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Chapter 495 Dish

"Of course, in addition to attaching importance to pasta, the more distinctive characteristics of the Manchu diet are also reflected in the main dishes. In fact, the Manchu people do not eat much fish and rarely eat seafood. Whether it is shark fin, abalone, sea cucumber, dried razor clams, and scallops, in the Qing Dynasty

The court is not taken seriously."

"The emperors of the Qing Dynasty always rewarded the high-end seafood that came as tribute from Korea and Japan, or gave year-end bonuses to princes and ministers in the name of 'roe deer reward'. They were not handed over to the imperial chefs for cooking."

"In addition, regardless of the banquet grade or the classification of eight delicacies, according to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty, the barbecue banquet is higher than the swallow-wing banquet, and the mountain delicacies are higher than the water delicacies. This shows that the Manchus do not think that seafood is

The food is what Heaven’s Kitchen has to offer.”

"On the other hand, the Manchus value the game they hunt very much, and they are a nation that is good at eating meat. Therefore, the Manchu cuisine is all about meat. Barbecued game, pork, and mutton are indispensable."

"Among all meats, pork is the most mild and nutritious and can be eaten all year round. Therefore, the Manchu people's hobby for pork is the best in the world. Even in summer, it is indispensable and they eat almost every meal. When it comes to cooking pork dishes

, only the Manchus are the real experts. Braised pork, sauced pork, and barbecued pork that are popular today all have the dietary legacy of the Qing Dynasty."

"Even 'Little Pig Yipin' was extremely popular in the late Qing Dynasty, and there are many ways to do it. Roast piglets, steamed piglets, boiled piglets, steamed piglets in oil bread, braised piglets, eight-treasure suckling pigs, water grinding

Piglets, tiger-skin piglets, honey-stuffed piglets, pine nut piglets, steamed piglets, smoked piglets, braised piglets..."

"These pork dishes have a great impact on local flavors. For example, the meat for gods was introduced to Sichuan and transformed into garlic white meat, and it also evolved into twice-cooked pork. For example, roasted pigeon and roasted pigeon were introduced to Guangdong and transformed into roasted suckling pig and crispy pigeon."

“It wasn’t until the Qing Dynasty that the popularity of these Manchu pork dishes continued to expand across the country, including the Qing palace’s fondness for barbecue and game, and it gradually declined. But even so, there were exceptions like Guangdong, where roasted suckling pig is still popular today

It is still very popular, and sweet and sour pork is even retained. But the recipe of Cantonese sweet and sour pork has changed, and sour sauce has been added.”

"In short, I took these factors into consideration, as well as today's new standards of people's understanding of food. That's why I provided barbecue seats for the main dishes, in addition to swallow's fins, sea cucumbers, shrimps and crabs. Now, although

Game is hard to find, but roast duck, roast chicken, roast pork cubes, and roast whole lamb can still generally reflect the characteristics of the nomadic people."

"What is worth mentioning is the Sheng Bao that can replace the main dishes and sit alongside the barbecue in this summer and autumn menu. This kind of 'bao' is not what the Han people call meat buns, but a unique food of the Manchu people.

From the title of 'Victory Pack', we can see that its name must have some deep connection with marching and fighting."

"According to legend, on July 5, the 46th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, the old Khan King Nurhachi led his troops to fight. When he came to a place called Qinghe, which is today's Yalu River, there was no food at all.

The local farmers exhausted everything they could eat and only sent Nurhachi a few pigeons, some perilla leaves, cabbage and rice. Then Nurhachi roasted the pigeons and ate them wrapped in vegetable leaves with the rice.

In the subsequent battles, after Nurhaci won the victory, he established the ancestral system. From then on, his sons would eat "Victory Buns" every July 5th to not forget the hardships of starting a business. From then on, this food also became

It has become a traditional Manchu food."

"As for why this kind of cabbage rice, which was completely created out of simplicity, can actually become the core delicacy in our menu. This is mainly because Xi Tai's simple diet has been improved and turned into an extremely luxurious delicacy. It must be based on the original

The way to eat it is to wrap pigeon meat and rice with yellow sauce on vegetable leaves. But after the improvement, countless vegetables and cold meat and vegetables dishes were added, as well as delicacies and delicacies. It is like eating spring pancakes, which is equivalent to half a table."

"To be honest, the best thing about the 'use the dish as a bowl, wrap and eat' method is that you can have freedom of ingredients. And it has the fun of everyone working together and operating by themselves. Because no matter whether it is high-end, meat or vegetarian, everything is

You can decide by yourself, and you can wrap whatever you like, and the taste can be decided as you like. In terms of harmony and the degree of fun together, it is not comparable to ordinary banquets."

