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Chapter 451 Lucky Man

Ning Weimin clearly remembers what a bear the Beijing antique market was in 2020.

It’s unbelievably bleak!

Relevant practitioners are complaining endlessly!

No matter how big or famous the antique city is, or even Panjiayuan and Liulichang, many shops can’t even earn rent!

However, the art auction market is booming, and the prices of antiques and antiques on the auction block have reached record highs.

Comparing the two, they are like ice and fire.

Needless to say, this will definitely leave most people scratching their heads, and some may even blame it on the epidemic.

But relevant practitioners in the industry are well aware of this.

The reason is obvious, and it breaks down with just one poke.

To put it bluntly, this is just because the antique trade after the founding of the People's Republic of China was basically based on "sports" refund materials.

The very limited resources have been fully utilized and developed over the years.

As show goods and old goods attract collectors at home and abroad to buy less and less, resources are depleted.

Almost all antique trading markets have become pure handicraft markets.

It would be good if it can reach 10% for something that can truly be called an old object.

Where are the chances of missing something?

The natural market lost the support of the people, lost its popularity, and inevitably went into decline.

It was very different before, there were indeed a lot of things on the market.

Collectors with a discerning eye and extensive collection experience can indeed find treasures.

This is the only magic weapon to stimulate market prosperity.

Take the most famous Panjiayuan flea market in Beijing as an example.

According to statistics, from 2005 to 2015, one or two genuine products were produced here every year, which is definitely not a rumor.

From 1995 to 2005, the period when antique trading was at its hottest.

Panjiayuan Flea Market even sells one or two genuine items every month.

Of course, to truly say that it was a good time for Taobao shopping, we have to say that it was from 1978 to 1990.

During that time, the value of antiques was hardly discovered, and people really sold their treasures as junk.

Therefore, Ning Weimin took Sun Wufu in and hired him to help him wander the streets and collect things. It was a wise move.

These days, even if you close your eyes and collect them, you can still collect a lot of real things.

Of course, despite this, Ning Weimin still gave Sun Wufu a short-term training before he took up his post.

So that he can improve work efficiency as much as possible and master the know-how of receiving goods.

The first step, of course, is to check out the spots.

In addition to spending more than 400 yuan to buy Sun Wufu a new flat-bed tricycle, Ning Weimin also gave him a map of the capital.

He even let Sun Wufu ride a tricycle and take him around the main core areas according to the map.

The roughly delineated delivery area is the bungalow area that does not exceed Deshengmen in the north, Daqianmen in the south, Chaoyangmen Street in the east, and Fuchengmen Street in the west.

The reason is very simple. There has always been a saying in Beijing that the east is rich, the west is noble, the south is poor, and the north is humble.

That is caused by historical objective reasons: people flock together and things flock together.

If you want to collect your things well, of course you have to go to the place where dignitaries and dignitaries gather. This is called being targeted.

Only in the old bungalows near mansions and houses in Dongcheng District and Xicheng District are people with rich families living there.

As for the buildings, almost all of them were built after the founding of the People's Republic of China. There are few valuable old items in the homes of new wealthy people.

In the second step, there are also categories of items to collect.

Ning Weimin definitely couldn't let Sun Wufu accept everything like he did in the past.

If we want to collect real rags again, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

But it would be troublesome to explain everything clearly.

Not to mention Ning Weimin's indescribable incomprehension, which is unavoidable, but the key point is that there are many things that Sun Wufu has never seen before.

Not to mention, Ning Weimin really has a way.

He did it in the most direct and hassle-free way.

Simply take Sun Wufu to the "Huaxia Arts and Crafts Store" at No. 12 Chongwenmennei Street.

Even though this store is called a "handicraft store", it is actually the city's largest trust store, the "Quanyechang Trust Store", which was moved from the original site of "Quanyechang" in Langfang Headlines in 1975.

There are more than 470 people.

In addition, not only does this store have a large business area, it is also the only thrift store in the city that can serve foreign guests.

Some special commodities collected from the trust bank purchase points in the city can only be sold here, and the business varieties are extremely rich.

In addition to leather clocks, gold case watches, high-end clothing materials, high-end furs, and porcelain, there is also a handicraft counter.

Specializing in decorations, appreciation items, ancient porcelain, foreign watches, antiques, jade and hardwood furniture.

For all the old stuff, there's nothing more complete than here.

Isn’t this the most suitable model?

So Ning Weimin pointed at these things, showed them to Sun Wufu one by one, and told him, "You can collect everything here, except clothes. What is not here, books, newspapers, magazines, letters, etc., have words and carry them."

You can also accept the paintings. As for the others, we won’t accept them at all.”

Sun Wufu was also happy and thought it was indeed simple and clear. He nodded while reading.

The third step is for Ning Weimin to teach Sun Wufu how to bargain.

Ning Weimin did not mention anything else, but only emphasized the following points.

