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Chapter 512 Clear

The atmosphere in the kitchen is like two different worlds compared to the atmosphere outside.

The stove fire is blazing, oil smoke is everywhere, the frying spoon is clanging, and the aroma is wafting.

The seven or eight stoves for frying and frying are all occupied at this moment.

A few chefs with big spoons are under the command of Chef Chang Jing, stir-frying one by one for today's hot stir-fry.

This is coupled with the heat added to the kitchen by the burning flames of more than a dozen other stoves cooking gud stew.

It stands to reason that in a kitchen with only an exhaust fan installed, the temperature should exceed 40 degrees.

If that were the case, I would probably be in a bad state of health, and it would be enough to make a few faint from the heat.

Fortunately, there are enough artificial ice pipes.

Therefore, there are about a dozen large ice basins with a diameter of about one meter in the kitchen, which are used to freeze all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. This keeps the indoor temperature at almost 25 or 6 degrees Celsius.

And there are additional benefits.

Not only is it extremely convenient for chefs to use ice, it can be used as and when needed.

There are even several pots of sour plum soup and mung bean soup in town to quench the thirst of the chefs and relieve the heat.

Speaking of which, this kitchen without air conditioning is actually cooler and more convenient than the kitchen in Jianguo Hotel that uses imported central air conditioning for cooling. It is also a very magical thing.

I really have to admit that sometimes native methods are more effective!

But despite the convenience of the kitchen, no one in the kitchen could afford a sip of cold drinks at the moment.

Because an even more magical scene attracted all the attention of the chefs.

In fact, except for the cooks who are in charge of cooking, the other cooks have basically abandoned their work.

Nearly forty or so chefs were crowding around a stove for stewing soup, arms hanging from each other, squeezing their necks to peer in.

They were no longer afraid of the heat, nor were they afraid of being crowded. They didn't even move their eyes, they were so focused.

What are you looking at?

Hi, it's very simple to say that I'm just watching how "Zhang Dishao" can make a pot of clear chicken soup that was stained by meat fillings clear again.

Chefs, especially those working in Shandong cuisine in Beijing, all know the saying, "A soldier's gun is a cook's soup."

I also know how difficult it is to make a pot of clear and pure soup.

Not only is it time-consuming and material-intensive, it is also more difficult to figure out how to clean it.

They use minced chicken and pork minced to stick to the oil and impurities, and then skim them out to clarify the soup little by little.

Especially today's pot of clear chicken soup is used to make clear jasmine soup. When making the soup, ham and ribs are not included.

In addition to the white mushrooms, scallops, green onions and ginger, the chicken used also has its head, neck, buttocks, internal organs and feet removed.

The purpose is to make a pot of pure soup that is clear and refreshing.

Even in line with the rule of "use original juice to remove floating oil", when I skimmed this pot of soup, I only used minced chicken breast.

The materials used are so particular!

Needless to say, the clear soup cooked with such attention to detail is of course the most afraid of being invaded by foreign smells and oil stains.

So Xiao Cha's handful of minced meat, although it seems like nothing, is actually extremely destructive.

Not only was the soup mixed with miscellaneous oil, it was also mixed with blood and miscellaneous smells that should not have been there.

According to common sense, this pot of soup is almost useless.

Even if you use chicken minced meat again, it can't be restored to its previous pure quality.

At most, it can be used as a pot of ordinary stock to enhance the flavor of vegetarian or seafood dishes.

This is a common consensus among almost all chefs.

But just as you think, if "Zhang Dashao" hadn't been bragging, he would have really been able to complete this impossible task.

The ability to trace this pot of soup back to its origin is a miracle like magic in the minds of all chefs.

This is the real reason why everyone is so enthusiastic and eager to watch.

It has to be said that, in full view of the public, the method adopted by "Zhang Dashao" to purify himself was quite unbelievable.

The old man asked Xiao Shi to remove the meat filling from the pot, and while he was stoking the fire, he made the pot boil and began to restore the clear soup.

But he didn't use minced chicken at all, but used live shrimp and sauce, mashed it and poured it into the soup.

However, that's not all, Master Pang was not idle either. He followed the old man's instructions and smashed a whole pig's liver.

And add water to make it the same as red mud.

