does he really represent my uncle? How is that possible? I...I thought he was lying!"

"All the lies you think are true. Just after you hit someone, your uncle called me to express his dissatisfaction. He rarely shows such a tough attitude. The request he made is also very serious. He must ask you

Go and apologize to those Chinese people and Yoshikawa in person."

Di Yiqing said with a sullen face, "Don't deny to me that you didn't molest that Chinese girl. I know very well what you are like. But you still beat someone for this matter. Now it's all in the hands of the other party."

Here, I can't even find an excuse for you to shirk responsibility."

The dirty words in Ti Kangguang's mouth almost blurted out.

In his opinion, this is too unreasonable.

How could your uncle be so awesome at what he does?

He actually had to pay the price of his dignity for a few insignificant people.

It just hurt their feelings for no reason at all.

But the curse words came to my lips three times, but I finally didn't dare to be bold.

Because he suddenly realized that the father in front of him had an aura very close to that of Tsutsumi Kojiro back then, and he was also in his father's position back then.

"I'm sorry. Father, I was reckless. But I don't understand... Isn't this a trivial matter? Uncle, why is he so aggressive? And he even contacted you specifically for this matter?"

Di Yiming glanced at him lightly.

"I originally thought you would be as smart as me, but it seems I was wrong."

"How could you be so stupid and still don't understand? Do you really think your uncle is doing it for outsiders?"

"Think about it carefully. What do you have that is worthy of him doing this?"

Di Kangguang was stunned for a moment in disbelief and began to think hard.

After a long while, he swallowed his saliva and said, "You mean, the shares in the Nishiura Department Store Ikebukuro store that I hold?"

"Of course, you're not too stupid. That's why he deliberately used a business-like attitude. He sent Yoshikawa to you and asked you to fight. You fell into a trap, do you understand?"

"But...why? I don't have many shares, and they were left to me by my grandfather."

"You're talking stupid again! Just because it was left to you by your grandfather, if he didn't do it, how could there be any legitimate reason for you to transfer these shares?"

Di Yiming continued in a cold voice, "Use your brain, do you really not have many shares? It seems that 100 million yuan is not too much. But that was 100 million yuan ten years ago."

"In recent years, XJTLU Department Store has become more and more prosperous under the management of your uncle, and its profits have surged. Over the years, you have taken away 200 million yuan in dividends alone, right?"

"Especially after the Tokyo Olympics, the property of the Ikebukuro main store has rapidly increased in value. The shares in your hand are now worth at least 780 million. And he is about to form his own group company. After integrating resources, it will be more efficient and will definitely accelerate.

The stage of development and expansion.”

"Do you think that he will leave you a place in the group company in the future? Will he tolerate you indefinitely and continue to take a lot of money from his pocket?"

Dikang's light is like five thunders striking the sky.

Like a mother who hears bad news about her child from a doctor.

I knew it was true, but I didn't want to believe it from the bottom of my heart.

"But he is my uncle. He often told me that knowledge is far more valuable than money. Relatives are always relatives, and blood relations will not change due to conflicts between the previous generation. How could such an uncle be like this?"

"Wake up, you idiot!"

Di Yiming was still obsessed with his son and cursed angrily.

He actually reached out and picked up the folder on his desk and hit Ti Kangguang on the head with a "snap" sound.

"Are you a fool? I can't believe you are so naive! Why would he say this to you? It's because he is the loser in the inheritance battle!"

"Are you still considered the heir to the Di family? Have you forgotten all the instructions left by your grandfather? Recite them to me right away!"

Ti Kangguang was stunned. He covered his head and looked at his father hesitantly.

Then he suddenly shivered and stood up straight.

Without hesitation, he obediently began to recite.

"...No one is trustworthy, and no one will give you appropriate advice based on your interests. Any good advice for you has unique interests behind it."

"Every suggestion and sentence from others is a hiding place of desire. Once you become dependent on others, you will inevitably be ruthlessly calculated."

"Therefore, we must learn to endure loneliness, and more importantly, be cautious about being alone. Loyalty and obedience are the most important things when choosing our subordinates. We would rather use slaves than talents..."

Just like that, he recited every sentence without any deviation, which finally made Di Yiming's ferocious mood calm down.

But he still "hummed" and warned in a bad tone.

"Listen, although you are my only son, if you don't have the ability to reassure me, I won't hand over the family assets to you."

"If you want to become a qualified entrepreneur, it is not enough just to memorize your grandfather's teachings. You must carefully consider and understand every word of these words. Do you understand?"

Ti Kangguang's heart trembled, he stood more upright and bowed.

"Yes, father. I will try my best."

