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Chapter 453 A two-pronged approach

The handicraft shop opened inside Zhai Palace had a good start as soon as it opened.

The things Ning Weimin sells are quite popular and popular with foreign guests, and he can make a lot of money from the foreign devils.

This is certainly a happy event, but compared to the results he achieved in another sales channel, it is not worth mentioning.

You know, Ning Weimin never puts all his eggs in one basket.

He also considered what he would do if foreigners did not want to buy it.

So to protect myself, to be safe.

He adopts a two-pronged approach of selling domestically and exporting at the same time.

In fact, long before he found someone to decorate the store, he began to take advantage of the book market held in front of the Zhai Palace every Sunday.

Just like in the "ghost market", Sun Wufu also set up a street stall outside the entrance of Zhai Palace and started selling second-hand goods to tourists.

Of course, this only refers to the similarities in business forms.

In fact, it is very different from the "ghost market" in many aspects.

The first thing that needs to be pointed out is that Ning Weimin does not cheat his own compatriots.

The remaining items he picked were resold to ordinary people in the capital, and the price he asked was not high at all.

Even if it's a well-preserved one, the asking price will be half of the price of new items at most.

Some of the severely damaged ones can still be walked out even at 10 to 20 percent of the original price, not to mention 30 to 40 percent of the original price.

To be honest, many times the price he sells for is lower than the price he received, which is just to make a profit at a loss.

Secondly, he doesn't just sell these used goods.

He also sells the old books, old newspapers, old magazines, old photos and pictures that Sun Wufu collected.

And the price is also extremely low.

Used books are 50 cents a piece, old magazines and posters are 30 cents, and old newspapers are 10 cents.

Photos and pictures are priced at five points each.

There are even many letters with postmarks and stamps.

Except for the ones he picked out for himself, the others were sold at half the value of the stamps.

This is called a genuine envelope, and is specially sold to people who like to collect stamps.

Why does it have to be like this?

There is only one answer.

It’s because Ning Weimin wants to find ways to invigorate the popularity of the book market.

Having seen the era of traffic economy, Ning Weimin knows better than anyone else the importance of popularity and what popularity means to a market.

But how can a market prosper and how can it attract people to come?

To put it bluntly, you must have rich and affordable products.

Ning Weimin understood very clearly that the book market was for long-term interests.

The future profit point does not lie in this small retail profit, but in the stall rental.

As long as his book market becomes popular and his reputation spreads, people will naturally come to him crying and holding up banknotes.

When the time comes, collecting rent from one business to another will make money faster than being a hawker.

This is called the realm.

So in order to make the book market popular in advance, he naturally had to take the initiative to sacrifice his ego and make market decisions.

It can be said that since the book fair started, he has provided free large bowls of tea for people to drink for free, just for this reason.

When he asked Sun Wufu to collect things, he also collected some unprofitable old books and newspapers for this reason.

If we use an analogy, the things he did are actually similar to Kuaishou, Douyin, and Pinduoduo thirty years later.

There is no difference in giving cash to attract people.

Besides, this book market is not just about economic interests.

We still have to count the social benefits, the company's and our partners' accounts on our fingers.

If the book market becomes famous, it will undoubtedly be an advertisement for Pierre Carton's company and gain reputation.

Then the head office must recognize Ning Weimin's work achievements, and he will undoubtedly be able to live more securely here.

What's more, only when the book market becomes popular and the Temple of Heaven Park and Service Bureau benefit, will people be willing to support him.

Only then will I believe even more that he can successfully complete the high-end palace catering project that everyone cooperates with.

All in all, the book market is an "iron-clad camp".

It was fat meat that Ning Weimin could eat all year round, which would bring him fame and fortune.

On the other hand, the handicraft store in Zhai Palace is different, that is purely short-term benefit.

Those foreign tourists are all "flowing soldiers".

Many people are here to visit today, but they may not be in the capital tomorrow.

Regarding these "fat foreigners", Ning Weimin felt that if he didn't kill them, it would be in vain; if he killed them, it would be in vain.

We just kill the rich and give to the poor, and use the money earned from foreigners to subsidize our own people.