First, bargaining is a must.

Don't think it's cheap no matter how much you ask for, and don't agree to it just to save trouble.

Otherwise, the other party will not be happy, and the promised deal will be blown away.

Secondly, if you think something is good and you like it and want to buy it, don’t pay too little for it.

To put it bluntly, collecting things is their ultimate goal.

You're not afraid of losing money on the price. What you're afraid of is that people think your price is unfair.

Not only will I keep my stuff and won’t sell it to you, but I won’t want to come back to you if I have something good next time.

Don't lose big for small things.

When we are arguing, if we can't reach an agreement, how should we speak?

Never say that the other party wants too much, you have to say so.

"The price you want is indeed not high, but my ability to accept it is really limited. I still sincerely want to do this business with you, so just give me a little more."

Everyone is the same, you should take into consideration the other person’s feelings when speaking.

Refusal will not make the other party unhappy, then there will be room for further negotiation.

What is harmony?

If both parties are willing to compromise, then that is called harmony.

It is not difficult to learn these few things.

Sun Wufu wrote it down seriously. As long as he practices it a few more times, he will master it.

As for buying the wrong thing, Ning Weimin is not worried at all.

He also told Sun Wufu not to worry, saying that mistakes were allowed.

So in early April, when the white magnolia came to an end, the pink magnolia was in full bloom.

After initially receiving vocational training, Sun Wufu hung a sign in front of his tricycle saying "Recycle Old Furniture at High Prices" and walked around the streets again. He became Kang Shude's junior and a new era "playing the little drum".


It should be said that if he were to simply close the gap with the past, Sun Wufu would definitely switch from a shotgun to a cannon.

Not only is his tricycle new, but it also saves effort when pedaling.

Moreover, the clothes are clean, decent, and the capital is abundant.

The key is to only collect a few valuable things, so there is no physical work left.

It's really similar to walking on the street, taking in the beautiful scenery.

But unfortunately, the effect in the first week after opening was not very good.

He really didn't come up with anything really good.

After collecting the piles and talking together, there were only about thirty kilograms of old books, old newspapers, old magazines, a dozen pieces of old porcelain, and two pieces of old woodware.

There is also an inkstone and a copper soup pot.

This made him feel a little embarrassed, for fear that Ning Weimin would think he could eat or not fuck.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin was really not in a hurry.

He knew that this matter had to be done slowly and in the long run, so he comforted Sun Wufu and told him not to lose heart.

And he also told him about the things he had collected.

Among them, only three or five pieces are imitation porcelain from the Republic of China, including a Daoguang folk kiln pastel bowl and a mahogany flower stand.

Based on the current market conditions, it is enough to equal the cost, and other things are for free.

This is not considered a loss, there is still a profit.

In this way, Sun Wufu can feel at ease and can continue to persevere.

Sure enough, things were really different by the second week.

I don’t know if everyone has what Ji Tai Lai said.

Or it's because Sun Wufu is too honest and follows the old saying that a loss is a blessing.

This week has been really weird, Sun Wufu actually picked up big leaks one after another.

In a very short period of time, he not only brought surprises to Ning Weimin again and again, but he also benefited greatly.

Let’s talk about this first time first.

Sun Wufu actually paid ninety-nine yuan to receive a large blue and white platter imitating Chenghua from the Kangxi official kiln from an old lady.

What has this plate been used for in the old lady’s house?

It is used to grow garlic seedlings.

There is a shortage of vegetables in Beijing during the winter, so this old lady would like to raise some garlic seedlings at home.

But the problem is that growing garlic sprouts smells bad.

Right now, the old lady's son is getting married soon.

This boy's partner, the old lady's daughter-in-law, particularly dislikes the smell of garlic in her husband's house.

For this reason, the old lady had no choice but to give up her small family vegetable garden.

Of course, I felt that this plate was of no use, so I wanted to sell it for a few bucks.

Ordinarily, it could be sold to anyone.

But just because Sun Wufu came here a few days ago and just spent five yuan to buy a celadon teapot made in Jiangxi after the founding of the People's Republic of China from the old lady.

It turned out that it was a mistake. Because he had taken advantage of her this time, the old lady realized that the price he offered was higher than that offered by others.

I think they are honest, the prices they give are good, and they are easy to talk to.

Since he had to sell the things in the house, this plate was reserved just for him.

On the day he went there, I sold it to him specially.

Seeing this plate at that time, Sun Wufu still remembered Ning Weimin's instructions.

The old lady wanted ten yuan, and he thought he had to pay the price no matter what, so he said ten yuan was not enough, and he had to pay nine-nine yuan.

Just like that, the old lady thought he was being humorous on purpose and was amused, and the matter was settled.

Sun Wufu himself did not taste the sweetness of this deal until he showed the plate to Ning Weimin after he returned home.

Because he really didn't expect that Ning Weimin actually gave him a bonus of ten yuan for this plate.