Di Yiming then nodded, expressing true satisfaction.

"This incident is a lesson to you. It would be good for you to suffer this loss as soon as possible. At least it will allow you to see your human heart clearly and truly grow up. You have to remember that no businessman has a soft heart. Family affection,

It's just something you talk about. In the face of interests, any emotion and morality are dim."

"I understand, thank you for your teaching."

Ti Kangguang took a deep breath and bowed deeply.

But when he raised his head, he asked reluctantly.

"Father, then...do I really want to transfer my shares? Is there no other way? There is also the matter of apologizing. Do I have to sacrifice my dignity and bow my head? I am not willing to do so! We should find a way to stop him.

!Save face!”

Di Yiming picked up the gold cigarette case and lit a cigarette himself.

Then I threw a few pages of paper over.

"You think I haven't thought about it? Look, this is an article your uncle is going to publish in the newspaper. The content has nothing to do with you. It is our resort plan. He has noticed some things that should not be made public. He wants to publish it in the newspaper

The government publicly condemned us and local officials for merging interests and sacrificing the interests of the people."

Ti Kangguang was extremely shocked, "He...how dare he do this?"

"That's what he did! He is your grandfather's legitimate son, and he gave away most of the XJTLU Group's property 'generously'. He is also a well-known writer and poet. He stands at the highest moral level. This is his advantage."

"He stands up to denounce us, who can do anything to him? All our counterattacks can only make those foolish and loyal old ministers and ignorant people more emotionally sympathetic to him."

"What's more, the Japanese Red Party has begun to grow in power, and there are already 41 seats in Congress. I heard that they are negotiating the conditions for an alliance with the Socialist Party. If the two parties formally join forces, your uncle may even enter politics and be pushed out by the Red Party.

, follow the old path of your grandfather..."

After being stunned for a long time, Di Yasuang realized that his uncle Di Yiqing was completely invulnerable.

I took a closer look at the article in my hand and found that my uncle's writing was really provocative.

It reads that XJTLU Group’s plan to develop resorts is simply a heinous crime that will bring disaster to the country and the people!

And the key is to have real evidence.

In this way, it is really possible that XJTLU Group's initial investment will be lost.

However, he realized after looking at it for a while. Since the manuscript was delivered to his father's hands, it meant that it had not been published yet.

My heart suddenly felt relieved again.

"Have you already reached an agreement with your uncle? If we meet his conditions, will this article not be published?"

Di Yiming's face darkened again.

"Yes, you understand now. Everyone in our Di family is a tiger, and we all want to eat flesh and blood. Your uncle is a smiling tiger. The more books you read, the more hypocritical and despicable you become. He

It was premeditated, and he was probably behind these two incidents. So we, father and son, can only suffer this loss for now."

Tikang Guangmu was in a daze for a while, thinking about it.

I felt guilty and sincerely knelt down to my father.

"It's all my fault that you have embarrassed me! I will take responsibility for this matter."

This responsible attitude made Di Yiming a little happy. He nodded and said some words of encouragement.

"I just told you so much to make you understand the consequences of trusting others casually. Now that you understand, this matter is nothing."

"You just need to take out the shares and ask your subordinates to take over the apology. The fault will be placed on their heads. This is their obligation. As masters, of course we cannot bow our heads and be embarrassed."

"You also have to be more generous. It's best to come forward to treat and clarify the misunderstanding. In this case, whether you can face your uncle as usual and cope with such a situation is also a test for you. Don't avoid it, then

Instead, it represents weakness.”

"Don't think it's embarrassing to bow your head temporarily after losing the chess game. If I didn't know how to be forbearing, how could I inherit this family business. And in the face of truly powerful strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless in the end.


"Your uncle's disadvantage is that his economic foundation is too weak, and he is engaged in the department store industry. He makes a small amount of money, but the risks are huge. No matter how hard he tries to catch up, he will never be on an equal footing with us in his lifetime. Japan's most profitable industry in the future

, in the end it still has to settle on finance and real estate.”

"After you transfer the shares, the most important thing to do is to invest the money in the land to develop resorts. When will we control most of the land resources and tourism resources? That will be our Yixue

Opportunity to be ashamed."

"When the time comes, I guarantee that your uncle will never get another usable land! His shops will only open less and less! This is the real strategic vision and the real overall situation! Do you understand?"

"As for yourself, your biggest advantage and potential is that you are not married yet. Your in-laws will also be your help. I will choose a good marriage for you!"

Hearing his father's words, Ti Kangguang's blood surged with passion, and he clenched his fists unconsciously.

A "Hi Yi" was heard, followed by another bow.

"Father, thank you for your hard work!"

This chapter has been completed!
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