Of course, to be honest, Ning Weimin did this to make himself feel better.

In fact, he asked Sun Wufu to collect the things, and he collected the treasures at extremely low prices.

This is essentially using information asymmetry to bully others and relying on routines to plunder wealth.

I can’t say it’s a bad thing, but it also means that I’m trying to win without force, or I’m taking advantage of others’ danger.

In this way, the more good things he received, the more awkward and regretful he felt.

So what if we in turn provide some benefits to the people?

Of course, I can soothe my own conscience, and at least I can sleep soundly.

That's how people are, they have to go through things before they understand what they are.

Ning Weimin now understood something.

It is not easy to be a bad person, and it requires a good psychological quality.

And if he wants to harden his heart, he still needs to practice.

Anyway, Ning Weimin's business strategy was unique at the time.

The miraculous effect soon appeared.

Ever since Sun Wufu opened his second-hand goods stall, most of them have been selling for a month.

It is obvious that the flow of people in the book market is increasing, and the time tourists spend here is getting longer.

In the past, it would have been good if one-third of the tourists who passed by or entered the Zhai Palace stopped to read at the bookstalls outside the Zhai Palace.

Half of them were able to rest at the tea stall outside and drink free tea.

Of course, there are even fewer people who actually buy books.

It would be nice if one out of ten people can afford to buy something.

Therefore, in the past book markets and publishers' bookstalls, the average income was only a few dozen yuan per day.

No matter how good it is, it can't exceed a hundred yuan.

There is no way, those overstocked books and magazines have too few types and are too boring.

Even though Zhai Palace is a place that attracts tourists, at least tens of thousands of people come here on weekends.

But you can't stand it without attractive products, right?

The only thing that can be called prosperous is the food stall sent by the Service Bureau.

Every time it is sold out as soon as lunch time arrives, there is no need to wait until the afternoon to close the stall.

But things are different now. Those tourists who come to the Zhai Palace will pass by here again on Sunday.

Almost half of the people were attracted by the dazzling array of various household items displayed by Sun Wufu, and squatted down or bent down to take a closer look.

And if you really like something, you can often sell it quickly just by asking the price.

As for those who are interested in the used books and newspapers on Sun Wufu’s stall.

Of course she seems to be more focused and will never get up for an hour or two.

It’s no longer like those people who came to the book market in the past, who might take a quick glance and leave.

In fact, I often hear people say happily.

"Hey, this book is actually available here. It's only fifty cents a copy. It's such a bargain."

People often show off their beauty because they buy it cheaply.

"Hey, look at this pot. I've copied it. It's the same as the one I broke. And it's cheaper than the used ones in the trust store."

What's more, you can find extremely valuable things in those old books, old newspapers and old photos.

For example, there was a history teacher who found a few photos from old "business trips" and happily bought them.

There was also a retired old man from the Museum of Literature and History who dug out a diary. Because it recorded many price changes during the Republic of China, he bought it and said he would donate it to the Museum of Literature and History.

This gave Ning Weimin unexpectedly some relief and a sense of accomplishment as he seemed to be saving history.

Many people were also interested in what Sun Wufu displayed and had more patience to visit other bookstalls.

This also caused a significant increase in the transaction volume of other bookstalls.

Just for this reason, as May Day approaches.

Not only did Ning Weimin take the initiative, but he also attracted a few hawkers who were acquaintances from the "ghost market" in Tangen.

Let them try setting up a stall during Labor Day and weekend holidays.

Moreover, the heads of several publishing houses have also taken the initiative to make the decision to increase the types of books and conduct promotions during the holidays.

Unexpectedly, the book market actually became popular.

On May Day, there were so many people at the book market.

Although it can't be said to be a huge crowd, there are always people surrounding every stall.

The people in charge of selling goods are all extremely busy, and they are no longer as leisurely and relaxed as before.

However, Ning Weimin is not worried about any problems that may arise if there are too many people.

After all, I have even experienced a scene as big as a temple fair.

He only needs to ask the garden authorities to send more manpower, and all the rules will be as per the original temple fair.

So he just wandered around the venue by himself with excitement.

Seeing people handing over money and delivering goods everywhere, he almost had the urge to help bargain.

