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Chapter 457 Not the taste

The real person does not show his appearance, and the real person does not show his true appearance.

Ning Weimin truly understood this sentence today.

He knew that any words about "disrespect" or "long admiration" at this time would be very tacky and hypocritical.

He simply used his wits and told a joke that would happen thirty years later.

"No wonder, I have been using my hobbies to challenge your major. Oops, I overestimated my abilities and made you laugh."

Sure enough, the middle-aged man, Ye Hemin, laughed heartily because of his teasing.

"Young man, don't belittle yourself. Knowledge is knowledge. I am engaged in this job because I love ceramics. As for my eyesight being better than yours, it is actually just because I am a few years older than you and have more experience. The key is that in any field

Knowledge all takes time to accumulate, and there is no shortcut for any of us."

Ning Weimin nodded to express his acceptance, but at the same time, his mood was very complicated.

For no other reason than picking up other people's faults is certainly enjoyable, but the opposite is not the case.

He helplessly looked at the porcelain cup placed on the table by Ye Hemin.

Sentiment? Regret? Excitement? Confusion? Heartache?

Even he himself couldn't explain exactly what he felt in his heart.

If you describe that feeling, it would be like walking without paying attention and bumping your nose against a telephone pole.

It's neither heavy nor light, but it's sour and a bit uncomfortable, and it's embarrassing.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but start to test and wanted to use money to keep the things.

"Master Ye, the cup you picked up is so enviable. This porcelain cup from the Sui Dynasty should be worth a lot of money. How much do you estimate it is worth?"

But he didn't expect that he couldn't mention the word "money" at all. When Ye Hemin heard this, his face became serious.

"What do you mean? Taking money as an example is tarnishing a national treasure. How could I be so vulgar?"

Ning Wei Minxin said that people who eat shit are pedantic.

But on the surface, he explained it with a smile on his face.

"No, no, I mean, since you are a ceramics expert, you must not lack such ancient things in your home. But as for me, I have never seen anything before the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It costs more than a thousand dollars to find such a thing.

New Year stuff is too difficult.”

"You must understand that when learning about ceramics, there is a big difference between being able to see the real thing and not seeing the real thing, and being able to touch it and not being able to touch it are also two different things. Of course I hope to have such a sample in my hand to ponder it from time to time. If you

I would definitely be grateful if you could give it to me."

"Of course, I also understand that you are still holding it warmly, maybe you are reluctant to part with it, or you have some concerns. I can completely assure you that you can play with this thing first, and I will take it away in a month. And it won't be until I

As long as I have it in hand, I will never sell it to others. Even though I work in a foreign company, I also know how to cherish the cultural heritage of our ancestors..."

Because Ning Weimin used the name of learning and said the word "even".

Ye Hemin's expression finally softened, but he still shook his head.

"No, no, I understand that you want to learn from me. But this is not an ordinary thing. There are only three porcelain cups from the Sui Dynasty in the country, and this one is the best-preserved one. It has been over 1,300 years old and has no damage.

It’s a miracle that it survives to this day, it’s a masterpiece…”

When Ning Weimin heard what he said, he thought that the price would be raised.

"You can set whatever price you want, I can buy it with foreign exchange certificates. As long as you ask, I won't talk back. I will definitely satisfy you."

Then he greeted Xiao Wei and Xiao Meng next to him.

"Hey, you two, who can help me go to the accounting office next door and ask how much cash we have in the safe today?"

But he didn't expect that his wealthy and arrogant demeanor would only make Ye Hemin even more disgusted.

This man actually stood up, threw the money on the table, and left on the spot.

"I'm sorry, please don't force things on others. I don't sell this thing."

Seeing this scene, Ning Weimin felt anxious, but suddenly an idea occurred to him. He remembered that he had not taken away the few pieces of good porcelain he had picked out from the goods collected by Sun Wufu in the past two days, so he made a determined decision.

Thigh, he also stood up and chased after him.

"Hey, Master Ye, please stay. It's my fault. I'm wrong. I understand now that you don't love money."

"If that doesn't work, how about I give you something to exchange for? I still have a few pieces of Kangyong porcelain here, and they must be from the official kiln. Can we exchange four pieces for one?"

"The quality is almost in perfect condition. You'll know it at a glance. I can't fool you anyway. It's not a loss for you..."

After saying this, Ye Hemin finally calmed down and moved on.