"Finally, I would like to emphasize that there are many things in the menu I ordered that seem simple, but are not. For example, the Bazhen tofu passed down from Kangxi strictly uses soft tofu, shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, and pine nuts.

Ren'er, green beans, chicken breast, ham, shrimp, and then boil the chicken soup and pour the bean curd, it's not perfect at all."

"Even side dishes like this mustard dumpling and golden cake are different from what you usually see. The mustard dumpling needs to be sprinkled with hawthorn, peach, and apricot candied fruit to enhance the flavor. The golden cake should not be as red and shiny as the outside.

The color is like red gold. The sweetness and sourness are just right. Even the fried food must be accompanied by perilla salt, and you can’t just use Sichuan peppercorn salt.”

"If you can do these things well, you will certainly be better than others. It is said that it is a mule or a horse that comes out to run around. When the time comes, there is no need for you to say whether what you are doing is food for the common people or food for the palace and guests.

You can know it yourself. The other two palace restaurants must also know it in their hearts."

"There are also some names of dishes. I deliberately used the names from the palace in the past. For example, the dish that is now called Guotai Pork Slices in the Northeast. According to the original name in the palace, it would be called Golden Pork. We ordinary people call it Xueli Hong's pickles.

, the name in the palace is Giaoying. The winter melon boiled meatballs are called winter melon Sirzan in the palace. After autumn and winter, there are more Manchu dishes with their original names that can be eaten, such as roasted lamb Wucha, Halba, and Sailer.

Piece, lala meal..."

"At that time, let's make a careful calculation and add what we can slowly. This is what I can help you with, to restore the old appearance of the palace food to the greatest extent, and pursue the original taste to the best of our ability. I think this is the only way, so that anyone with a discerning eye can

Only by looking at it can we know that you, the imperial cook in the palace, are not cheating on the world, not cheating, not just children playing around..."

After "Zhang Dashao" said this, Ning Weimin not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also felt very moved.

Only then did he realize how much effort and brain cells it took to figure out such a menu.

How much knowledge and insight are needed.

There is nothing to say, the old man was too worried about him and planned too hard for him.

In turn, the favor he asked for was so great that it far exceeded his original expectations.

If I continue to pretend to be confused while pretending to understand, it will be a bit intolerable.

So Ning Weimin took the initiative to bring up the issue of remuneration.

"Master Zhang, I am really lucky to have you as my consultant and advisor. You are a timely gift to me. No, that gift can no longer represent my respect for you. I can't say anything.

You have to show it with actual actions."

"If you don't mind, how about we just set the consulting fee at 300 per month? I still say the same thing, this is not a job, it doesn't require you to do anything, and it doesn't require you to go to work. I just hope that you will be able to take over the job in the future.

If you give me some pointers, I will be satisfied."

"It's not that I'm surprised. The knowledge you have is really a treasure. It is a treasure for all the nations in our country. You actually keep it in your stomach and don't use it? Hey, I do it for the whole country.

The people feel sad..."

"Zhang Dashao" laughed loudly after hearing this. "You guys, you only have three advantages. One is that you know the goods, the other is that you are generous, and the third is that you are sweet-talking. However, forget about the consulting fee. We really don't need to mention the money."

"I have my chapter. Since I agreed to help you, I won't put you down halfway. I have to watch you set up the restaurant. Just say hello, I'm determined. As long as you listen

If you are willing to do as I say, I will ensure that you beat those two families when it comes to dishes."

"Okay, don't try to persuade me. When you make money, you will consider me again. Don't look at me being polite to you when I asked for rent, but we didn't have any friendship at that time. People of my age

I don’t care anymore if I don’t have money. Besides, my monthly salary and rent are quite high now, which is enough for my expenses. It’s too late to ask for so much money.”

"Actually, through the restaurant you run, I can see the authentic royal cuisine reappearing in the world, which is more meaningful to me as an old man. I am not afraid of your jokes. When people reach the end of their lives, they always want to leave something behind.

.In the past, I insisted on keeping things that were not publicized. Now I am not so precious. On the contrary, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep it. It is fate that you and I can meet. It is also fate that you come to me for this palace dish. You can trust me so much.

It's more of a fate. Why else should I help you? All three factors come together, it's called a coincidence..."

Ning Weimin was extremely moved, but he couldn't say anything.

For no other reason than that they just don't care about money. This is beyond the scope of what he can understand.

For a while, he really couldn't think of how to thank him.

The night he got the menu back was a very exciting night for him.

Just thinking about the wonders of these dishes was enough to make him so upset that he couldn't sleep.

If before setting up this restaurant, he was still worried about the dishes, which he once regarded as his biggest weakness.

Now this idea is completely reversed.

Instead, he was secretly looking forward to the day when he could meet Zhenzhang as soon as possible and compete with the other two restaurants in terms of dishes.

This chapter has been completed!
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