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Chapter 503: Not enough money, so we need craftsmanship

After going upstairs, Song Huagui discovered that the space of about ten square meters in front of him was just the common part connecting the stairs, elevator and the second floor.

She immediately realized that if she really wanted to enter the restaurant, she would have to turn a corner.

Most likely, you have to pass through the part behind the relief wall of the vestibule.

This is due to the architectural pattern. Anyone with a slight sense of direction can associate this as soon as they see the pattern of the vestibule.

But even so, Song Huagui has to admit that the space above the second floor can only be regarded as a passage space, and it is equally unique.

Because apart from the two gimmicks of "luck comes first" and "lucky stars shine high", the walls and floors here are not simple.

The wall directly opposite the elevator upstairs echoes the portraits of Qing Dynasty emperors at the stairs. The portraits of sixteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty are hanging there.

If you have the intention, you can even notice it.

It starts from the portrait of Emperor Guangxu when he first steps on the stairs, continues to the portrait of Emperor Shunzhi at the entrance of the stairs, and then connects to the portrait of Emperor Chongzhen hanging on the wall of the second floor.

This kind of display method is actually subtly using the order of dynasty emperors as a guide to the guests.

With a calm inner hint, the space of the restaurant and the theme of palace cuisine are extended in an orderly and effective manner very cleverly.

This is the unique characteristic of Chinese culture. Foreigners like to be public, while Chinese people like to be reserved.

The same goes for the ground, although it is only paved with gray stone.

But Song Huagui still saw extremely exquisite traditional art patterns on the ground.

For example, at the entrance of the stairs and the exit of the elevator, there are "wishful clouds".

There is also "Shoushan Fuhai" in the center of the entire space.

This was clearly carved out bit by bit by hand.

Based on Song Huagui's artistic accomplishment, he could even conclude that the person doing this work was by no means an ordinary craftsman, but a professional art talent from the Sculpture Department of the Academy of Fine Arts.

Because no matter the layering, richness, accuracy and flexibility of these patterns, they are not comparable to the "work" done by ordinary craftsmen.

However, even though he appreciated it from the bottom of his heart, Song Huagui did not praise him verbally this time.

Even if she really thinks that Ning Weimin's handling of details is really good, far beyond her imagination, she still has to exercise restraint and reservation.

The reason is very simple. If you praise every place you go, will it be valuable if you say too many nice things?

Not only does this lack of restraint, but it goes too far.

She was absolutely sure that there would be something more exciting later, so she thought that as the old saying goes, we should use the good steel on the blade and the good words where it counts.

In this way, I walked silently towards the turning point leading to the restaurant.

Song Huagui had already made up his mind. He had to walk into the restaurant and see the "highlight" that Ning Weimin had really arranged before he could praise him.

But things in the world are still so complicated, and many times it’s not possible for people to do it right once they figure it out.

As soon as he turned around the intersection and suddenly saw the entrance of the restaurant five meters away from him, Song Huagui violated the decision he had just made and couldn't help but let out a shocked admiration.

"Oh! So beautiful! So amazing."

I really can't blame her, because this is the pinnacle of traditional craftsmanship, combined with ingenious aesthetic applications. Let alone her, I am afraid that anyone else would inevitably lose their temper.

What kind of scene did she see?

The most intuitive thing is the red walls and blue tiles.

This is not an extended meaning, it is really a bright red palace wall with green glazed tiles.

When you turn this corner, the walls on both sides look like real scenes in the Temple of Heaven Park.

There is also a white marble fence under the palace wall, and Danbi stones are also laid vertically in the middle of the road.

The entrance door of the restaurant is an almost exact replica of a palace-style hanging flower door.

There is no doubt that this is the most typical palace architectural style in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But that's not all. If it is just a simple copy to show the palace style, it would be too rigid.

The most vivid part is at the top of the palace wall at the left and right ends leading to the Hanging Flower Gate.

One in front, one in the back, staggered, each stretching out a large piece of magnolia flower.

And on the left and right sides under the hanging flower door, there are two slim girls standing respectively.

Magnolia is of course not a real magnolia.

It was a cast copper branch with flowers inlaid with utensils. It was smooth, translucent, and flawless white.

The two girls are not the image of palace maids wearing flag makeup, gorgeous clothes, and flowerpot shoes that people usually think of.

As leaders, their image is more modern, with their hair just tied up.

The cheongsam she wears is also shorter than the normal cheongsam, and is only a knee-length skirt.

The color of the fabric is not bright red or purple, but a very elegant peacock blue background with white magnolia flowers embroidered on it.