When Qiao Wanlin came to see the situation around ten o'clock, he was already extremely excited to tell the good news.

"Today is extraordinary. Since the opening, we have lost count of the number of people who have come. I asked someone to help me count. For the first time, there are not as many people in the Zhai Palace as there are in the book market outside. In the first hour, there were twenty more people inside than outside.

There were a few people. In the second hour, there were more than 60 people outside than inside. In the third hour, there were more than 100 people outside. Many people came purely for the book market, because I saw many people buying things.

Just left directly..."

"There will definitely be more people in the afternoon. This book market is really successful and has really spread."

Qiao Wanlin agreed with Ning Weimin without hesitation.

And he came to this conclusion with more solid reasons.

"Today, a reporter from the Beijing Evening News called our service bureau and made an appointment to send someone to conduct an interview in the afternoon. They said that this book market is very meaningful to promote the construction of social spiritual civilization and they must promote it for us.


"By the way, two friends of our director also called and made some small requests. One of them is from a graphic publishing house and the other is from a plastic crafts store. They both want to set up a stall here.

What are the procedures you want to ask? Is there a place where I can squeeze in if I come over at noon?"

At this moment, Ning Weimin was not even allowed to speak.

Then they saw Sun Wufu running over and pulling Ning Weimin very mysteriously, asking him to go and talk.

Ning Weimin was puzzled, pulled Sun Wufu's hand away, and asked him.

"Why didn't you look at the stall and came to see me? If you have anything to say, just say it here. This Section Chief Qiao is one of our own. There is nothing to avoid. What on earth are you going to do?"

Sun Wufu then spoke with a sad face.

"Hey, Manager Ning, someone else is looking after the stall for me. It's not for anything else, it's because the people who set up the street stalls you hired have a big problem with me. They think our products are too cheap and undercut their prices.

I quit. I have to wrap up our things. I am forced to sell them to them and not to others. Look at this..."

Ning Weimin finally understood and immediately said "ha".

"Who is so brave and dares to threaten us on our land? Wufu, didn't you tell them that you are from Zhai Palace? Listen to me, if anyone has any objections to you, just let us patrol

Member, get rid of his stall. We are not used to anyone else's bad habits. Just what I said, our book market has become popular, and people are coming through the back door to sell goods here. I will confiscate their rent.

That's right, there will be two new ones coming soon, and I have to charge them three hundred yuan each to let them set up a stall here..."

"Then, I'll talk to them again..."

Sun Wufu felt a little relieved after hearing this, but there was still something he was not sure about.

"...By the way, two men wearing tiger skins came over just now. I'm afraid something will happen. Will they copy us?"

"Oh, relax. Where is this? Our land. The tiger skin is fine. They are here to help us."

Sun Wufu was so happy this time that he couldn't believe it.

Qiao Wanlin just heard that something was wrong.

He was so angry that he simply bent down and hugged Ning Weimin's waist.

With a handful of hands, he picked him up.

"Wait a minute, I have to ask. Who are you going to charge, kid? I'm begging you, but you don't show any friendship at all. Do you still know how much you weigh? Give us a favor.

I’m so embarrassed, do you still want to work in that restaurant?”

While Sun Wufu was stunned, Ning Weimin's grace was gone.

"Hey, no, no, no, no one can see this, how can I, the manager, convince the public!"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you still want the three hundred? Give me a happy one?"

"No, no, no, I was wrong, I was wrong, this is alright. You are so powerful, don't you feel tired when I weigh more than 100 pounds?"

"That's pretty much it..."

Qiao Wanlin said and put down Ning Weimin.

But I didn't expect that this guy was so slick, and as soon as his feet hit the ground, it wasn't him anymore.

"If three hundred doesn't work, two hundred can do it, right? Look at the situation in the book market today. A stall's turnover in a day is not even one thousand but eight hundred. This is two days' rent. They don't lose money at this price...


Upon hearing this, Qiao Wanlin simply jumped a few steps away, spit into the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands, and rushed forward again.

"You kid, you're just a bunch of money! I have to hang it on a tree for you today..."

This chapter has been completed!
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