After the first batch of shrimp balls solidified by shrimp paste are removed, the pork liver blood puree is also poured into the soup.

The next step is to wait for the soup to foam again and start to remove the pig liver blood clots.

Frankly speaking, this kind of operation made all the chefs confused at first.

Almost no one thinks that these things can be more effective than chicken minced meat.

Some people are even very worried that such nonsense will make the soup even muddied, making the soup even more mixed and filthy.

But in fact it’s really strange!

After putting these two things down again and again, the soup actually started to clear up.

Everyone watched helplessly, as the impurities were skimmed off again and again, the color of the soup became more and more clear and refreshing.

No one expected that the effect of shrimp meat balls and pork liver and blood tofu on absorbing dirt is much better than that of minced chicken.

After doing this, not only did the pot of soup become as clear as pure water, without any scum or oil, but the color became even brighter.

To be honest, looking at the light yellow color, it looks as moist as a bucket of vegetable oil.

"It's clear, it's clear, hey, this soup is really clear!"

"Old man, you are amazing!"

"Hey, awesome, so awesome!"

A wave of shouts rang out uncontrollably in the kitchen, and the effect was like the cheers of a game.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mental shock felt by the chefs who witnessed this scene with their own eyes could only be compared to this.

Perhaps the only one that is similar to this is the shock that the American magician David Copperfield brought to the American people not long ago on the other side of the world when he used a magic wand to make the Statue of Liberty in New York disappear.

But the joy and satisfaction that chefs get from it are incomparable to those in the United States.

Because no matter how beautiful and amazing David Copperfield's magic tricks are, they are just entertainment.

But the old man’s hand is different.

You must know that every chef has his own secrets in technique, which are generally not easily seen.

Anyone who works in the kitchen knows the value of this secret.

Although I only know what it is and don’t know why, everyone present has benefited a lot from the process I saw today.

In the future, when making soup, they will definitely make the soup clearer, there is no doubt about it.

So Xiao Cha's senior brother, Jiang Dachun from Fangshan Restaurant, raised his hands first and surrendered.

"Old man, we are convinced."

Then he pulled the junior brother's head and said, "Boy, you must obey Manager Ning's disposal honestly, do you hear me?"

How dare Xiao Zha be so reluctant?

He bowed his head honestly and said "Hey", just like a good child.

The other perpetrator, Xiao Zhao from Tingli Hall, also became sullen.

But his master, Lao Cheng, still had reservations and couldn't help but ask his final question.

"Master Zhang, even if the color of the soup becomes clear, what will happen to the taste? Can you really get rid of the miscellaneous smell of the pork filling?"

"Zhang Dashao" didn't waste any words. He took a small bowl, filled it with a spoonful of clear soup, and handed it over.

Just one word "Taste!"

As a result, after Lao Cheng tasted it like this, he couldn't help but give it a thumbs up.

"Master Zhang, you are the one! I'm convinced! It's true that the chef is not old but his skills are not good!"

At this time, the others were even more impressed. They all praised "Zhang Dashao" and thanked "Zhang Dashao" for teaching him the secret of clearing.

Chefs, after all, are craftsmen, so they should be convinced by those who have real skills. This is a business that relies entirely on art to convince people.

So at this time, "Zhang Dashao" just said what he said.

However, Lao Cheng then curiously asked "Zhang Dashao" a question that everyone wanted to know.

"Old man, how come someone with such great ability and ability like you...how can you work in a big cafeteria? This is too humiliating."

Unexpectedly, "Zhang Dashao"'s answer was so light.

"What's this? It's normal. Who knows who sweeps the streets at the screening hall of the Northern Kunqu Opera Troupe in Banbuqiao? Even Mei Baojiu didn't go to sing, and she still carries a broom every day. I work in the cafeteria.

What’s there to feel aggrieved about?”

What was even more unexpected was that the old man clasped his fists and bowed to the audience, and then said it in public.

"It's nothing to make a fuss about. It's just a little trick. You don't need to hold me up so high. I've been cooking for a lifetime. If I don't have such skills, my life will be in vain at this age."

"However, depending on how old I am, I have some unpleasant things in my heart that I would like to tell you. Please don't mind me, and don't think that I am too busy and follow the past."