Needless to say, he was happy with the great unity in hand.

The second thing is even more amazing.

It was an old clock that was badly damaged by a family that had a fight because of a family dispute. They looted the house and smashed it.

The glass case was completely broken, the wooden case was damaged, the pendulum fell off, and the hands didn't move.

That family didn't even bother to repair it, thinking that it would be of little value if it was repaired.

When they saw Sun Wufu, they asked him for fifteen without any courtesy.

Of course Sun Wufu refused and turned around and left.

Then he was stopped by someone and he had to make a price.

In the end, Sun Wufu spent eight yuan to buy this piece of shit.

It wasn't for anything else, just because he remembered what Ning Weimin said, "As long as it is an old thing, no matter how old it is, I won't despise it."

Unexpectedly, when he went back and saw Ning Weimin this time, the wooden shell of the clock was completely cracked.

The contents of the clock just "crackled" out of his hand.

And it all hit him on the foot.

At that time, he was in so much pain, so angry and ashamed, that he didn't even know how to explain this matter.

He felt dejectedly that he had really made a loss-making transaction.

But what’s even more unexpected is yet to come.

Ning Weimin was actually happy. He came over and patted his shoulder happily, "You're really good at this!"

He bent down and picked up a golden object from among the messy parts on the ground.

At this time, Sun Wufu took a closer look at Ning Weimin's hand, and then he was happy and thought about it.

To my surprise, what Ning Weimin was holding was a gold bar.

No one knew that there was a treasure hidden in the clock. If the watch case hadn't been broken, it wouldn't have been exposed.

After being accurately weighed, the gold bar actually weighed 312 grams, which was a "large yellow croaker" weighing twelve tons.

Just like that, Sun Wufu got another fifty yuan reward, which was so beautiful that he almost didn't sleep all night.

Lying in bed, I just hummed the line, "I am a tiger born in the mountains, and I am alone."

But fifty yuan is still not the biggest bonus Sun Wufu has ever received.

The most recent incident was when Ning Weimin gave Sun Wufu a full one hundred yuan.

And it was also because of that time that Sun Wufu completely became a "lucky general" in Ning Weimin's heart who could never suffer a loss.

What exactly happened?

It would be fun to think about this matter seriously.

That day, Sun Wufu went out as usual, pedaling out at eight o'clock in the morning and going out from the west gate of Temple of Heaven Park.

The abnormal result was that he came back only two hours later and went all the way to Ning Weimin's office.

Not only did the older man cry, but he also felt extremely aggrieved and said that all the five hundred yuan that Ning Weimin had just given him had been snatched away.

At the same time, he was still a little panicked. Although he had suffered a big loss, he did not dare to go to the police station to report the crime, for fear that the police would treat him as a criminal and arrest him.

Of course Ning Weimin was curious and asked him in detail what was going on.

Why didn't you call the police when you were bullied? What are you feeling sorry for? This is not cowardly.

Only then did Sun Wufu understand what was going on.

On this day, when he was pedaling through an alley, he was stopped by two young men.

The two men pointed to the sign on his car and said furtively that they had copper to sell to him.

Sun Wufu said he didn't want the copper, but the two men refused to give up and threw the two big sacks on the ground into Sun Wufu's car.

Then he kept saying that there were two hundred kilograms of copper in the sack, and asked him for six hundred yuan.

When Sun Wufu opened a sack and took a look, he was shocked. It was full of copper coins covered with rust and dirt.

There's no way this thing can be sold to a scrapyard, it has to be caught.

He just said "No, no, no".

Unexpectedly, the two boys were so reckless that they attacked together and simply pushed him to the ground.

After searching all the money on him, he ran away.

When Sun Wufu got up, he was gone.

When he thought about it, how could this be explained clearly?

God knows where these two boys got these coins. It could have been stolen from a thief or dug out of some grave.

They find it difficult and leave it all to themselves.

If I have to go to the police station, I'm afraid I'll be regarded as a dealer reselling cultural relics...

The experience he recounted made Ning Weimin burst into tears with laughter.

Especially after inspecting the two large bags of copper coins that were pulled back from the car.

Almost all of them are Yongzheng Tongbao of good quality, and they appear to have been cast by Baonan Bureau.

Ning Weimin was even more cheerful.

You know, Emperor Yongzheng only reigned for thirteen years.

Yongzheng Tongbao is a dark horse among ancient coins.

This amount of money is almost 400 kilograms, estimated to be about 20,000 yuan.

It will be worth at least 10 million in thirty years.

But Sun Wufu didn't do anything, so someone came to his door without even thinking about it.

Depending on the portion size, it may cost less than two yuan per pound.

Is there anything in the world that is more unreasonable than this?

In his heart, Sun Wufu was truly unmatched.

He is definitely such a blessed person who blooms once every three thousand years, bears fruit once every three thousand years, and matures after another three thousand years.

This chapter has been completed!
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