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Chapter 482 Not rich in ancient times

Teacher Ma, who is well-known in Beijing’s collection circles, once said this during a program.

"If everyone could live again, they would all be winners in life."

What he actually meant was that the particularity of history once caused a once-in-a-lifetime historical crisis.

In the early days of reform and opening up, we did have many things whose value had been underestimated for a long time.

So if anyone can live a new life, he only needs to buy some undervalued things at the right time, and he can easily become a millionaire and live a comfortable life without having to worry about money.

This is true, but not entirely true.

Indeed, when Ning Weimin's soul traveled back to the 1980s, he first felt that this era was full of loopholes.

And it’s such a shocking story.

Not to mention other things, just buying zodiac stamps is enough for him to achieve financial freedom.

If you include the modern calligraphy and paintings he has acquired, it will be enough for him to be listed on Forbes thirty years later and aspire to be the "world's richest man".

This does not include the seal stones, porcelain, and many other miscellaneous gadgets that he continued to buy.

If we take into account the subsequent financial real estate and countless profit opportunities brought about by the Internet technology era...

Whoever wants to say that he can still suffer from poverty in this life will be doomed to have his face swollen by reality.

It can be said that no matter how awesome the person is in this world, it may be possible to take away Ning Weimin's life, but it will be difficult to take away his wealth.

This boy is the philanthropic boy who can turn stones into gold in this world, and he is the modern Shen Wansan who holds a cornucopia in his hand.

To say that there is anyone in the world who can make more money than him, unless there is a second time traveler in the world.

But the problem is, there is another sentence in the collection line.

That's called "hoarding the past without getting rich", or "coveting the past without getting rich".

This sentence has two meanings.

The first is that collecting is too expensive. To play in any category, countless funds must be continuously invested.

How much financial resources do ordinary people have to support this hobby?

So there are some extreme examples. Even if you sell iron, sell cars and buy houses, you still have to collect.

The second point is about collectors’ reluctance to sell. They only buy but don’t sell.

Many people think that collecting is about fate. If an artifact is sold, it may never be seen again in this life.

So it is very unacceptable for these people to give up their love and sell their collections for money.

That is, the more you buy, the poorer you become, and in the end you can no longer even maintain a normal family life.

It should be said that the love of these two people for collecting is unquestionable, but it is also quite sad.

Because they are too extreme.

One is obsessed with what is not in hand, and the other is obsessed with what is already in hand.

With this "reluctance", no matter how much wealth they have, it will be the same as nothing.

You will never feel like you have enough money to spend, and you will always live in financial embarrassment, like a poor person.

Frankly speaking, in fact, since the beginning of his life, Ning Weimin never thought that he would make similar mistakes and fall into the same predicament.

Because first, he prides himself on being the best in the world in terms of his ability to make money, and does not think that his money will be enough.

These days, his salary alone is 3,000 per month.

Although Song Huagui had already advanced most of his salary to him for buying modern calligraphy and paintings, he still received monthly bonuses.

You know, just because he prompted Pierre Carton to increase the price of clothing and advocated improving the treatment of non-sales personnel.

His current bonus is nearly twice as high as his salary.

In addition, clothing tail goods, high-end tobacco and alcohol, handicrafts such as silk figures and stone carvings are all the bulk of his foreign wealth.

There are also small amounts of money passed down by dealers in the stamp market.

His average income of 100,000 yuan this month is no problem.

It can be said that he is the richest man in Beijing today, as if he has a money printing machine at home.

Secondly, he didn't think he would be so attached to these dead objects.

In his opinion, he is just a philistine and does not have the obsession with antiques that elegant people have.

The purpose of buying these things is to sell them, and everything is a bargaining chip for speculation.

There is no way you can be a fool who clings to Jinshan.

But the problem is that God’s calculations are not as good as those of humans.

In reality, he just turned into such a big fool, and he didn't escape either of these problems.

The main reason is that he is too arrogant.

He has never thought that situations will always arise that he did not expect in life, and plans will not keep up with changes.

I have also forgotten that human greed is boundless and will always be higher than human ability.

Apart from other things, the inventory door of the arts and crafts industry that Qiao Wanlin opened for him this time made him feel the feeling of going up the mountain again - money is tight.

Let’s talk about this account in detail, here’s how it was calculated.

Originally, after the Spring Festival, Ning Weimin spent all the five hundred thousand he had accumulated last year to buy seal stones.

Then if you want cash again, you have to rely on him to accumulate it again.

Later, in April, I met Sun Wufu.

In order to relocate people, open the business and collect old goods, he spent another 30,000 yuan in capital.

Then it was time to prepare the restaurant.

Originally, he had earned 2,780,000 yuan in these three months, and he still felt quite wealthy.

I think that with the income in June, a small amount of 400,000 yuan is enough to support a restaurant.

But it turned out to be different once it started.

First of all, there were many unexpected expenses. The construction cost of Zhai Palace also increased by 20%. This cost 180,000 yuan.

The second step was to follow Qiao Wanlin around various handicraft factories to buy useful things for the restaurant.

What kind of printing factory, badge factory, palace lantern factory, material factory, enamel factory, porcelain factory, Beijing handicraft factory, metalworking art factory, wood carving factory...

After this trip, he really didn't expect that there were so many good things in these factories.

And they are all cheap items that are not easily seen outside.

Not to mention that the money spent on the joint venture restaurant was 77, 88 or 88, he only put in all his own money, which was enough.