Jiang Dachun quickly took the lead and agreed, "Don't dare. Master, please teach me a lesson. We are all listening."

"Zhang Dashao" nodded, very satisfied with his attitude.

"Who is a chef? A craftsman. Then you should base your life on craftsmanship. But many people nowadays don't take craftsmanship seriously. Why do they do it to save trouble? They just want quick success and quick profit, and are flashy. How can we learn this?


"There are also some people who think they are great after learning a little skill and only half-knowing it. This is not right. When learning a skill, you have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity and think carefully. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will be embarrassed."

"If nothing else, you guys just learned how to make soup stock from me today. You should be very happy, right? But I have to tell you. Don't be too happy too early. This method can only be used for pork-stained soup.

of chicken soup.”

"Why? Think about it for yourself. The answer has something to do with the kitchen rules I want to set for you. Understand, you can make any kind of soup. If you can't figure it out, you can only do this."

Lao Cheng felt very guilty when he heard this. His face turned red and he once again expressed his sincerity.

"What you are saying is that today we know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. To you, we are willing to be defeated and willing to admit defeat. From now on, we will definitely prepare ingredients and side dishes according to your requirements."

Seeing this, "Zhang Dashao" couldn't say any more embarrassing words.

Beating up a drowned dog is actually very boring.

"It would be great if you can listen. I am not talking about this to try to bully people, but to tell you how to become more capable.

"Just like your Tingli Restaurant, because of the convenience of Kunming Lake, it has developed a series of fresh river dishes. This is of course a good thing, but you must not be arrogant about it. Otherwise, it will be a bad thing."

"You must know that the real royal meals of the Qing Dynasty did not eat much fish. Fish presented at the palace gate, dragon boat fish, and even the live fish in sauce I just made were just gimmicks that deliberately quoted scriptures later."

"Actually, there are usually two types of authentic palace fish dishes, Northeastern salmon and sturgeon. If you don't know how to cook these two kinds of fish dishes, you can't claim to be authentic palace dishes."

When Lao Cheng heard this, he was both surprised and impressed, and he expressed his gratitude as if he had been enlightened.

"Master Zhang, thank you for your advice. You have given me the direction..."

Zhang Dashao said no more and turned to Jiang Dachun again.

"And your Fangshan Restaurant is excellent at calligraphy for dishes. But do you know how to calligraphy on sugar and color painting? Without these two things, your skills are still lacking."

Jiang Dachun was also as surprised as Chacai Laocheng.

"Master, you are really an expert. You really let me know what you said. I just heard my master tell me some techniques for slurry painting. I know what it means, but I don't know how to do it. If I have a chance, I will definitely do it.

Let me ask my master for advice."

Having said this, he touched the back of his head in embarrassment, his face full of shame.

At this time, "Zhang Dashao" said to the audience, "Now everyone understands what I mean, right? There is no limit to your skills. As a chef, you must not be arrogant. You must always be humble, cautious, eager to learn, and learn from each other."

Otherwise, you will kill yourself on the road to growth.”

"If you are smart people, you shouldn't be in trouble with Master Chang at all. Instead, you should be polite to Master Chang Jing and ask for more advice. Master Chang has only been here to help for three or two months. What has she done to hinder you? More

What’s more, she is someone who is very willing to support the younger generations.”

"You don't want to think about it either. If she leaves by then, if you want to learn her skills, you may never have a chance in this life. You can tell yourself, is it a pity or not? Are you stupid?"

"Don't tell me that you don't want to learn from Chef Chang's skills. Although her dishes are not among the eight major cuisines, she has developed a restaurant with three tables into the most attractive place for foreigners in Beijing with her eight homemade dishes.

restaurant. What is a celebrity chef? This is a celebrity chef!"

There were more than 40 chefs from all over the world, and they were all sweating profusely and worried about being scolded.

The most amazing thing is that at this time, everyone still honestly claimed that it was true, and no one thought it shouldn't be true.

Everyone is really like the disciples and grandsons of "Zhang Dashao". This is also a wonderful scene.

Want to ask why this is so?

Except because what "Zhang Dashao" said was true and wise.

It’s also because this kind of respect is earned by the old man’s true ability!

That is as tough as a hero on the battlefield!

This chapter has been completed!
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