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Chapter 5 Early

Jianguo Road is the eastbound terminus of Dayi Road. Not far ahead is the station of Route 304.

When Ning Weimin got off the bus here, it was already bright.

There are already quite a few people and cars on the street, making the road very lively.

What moved Ning Weimin the most at this time.

In addition to the temperature starting to get warmer, I heard the clear and sweet ringing of bicycle bells.

That is the aroma of fried dough cakes and soy milk wafting in the air and getting into people's noses.

The breakfast shop not far from the station was already open, and many people living nearby came to buy breakfast with steel pots.

There was no packing box at this time, so I brought this kind of pot. The soy milk was poured into the pot, and the lid of the pot was turned around to hold the pancakes.

It's still hot when you take it home to eat, which is very convenient.

This breakfast shop was also the most typical convenience restaurant on the streets of Beijing in this era.

The advantage is that it is cheap, high-quality, and extremely affordable, but the disadvantage is that the variety of products sold is relatively monotonous.

The breakfast sold in the morning is quite rich.

At least there are fried pancakes, salt and pepper braised pancakes, sesame sauce pancakes, candied ears and soy milk, and stick noodle porridge to choose from.

It’s very simple at noon and afternoon.

They also sell some fried steak, croquettes and sesame seed cakes, all grilled.

But it must be said that if you go further east, there will be farmland besides factories.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to describe the importance of this early shop with "There will be no such shop after this village."

Especially based on the special nature of Ning Weimin’s work.

Not only must he have sufficient physical strength, but he will not have any chance or appetite to eat or drink until the end of work in the afternoon.

Then you can’t miss this place, you must eat and drink enough here first.

Therefore, his way of eating is rather special, and he usually chooses the most luxurious set menu.

That is what Mr. Kang taught him, a special way of eating that is loved by the Beijing people of the older generation—fire-roasted pancakes with fried dough!

Some people may think it’s weird to eat two types of pasta together.

Do you think it tastes good? Isn’t this the big pancake roll steamed bun mentioned in the cross talk? Isn’t it stupid?

In fact, people who think this way are very rare.

Apart from other places, at least Shanghai has a similar way of eating it, which is to eat fried dough sticks between big cakes.

Think about it, the tastes in the north and the south are different.

However, people from these two first-tier cities have similar eating habits in this regard. There can’t be a problem with their brain circuits, right?

If you eat like this, there is a natural reason to eat like this.

What's the point?

Hey, the pancakes will satisfy your craving, and it’s time to burn the top.

Putting two kinds of food together is really the most enjoyable way to eat and the most economical way to save food stamps.

The fire costs 2 taels of food stamps and 5 cents, and the oil cake costs 1 tael of food stamps and 7 cents.

The real cost of such a set is only three taels of food stamps, which is one cent and a half.

If you really want to eat it, you don’t need to elaborate when buying it, just say “Let’s get a set.” The person who sells breakfast will understand.

This can also be regarded as a characteristic of the era.

As for the specific way to eat it, it is quite similar to Western fast food hamburgers.

Just break the fire that has just come out of the oven, and then sandwich the hot pancakes that have just come out of the pan.

There is no need to doubt whether it tastes good or not.

You know, the fire is originally crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Once the golden butter cake is sandwiched, the texture becomes crispy-tender-crisp.

The fire absorbs part of the oil from the oil cake, which not only makes this delicacy no longer greasy, but also adds the aroma of the oil cake to the salt and pepper flavor of the fire. The taste is amazing.

Finally, it’s best to add some pickles to the pancakes, and a bowl of hot soy milk with added sugar to go with it. That’s what it’s called “get”.

For Ning Weimin, he fell in love with this way of eating the first time he tasted it.

And he also prefers to use a more literary and lyrical way to describe his experience.

That is--

"Strong on the outside but soft on the inside, the salt-and-pepper fire uses his freshly baked body to tightly embrace the fried pancakes that have been fried in purgatory, and uses his soft heart to absorb the excess oiliness of the pancakes."

"As for the oil cake, on the surface, it resists the embrace of the fire, but in fact, it burns with desire. It wishes that every part of the body can be tightly attached to the fire."

"The oil cake tries its best not to affect the simple essence of the fire, but in the end it complements each other and blends into a whole that is me in you and you in me."

"This combination of an innocent girl and a prodigal son really makes people realize the supreme mentality of idol dramas in just one breakfast, and they have a profound enlightenment!"

Of course, in addition to the way of eating ordinary oil cakes with fire and sugar, there are also ways to eat fire and sugar oil cakes, which are also extremely delicious.

Eaten hot, it's crispy and crispy.

Eaten cold, it is glutinous and sweet.

Therefore, Ningwei people nowadays usually serve a "set" of sweet or salty food in the morning, plus a bowl of "syrup".

This is enough to ensure that he won't be hungry for a long time.


At around 7 a.m., Ning Weimin completed the last kilometer of hiking and finally arrived at the eastern suburbs garbage dump.

This is the area between the future East Third Ring Road and East Fourth Ring Road, a desolate open land covering several thousand square meters.

Looking around, there are not even a few low-rise houses nearby, only farmland and crisscrossing ditches.

In the garbage dump, in addition to the continuous garbage piles like hills, there are dozens of jagged trees interspersed among them.

Due to limited conditions at that time, there was a lack of environmental awareness.

The garbage dumps in Beijing are all open-air.

There is no modern incineration and landfill method, and there are no anti-seepage and anti-overflow measures.

Only use this simple mixed accumulation method.

The garbage is heated and fermented with the help of solar heat in order to achieve the purpose of sterilization and killing insect eggs.

So far away from here, a smell can hit you face to face, and even the nearby villagers are not willing to approach here.

But on the other hand, it is precisely because you can often see large trucks dumping garbage here, not only during the day but also at night.

And those cars are almost all from nearby factories, so the resources available for mining here are particularly rich.

Regardless of national regulations, factories must transport scrap metal in production to material recycling stations specified by the state.

But the factory is not our own, so how can the workers be so dedicated and meticulous in implementing the rules and regulations?

Therefore, some copper, iron, lead and aluminum are often mixed with the daily garbage in the workshop and dumped here due to the "carelessness" of workers.

This makes the eastern suburbs garbage dump the brightest pearl among all the garbage dumps in Beijing, and an undisputed "rich mine".

And such a "mine" brought both joy and sorrow to Ning Weimin.

On the one hand, he is glad that he has found a place where he can really make a fortune.

On the other hand, such wealth is not so easy to make.

If nothing else, the smell here is several levels higher than the trash cans in the city.

It can simply make people unable to eat, and even now he can't adapt to it.

Therefore, even when he got to the "mine", he couldn't just pounce on him and do it hard. He had to make a series of preparations before he could get on the job.

Because from the perspective of endangering health and possibly transmitting diseases, the type of work he is engaged in is also dangerous.

Ning Wei took the easy way and got to a chest-deep ditch next to the garbage dump.

In the ditch, he first took out a mask and swimming goggles from his clothes and put them on.

Then I opened the canvas travel bag I brought with me.

In turn, he took out a set of dirty clothes, a tattered straw hat, and a pair of dirty five-eye cotton shoes.

After he put on the clothes, put on his shoes, and put the straw hat on his head.

He took out another two-pronged iron hook from the bag and held it in his hand.

At the end, I put on a sack and carried a big bag and walked out of the ditch again.

He has completely turned into an extremely professional "rag-tag professional".

This kind of dressing up is one aspect of thorough preparation for hygiene protection.

The key is that as long as he doesn't speak, even if any acquaintance stands in front of him, they won't recognize him as Ning Weimin.

This chapter has been completed!
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