Just when he thought he had bought everything he needed to buy, he saw the news in the newspaper that the great Hong Kong director Li Hanxiang came to Beijing to film "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace".

This suddenly made him think about the future of investment in hardwood furniture.

Whether others mention the fortune history of the "Red Sandalwood King" who "ate the meat of Tang Monk" or the private furniture collection of Hong Kong director Li Hanxiang, they can't do without the Beijing Hardwood Furniture Factory.

What he didn't expect was that when he inquired with Qiao Wanlin, he found out that the Beijing Hardwood Furniture Factory was also a factory in the district.

I bet that's the name "Long Shuncheng" changed in the past.

Needless to say, I went there again.

As expected, the library was filled with hardwood furniture borrowed from "exercise" days.

At this time, due to financial difficulties, the Beijing Hardwood Furniture Factory was writing and sending letters to various academic groups, institutions, colleges, and cultural and art departments to sell the old furniture collected by the factory over the past thirty years at a very low price!

When Ning Weimin saw with his own eyes, there were dozens of canopy beds made of huanghuali and red sandalwood, countless tables, chairs, and benches, and various debris piled up like mountains.

Even the "Ming dynasty huanghuali square mud table with support" and the "Qing Kangxi red sandalwood carving with dragon pattern large painting table" that Teacher Ma praised in the program were all in front of me.

When I heard that a pair of huanghuali armchairs only cost fifty yuan.

I wonder if he can still be impatient?

He was both happy and anxious at the same time.

Fortunately, the furniture in this library has not been seen by others yet.

All good things are there, he should be the first one to eat meat, that's for sure.

What's urgent is that if he wants to buy it and successfully cut off someone else's penis, the factory will ask for at least 400,000 yuan!

He has spent all his money and has 18,000 yuan to live on. Where can he raise such a large amount of money in a short while?

Selling something?

Not to mention that the things in his hands were all at a loss when sold at this time, and he would not be able to sell them for so much money in a short period of time. His affairs are urgent.

Oh my goodness, I'm really in a hurry to raise money.

In the end, I had to follow the example of buying modern calligraphy and paintings two years ago and borrow money from everywhere.

Thanks to Kang Shude, Zhang Shihui once again helped with all his resources and raised 80,000 yuan.

His credibility and favorability among his colleagues in the company have improved a lot, so they lent him 80,000 yuan.

And this time, Luo Guangliang and his gang of brothers chipped in 60,000 yuan.

Finally, he added a sum of money that should be paid to the clothing factory for purchasing the goods, and he begged them to postpone the payment period for two months.

Finally, I used the name of the joint venture restaurant as a guarantee, and agreed with the hardwood furniture factory that the balance of 100,000 yuan would be paid three months later.

Only then could I barely scrape together 400,000 yuan to buy this batch of hard goods.

To be honest, this kid is extremely anxious.

Just like the last time I bought modern calligraphy and paintings, I lost weight again and finally became a pile of debt.

Afterwards, even he himself scolded himself for eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, staring at Shu and never being satisfied.

But there’s nothing we can do about it!

If you don't mean to say anything unkind, who would be responsible for this matter? Who would be able to take advantage of it and go ahead despite the difficulties?

This is a good thing if he misses this village and does not have this store. He can no longer watch these good things being bought by others.

Of course, some people may think that a lot of money seems to be spent unnecessary and it is all because of Ning Weimin's lavish spending.

He might not have been so greedy, and he wouldn't have been in such embarrassment.

For example, he paid 55,000 yuan to repair four palace lanterns, invested 30,000 yuan to resume production of "Grape Chang", and gave Liu Yongqing 68,000 yuan to open a kiln and fire porcelain.

From a cost-effective point of view, the money he spent is worth it.

It was far more cost-effective than buying stamps, calligraphy, paintings and seal stones before. It seemed silly and even considered a loss.

But the problem is that Ning Weimin also sincerely feels that these good things and these good skills, like endangered species, should not just disappear and be wiped out.

He was really obsessed with the beauty of these arts and crafts.

The wisdom and interest contained in these things actually moved him far more than antiques, calligraphy and paintings, porcelain, and seal stones.

Because it is straightforward enough and so close to life, anyone can feel the excitement of it.

But it is quite a pity that so many incredibly beautiful things that make people gasp in admiration require traditional arts and crafts techniques that are extremely complex and difficult to master.

Precisely because of our country's economic predicament and the inability to find a market position, these skills are facing the situation of being gradually lost.

He was certain that if he didn't reach out and take out the money, he would never see these things again.

He also wanted to try to protect these things and see what difference it would make in the future.

Can this be considered greedy?

Ning Weimin didn't know.

Anyway, just because he did these greedy and stupid things, he felt extremely happy and slept soundly.

It had been so long since he had traveled back in time, and for the first time, he clearly felt that he was right, and that he would not regret what he did today many years later.

He didn't understand why.

Perhaps just like opening this joint venture restaurant, he had a vague expectation.

I hope that with my own intervention, the original history can be transformed into a better direction.

He even told his master about this idea and wanted to hear Kang Shude's opinion.

Sure enough, the master is the master, and the old man thinks much better than him.

"If you just count the money, it seems like you are losing money right now. But you have to think about it, which is more important, the dead baby or the living baby? In addition, are you just buying things? Not necessarily? I think there is at least something more important here.

There is human kindness, righteousness, reputation, and unlimited possibilities in the future. How can you, kid, do business at a loss? Taking advantage is your instinct..."

This chapter has been completed!
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