People and scenery, scenery and people, correspond to each other and are full of interest.

But is vividness and interest enough?

No, in the end, there must be a dignified sense of ceremony and a sense of elegance without losing stability.

You know, the palace wall leading to the entrance of the restaurant is not just a palace wall, it also has flower windows lined with green glazed tiles.

Each open window is sealed with glass, and the information on the bronze plate below the window shows that every artifact on display inside is a real royal antique—a ritual vessel from the Temple of Heaven Garden.

Then the most eye-catching visual center is the interior wall illuminated by the warm yellow light after passing through the hanging flower door.

The dazzling golden picture on the wall inside the restaurant is actually a copy of "The Banquet in Ziguang Pavilion" by the Qing Dynasty painter Yao Wenhan.

It’s here! Through the wonderful pens of teachers and students of the Chinese Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts!

Miraculously restored the scene of Emperor Qianlong's grand banquet during the Spring Festival in the 25th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty!

Needless to say, in this day and age, such indoor landscaping is extremely rare.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a thing to occur in the domestic environment.

Even national museums and art galleries don’t have such vivid examples.

So it's no wonder that Song Huagui's spirit and vision were greatly affected.

"Your place is like a palace cultural museum, where is it like a place to eat? It's really amazing! I think my Maxim restaurant, which is under construction, will give in to your design! You really should go there

Study art! Otherwise it would be a shame!”

Song Huagui was boasting, standing at the door of the restaurant and not going in at all.

The more she looked, the more interested she became. After looking at the magnolia flowers, she looked at the carvings of the white marble railings.

Then admire the colorful paintings on the hanging flower door and the "Longevity" pattern on the flying heads and rafter heads.

Finally, his eyes focused on the clothes of the two girls at the door, becoming more and more eager.

If nothing else, she has actually always had the intention to make national costumes fashionable and promote them to the international fashion stage.

To this end, many design drafts have been conceived.

She never expected that before she had the courage to show the plan to others, Ning Weimin would take the lead.

Ethnic costumes have been improved so well, and they are now used in conjunction with actual practice.

How could she express the feeling in her heart clearly?

If she could, she really wanted to see how much depth Ning Weimin had in his heart.

Everyone talks about the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, but she used to think it was an exaggerated joke.

But since getting to know Ning Weimin, she has become more and more convinced that this sentence has a certain possibility of truth.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain Ning Weimin’s endless whimsical ideas and business inspirations.

However, Ning Weimin seemed relatively calm about her praise this time.

This is not surprising, because he knows his own affairs well.

To him, it was no wonder that these things were visible thirty years later. He just copied them, but he did not think that he had any superior knowledge.

On the contrary, the real things in his restaurant are far more valuable to him than those outside.

So I didn't take it seriously and acted modestly.

"Don't be ridiculous, my little cleverness is nothing. It can't be compared with your restaurant which was built by Japanese people, uses all imported materials, and is an exact copy of the Maxim Restaurant in Paris!"

"Every piece of glass on the wall of your restaurant is flown directly from France, and the oil paint on the glass is painted on stroke by stroke. That is the real high-end."

"I'm just making do. I don't have enough money, and I hope it can be like your restaurant, with some artistic flair, not so tacky. It's just a last resort. I don't have enough money, so I can make do with craftsmanship. It looks pretty good.

It's like that, but it's just a coincidence, and it completely takes advantage of the low prices of our domestic arts and crafts."

"To tell you the truth, good food requires beautiful utensils, and good food requires beautiful scenery. These two things are almost the same. I didn't even have the money to buy an air conditioner, and in the end I only installed a ceiling fan..."

Song Huagui couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ah? There's no air conditioning? What's the point of having too many people on such a hot day? How can you make do with this? You're still young. You should report this to me..."

But then she suddenly realized that the coolness she felt on her body seemed inconsistent with the reality.

"...Isn't it right? Don't you have air conditioning in your restaurant? I can feel the slightest chill inside. It's impossible to keep it so cool with just a ceiling fan..."

Well, now that the words were on his lips, Ning Weimin naturally pretended to be "13".

"Hey, there are foreign methods and homely tricks. Sister, I really don't have an air conditioner. It's too expensive! But I can set up an ice basin!"

"You don't know something. The cold storage built by my restaurant is huge! It stores a few large pieces of 'Polar Bear' artificial ice, which is enough for me to use for two or three days!"

"In terms of cost-effectiveness, artificial ice can be added at will according to the actual situation, and the cost is much less than using air conditioning! And it also has an ancient style! Isn't this good?"

This chapter has been completed!
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