But it is a pity that although he was a little moved by Ning Weimin's sincerity, the answer he gave was still disappointing.

"Young man, I believe you really love this cup. If you are really willing to exchange four intact pieces of Kangyong porcelain from the official kiln with me, even if you have four dishes, I will make a profit based on the official price of the cultural relics store. This is enough

Prove your sincerity. So I won’t tell you anything about the 60th year of Qianlong’s reign as the dividing line for defining antiquities. I will tell you directly. This has nothing to do with money. This thing should not be privately owned.

Even I am not qualified. I bought it just to donate it to the country. Do you understand?"

Ning Weimin never expected such an answer.

After being stunned for a long while, he finally said something.

"I...understand that you are patriotic and selfless. You are the contemporary Zhang Boju."

Ye Hemin twisted his lips and shook his head.

"Don't put a high hat on me. I can't compare with the 'Spring Tour Master'. The things they donated are all top-notch national treasures. No one can buy any of the 118 items now."

Compared with those things, the material value of this porcelain cup is not even one ten millionth."

"But there is one thing. There are currently only three such porcelain cups in the country. Such things have not been recorded in the history of porcelain. The gap has just been filled after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but there are still few real objects. As an important physical material for the study of ancient ceramics, it

Its academic value is irreplaceable and immeasurable."

"So I think it is a crime whether it is me or you, or anyone else, to possess such things privately. It will be a disservice to our country and nation. What do you think?"

Ye Hemin just left, but the words he left behind were very resounding.

Ning Weimin was embarrassed.

After sending Ye Hemin away, he kept looking at the money left by Ye Hemin on the table and sat in a daze.

But it is strange to say that he was taught such a lesson by Ye Hemin, although he felt that Ye Hemin was a bit out of touch with reality and thought that Ye Hemin was ridiculously pedantic and would regret today's choice sooner or later in the future.

But one cannot but have sincere respect for such a person.

Once again he was clearly aware of an inexplicable contradiction hidden in his own character.

Indeed, he would not sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the overall situation.

He even looked down upon people who called on others to do this, thinking it was a kind of moral kidnapping.

But when someone actually took the initiative to do this, he couldn't help but feel convinced.

He didn't even want to hear other people ridicule and ridicule him.

Isn't this strange?

Just like the whispers coming from Xiao Wei and Xiao Meng sitting in the corner of the room.

"Oh my God. I didn't expect that porcelain cup to be an antique from the Sui Dynasty. Didn't that man make a fortune?"

"But, the older the antiques are, the more valuable they are. Do you still need to ask?"

"Hey, do you think that person is just trying to trick us? He deliberately didn't sell the porcelain cup to our manager and said he wanted to donate it. Why don't I believe it? Why don't you just donate something valuable if you ask for it? Could it be that he believes it?

Will someone offer a higher price?"

"I think so. Of course, there is another possibility. Think about it, he only bought that cup with so little money. Maybe he was too embarrassed to sell it to our manager..."

Ning Weimin then remembered that he hadn't dealt with their matter yet, and he felt angry and funny.

"You two, stop talking nonsense. He is a true expert on ancient porcelain. It would be extremely easy for him to make money from this skill. What's more, you don't understand the price I offered him. It's impossible.

The price is higher than mine.”

"I also want to tell you, don't wait and see what other people are doing in the future. It's such a big deal. Today's incident really made this guy anxious. If nothing else, go to the Cultural Relics Bureau and sue one of us for selling antiquities. That's enough.

We are closed."

"You have to remember the loss you suffered this time. On a cloudy day, there is no chance of rain in the clouds. We are engaged in the service industry. Why should I train you to improve service quality? Even if you can't please customers.

If you want to please me, at least you can’t make the customers anxious, right?”

Xiao Wei and Xiao Meng blushed after being scolded, but they were also aggrieved.

One said, "Manager, we didn't want to offend him, but it's really suspicious that he spent so much money on a cup."

Another said, "That's right, we all thought that the Price Bureau wanted to cause trouble for us. We also do it for your own good."

Ning Weimin slapped the table.

"This is something you should worry about. You have good intentions, but good intentions can also lead to bad things! What do you mean by performing your duties? You still don't know where you went wrong?"

Both girls were speechless and pouted in unison.

Looking at the shape, it almost catches up with the mouth of a Sui Dynasty porcelain cup.

This chapter has been completed!
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